The Ultimate Trap and Turret Guide - 7 Days To Die (2023)

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traps are a big part of 7 days to die's Base building and in today's video we're going to be taking a look at all of them how to use them and some weird little details you should really know when you're using them oh and today I will not be talking about landmines I covered those in a dedicated explosives video a while ago I'll be doing all of the traps you see on screen right now anyway let's get into it the first traps we should cover are the basic block traps these are crafted in your inventory for basic resources and they do a small amount of damage and then break the first one is the wood Spike trap the wood Spike trap costs 20 wood and each time something walks into it it will take 33 damage now in this case that damage is actually not affected by difficulty generally raising the difficulty of the game will reduce the damage you deal to enemies but some traps are not affected by this and some are and it's not very consistent so for each of them I will just tell you if difficulty matters and as I said the wood spike is completely unaffected by difficulty so we'll do 33 damage on all difficulties this trap can hit three things before it breaks allowing it to do a total of 99 damage it will damage you other players and of course zombies and animals you cannot get exp for kills with these even with the perk I'll mention later they just never give you XP for kill so that is something to consider a very similar trap we have is the iron Spike trap this one also does 33 damage which is also not affected by difficulty this one though can survive 12 hits without breaking allowing it to deal a total of 396 damage before breaking it also damages you other players and enemies as with the wood version you'll never get XP from these and they cost or forged iron to craft then we have barbed wire barbed wire is a little bit different from the others instead of doing lots of damage the barbed wire block focuses on slowing down enemies and Lasting a longer amount of time barbed wire does a measly one damage per hit but it does survive 33 hits so it deals 33 damage overall but it's more about slowing zombies down it costs eight iron and 10 wood to make it's unaffected by difficulty and it'll never give you XP spectraps are very good early game based defenses for important areas of your base that you think may take damage on horde Knight so you can pad them out with these spike traps eat the stragglers away from your walls or foundations barbed wire is very nice if you need to slow zombies down for example if you have a short walkway and you don't have electric fences yet and place a bunch of these for a similar effect Aryan speaks around with you throughout the game is also not a bad idea as their free damage they cause no stamina unaffected by difficulty so they can really hit hard if you place them well like in doorways or other types of openings let's move up to the more sophisticated trap shall we the blade trap requires power and and it will use 20 watts of power when activated these spin in a 3X3 block space and pretty much anything that walks into it while it's spinning is going to have some trouble it does 20 damage per hit but this is actually affected by difficulty unlike the previous traps so on Nomad it'll do 20 damage and overall insane I was gonna do 10 damage the blade trap has 2000 Health but it will only spin while it's above 25 Health this stops it from spinning itself to death allowing cheap repairs with just steel this means that assuming you didn't repair it at all the blade trap would do 375 hits before braking allowing you to do a base of 7500 damage on Nomad or half that on insane the craft one you're gonna need a workbench first and then it'll cost you 15 forged iron 15 Ford steel 12 mechanical parts and 15 oil this trap will not give you XP by default but the advanced engineering perk in the Interlake tree will allow you to get up half of the XP for kills with the electrical traps like this it'll also reduce the crafting cost of all electrical devices by up to 35 percent so with rank 5 of advanced engineering a blade trap is going to cost you 10 forged iron and forged steel eight mechanical Parts six electrical parts and 10 oil it's also worth noting that blade trap bundles are very common in tier 5 pois so you might get lucky and find a bundle of 10 of these in the end of dungeon loot I'd recommend not using these as replacements for spike traps because they're very expensive to replace and you'll usually lose a lot of them if you do that on late game hordes instead it's often a good idea to have them in places you can directly repair them preferably from your fighting position having 10 blade traps only to be fully replaced is just not as useful or cost effective is just having one blade trap that you can keep applying steel to throughout the night placing them at hair tie is generally a good idea you can even make bases that force on the crawl through blade traps to get to you I believe Joe did a video on that a few months ago if you want to know more the next electrical trap that we need to cover is the electric fence electric fences require 5 watts of power each but you'll need a minimum of two of them to work and the way you make them work is by connecting a power source to one post and then that post to the end post the wire between them will be electrified when power is applied and that is denoted by the blue dotted line each post has 200 Health but they will stop working at 25 health so they effectively have 150 Health which equates to 300 applications of the stun effect only the post-receiving that electrical wire will actually take the damage from use so you only need to keep an eye on one end of your electric fence it does approximately 24 damage per hit over the course of the stun but it's unreliable for dealing damage much like barbed wire it's all about that slow the damage is affected by difficulty and it will damage all Targets when zombies Walk Through the Wire they'll be stunned in place for about four seconds before being able to move forward I like to layer mine to keep them constantly stunned until they reach me you can also do a strat that involves just one of these fences where you have a thin bridge and Electrical Fence on a pillar at the end an offense at you and you can Electrify the entire Bridge with just one wire but that's going to be a little bit more risky as if you lose that one post you lose all of your electric fins definitely arguments to be made for both strategies I definitely prefer mine it's more expensive it's less space efficient but it's much more reliable and safer to craft a fence you'll need 7 forged iron in the electrical parts but remember you'll need two for it to work so effectively it's 14 forged iron and six electrical parts and make a functioning trap and with Advanced engineering Vive one fence becomes five iron and two electrical parts or if you want to fill working Unit 10 forged iron and 4 electrical parts these are by far my favorite trap in the game they're very easy to use and they don't constantly break called me on like blade traps they don't consume ammunition they just use cheap forged iron and electrical parts to replace and my one issue with them would be they're very loud they cause a decent amount of lag but the blade trap also causes lag with all the spinning animations and the next trap is also quite laggy because it has projectiles so most electrical parts are just going to cause lag ear hoard nights in general speaking of that next trap we have the dart trap the dart trap fires darts out of the front continuously if it has power he uses 10 watts of power and requires darts to be able to fire dark can be crafted at the forge for the iron and one clay you can load them by pressing e on the Trap and dragging the darts over to the slots and you can fill it with up to 1500 stars and this is the important part look at me listen carefully lock the ammo if you don't lock the ammo it will not fire this is true of all ammo based traps comment below telling me you'll remember to lock the ammo I'm not kidding do it this homework is not optional now the door trap won't use any durability when firing thankfully as it already has ammo to worry about but each shot does 45 damage so if all 1500 darts from the trap were to hit a Target you would do an insane 67 500 damage which for some reason is completely unaffected by difficulty so it's always 67 500 but that's relying on you hitting every single shot which is not impossible but not guaranteed by any means either these are best paired with a trigger like a tripwire pressure plate motion sensor or hell even just a manual switch so you can just turn it on when there's zombies the craft one you only 31 forged iron and nine mechanical Parts six electrical parts and seven oil with Advanced engineering you can do it for 24g tires 6 mechanical Parts four electrical parts and five oil as usual you will not get XP unless you have advanced engineering that's a lot of trap apps but we still have two more to go the shotgun turret and the SMG turret shotgun turret seems to do about 70 damage on Nomad and about 35 on insane so yes this is affected by difficulty and this is actually regardless if you fire it from the internal display or if it fires automatically damage will of course vary at range because it's a Shotgun If the shotgun has power you can manually point it and fire it by pressing e and pressing on this little window and then controlling it with standard gun controls but if you're not doing that it will fire anything you tell it to Target those being strangers zombies allies and you it uses 15 watts of power it costs 62 forged iron 15 scrap polymer 15 oil one motion sensor and four shotgun parts and with Advanced engineering rank 5 that would become 40 forged iron and scrap polymer 10 oil one motion sensor and three shotgun bars but it is worth noting that you can get them in bundles a very common Falcon turrets are mainly just a good way of using extra shotgun ammo if you're not playing a shotgun build yourself and you have boxes of extra shells they only accept basic shotgun ammo though so you can't use slugs or reaching slugs I've not found a lot of use for these in my years of playing the game but I'm told they're okay dealing with vultures on your roof but I'd like to hear some of your guys ways of using these turrets Below in the comments what I prefer to use is the SMG turret one because I usually do shotgun builds and often have no spare shells plenty of nine millimeter at which the SMG turret uses and two the SMG turret is a little bit more versatile range wise let's take a look at it the SMG turret does 32 damage on Nomad with a body shot and 16 damage on insane with a body shot like the shotgun turret it will not damage you and I forgot to mention this before headshots do work on both of these weapons and again they are affected by Ranger but the SMG turret has much better range than the shotgun turret by the way the SMG turret is far safer to use around demolition zombies than its robotic turret counterpart as they were buffed in Alpha 20 they basically just avoid hitting the demo button I'm not gonna say 100 guaranteed not to hit the demo button but it has been made a lot less likely and I've personally never had an SMG turret hit a demo button in Alpha 20. for those of you who are new demos go boom when you shoot the button and that is bad craft an SMG turret you'll need one motion sensor or D6 forged steel or handgun bars 15 oil 7 scrap polymer and with Advanced engineering 5 that becomes one motion sensor 34g steel three handgun Parts 10 oil and 5 scrap polymer as with all electrical traps you'll need a workbench to craft this and you'll need Advanced engineering to get XP from kills with it uses 15 watts of power now that you know all about traps in 7 Days to Die Why not catch up on the other aspects of electricity in this video here it's an old video but the information is still good thank you to my channel members and patrons for making this video possible and thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: IzPrebuilt
Views: 35,843
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Keywords: 7 days to die, 7 days to die alpha 20, 7dtd a20 stream, 7 days to die alpha 20 release date, 7 days to die izprebuilt, 7dtd alpha 20, 7d2d alpha 20, 7dtd, 7 days to die update, 7 days to die alpha 20 multiplayer, 7 days to die alpha 20 tips and tricks, 7 days to die alpha 20 pipe, 7 days to die alpha 20 ep, alpha 20 beginners guide, 7 days to die alpha 20 beginner guide, 7 days to die alpha 20 tutorial, alpha 20
Id: 7-oLlNXSibI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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