The Top 7 HORDE BASE Tips You Need - 7 Days To Die 2023

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these are my top seven tips for building horde bases in no particular order enough chatting let's get into the list for one elevation it is extremely important you want to make sure the part of the base that you're going to be standing in is elevated by at least five blocks in order to make sure the pathing of zombies is working to your advantage I think the easiest way to demonstrate why is just to show you here we have a standard killing Corridor based design but it's on the floor as you can see the zombies are trying to break into the sides in the back of the base which is just working against you if you elevate it like this and give zombies a staircase you'll see that most zombies will just decide to run up those stairs and try to fight you at the front this is basically just because when you're on the floor each of the sides of the base is just as much work so they'll just attack on all sides but if it's elevated they'll only have two options break your whole base from the foundations which they'll generally see is sub-optimal or come up the stairs and fight you you can use this to your advantage or if you want to be attacked on all sides put it nice and low so that you get attacks on all sides I wouldn't recommend this type of Base but hey here's the thing you can do number two electric fences if we use the same bass design I showed you in the first one I can show you how to use electric fences to make horde Knights simply trivial as you can see the zombies are having a very bad time pushing through to me so how do we use them well to craft them you're gonna need iron and electrical parts and then you can place them either side of whatever walkway you're gonna have into your base You're Gonna Want to send power into them and then send that power to the other side this blue wire is the stingy bit so we don't want to walk through that while it's on now when zombies walk through this the fence posts receiving the powered wire will take damage that is why I like to layer mine like this in case I lose some now you can repair them with iron and electrical parts during horror night but you may want to incorporate some system to reach the fences during the night now when the fences are really low Health they'll actually stop working and stop doing damage which should in theory stop them from destroying themselves meaning you'll need to replace them just repair them you'll also want to protect them from cop explosions because they're very vulnerable to that number three stability back a block and look at the mass and horizontal support you can figure out how stable your base is if you have a concrete block with 120 support and 10 Mass it can hold 12 more concrete blocks on each of its horizontal sides and then if you place another one after that it'll collapse so it's very worthwhile to make sure that the Block in line with any floors or ceilings are the strongest as they're going to be doing the most supporting like this now vertically speaking support is just true or false so a wooden block can hold up as many steel blocks vertically as you want as long as it's supported all the way down at a Bedrock now this would be unwise because all that steel can be knocked out so easily but it's good to know that if you have pillars like this that don't get attacked then you can just have them concrete and then have your horizontal support Parts be made of steel for Max support so make sure your load-bearing blocks are the strongest ones number four backup plans it's a good idea later in the game at when demos start to spawn I have some backup ways into your base so that you can essentially toggle the broken entrance and move to another one you can do this with doors hi there I'm eyes post built and I'm here to fix pre-built terrible wording and recording is pre-built was unable to word this correctly because they are stupid if you want to be able to toggle zombies pathing you need to orient the door like this then you can toggle the pathing by opening the door do doing it like this will not work as the zombies can still pass on this even when the door is closed which is not ideal thank you for listening to my correction of the foolish fleshbags mistakes you will be spared when I make my Ascension we will now return to your regularly scheduled meetback programming but rest assured your days are numbered human you can also use hatches like this or you can even just use drawbridges which definitely gets you some style points be sure to rig it all up with power and switches but the idea is basically just to make sure that you have backup toggleable entrances but if demos happen to destroy one Bridge into your base to prevent your base from becoming useless do you know any good ways of making backup plans for your base let me know down in the comments number five special zombies there are four special zombies that you need to worry about on horde Knight hops spiders bulgers and demos cops have a ranged attack that they'll use if they can see you including through blocks so make sure you don't have any openings or bars behind you stop you getting puked on from behind like some kind of awful zombie nightclub spiders can jump which means you should definitely avoid having openings up on your elevated base but it's important to note that their jump is essentially based off their line of sight so if they can see you they can try to jump to you so again avoid any open Windows if you don't want to get hit in the back of the head mulchers of course come from the sky so definitely make sure you have a on your base the vultures are gonna have a hard time breaking through much of a roof but it can be annoying so if you want to kill them use bars or railings on your roof to let you shoot up at them demolition zombies will explode for massive damage after a few seconds if you hit that big green button on their chest so don't hit the button no but they also have huge amounts of armor and they are just quite dangerous a good way to deal with them as I said is to have backups in case accidents happen and to use steel on any vital blocks because steel has the most health and has a 50 resistance to explosives fortunately demos only spawn later on in the game so you should have Steel by the time they spawn number six separation it's a good idea to just not have anything important inside your horde base there's no reason for zombies to attack things like a crafting base filled with storage to why risk combining it with your horde base it makes the design harder riskier and just less effective to do yourself a favor and separate them now this is an intro addressing question that I like to ask what are your thoughts on splitting up your base I know some people say they like the added stress of having all your eggs in one basket I know some people like me prefer to just play it safe and smart let me know down in the comments before we get into number seven let's get into my bonus tip don't be afraid to use explosives if you check an explosive weapon and look at the Block damage you'll see that many of them do almost no block damage like pipe bombs grenades and Rocket frags and a lot of them also do a lot of block damage like time charges HG rockets and dynamite avoid using those last thief or horror night because they will destroy your base otherwise you can throw explosives all over the place assuming your base is above at least a wood tier just double check the block damage if you're unsure and stick to pipe bombs grenades rocket frags and explosive bolts and arrows and one last thing before number seven if you're enjoying this video hit that subscribe button on to number seven number seven is to keep it simple stupid don't make your base more complicated or larger then it needs to be bigger doesn't necessarily mean better it means more complicated which means there's more opportunities for zombies to get stuck on things or just decide to break random blocks more opportunities for something you can't see be happening and mess you up in the long run wasted materials are also just a waste of your time find a simple and effective design that is cheap and works bonus points if you can build it off the top of your head now that's not to discourage you from experimenting with crazy designs if you want to do that it is your game but if all you want is an effective base just make something simple that works and don't mess with it so with that last step in mind you should check out my simple and effective early game word based design which should be popping up on the screen now thanks to my channel members and patrons for making this video possible and thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video foreign
Channel: IzPrebuilt
Views: 73,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 days to die, 7 days to die alpha 20, 7dtd a20 stream, 7 days to die alpha 20 release date, 7 days to die izprebuilt, 7dtd alpha 20, 7d2d alpha 20, 7dtd, 7 days to die update, 7 days to die alpha 20 multiplayer, 7 days to die alpha 20 tips and tricks, 7 days to die alpha 20 pipe, 7 days to die alpha 20 ep, alpha 20 beginners guide, 7 days to die alpha 20 beginner guide, 7 days to die alpha 20 tutorial, alpha 20
Id: FGHQ7kOnacc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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