9 Tiny Digital Product Ideas That Can Make $100k Per Year

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welcome back my friends in today's video we're going to talk about nine tiny digital product ideas that all have a 100k a year or more earning potential so if this is your first time here my name is sean anthony and on this channel i share content for creators experts and entrepreneurs helping you generate a leveraged internet income now let's get back to today's video what are tiny digital products and how do you create them and what are some ideas of tiny digital products that you can create so first off a tiny digital product is a product that is sold online it's sold and delivered without you having to to talk to anybody or to get on the sales call it's under a hundred dollars and you can create and launch it in as little as a few days so the reason we call it tiny is because they're easy to create and they're pretty inexpensive and the upside with tiny digital products is of course they can make you a lot of money through cash flow and getting sales every day but also they can serve for your high ticket offers so if you have a service if you have a coaching program if you have a high ticket course these tiny digital products can set you up nicely to get customers and clients for those higher ticket offers so let's jump into these nine tiny digital product ideas now that all have 100k a year or more earning potential so let's start with digital product idea number one and that is a 90 minute workshop now what a 90 minute workshop is is you are going to help a small group of people get a very specific result over a 90-minute live workshop could be a little longer than that but i found 90 minutes is around the sweet spot about an hour and a half so the reason these 90 minute workshops are so good is because you get to communicate with your clients and your customers on these live workshops you get to talk to them answer questions and especially if you're selling something like one-on-one coaching or a group coaching program or even a service on the back end a 90-minute workshop is a great way to build rapport and trust with your potential clients and during these workshops at the end you can actually invite those people to whoever is interested to check out your higher ticket offers right so if you have a service a coaching program consulting or a higher ticket course at the end of this workshop you can invite those people those members to check out one of those offers and they're a lot more likely to buy that rather than a cold prospect who comes through a facebook ad or a youtube ad so another good thing about these 90 minute workshops is you can do it live you can record it on zoom and then you can take that recording and turn it into an automated evergreen digital product that just sells every day and you don't have to do it live so that's why i love these workshops you can do them in 90 minutes you can take the recording turn it into an automated product and boom you have the automatic way to get people into your business at an entry-level price and slowly ascend them to your premium back-end offers i have a 90-minute workshop it's called the lto workshop and the lto workshop low ticket offer workshop it helps you to create a low ticket digital product and from there on the back of that i have a coaching program i have a service i have courses that will help you take the next step if you want to do that and this 90 minute workshop is a great way to get people into my business and learn more about me and my brand and who i am and how i can help these people so that is digital product idea number one number two is something you're all familiar with it's an ebook or an audiobook so i've written two books now one is called six figure drop servicing the other is called my more recent book is called info product empire and all this is it's just taking my knowledge and the system i have for building info products and service businesses and i put it into a book so i show people how to take the steps to build their own service business and also how to sell their own info products and create their own info products and i put my entire system into this book so if you are someone who has expertise or specialized knowledge or skills and maybe it could be even that you're helping someone with this service maybe you like me in the past i did linkedin and cold email campaigns for clients you could create a linkedin messaging book or a cold email book so whatever your specialized expertise or knowledge is you can create an ebook or audiobook around that you can sell that book and then use that as a way to generate higher ticket clients for whatever your backend offers are so i love books because people understand books books are proven to sell people have been reading books since the beginning of time like caveman days people were reading books so i love books i love creating them i love writing them i have another one planned for later this year but if you don't like writing books you can also record it or create an audio book the third tiny digital product idea is an email course and all this is it's a course delivered through email and it could be text form or it could be linking to videos so the way that i like to use email courses is i like to position these as challenges so i have something called the super fast sales email challenge it's a seven day challenge and at the end of the seven days you will have written your first email that sells so to create one of these email courses it's pretty easy use a platform like activecampaign it could be any esp or email service provider go into the automations tab and set up an automation where it goes out day by day and every day is a separate lesson so what you're going to do is take the result that you help customers or clients get it could be through a program or it could be through a service and then break that down in lesson by lesson or step by step and you can take that and put it into a platform like active campaign and every day a customer gets a different part of the lesson and at the end of that lesson they have one homework or one thing that they need to do and at the end of the challenge i recommend doing a 7 to 14 day challenge or course they will have a finished result they will have a finished product in our case that's an email that sells in your case it's whatever you help your customer or your client do so these are super simple to set up people or customers love it especially if you position it as a challenge because people love challenges and they want to challenge themselves into getting a result so highly recommend email courses we are creating more of these this year we're gonna actually help people create more of these email courses as a service and as a program so highly recommend creating your own email course idea number four is templates so there has to be something sitting around that you already do as a repeatable process that you can turn to some kind of template or swipe file pack so examples are photoshop templates graphic design templates web design templates copywriting templates messaging templates content creation templates funnels landing pages resumes icon packs right there's so many opportunities to take what you already do on a daily basis and you're doing the same steps over and over you can take that and turn it into a template or swipe file pack and actually start to generate an income from something that you already do so templates swipe files i love using these i've created many of these as bonuses for my products and i also create them as upsells for certain products so i have something called the ultimate client acquisition playbook and what that is it's basically a collection of my different outreach templates for getting clients for services so you can take things that you're already doing maybe you're sending out cold emails and you're getting clients you're getting phone calls you can turn that into a template pack a cold email template pack okay so take things that you're already doing and you can turn that into a template or swipe file pack idea number five is to start a paid email newsletter now you guys have heard me talk about this a few times now in my previous videos but i love email i can't stop talking about it i use it for everything in my business for customer support to get sales to get repeat sales and also as a product in itself that's what i'm thinking of doing with the paid email newsletter and all this really is you might have a free newsletter and maybe you want to create a paid email newsletter with premium content with your level 2 or level 3 content so you can charge a monthly or an annual fee for this maybe something as simple as 50 to 100 that's what i see most people doing and if you just get a few hundred people to sign up for your five dollar a month paid email newsletter you can build a decent business or a decent side income and eventually a full-time or even more than that income from just a paid email newsletter alone so there's so many ways you can use this this could just be the the first piece of the puzzle and the back of that in your paid email newsletter you're selling coaching or you're doing affiliate marketing or you're doing consulting or services there's so many different ways that you can use a paid email newsletter as a springboard into your other offerings so a good example of this is a guy named nicholas cole he is a phenomenal online writer he was one of the top writers on quora for four years and he has a paid email newsletter i believe it's 50 a year at the time of this recording called daily writing habits and in this newsletter he sends an email five days a week and each email is a lesson on how to write better online and publish better online and grow your influence your impact and your audience through your writing so he has this 50 a year newsletter through a paid email newsletter and on the back of that he has higher ticket courses and coaching that i've signed up for myself that he sells through his paid email newsletter so you're basically getting paid to send people more offers right so you have the paid email newsletter and you can have courses coaching consulting services in that newsletter that you're sending people to after that another guy that does this is ben settle right so he has his his paid print newsletter and in that newsletter he sends offers to his higher ticket books and his coaching and software so paid email newsletters number five love this model i'll probably be rolling out some kind of paid email newsletter this year and it's a great way to open up the doors to your other offers so number six are lean apps and tools so this could be as simple as creating a tool in something like google sheets i've created like calculators and different tools that help people pick their market and do their market research so different tools or resources that you can create in google sheets there's a guy named olier on youtube he's a designer he created an iphone icons pack he priced it at 19 and i think he did over 30 000 in less than two months on that icons pack so this is great especially if you have an existing audience let's say that you are in fitness or you're a chef you can create a recipe book or you can create a workout guide a workout planner that someone downloads and uses every single day when they're going out to work out so lean apps or tools that you can create and something like google docs or google sheets or even just creating some kind of pack of graphics or icons these do very well especially if you have an existing audience so that's number six lean apps and tools number seven on the tiny digital product ideas list is a facebook group membership so facebook group you can run an entire course and an entire membership using just a free facebook group so all you got to do here is pick your topic what you're going to create your membership around what you're going to help people with you're going to give the structure for the membership like are you going to post content once a week or twice a week what is included in the membership and you can create a facebook group with the course area with live streams you can you can add new people to the group whenever someone joins so you can run your entire membership through a facebook group this is a perfect idea for a for a tiny digital product it's very hands-off it's low-cost it doesn't really cost anything to run a facebook group membership and you can build a nice four to five figure a month income from just a facebook group membership so an example is a guy named louis smacker he runs a facebook group membership called school of mastery now he does have a course platform that he uses as well but you can run all of this inside of just a facebook group and he has over 700 members in this all paying 80 or 90 a month in australia and i can't remember what i pay here but he has over 700 people paying that so this is a 70 to 80k plus per month business off of just a facebook group membership and you can create something very similar i'm not saying you're going to hit those numbers but you can create a very similar style membership using just a facebook group so number eight is a tiny online course now we all know what online courses are but the problem is a lot of people when they build their first online course they go in they build this eight-week or 12-week monster that takes months to build and sometimes like in my case i built a couple courses that were eight weeks long that got no customers no clients nobody wanted what i built so to save you all the time and headache create a tiny online course which is one to five videos max and you're helping people get a small bite-sized quick win so instead of helping someone make six figures in their business you might be helping them create their first website or instead of helping someone create their entire linkedin legion campaign or system you might help them write their first cold email or their first linkedin message or instead of helping someone lose 30 pounds in 30 days you might help someone set up their first fitness or meal plan for their first seven days so go specific go tiny help people get a quick win and so that they're hungry for that next step with you tiny online courses are a great way to go and you can get them done in just a few days one to five videos long and you're not spending months creating a eight week or twelve week course and dealing with not having any customers or clients if you can't get any when you take it to the market and they don't like your idea so go with a tiny online course this is a great way to start and create your first digital product number nine on this list of tiny digital product ideas is online coaching packages so all you're doing here it could work for one-on-one or group coaching let's say you're creating a ton of content and you want to offer coaching to people who are asking you questions and want further support you can set up a paypal link or just a simple link where someone can pay you money through stripe and just have a link to it in your your social media profiles or your email and if someone wants to buy a coaching package with you they can use that link and it could be one-off it could be recurring it could be for a group and you could just have this as a way to monetize people who are asking you questions and want further support so i get requests from people pretty much every day who want some kind of coaching or want some kind of support for me and so if someone asks for that i send them a link and i call it a virtual coffee chat and if they want more help from me one-on-one help they can pay for my time and that's a digital product right there i can sell this to people who want it it's not cheap but if you want more support and you want that dedicated one-on-one time you can pay for that one-on-one coaching session and that's a great idea for a digital product that doesn't take any setup time so another company that does this is a guy named james schramko he runs super fast business he has different coaching packages for different price points and he also has higher ticket masterminds in the back of that coaching package so i would check out his website and look at how he's modeling after this but this could be as simple as setting up a payment link in paypal and sending it out to anybody who asks for more of your support in whatever you help people do so that is it for our list of nine tiny digital product ideas that all have 100k or more per year potential if you guys like this and got value out of this give me a like make sure you subscribe down below if you haven't already and let me know in the comments which of these tiny digital product ideas resonated with you which one do you think you'll be building and launching this year let me know in the comments i would love to hear your thoughts and what you're going to work on in next week's video i'm going to review how you can create a website for free to sell your digital products uh pretty quickly you can get this up in one day or less so i'll show you the tool that you can use to do this and actually how you go about and set this up step by step it'll be a tutorial style video next week so i'll see you there take care [Music]
Channel: Sean Anthony
Views: 3,022
Rating: 4.9306359 out of 5
Keywords: how to make money online, mike vestil, alex becker, make money online, entrepreneurship, digital products, selling digital products online, 9 Tiny Digital Product Ideas That Can Make $100k Per Year, digital product ideas, digital product ideas 2021, digital products to sell online, digital product business, digital products to sell, digital products to sell on etsy, digital products ideas, info products, info product business, info product marketing, info product creation
Id: aW18vjmqrqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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