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[Music] bunny loyal and intelligent welcome to the kingdom of German Shepherds innocent face and not so innocent biting habits a peekaboo aab peeko a peekaboo a [Music] peekaboo howling when the machine honks who's the real music conductor here I'm [Music] thirst the dog archaeologist was excited when he discovered an ancient stone beware no musical instrument is safe from the shepherd dogs [Music] bite it's always the puppy head tilts when Oda says no more [Music] squirrels move [Music] there Charlie qu being mean Charlie [Music] Charlie how to go to bed in style Moon walking cuz why not going out but the rain has another plan who ordered the cloud shower can you show me your new slippers come here oh you're so good this dog builds in babysitter no training required give H to all your toys [Music] what a beautiful sunny day how about playing tag human oh B you hey hey Daisy you you want some peanut butter no all right that's fine I won't give it to you oh my God oh my God left your teenage dog at home for the day door huh get away from that door get away from that door you understand don't you ever dare think about coming in you hear me good boy laundry day just got a lot fer today no no no no mirror mirror on the wall who's the pouti of them all how can I book this furry PT for [Music] myself whoa what is this magical plants can I blow a wish no [Music] you have water right there look right there never underestimate your dogs snack stealing [Music] skills Bo PA yes [Music] PA no mountain is too high for this adventurous part way to go buddy what are you doing what are you doing well I just don't even know where your ball could be I don't know where is your [Music] pool friendship goals being a shoulder to lean [Music] on answer we this pup is on his guard Duty wo whoo whoo no kissing allowed this is a baby this is supposed to be a punishment for you why is it a [Music] game cuz true ninjas always know when a lay low and went to [Music] attack mom we're home and we bought Steve for dinner so apparently the people on Tik Tok like this you walk in and boom puppy both of you balls does she have both of your balls did she take them Athena did you take both of the balls she took both from you okay there she goes she gave it back are you going to let me have a nap lumy wants to go to sleep but the puppy's answer is is no okay no you ask for security check you want laziness check my dog is asking the Lifeguard to throw his ball my dog's asking [Music] to this Shepherd may not be able to dunk but he's a good Defender huh you know looked up and realized my dog wasn't there and uh then we went to go find her and this fish is living her best life they ordered pizza for dinner where did it all go H suspicious believe me they are a match made in pet heaven rolls in the grass basking in pure happiness who can say no I'm going tell you a story using your favorite words okay ready so I was outside and I saw I saw hey come here you ask for a high five but your dog thinks it's snack [Music] time when your kid insists on showing you their Priceless treasure from the sidewalk [Music] someone famous said when life gives you snow make it your back scratcher me running wild in my room and then mom walks [Music] in Holy Ghost really you know who know who that is so I'm on campus doing some Sunday class prep for the week and I brought uh guess who is the best study buddy not this pup for sure he's comfy says nice office no one can hide dog knows all [Music] these German Shepherds are comedy gold like share and subscribe for more LS stay tuned for more hilarious moments with these playful pooches [Music] bye-bye e
Channel: Funny Pet's Life
Views: 300,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny pet, cute pets, cute dog, cute cat, cute pets video, cute pet videos, funny dog and human, funny dog, funny dog videos 2023, new funny dog videos 2023, German Shepherd Dog, German Shepherd Dog Video, German Shepherds, This is why GERMAN SHEPHERDS are the FUNNIEST DOGS, cute animals
Id: iuL_zmQ771c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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