Things Nobody Told You About Owning a German Shepherd? - Vet Dr Alex

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[Music] things nobody told you about owning a German Shepherd one of the most respected dogs in the canine family having served both in the police and the military for Missions that require extreme skill and courage ladies and gentlemen we're talking about none other than the German Shepherd hi this is Dr Alex and today I'm pleased to give you an inside look into the joy of owning a German Shepherd because it's important to know everything about the dog you're about to bring to your family grab your popcorn and put your phone on silent because you simply don't want to miss anything I'm about to tell you in this video first of all you might be surprised to know that German Shepherds are not action all the time and you'll see how German Shepherds can actually be calm and caring at times as the name suggests they're Shepherds which means their first priority is taking care of the people around them if you're at home a German Shepherd will be happy to have his head on your lap watching your favorite TV show with you and if you're away a German Shepherd will be waiting patiently for you to come back through the door but importantly if there's footsteps outside that they don't recognize a German Shepherd will be sure to raise the alarm to let you know there's a stranger around that's the nature of a German Shepherd they're loving protective and one of the most capable dogs out there often regarded along with breeds like Border Collies and poodles as one of the very smartest dog breeds so let's talk about how to teach your German Shepherd new things every day these dogs are ideal for people who love to teach their dogs as they're very quick Learners many German Shepherds do obedience training or agility because they're ideally suited with their strong and agile bodies combined with quick Minds if your German Shepherd is burning lots of energy taking part in activities then it's important to understand their nutritional needs German Shepherds can wear anywhere between 22 to 40 kilos females generally max out at around 32 kilos males start from around 30 kilos and can go up all the way up to 40 kilos sometimes above they are robust dogs who usually stand around 60 centimeters in height the point being German Shepherds are usually big dogs and so are their feeding requirements an adult dog of this breed needs three to four cups of high quality dry food which can be split into two or three meals a day German Shepherd puppies have very specific nutritional requirements to ensure they have the right balance of minerals and protein and don't put on weight too quickly for their growing bones because a German Shepherd's nutrition is particularly important I would advise Consulting your local veterinarian who will be able to tell you the best type of diet and the amount to feed your dog for their agent size much of the credit of developing a breed like this goes to the German captain Max von stefanik a breeder during the 1890s who admired the intelligence the strength and ability of Germany's native Shepherd dogs but he believed he needed something more to create the perfect working dog he came across a dog called Hector at a German dog show and was so impressed by the Animal's intelligence loyalty and beauty that he purchased him immediately from here Max was the first person to specifically breed for the characteristics that formed the German Shepherd breed today through the decades these dogs have been used for their intelligence strength and protective temperament as working dogs in the police and the military they're also curious which makes them perfect guard dogs and suitable for search and rescue missions they have an incredible sense of smell and an ability to focus and not be distracted which makes them the breed of choice for guide dogs in some countries knowing all this probably won't surprise you to learn that as adults these dogs need a lot of exercise if you're considering that the German Shepherd is your dog of choice you'll need plenty of room for them at home so they can run around and stay happy and occupied if they don't have enough exercise they can develop bad habits like barking out of boredom or destroying Furniture lack of exercise and stimulation can cause behavioral problems in any breed but German Shepherds are particularly prone to this an adult German Shepherd will need one to two hours of exercise every day best divided in several sessions like a walk and off lead time at the park twice a day and then some extra Play Time on top so if you love long walks exploring the Great Outdoors then this could be the ideal breed for you growing German Shepherd puppies are a different story and their exercise needs to be controlled until their bones mature your local veterinarian can advise you on how much exercise is right for your puppy as they grow out into adulthood German Shepherds have thick coats and shed large amounts of hair so be prepared for regular vacuuming of the floor at home and if someone in the house has pet allergies this breed might not be the one for you a regular grooming of once or twice a week will keep their coat looking healthy and prevent matting German Shepherds only require occasional bathing but be warned that they're thick coats and large size can sometimes mean it's easier to take them to a professional groomer or a Hydra bath rather than try to do it yourself at home this dense coat on the other hand is part of their beauty it's what keeps them safe from extreme temperatures so the extra maintenance is certainly worth it unfortunately over the years German Shepherds have been bred to look a certain way and in some Bloodlines this has caused a susceptibility to joint problems such as elbow and hip dysplasia another condition called degenerative myelopathy can occur and cause weakness in the back legs make sure the parents of your dog have had the relevant Health screens which responsible breeders will be happy to show you German Shepherds also have a deep chest as part of their confirmation which can make them prone to developing bloat and a twister stomach which is a medical emergency to help avoid this make sure you don't exercise your dog immediately before or after meals by now you must have realized how important a breeder is for not just one dog but for the whole breed so how do you make the right choice every breeder like responsible pet breeders Australia should have all the documents necessary to reassure you that your pet has been screened for any problems in the bloodline all responsible breeders will also have hip and elbow schools done for their breeding animals and likely have those scores for earlier generations of German Shepherds if you inquire it's so important to do your homework before getting a dog and that's why we'd recommend you go check out our videos on other dog breeds as well so you can make the best decision for you and your lifestyle when it comes to choosing a dog until then be safe and along with your new dog have the time of your life if you're still deciding whether a dog is right for you remember that responsible pet ownership means committing to providing a lifetime of love and care for your pet
Channel: Responsible Pet Breeders Australia - RPBA Reviews
Views: 110,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: german shepherd, german shepherd puppies, german shepherd puppy, responsible pet ownership, german shepherd australia, german shepherds, german shephard, dogs 101 german shepherd, german shepherd dog, puppy german shepherd, german shepherd facts, owning a german shepherd, Things Nobody Told You About Owning a German Shepherd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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