How to Animate Letters Independently (Follower Modifier)

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hi everybody jeremy here from video studio and today i'd like to share with you how to use the follower tool in fusion to animate text so let's check it out [Music] all right so in davinci resolve right now we're in the fusion page and first off i'm gonna start by bringing here a text node in my working area and then i'm gonna link it to the media out now i'm just gonna write some text right here so davinci resolve for example now today we're gonna see how to use the tools that are gonna enable us to have some animation between each letter of a text or a sentence instead of having it uh affecting the entire composition so right now let's just go in the inspector and on the text box we're gonna just right click on it and we're gonna select follower what it does here it enable a new tab called modifier and in that tab we have a couple of things here we get some text modification that we can do get some transform and some shading so something very similar to what we can have here in tool but the difference is that here we got something called timing and what timing does is that essentially now we'll be able to have the animation affect each letter of all text rather than the entire text on its own so let me demonstrate so it's a bit more clear so right now i'm gonna go to shading i'm gonna go down here to position and i'm gonna do a simple uh off set z animation so we're gonna just add a keyframe here 25 at zero on the offset z and then we're just gonna go down to frame zero and we're gonna put the offset z at -25 so right now basically we got an animation where the text is out of the screen and then just coming in into the screen but as you can see right now it's affecting the entire text what i would like to do is i would like to add delay between each letter so each letter is coming into the space independently so right now if we're going back to timing i can add some delay right there and what it does essentially now if i play it as you can see each letter is entering the frame on its own and not the entire text now there is a couple of things we can choose here in the inspector first off wrench either all character or character ring so you can select your own character range but i will recommend to put it most of the time probably on just all character which will affect basically all the letter within your composition then all the automatic here that's where you can just really create a style right now we can select for example left to right which means that basically um the delay gonna go from left to right which means that basically the right gonna show up first and then the left gonna show up later and be delayed uh we can have the opposite right to left we can have inside out so basically right now if i play it as you can see it go from first you know the outside of the frame then coming inside of the frame we get the opposite again outside in so right now it's going from the inside of the frame and then from the outside of the frame uh run them but one by one so here it's like a random order for the letter to come into the frame completely random here you have no clue what's going on just all the letters are coming on as they want and then the last one manual curve where basically here you can just adjust the delay as you want now right now i'm gonna just go back to uh left to right and something to consider is that you shouldn't go too hard on the delay because basically that minus 0.2 right here it's between each letter so the more you add the more delay you add between each letter which is uh maybe not the best sometimes which might become quickly uh too much so that's something to take into account i will rarely go you know above uh you know 1.6 because then it starts to be a bit too much in my opinion but then it's just a matter of taste another tip is that right now we doing it on you know a short sentence or just like a couple of words but if you were to try to animate a longer text like a paragraph or something that you show up on screen i would recommend to use instead of between each character to use between first and last character what it does right now when we have selected if we play it it's almost not noticeable at minus 1.6 you will need to increase because it takes into account the first letter and the last letter so where before it was uh minus 1.2 between each of the letter which was basically combined to minus 10 in general right now it was like 1.2 on the entire composition so we don't notice so much delay so we have to increase it for example here at -10 and now we can start to see again similar delay to what we had when it was between each character i would recommend to do that on longer text because it's just easier to adjust the delay and having something that suits the text better all right so now that hopefully you understand all things are working uh you can just combine a lot of those elements and create something that is in my opinion quite interesting so here i'm gonna add for example some opacity to it so we're gonna do i don't know an opacity here at uh the frame 25 are gonna be at one in opacity go down to zero bring the opacity down to zero and now we have already something that looks a bit better uh we could go here for example in rotation and add some rotation to it so i'm going to add rotation on the x y and z axis and then we're going to go down to zero and we're going to increase randomly all those i'm not sure how that's going to look it's just to share with you what the possibility are so now let's play it perfect i think it looks pretty cool now we could try to you know smooth out the entire thing by clicking here in the spine editor select the text select everything try to select all the key point that we've added then hit the letter s on the keyboard then hit the letter t on the keyboard and here uh adjust the ease in to about 80. that's a number i often feel comfortable with when animating and then we can just try to play it again and see how it looks and we got something already that look a bit smoother uh always make sure to do you know the thing to adjust the curve in the spline editor if you want to have something smooth it makes a huge difference in my opinion but that's pretty much it that's how you will do some animation between each letter of a text instead of having you know those animation affecting the entire text so now just k is the limit you know you can just do a lot of different thing within that uh also you can just change here instead of left to right checking if inside out is better or outside in is better already just toggling that drop down make also a huge difference into the overall look of your text and one last tip before leaving if for some reason you want to remove all the keyframe point that you've added on your text you can just go back to tools and here if you just toggle that keyframe point you will just remove everything and you will be back to something that i got no animation in if you go back to the spine editor everything has been removed and now you can start fresh if that's something that you want to do anyway thank you very much for watching don't forget to like and subscribe and see you in the next one bye speed up your workflow and create better videos using the pack available on our website including titles transitions and templates but only for damage resolve get started today by downloading our freestyle pack containing a compilation of 20 titles created from our library link in description below or at
Channel: Video Editor Studio
Views: 11,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve tutorial, color grading, motion graphics, davinci resolve motion graphics, davinci resolve title, davinci resolve template, davinci resolve title pack, Waqas Qazi, jamie fenn, JayAreTv, That Modern Dude, Skyline Motions, Billy Rybka, Chris' Tutorials, Casey Faris, CB Super, davinci resolve fusion, Davinci Resolve 18
Id: 34IDk5MlWeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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