Blow Stuff Up! Using Alpha Channel Overlays in DaVinci Resolve

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this video will literally blow your hey and welcome back to the channel in this video we're going to have a little bit of fun with da Vinci resolve and we're going to look at how you can improve your videos using Alpha Channel overlays simply put the alpha channel in a video is a scale of opacity it defines how translucent certain parts of a video are down to the black end of the Spectrum which is completely transparent so Alpha Channel videos are very much like a transparent PNG file but for video using Alpha Channel overlays can really level up your videos they can be used to emphasize a point or add some special effects you may want to use a rain overlay to signify something really sad or add some lightning special effects or simply break your camera so while I'm having a bit of fun in this video creating an obviously fake explosion you can also use Alpha Channel overlays to create really realistic effects the first thing we need to do is Source our Alpha Channel video overlays I personally think invas elements has some of the best quality overlays available here you can simply search for the theme you want and filter for Alpha Channel videos I'll leave a link in the description for invas elements so in the meantime let's jump into D Vinci resolve and I'll show you how to use Alpha Channel overlays in your videos and we'll do that by blowing stuff up because blowing stuff up is fun so here we are in D Vinci resolve Studios so I'm going to recreate my exploding heads scene first let's come over to the media pool so I can see some of the assets that I've downloaded here these videos I got off invar elements let's have a look at the first one which is our main explosion I can see that and again because this is an alpha Channel video the black in the background is effectively transparent and I can see that if I come back to my timeline here and if I pull this explosion video over my current timeline we can see it's actually transparent so in this case I want to mask out my head to make it look like my head's been blown off and to not make it look completely ridiculous I want to fill in the area a little bit around my neck that I'm going to cut out so I downloaded this Rising smoke again from invar elements and this should do what I wanted to do to be a to just cover up that area around my neck the first I'm going to show you how I've done this raw shot in the first place so I'm just going to play this through we start with me saying this video is going to blow your mind this video will literally blow your mind and now what I try and do here is is just sit in a pose without moving too much and this is going to be the section where I'm going to be headless just before I move my shoulders there here I'm going to make a cut now I'm going to go forward to where I'm out of the shot make another cut there excellent this bit in the middle we can get rid of and we can drag this so now I'm going to cut out the bit where I actually say the word mind this video will literally blow your there's good mind that and we get rid of that completely so this section here is we going to cut out my head and I want to be able to see the background behind that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take both of these videos and move them up to a higher track and bring in the background underneath that video also want a little bit more time on this section here so I'm going to decrease the clip speed it's about half about 60% there for now same with this one so in this clip here I want to have my head removed and I'm going to do that by going into the fusion page and adding a mask now this is the only time we're going to go into Fusion in this video so don't worry and it's very very simple I'm going to head over here into Fusion this a little bit bigger so what I'm going to do here down in my nodes is I'm going to click on the background so I don't have anything selected hit shift space and add a polygon and then with that polygon I'm just going to highlight everything that I want in shot when it comes to my body so I can come slightly out from where my arm is here and I'm going to add quite a rough outline here and as we get towards my neck I'm going to start being a little bit more accurate so I kind of want to mask down here and I want some of my neck to be still in the shot come back to the T-shirt here I can afford to go a little bit more General down here slightly off the main video video and reconnect my polygon it's also worth noting that as I move through frame by frame here if I spot that I move significantly I can actually alter the polygon to follow that movement but in this case I've kept it simple and I've made sure that I'm sitting really still so I don't think we need to do much there at all so I'm going to connect this polygon now and I'm literally just going to connect it straight into my media in here and boom there I have my mask so if I quickly flip back to the edit page I can see that my head is no longer there but we've got these kind of of very jagged lines around my neck and we've got a slight light difference in the background here and I can kind of solve that by just coming back over here into my Fusion tab clicking on the polygon and then over here on the right I can just add a soft Edge and I don't want to go too far with it we want something about just a speding up about 0.02 here I can just flip back here to check that and we can see by adding the soft Edge then we've removed that harsh difference between the lighting over on the right here and I don't have such a harsh neckline that's all we're going to do in Fusion that's a really basic mask but for this demo we don't need any more than that so what I'm now going to do is start bringing our explosion into the mix so I'm going to bring my explosion video down here and I'm going to add it above my main video this explosion starts off quite small and I actually want it to cover the entirety of my neck before my head disappears so I'm probably going to start it around here let's just cut that now I'm going to move this and resize it a little bit so I get something where I don't notice my head disappearing see how that looks your probably bring that up a tiny bit your just a tiny bit bigger yep that looks good to me so as the explosion passes this looks completely unrealistic down here this is why I wanted to bring in the rising smoke overlay so I'm going to drag that in but I'm going to drag it in under my M clip so we're going to bring it down here that means it's coming from behind my M clip so it won't be in the foreground and we're going to play around with positioning and the size it kind of fills that area up and you don't notice too much my mask again we're not aiming for perfect effect here one thing I do notice though is as the explosions coming off here then we can see the smoke in the background so we don't want that I'm going to come over to the beginning of the clip and we're just going to add a key frame here for cropping and crop the top right way down and we kind of want to grow it with the explosion so let's just frame forward till the explosion reaches that top area here add another key frame I can take it to and take it just to where it's visible here there a few more frames and about here we can then add another key frame and remove the crop Al together let's see how that looks good enough of this demo tidy up the ends here let's go and have a look at that from the beginning again this video will literally blow your visually that's the effect that I want here we got it set up with a very basic mask and we've got an overlay video in front of it and an overlaid video behind it and the two together give a kind of fun effect but to really sell this we want to add a couple more elements firstly we want some audio in this I found this sound effect on which is where I get most of my sound effects and going to pull this down to an audio track here take the volume down slightly and see how that sounds yep that's cool let's watch that back from the beginning again this video will literally blow your so we're nearly there but one thing that's going to add a little bit more feeling to this scene is we're going to add a camera Shake effect so we're going to come over here and get an adjustment clip and pull it over the entire section above everything the end of the video so starting at the explosion and going down to the end of the video so here we're going to come over to our open effects and just quickly search for shake we're going to pull the camera Shake over the adjustment clip now obviously we want something a bit more dramatic than that so what I'm going to do is come over to the beginning of the adjustment clip and we're going to add a key frame to motion scale and speed scale and motion blur and we're going to ramp these up all the way that means everything starts shaking a lot more violently and a lot quicker and then towards the end of the explosion about here so I think we can probably calm it down so we're going to add another key frame and we're going to take all of these down to nothing your that gives us a slightly more sense of realism let's play this once more from the beginning and we can see the effects in action this video will literally blow your so now the very last thing we want to do with this is to add one more visual effect and that's at the point of our explosion we want to change the lighting a little bit in the scene and the easiest way to do this is just to use the bright flash transition and I'm going to align that at the beginning of the clip where my head explodes probably only need it to be a few frames let's just see how that looks your even a tiny bit shorter your and then we go we've got visual lighting effects we've got the camera Shake we've got the overlay videos and sound effects that's how we use overlay videos in Da Vinci resolve so that's it from me if you enjoyed this video then please hit the like button and don't forget to
Channel: Enviatics
Views: 1,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bYp3k7OqZIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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