4 Month Baby Update | Memories for Hunter

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(lighthearted music) - [Stephen] Alright Hunter, what have you been up to for the last four months? (Hunter giggles) - [Jessica] Hi, we're Steven and Jess. Back in 2015, we packed our bags and booked a one way to get out of Australia. And haven't looked back since. (upbeat music) Our adventures led us to hanging out in mountains, getting lost in the snow. (radio beeping) (Stephen laughs) Oh, this is so cool. And tasting food that was on fire. But this year took us on our biggest adventure yet. Meet baby Hunter. (Hunter giggles) - [Stephen] As you all know, 2020 has been an interesting year. And whilst our home state of Western Australia has literally been blocked off from the rest of the country. We've been taking this time to learn the ropes of parenthood. - So last time we did one of these videos, little Hunter was only two months old. She is now four months old and I never knew someone so little could have such a big personality. (lighthearted music) (Jessica laughing) (Jessica laughs) - [Jessica] When you leave Dad looking after the baby. Yes Hunter I'm watching. You're having fun with Dad. (Stephen growling) (baby giggles) Aren't you the cutest thing in the world. (Jessica laughs) - [Stephen] So when did this start happening? - I don't think I can move my hair down anymore. Oh. (Stephen laughs) (Jessica laughs) Hunter. Okay. - [Stephen] And she eats that. - Am I a breakfast treat? So when little Hunter was born, we decided as she can't fully form memories just yet. We thought we'd do these little two month updates. So every two months just letting Hunter know what she's been going through, what she's been learning, her leaps. So when she watches it when she's older she knows exactly how she was in her first year. - So I think Hunter's biggest achievement during these last few months is that she went on her very first plane ride and she went so well. And we realized Hunter is quite the adventurous little girl. - This one's just hanging out, through the first security check. You did a good, yeah. Walked through mum held her. Now she's just chilling. (lighthearted music) - But, she does enjoy to find some time to still relax on her holidays. (lighthearted music) (Hunter giggles) - [Jessica] Yeah, this is a lot. ♪ I can never see where I am going ♪ (camera clicks) ♪ I can hardly see where I come from ♪ ♪ The only thing ♪ - [Jessica] Hello. ♪ I have a way of knowing ♪ (Jessica mumbles) - Yeah. ♪ As I do look for the heart of love ♪ Oh, good morning. So when Hunter wasn't busy lounging by the pool. We realized Hunter can now hold toys. - [Jessica] One day she was just lying on her bed while we were weighing Broome and she started to grab and play with a toy. And it's just so funny how the smallest little things as like a parent, you get so excited over. - [Jessica] First time that she's ever played with a toy. Hey grab it. Oh is that a mirror. - [Stephen] Yeah I can see the reflection. - [Jessica] Is that a mirror? Yeah. (Jessica giggles) Hi. So I know a lot of you guys were asking (notification pops) where Fred is. And if you don't know Fred is Hunter's probably best friend, but I'm sorry to say Hunter has a new best friend. Meet Benjamin. Hunter, look who it is. It's Benjamin. - [Stephen] So Hunter has been obsessed with this new toy 'cause I think it makes all the noises for her. So in the last two month update that we did Hunter was just figuring out that she had hands and that if she moves it towards her mouth, she can have a bit of a snack. And now if you give her anything, she's once explored. She wants to just shove it into her mouth and will eat. Yeah. (Hunter giggles) Just about anything. (gentle piano music) ♪ In the world ♪ ♪ I began to crave you... ♪ - So this girl loves the beach and the water so much that we've decided to put her into swimming lessons. So when she was nine weeks old she started. She absolutely loves it. And every day we would take her out to the beach and she loves putting her toes in the sand, don't you? She sits her and kicks the sand around and only a couple of weeks ago. It was her first ever time, dipping her toes in the ocean. So next step up, she needs to go for a proper swim in the ocean. At eight weeks old Hunter laughed for the first time, but we didn't capture it on camera. And ever since then, we've kept trying to capture it. And it is so hard because you never know what's going to make a baby laugh. ♪ Hello sweet heart ♪ ♪ Isn't it a sunny day ♪ ♪ Time to throw your tears away ♪ ♪ And kiss me ♪ (Jessica giggles) ♪ Let's go climbing ♪ ♪ Up into an apple tree ♪ I could switch a light on and she'll randomly laugh. And then I'll sit there for five minutes, switching this light on and off. - [Stephen] Like a crazy person. - And it will never happen again. And then finally we caught the moment and we've actually caught it like three or four times now. - [Stephen] Yeah. - It is so cute. (Jessica giggles) Are you gonna laugh? (Hunter giggles) (Jessica giggles) Is this your laugh? Say hihihi. (Hunter giggles) (Jessica laughs) Say hihihi. (Hunter giggles) Say hihihi. (Hunter giggles) (Jessica laughs) (Stephen laughs) Say hihihi. Did you get the strawberry baby? (Jessica laughs) (Hunter giggles) Did you pick up the strawberry? (laughs) (Hunter giggles) Did you pick up the strawberry? (laughs) (Hunter giggles) (Jessica giggles) (Hunter giggles) (Jessica giggles) - [Stephen] And done. (Jessica laughs) - All right. (Hunter groans) (Jessica laughs) Another thing about Hunter, is she started to mimic our sounds. So if I do a high pitch, she would do a high pitch. Are you gonna be a little singer? (Hunter giggles) (Jessica moans) (Hunter moans) (Jessica moans) (Hunter moans) Now that Hunter finally has stronger neck control, she's letting us put her in the carrier. If you remember in our Broome trip, we tried so hard to get her in the carrier. And now, because she can look around, she's loving it. - [Jessica] Oh my goodness. Hunter guess who's enjoying the carrier. I feel like now that she's big enough that she can look around while being held. She loves it. Look at you. (laughs) - Is that your little sun shade. - [Jessica] Look how cute you look. - [Stephen] And we also started to realize just how blonde she is. - [Jessica] Are you turning into a Blondie. (Hunter giggles) Yes, looks like we bleached your hair. (laughs) (upbeat music) - [Stephen] Look at that. - She's even started to try and play with toys in front of her when she's on her tummy, which is so cool. And she's started to roll. She rolls from her tummy to her back. See, look, she's trying to grab the toy, ready. You need to share the shot of when she rolls over. She's always so shocked whenever she rolls over. - [Jessica] Go. (Hunter giggles) - Oh my God she's rolled. (upbeat music) You did it. Yay. (laughs) Good girl. (machine whirring) - Sh. She's currently sleeping. - Another little quirk of Hunter's at the moment. Whenever we put her down for her nap for a good five to 10 minutes, she decides to chat to herself. And then suddenly we don't hear chatting anymore. We sure came to check. She's fallen asleep. (Hunter giggles) (Stephen laughs) (Hunter giggles) (Jessica laughs) - Yap, if you've seen any of our vlogs for the last three months. You just know how chatty Hunter is. (upbeat music) (Hunter crying) Every time Hunter smells food, she decides to wake up from her nap. Good morning. Hey. Of course I can stop lunch for that smile. (Hunter giggles) Speaking of food, this one loves watching us eat. I think the day that she can try food it's gonna be her favorite day. (laughs) (Stephen mumbles) Something that was very special this month is that, I got to celebrate my first Father's Day with you. (Stephen laughs) (Jessica laughs) - Did Hunter write this? (laughs) - And something that happened only a couple of days ago. Hunter found her feet. Yes Hunter you have feet. - Come on, grab it. Grab it. Come on. Come on. You're so close. Yes. You've got it. The concentration on her face. ♪ I used to hear a simple song. ♪ - [Jessica] All I notice is her little mullet. ♪ That was until ♪ (Jessica laughs) ♪ You came along ♪ (Hunter giggles) - [Jessica] Yeah, and... ♪ Now it's place is something new ♪ (lips smacking) ♪ I here it when I look at you ♪ (lips smacking) (gentle piano music) (Jessica cheers) - [Stephen] So. How have you worked that out? How have you worked that out? (Hunter giggles) (gentle piano music) ♪ With simple songs I wanted more ♪ (Hunter groans) ♪ Perfection is so cold to bore. ♪ (Hunter giggles) ♪ You are my beautiful... ♪ (Jessica giggles) - [Stephen] You are just the shyest of chats. ♪ Our flowers are who we live on ♪ (Hunter giggles) (Jessica chuckles) (Hunter giggles) (Jessica chuckles) (Hunter giggles) (Jessica laughs) - [Jessica] This is so strong again. (Stephen chuckles) (Hunter laughs) (Jessica laughs)
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 156,702
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Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest, baby update, 4 month baby update, 4 month old baby, 4 months, 4 month update, baby development, 4 month baby milestones, 4 month old, mom of two, baby routine, 4 month old baby development, 4 months old, baby milestones, channel mum, baby girl, 4 months postpartum, new mom, 4 month regression, postpartum belly
Id: 4i7WbZkG1VM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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