7 Days To Die - Best Horde Bases! (Alpha 20)

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blood moon hordes in seven days to die can be very tricky especially for new people or very inexperienced people and running around in the streets just trying to shoot all the zombies to death rarely actually works out unless you are just absolutely super high level beast of the game and have a tremendous amount of ammo or absolutely just as lucky as could get most of us are not that way and we need a horde base to run and hide to before we end up zombie food and dead for the night so today i'm going to show you the top three horde-based designs these are all for beginners so they're going to be the most simplistic versions of these bases most people end up using one form of this base or another what i want to show you is the beginner version of it there the most simplistic easiest way to attain these sorts of bases after that you can take with it combine them if you want to make them your own use their own aesthetics however you want to i just want to show you the basic mechanics of what the most popular ones really are so let's get to the first one [Music] all right so the first base we're going to cover today is considered the bunker style base this is the one you're going to basically surround yourself with a wall of some sort and you're going to let the zombies come to you it is a little bit dangerous because you do put yourself into a situation where you are surrounded and you kind of intentionally trap yourself most basic design is just a 5x5 of whatever block you want to make i would highly recommend that you go with the strongest block that you can make wood will not last very long for the first horde night even a basic level horde can bust through wood so if you can get to cobblestone that's great if you have the resources you can get to concrete that's even better late game you're definitely going to want to go with steel or the hardest thing that you can possibly make because it is definitely going to get wrecked the more zombies show up so the basic concept is that you're going to be into a central walden area like this and the zombie is going to run to you and this will allow you to just melee attack them or if you have enough ammo you can start shooting away at them that will allow you to be able to stay safe they're not going to be able to get to you but of course it does have its drawbacks now the easiest way to build it is the normal way is just kind of make yourself a little five by five surround fix the walls around here so that you have a one block high window all the way around it i would absolutely recommend not putting any form of door on the outside of it if you put a door or a way for yourself to get in and out of the side of this place what you're going to end up with is the zombies that can do the same thing so what i would recommend to do is to put a way to get into it via the top so you can put a ladder on the side so you can jump up and down if you need to but the zombies can't reach it so you want to fill in the top as much as humanly possible now you may be thinking yourself well what happens if things go bad and that is absolutely true most people what they end up doing is just putting a hatch down here so you can either do kind of like if you put another block right there you can put a hatch on here so that it's on top of the building like that and then you have your ladder that you can put in on the opposite side of it and so if things go absolutely terrible you can jump up here climb out the top and you can't escape to safety that is kind of your escape route also some people like to dig down and they'll make a tunnel system go underground and have another area where they can pop out of and just put hats down there so if things go terrible then you are good to go to be able to get out because at some point this base level base may take enough damage to where you are kind of screwed and then once the horde moon actually shows up you just make sure you're inside i would highly recommend that you have a nail gun or a hammer to be able to repair as you go and cobblestone cement whatever you built the base out of have the extra resources so you can repair it as you go because once the zombies start showing up they're going to start hitting on these lower level blocks or even the corner blocks first now this style of bass is really good for the first couple horror nights they can't get to you but you can see they're going into destroy mode already so what you can do is stand over here and just get some nice melee attacks in there or if you have the weapons you can go through and just kind of mow some of them down it is a really good way to get early experience because it's going to be all you doing all the killing they're not going to have very many traps to have to deal with over here they're not going to have some sort of automated system this is going to be all you versus the zombies the base just keeps them at bay so you can do what you need to do throughout the rest of the night but this is a very good base for your first level horde nights even your second one after that you will need to do some additional upgrades to it or things will start going bad real real quick with it there's lots of ways you can take this simplified version and upgrade it to make it more efficient against the zombies here you can make traps out front of it with basic wood spikes or if you can upgrade them to steel spikes that way they're still going to try and come straight for you while you're inside but they'll take a little bit of damage before they can get to the base to start beating on it one thing that some people like to do is they like to use wedge tips or small ramps and put spikes above the windows that way the zombies don't hit the spike specifically but when they walk up on the ramps it elevates them enough to hit the spike start doing bleeding damage and it also puts them up at an area where you can do a lot of lower leg damage and hit them in the stomach only downside is that when you start getting spiders or zombies that can crawl really well or dogs things like that then they can get in the base a little bit easier because this is only considered about a half block for them to get inside so while it does make it a little bit more entertaining because they'll run into the spikes over here it does make it a little bit more challenging when you've got things crawling inside because once something gets inside there you don't have a whole lot of room to move so as you can see this particular kind of base works really good for low-level hordes when you're first kind of starting off it's definitely one of the most recommended versions to get into because it will keep you safe the first few horde nights as long as you have the supplies the ammo and the food to sustain yourself this should hold you over but let's get to the next build the next style of base is considered the tower style base and this is where you'll build yourself an elevated platform and surround it with bars or hatches or other things that you can shoot through these bars you can shoot through it without doing any damage to the bars whether it's with guns or with arrows and by doing this it allows you to stay to an elevated position when you're above the zombies they come running in wanting desperately to try and beat on the base and we have sid coming over here to help demonstrate so he can't get to it so the first thing he's going to do is go into beat mode and so what he's going to do is just kind of roll right underneath eventually he'll start beating on the bass and you can be directly above him and shoot him from above makes it a lot easier to do this only downside of course is that if you don't build yourself some sort of structure over the top of it then you have to deal with birds or when you finally get cops showing up then you're gonna end up having to deal with them being able to vomit at you you don't have a lot of protection up here and spider zombies the ones that can jump can jump up to a certain height here so you definitely want to make sure you have a way to be able to protect yourself while you're on top of this but this is a kind of base style the most basic level of course but the kind of base style that will last for a long long time if you keep it upgraded this one's completely made out of cement but if you have the ability to upgrade it all the way to steel you will do definitely better my biggest advice when building this particular tower is to make sure that the interior core as you're building it outwards that it's nice and solid all the way throughout see this is cement all the way down to the ground as well as the exterior walls if you build the interior with weak walls weak blocks inside here then if the zombies do figure out how to get inside which they will target the weak blocks they'll try to bring your base down from inside i've had a tower to collapse as well from zombies to be able to get inside of these external walls that are nice and reinforced they get to the weak walls inside and just absolutely destroy it easy way to get up and down just in case you happen to fall off or if you have to get down is just leave one set of bars here open put a ladder two blocks up and you can jump up to it easily to be able to get back up to the top and go about your way of shooting things a common way to defend yourself against airborne attackers is to build a little column system in the corners here so you can still get around easily without being have any blind sides there and then to create an area in the middle where you have access to the bars because if you can't kill the birds then they're just going to stay there they're part of the horde and they will show up eventually so this way you can actually shoot them kill them get them out of the sky but they can't get to you and the stronger the bars the better because eventually you will get to where you have radiated vultures that like to vomit at you and they can hurt the bars pretty bad but from here you can at least start shooting at them a lot easier while you're taking out the zombies now as far as being able to keep supplies in here you could always try and do like some people do is they may bust out the middle block right here and then they just put like a chest in the very middle and that way you can still walk over the top of it without actually falling in or even put a hatch over the top of it and have a crate in there for all your supplies your extra ammo first aid food water whatever you might need to make it through the horde but that way incoming projectiles from cops or birds whatever won't accidentally hit it something i'd like to do in some of my playthroughs is to use like a two tower system and basically just two towers identical across from each other i did this in my lone survivor series at the church where i have a walking path going between the two sides i can go up above these shoot down below from here and that way i've got a lot more access because the zombies are going to try and go wherever you're going so if one tower just starts taking too much damage or you need to be able to kind of move out a little bit more you can move to a second tower get back and forth over here and get them to go between the two bases just as to the durability of course it takes a lot more resources to build two towers like this but it is a fun way to be able to skirt them around you can go two towers i've seen people do four towers here and have them all linked together and then they basically just have a courtyard in the middle of destruction where they throw explosives molotovs and things like that so this is definitely one of the more popular build styles is used in the towers this will last you until very late game stage without very many problems as long as you keep it upgraded and repaired you can run some very big hordes doing this so this is probably the method i recommend the most but we'll move on to the next one the third style of base is called a corridor style base and this is basically where you're getting all the zombies to go to a more elevated position and to funnel into a central point heading directly towards you so you can either set up an automated system that does all the damage for you or you have a spot where you can sit and just take them out zombies are going to try and path fine to you no matter what as long as there's a way to get to you the first thing they're going to try to do is to get onto the same level as you as far as elevation and then they're going to try and get to you so a very popular way to build is to have a tower here which i'm just using the two that i already have have a walking path to get to you and then to have some sort of stairs some people will do all the way upstairs like this where you can just walk up and down them i like to personally use the individual blocks and that's because when the zombie gets here they pause for a second before they have to figure out they can't run any further then they jump get to the next block and then they run realize they can't get up again so they have to jump so they pause long enough to jump to each one of the steps every time they pause it just causes the horde grouping to kind of slow down a little bit and help you manage it if you do just straight stairs all the way up they will be able to just sprint all the way up to the top without slowing down i would recommend doing at least a little bit of stairs or ramps on the very bottom just because zombies are stupid and sometimes they'll come in from the side and if they can't figure out how to get up to you from right here and the ramps are going down just one side they'll just start beating on the side of the platform so always make sure that there's not a way for the zombies to get stuck in their area of trying to get up to you now when it comes to design the actual corridor portion which the zombies are going to try and get to you there's several different methods you can do one thing i like to do is to use the bars and place them back to back you see there's two sets of bars here what that does is it will still show the zombies a path to be able to get to you but they'll just run into the bars and do a tremendous amount of damage to those and by having two layers of it i'll show what i mean you can put one like this jump over the other side rotate the bars around so they're facing the same directions and i have a double thick layer of bars they'll have this block and this block worth that the zombies have to beat on so you have as many of those if you want to and that way you can kind of just sit here and as the zombies are coming towards you just sit here and mow through the bars as they're coming along that is a very popular one too that way you're still doing all the damage but the zombies are nice and pretty much stuck in a loop of trying to get through these bars the entire time another popular thing to do with the quarter style base is to have a bottleneck spot some bars or a hatch or something there where they get stuck on i have to try and beat through and then to use something like a sledge turret or an automated turret to shoot something at them but basically so it's doing all the work for you you don't have to try and handle anything so what you can do is what i have here is i just have some bars set up and then i got a sledge to it so as long as if i'm a certain distance away it'll stay active so i can handle all the zombies below while he can handle all the zombies running up and i'll show you what i mean let's get a couple of our lovely assistants over here we'll make we'll just get a chunk of those over there fire so we can see what's going on they'll run up and we'll let sledgy handle but you can see how they're having to stop at the steps and run up and it just makes them have to go a little bit slower now i would always recommend if you're going to do the bar setup here is that you use at least three highs because sometimes they will accidentally stack up like they just did and bounce up over the top of them but for the most part having something a basic level setup like this it allows them to run up they get hit they get knocked off the side gives sludgy something like the flaming mod a weighted head mod and he can do a whole lot more damage so that when he does actually hit them and start shooting a little bit faster it'll set them on fire they'll do a lot of damage they fall off the side have to climb all the way back up here again and he handles a lot of the load for you so while he's doing his thing you can sit over here and just shoot through the bars and have to save some ammo as he helps kind of thin the horde that's a really great way to go about it too another popular thing to do with the corridor base is to make sort of like a fall trap base where they end up kind of stuck in a loop one of the ways you can do that is by using things like a centered pole piece here so when you rotate it around you can see it only takes up 1 8 of a piece of a block here but you can rotate it around so it makes a nice narrow bridge and what's nice about those is you can also layer them in a point where they kind of float like this you can stack them on top of each other and you can see as you get ready to put it over here it floats now what's nice about that is that this narrow pathway right here the zombies will still still see this as a path to trying to get to you but it is quite small and so you have a high likely chance of them falling off let's get a couple of our lovely assistants over here again we'll let them run up and see what actually happens when you do this and by having these bars here they can't quite get to you but what they can do is you can just sit here and just beat on them with a bat and when you hit them just nicely with the bat oftentimes what happened is they will take a nice little fall off the platform and then have to run all the way back around again this is another one of those where it gives you a chance to do all the work because they're just going to keep falling off here they keep piling up and they end up knocking each other off and so it's not completely an idol base you still have to do some of the work but as the bigger zombies start showing up you can definitely sit here and just kind of beat on them and watch them fall off there are much better designs to it this is just showing you the bare basic bones how to go about doing this there's ways to do this so they just completely fall off over and over again and basically have an afk base but for those people that just wanting a way to kind of not really exploit but to control the pathing of the zombies so you can do all the killing but they just get stuck in a loop and you're not you know stuck in one spot basically give you a chance to actually do some damage to them this works out really really well and of course you know you can always stand over to the side and you know shoot them a little bit easier too and like always make sure you keep your nail gun or hammer with you to be able to repair the blocks as they go through and beat on them as you can see these quarter bases work pretty good you get a nice big giant horde in here and they start knocking each other off a lot more often just like that because you're only going to be able to get so many to pile up at a time and as long as they have a path to get to you they're just going to keep running in a circle so this is a really really nice way to be able to control the horde while you still get all the kills and not have to have a ton of work these are real simple base designs too and again this will work for really long term but i would recommend again once you get to high stages we have cops radiated vultures spiders things like that just being able to stand in an open area like this you're going to get stuck very quickly with the zombies up on top of you or hitting you from a distance so that's when you'll start building things like this go around the side of it to kind of give you some extra protection as you're sitting here and just mowing them down and even from this far away they'll continue to go over there because they see that as the path to get to you so you could do a really extended base like this and still be able to kind of stay nice and protected from the birds and the spiders and everything else and have them you know still funneling in from a distance over here as you slowly take pot shots so there you have it the three basic base builds for beginners to handle blood moon hordes in seven days to die alpha 20. you have your bunker style base you have your tower style base and you have your corridor style base again all of these the most basic bare bones versions of these kinds of bases you can take this concept and turn them into almost anything you can combine them into one big gigantic style base with all three of them kind of working in tandem with each other this is just to kind of show you the basic level base building tips for people that are new to the game so i hope this was helpful if it was do me a favor leave a like on the video if you're new here make sure you subscribe if you're not already soon to miss out on future videos in the meantime you guys have a wonderful day and i'll talk to you later [Music] you
Channel: Capp00
Views: 310,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capp00, capp, 7 days to die, alpha 20, alpha 20 horde base, 7d2d, 7d2d horde base, 7 days to die horde base alpha 20, 7 days to die alpha 20 horde base, 7dtd, 7d2d alpha 20, 7 days alpha 20, 7 days to die horde, 7 days, 7 days to die horde base design, zombies, gameplay, 7 days to die best base, 7d2d base build, 7 days to die horde night, 7d2d lets play, 7 days to die alpha 20, 7 days to die a20, 7 days a20, zombie, 7 days to die tips and tricks, 7 days to die horde base tutorial
Id: 8_VWpj8BYiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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