7 Days to Die - Efficient Base Tour (A20)

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all right so I only intended to upload one video uh about making money but I've had a lot of people asking to see my base so that's what we're going to do today I love that you can see it from so far away I did make some changes to the base uh since my first video there I'll start off with the outside here and this is nothing super fancy it's a it's a relatively simple base the initial idea for the mechanics of the base which is zombies try to find the path of least resistance so they come up here this is nice because they can't stack up as much so they fall down and then I can sit in there hit them a few people have have done this basic concept um I've seen it with um I believe jaw Woodle and uh a couple others uh the oldest one that I've seen do this was Pixel Life gaming and they had a step-by-step on how to build a base much smaller and more simple but I'll put a link to their step by step on how to do that the difference is that I they had stilts and I over time as I got more resources filled all this stuff in and then um this over here was just out of boredom I decided to make walkways to burn through some resources and um and get a huge XP boost because every everything on my base uh every block started off as a simple frame and then I upgraded it to get the most XP so you upgrade to wood and then what reinforced wood and Cobblestone and concrete and steel I think was the order uh I added these here recently because after horde night sometimes I'd be missing a block or two out of the side I don't know why they would instantly just come up and start beating the walls instead of going up my ramp uh it didn't happen too often but it was enough that I had enough resources to kill and I thought it looked kind of neat anyway so added these on here so if they if they spawned from out here they uh yeah if they decide to come up and whack the wall then they get chopped down the only problem is that the Drone is super stupid in this game and whenever I go up into my base half the time it tries to creep around the wall and it gets stuck in here and gets all confused and then it says that there's enemies around and blah blah blah when there's not but um and then I I'll eventually hide this thing I I don't know if this is something important for multiplayer or not but the zombies don't seem to attack this so I've just been kind of lazy and letting it sit there uh plus I like having it right there so I can turn off and on the uh border whatever that is anyway main way into the base is here uh got my door here well yeah the Drone is having a bad time over there I hate that thing but I need the company so I keep it around um used all the iron bars here because again you cannot damage them with gunfire you can't reach through them unfortunately but that's not a big deal I just need to be able to get bullets through it um I've only ever once had a zombie get up into here and it was it was a spider zombie or whatever and he just sat up here and didn't do much damage so no big deal and I just kind of like the way it looks plus building all these rails completely unnecessary but it's kind of cool because every now and then something like this will happen and I could have just let him run up the ramp into my traps but you get more XP this way anyway so that's the cool thing about having the rails is sometimes you just take a nice little stroll and you'll see a roaming horde of zombies awesome so I got that this isn't necessary they can't jump up here anyway just makes me feel good inside uh in here okay I'm gonna have to turn off that drone the cool things that the Drone can make it through here so let's see what you got where are we going okay uh this I just added uh during the last horde night I had a couple of the demolishers explode and almost get through here so I wanted a fail safe just in case things got really bad I could step back here and have a second layer of protection I don't think it'll ever come to that but you know why not I can close this when I'm not around but I don't because I have this here so I can reach these switches and these switches go to these little traps here so the top one is for these bottom two and then if they run out of ammo or if I just get frustrated or bored or whatever I just flip this one on too now I've got two on each side you can really get through the horde nights without any of these SMG turrets honestly I just kind of have them for when I'm lazy uh one of the things that a lot of people have pointed out with these types of videos for this type of base is that when the zombies pile up you know on this narrow part they can't really all fit so they'll fall down when they fall down there's a new mechanic in the game that they just get all pissed off and start whacking your base around until they take damage so I've got my shotgun turrets there so zombies come up here and they'll either pile up and fall off or I'll hit them the right way and then they fly off and then before they can start beating up my walls too much they get a shotgun shell uh usually doesn't kill most of them so then they get pissed off that they got hit they come back up and rinse and repeat um the only I did this because uh I thought that I was losing my shotgun turrets because of the cops bit but it turns out it was because of exploding cops so now I'm a little bit more Vigilant about uh actually pulling out my gun and taking care of the cops as soon as I see them uh see this is a dump box whenever I'm in between missions I only like to sort through the stuff in the evening when it's dark outside so between missions I'll come in and I'll just throw everything I find in here that's for stuff I just need to take to the trader whenever he refreshes his inventory every three days um let's see my work area and I always try to keep as much of this stuff stocked up as possible so I try to keep of course lead is the hardest thing for me to find right now got my cooking stuff all my fresh water um I put in a bunch of a bunch of jack-o'-lanterns and and candles and stuff because I've heard and I don't know the mechanics of all this stuff I'm not a I'm not an expert uh but I've heard that each of these things increases heat and that's what I want so I want I want zombies to be attracted to my base so if I'm sitting in here cooking and building stuff you know they get all pissed off swing by and then I get more XP um other than that yeah it's very simple I'm not I'm not a great decorator so and I don't spend much time in here um got a spotlight so I can illuminate that during the night time I just think it looks cooler uh I was going to do this down there I just haven't gotten around to it yet but so I can get up there I've got my Bulletproof glass blocks there so I can still get some natural light I door on each side this also lights up with I use as my driveway at night time nice view of the trader and it's funny because when he closes for the night he doesn't go anywhere you can still see him just standing right there all night long and we can go up here I keep torches uh all across the corners on each of these levels as well for additional Heat uh we'll get back up here in a sec and pretty soon I'm going to have to add some signs to my battery Banks because I'm starting to get more stuff just because I can as far as organization goes I don't have any super great methods I'm sure somebody out there has better methods I just haven't bothered to look into it yet um I've got my money and if that surprises you then you need to look at my other video that I uploaded because this this is nothing um case in point it just keeps coming uh all you need are stacks of stones so I don't know what to do with all this what I mostly do is just smelt it for the brass honestly so uh I saved these just because I guess you just need something to collect I don't know I I don't know it's I'm like Gollum with the ring or something I just need my my precious gems and jewels uh that's not used for anything which is kind of weird I I forgot why I've got all my medication stuff here again I'm just hoarding stuff at this point I don't really need to uh the only can product I really save is the dog food so I can make the learning elixir uh 20 XP uh I only use this on horde nights and I usually gain you know I think like three or four levels on a horde night uh and if you have the iron gut perk all the way maxed out let's see your Buffs from consumables last 50 longer so to get the most out of that learning elixir uh you definitely want to max out iron gut if you're trying to get your levels all the way up there I got my food stuff and this is why I don't save canned goods because they just they take up so much space and and I just for all the Looting that I do and the uh aircraft drops I just get so much food that I can't get through at all uh my drink stuff nothing fancy ores and minerals this is mostly just stuff I pull out of the earth uh these are cool uh they'll give you 20 more mining stuff I keep these in here because I don't oh I shouldn't be in here I don't like to be surprised when I'm sitting there Mining and I can't always hear the zombies so uh the robotic turrets are pretty nice to have when you're busy basic materials that's just you know natural stuff that doesn't typically come out of the ground up in there uh this I think I started yeah so I I built a ton of AP ammo and slugs because I was going to start using them in my turrets and you can't put these in turrets so I don't use anything that uses nine millimeter ammo other than the turrets same with shotguns I'm garbage with shotguns so now I've got all these slugs that I'm probably just going to have to sell because I don't think you get anything back from these other than brass oh well polymers whatever so um yeah this stuff will probably eventually be sold I don't know what to do with this stuff yet either miscellaneous that's just whatever random garbage I come across that doesn't fit anywhere else I've got my tools random gear I don't know why I collect this stuff I don't have any points in light gear I just I'm a pack rat I've never used these sledges I probably never will so yeah it's just stuff I hang on to um these are for turret ammo I don't know why I have that I just do uh that's my standard ammo as you can see I use my tech and my M60 sniper rifles just for fun when I'm running around and see something far away ammo resources for building ammo all my fuel from salvaging all the cars uh random parts yeah nothing too exciting it's just my little organizational patterns here and we come up here this used to be too high as in two blocks I and then I found out that corn needs three blocks to grow so I had to tear up all the roof and add a whole nother level to it which is perfectly fine because that was really good for XP I keep turrets over here and I you got to make sure to aim them High otherwise any creature that runs across the ground is going to be shooting at if you keep it high it's only going to shoot at the birds and that's all these SMGs are for the buzzards at um coordinate and then I've got my farming here which I only Farm just to basically get rid of the seeds I don't actually need any of the food stuffs because I I just keep coming across so much other stuff from looting and such so we've got solar Banks I might add another one just to even it out I don't know it doesn't matter it's just killing time at this point so uh let's see so this is fully caged in can't be bothered with the birds got my torches up there for heat of course I threw the lights up there just so I could see the Basin further away um not that I have problems seeing the bass I just uh I just think it's cool when it's night time and you come up and see this big glowing Fortress that I have here this is kind of pointless but I like it so whatever I just come up here and look around survey my lands like some kind of post-apocalyptic King oh God that's sad so yeah and it's foggy right now in game but when it's not foggy you can you can see pretty far out so sometimes you know just play around the sniper rifle at night time or something that is the gist of it um cannot think of anything else significant about this base I haven't been asked too many specific questions about it people just wanted a tour um and if you look at the video that that I'm linking for the base building uh you can see how I how I built the initial build so that'll that'll get you started if you're trying to do something like this so yeah it's a it's a simple little base I mean I've got plenty of resources so just out of pure boredom I might add another layer to these walls that way I can have like a little recessed Nook that I can shove these turrets into so they're out of the way so I can tidy up things a little bit I'm going to add some more uh Bulletproof glass blocks right here so that when the cops spit they're not ruining my stuff but that is about it for now I will stop this let some time go by because I still don't know how to speed it up manually and I don't care too I don't usually play with the uh with the menus too much so we'll go ahead and stop this and then start back up closer to horde night so people can see the effectiveness of this and we'll be back shortly
Channel: Mr. Skullhead
Views: 8,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 days to die, horde, base
Id: or3VpRWoZSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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