7 Days Prayer and Fasting 2019 | Day 1

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while we were worshiping I saw an angel that came in was telling and this angel is an angel of Prayer the Lord said one of the important anointings are very key anointings that God has called us is to have the spirit of prayer in the church jesus said my house shall be a house of prayer I mean so now prayer is something none of us can say I don't know you can't afford to say that because prayer is the basic algebra of heaven it is ABCD and it's not a big formula I wish I could tell you that God doesn't listen to simple prayer do you thing is right now God is so amused how my child is praying God listens to the complicated prayer prayer because probably he has to pay more attention to the complicated statement what is he saying the simple one so easy because straight to the point God is what I want . and God listens to all of that he listens to the young he listens to the old and so I want to encourage you to learn prayer we all some of us are veterans in pray you have prayed a lot maybe get back into the basics one of the words which the Lord gave he says he's going to teach us a higher level of prayer which I will share with you when I was taken up to heaven in the last five days hello okay I am connecting right must be hula who's the culprit well vua don't look at me I know you okay ed time let's take a break commercial time use this specific app we use to connect to God how's that this kind of instant thing I will come up all the time when I tell you listen come up with a spirit of prayer ask the Lord now one of the key things that we're going to find in our church it's going to be a time of Prayer you know whenever the prayer presence is increased the presence of Jesus increases whenever a presence of Jesus increases conviction increases are you are you listening how many of you are still listening people don't like conviction they want to take a break why do I have to go through conviction all the time now conviction is not condemnation we don't preach to create conviction that is solely we don't critic to produce conviction that is solely God doesn't need the human help because the Holy Spirit's ministry is to convict us of righteousness do you realize that he doesn't compare our sin with sin he compares our shortcoming with his righteousness when I have this much for you why are you living a lower life so come up see that's a different comparison of conviction in our soul and I pray and I hope you too that our church we must be committed to become a House of Prayer for All Nations but one of the lost aspects of prayer is fierce intercession and travailing there are many different types of Prayer for those who have missed some of the teachings that we did one of the series we have is called pushing out the darkness you can get the series if it's available on YouTube is there a lot of people in the US as well as Malaysia they call called me and they told me it is great option that you have given to put it all in USB because while we are driving we are able to hear if it's just on the YouTube I mean we really don't have the time to sit in front of a TV or computer to keep hearing you know and it's distracting as well when they are driving you got to put it on your YouTube and you know when you are it's on your YouTube your chances of glancing while they're driving is very high and so this is the reason we put it up probably we want to go in to pray a little bit more for this year because this is what and I saw some annoying things that was lost destinies that was lost callings of God that you thought you lost is going to be restored over you like this year especially I saw a little bit of the older group of people some of the men who are here you thought or maybe you were thinking in your heart I wish I could have had these moments with my life that I could start walking with God or long time ago I would restored it is never too late to say yes it's never too late Lord the rest part of my life I will serve the Living God I mean it is never too late we are rewarded according not to our age but according to what has been done in the kingdom of God can you Jesus said that to us someone is employed at eight o'clock in the morning and given $20 and they all agreed and came to job came to work and they did it at 12 o'clock another person was employed $20 they came to the job they said will we finish at 5:00 at 4 o'clock another group of people were employed $20 the one who started work at eight o'clock got very upset do you know how long we have been working the same money and then they complained to the master and the master said don't I don't I have the right to employ who that I want to and to offer the same money that I want to because it's not the issue of offering it is the issue of those who said yes why did Jesus teach us that parable number one deal with envy and jealousy church is not a place where the appointment is based on your seniority that means I came twenty-five years ago why is the other fellow who came now and pointed it's not a community center it is not a place where seniority is being respects not a nation thing do you get what I'm saying the older you are the more you need to know you know what Singapore if they turn it upside down the older you are you better retrain if not you're out of the game maybe that's a good Kingdom sign line how's that it is not about older or younger it's about you being able to do what God wants you to do but the thing about God is it is not just the best why employ all even the least even those who got one tell him is being employed by God I mean even those who have ten or multi talents I appointed by God so I want to encourage you the first day of this year do something for the Lord Jesus Christ so that you and I will not be empty-handed when we stand before the king of kings and the Lord of lords now this is a book that I told you this the sixth day of my prophecy the church fasting the church is the first day and this is already full now what the Lord said from the first day now I'm going into my second so I want to encourage you today turn with me to some seventy three keep your finger there some 73 I just want to finish up what we said last night just for those who are watching the YouTube live telecast for the first time and for those who are here for the first time if you are not here last night I just want to do a very quick recap and then share with you from this morning onwards for the next six days the word of the Lord some 73 truly God is good to Israel for those two those who are pure in heart you have heard the scripture many times being quoted at the wrong times when you go to a funeral when you don't know what to say people will cut this scripture when you see people are going through troubles or admitted in the hospital they will use this scripture you know what's that all things will work together for good to those who love God and you feel like punching that fellow's name here you are going through heartache break for neural someone died in the hospital all the tips are running when you don't know what to say you use this scripture we think that is the most generic scripture to use any other safe zone they wonder how can it be all good but you know the body of Christ we have been misquoting that all things will work together for those who what all things will work together for those who not for everybody it's not a general statement it's a very specific statement as long as you are walking with God it's going to work out well for you you see that and this is the same statement even in some 73 truly God is good to Israel to those who are pure in heart now we think oh so in Israel even now Jewish friends if you are watching through the YouTube I want to remind you just because you are the chosen nation doesn't mean you can walk in the way you want to walk to think that God has chosen me so I don't have to walk right the Bible says it care God has chosen you he will be good to you he will honor his covenant to you but you need to be pure in your heart that is a reminder for us today to God is good to those who are pure in their heart if not it becomes so generic anyone can do anything we won't be under the scope of the Lord where else the Gentiles will be judged for every little thing do you understand what I'm saying it is not what God is saying he is good to you you will experience the goodness of God when you are pure in your heart look at verse 2 but as for me my feet almost stumbled my steps had nearly sleep because I was envious of the arrogant you know sometimes we try to duplicate the success story of the arrogant what he do not know was the evil in between the cheating the line the under under under cutting and improbably you are not cut for all of that kind of behavior pattern you just want to walk right with God God will make a way for you I mean you'd have to worry what they have because they are worrying with what they have you just thank God for what you have and God will lift you up if all that you want I mean you you I'm eating in a paper plate you know but that one is eating in a China silverware okay praise God LA so what paper plate can throw that one must wash as long as you have a plate isn't it praise God some people eat from the floor you go to the poor they take it up from the rubbish bin it's not about what you eat you've got food to eat I mean stop and being is what God wants us to do thank God for what you have and if you have more than what you have share it with someone who needed it maybe extra sets of pots and pans give it away extra plates give it away you can share anything not necessarily money you can share your joy your peace your love some families you find the children are walking not right not because the children want to they do not have a father and mother who can guide them and mentor them the right way probably you took note of the children and he can spend some time speaking into their lives building friendship sharing what you have into their lives I mean they are looking for such people both 16 we saw but until over 17 until I went into the sanctuary of God I discerned they are in until I went to the sanctuary I saw the end everything that God has for you is in the sanctuary of God is whether you believe it or you know what how accurate can God be my question is how accurate do you want it to be you know when you look at the when you see doctors some people do not really want to know the results of the scanning you know because they are afraid what will the answer be and if they know that this is what you need to do to find out this scan or that test to find out they don't know I'm happy it's okay the symptoms are good enough hadn't it I didn't need to have the brending of the disease it is not an issue of what the scan can tell you it's better how much do you want to know it can go as accurate as possible and God's eyes is more powerful than a CT scan right to the iota he can tell you not only what's happening today what's going to happen till the point of your death he can tell you every day events the Bible says Jesus spends early morning hours with the father the father tells him today you will meet this person today you'll meet that person this is what you must do this is what you must do every day his appointments was dictated by the father and anyone who came out of that appointment time if they are not part of that schedule he did not attend to them do you realize that when people ask Jesus questions he did not answer most of them more than 300 questions were asked during the three years of ministry as long as it's recorded in the Bible Jesus only answered about seven to nine every other question was not important why probably the father told him don't answer all this is not important do what you're supposed to be doing are you with me he heard what the father said how accurate can it be the question is how much do you want to know because the more you know the more you have to obey isn't it so people are afraid of this exchange say no Lord I'm my photography even the more little I know the more freedom I have but heaven is different if you realize if your purpose and your life is all about heaven and you want to do more for Jesus in your lifetime because he's the only one you love with your life not anything else isn't it we are giving so much of our life and our sweat in our blood our energy away to the normal pursuits of life to buy a house raise up our children to make sure that is foot on the table to bring the joy of God to someone else now what about the very God who created us and so God is reminding us today do not worry about what you see around them our kingdom doesn't finish us here it continues out there I mean this accuracy of heaven can only bound found in the sanctuary when you enter into the sanctuary we all pray doesn't mean you have entered inside the sanctuary sometimes we pray more like a stranger we are standing outside we are asking Lord please open the door we are worshiping why so now the door will be opened don't stop until you sense the presence of God sometimes it takes a while for you to grind the gravity of the soul away the gravity of the world away from your soul it takes time for the sandpaper it takes time to put the polishing until you see the shine then your spirit shines the door opens in the presence of God comes and you talk to Jesus after the presence of God comes you are assured of his counsel but if you like at the present I think that Singapore pose is going through a challenge the moment people are not there put a light on just go out so people are actually inside the house they can hear so before even God can hear your prayer you come out of a very big list put it there and say God are you listening hello he didn't even open the door yet why you need to put your heart in the orderliness of heaven as you open the door the presence of God comes in I mean verse 23 nevertheless I am continually review you hold my right hand the word continually is a game-changer in the scripture is because the word continually means it's a choice you are making you are not a visitor to once a while appear before God you're not a stranger you just bumped into the presence of God because of your circumstances because I have no choice and one of the very favorite pastime of Singaporeans is to use the phrase I got no choice you know you forgot that you are not a prisoner you are set free by Christ I mean in the presence of God you will realize you're not a prisoner in the presence of God you will realize how highly esteem you are when you are praying in the presence of God you'll realize even the Angels envy you because Jesus died for you not for the angels you are more closer to the presence of God than the angels even though they served but you are the sons and daughters of God you know what's the difference like that imagine I'm speaking to some of our congregation and usually my children will come in my natural reflex action is to listen to them isn't it the moment they walk towards me and sometimes you get it is possible to get upsetting yeah I'm talking to this guy the daughter or son whoever walks through and he just excuse me I'm talking how can the pastor do that can they wait they can wait right because we won the first rites of its kind I came first he mentioned what God does in heaven when the angel is talking to him something in suddenly the sons and daughters are calling out to God and he puts the Angels on hold just wait a minute my son is calling me how do you feel that's how important you are in the presence of God and this is what the enemy doesn't want you to know he rejects you based on your sin and shortcomings he tried to kick you out because he wants to have the game time with your mind but God wants to have his time with you I mean thank you for the very weak image I suppose you are dying in your conviction right now and then in vain it's working I am continually before the presence of God the word continually is a choice there are a lot of things that takes away our time most of us do not have the luxury or praying more because of the everyday demands of our time Jesus knows that the balance of your time whatever you can if we can give half an hour every day then give consistently continually pay attention to the word continually today every week when you have a weekend off spend a little bit more time than that continually see the word continually in church we are at least having two hours that is continuous so today we have to make a decision Lord continually I want to seek you because that continually sets you apart from others who occasionally comes to the presence of God some of us we come to church you got no choice there were children you have to follow we all grew up like that probably but then you fall to a time where you fall in love with Jesus that Jesus is the choice that I've made I mean it's not because I have no choice if one of the things that some of you was you are in a habitual way of so I've got no choice now now die to that word from today onwards I made a choice to follow Jesus I made a choice not to follow the world I made a choice to follow the counsels of God and God will appoint the right counselors over your life I mean and you will hold my right hand the right hand is an exchange of power the right hand is an exchange of leading the right hand is an exchange of counsel the right hand you remember when we are walking about children remember when you when you walk fast you pull their hand fast they have to walk fast when you slow down you pull them back they have to slow down when it turned left they have to turn when you turn right they have to turn as well so realize that when you hold when you give your right hand to Jesus you are giving him the right of permission to do what you want to do with God you set the pace in my life you want me to run I run you want me to slow down I slow down my brothers and sisters can I tell you if you want to walk in that way the first thing you need to overcome is the fear of this world you think that the world owns you but the world doesn't you think that the country owns you no the country doesn't you think that if I don't do this I will die and I will not this I will not listen even if you do you have to die one day you know that right how many of you know Lazarus when he was resurrected he died later you know that he forgotten is it do you remember the young man who Jesus got him resurrected because the mother was crying do you remember that do you know he died later the Bible doesn't tell us that but it does it common sense they have to die another time only at that time Jesus intervene of the compassion he had for the people so I wanted to understand the natural order of life your faith overcomes the pain of the natural order the faith has the power to overcome but there are some saints who have walked with God so close that God who wrote this natural order of life and cancel it for example they did not die they were taken up alive not many but there are few in the Bible like that there are few saints who are not mentioned in the Bible who were alive on earth God took them away those are moments when they walked with God so close they lived in an order of heaven so much that they were translated just like that and God override that principle natural order if not most of us we are committed to this natural order see if you don't accept this point you'll always struggle and feel so condemned whenever there is shortcomings not what's wrong with my faith nothing is wrong your faith is given to overcome the challenges you are going through but every day which is appointed will come towards your way I mean the Bible says you will guide me with your counsel look at the world you will guide me with your counsel by the way this is not prophecy the points this is the scripture the Lord said go and read this and preach to my people okay you will guide me with your counsel the guidance of God that is needed in each one of our life so look at the scripture you will guide me with your counsel in other words God is not going to give you wholly suggestions he's going to guide you with counsels a lot of people one of the reasons why prophecies is not coming to pass in people's life I received this prophecy but it did not come to pass because you think prophecy is a holy suggestion if you believe prophecy is the voice God then why are you considering whether it should be obeyed or not if you know this is the voice of God then your obedience must be as instant as how you are asking for isn't it we do not consider the voice of God as critical and as an important and so we are treating it so carelessly or in other word callously to a point that doesn't have an effect this is the voice of God you will guide me with your counsel how important is this how important is the counsel of God this is what you must do this is where you must turn in this last few days morning I've enjoyed the presence of God but in a very different way it's like a student he comes him at this time the Lord speaks and he says this word in the last few days I've been seeing this pattern your lesson ends now and then he just walks away and they're walking away is the painful part it's not the he's speaking the walking away when he says now it's done either continue worshiping praying or then two days ago you said now go to bed cuz I'm so groggy you're praying and pushing through he even cares whether you are having enough sleep isn't our God good I mean he cares whether you are having enough sleep or not he tells you go to bed now only a father who cares can say those things isn't him I mean because if you're not a father he doesn't care whether you sleep or not that's up to you you are discharged from my presence going to what you like but the father cares he tells you to go to bed I mean I will continually I will counsel you I will guide you with my counsel they are not holy suggestions God's counsel is to lick you till you are with him not just for today not just for tomorrow I wish I can tell you that council stops when we go to heaven but our ministry continues hallelujah when we are in heaven you must get used to a life of counsel get used to a life of guidance so one of the things that we need to do is to die to this rebellious nature that you don't want anybody to tell you what to do so when this rebellious nature is inside when it come to God this default behavior of Adamic sin will interfere when it come before God because it doesn't want counsel it just want approval all the time just say yes just bless me that's exactly what Cain wanted from God don't worry about what kind of sacrifices I'm giving just bless me like the way you do to my brother Abel but jesus said I mean God said that's not the right kind you know what King did he killed his brother do you remember that but only in this case we are killing our own destiny by being envious by being jealous by walking away and so in order for this council to come into your life now counsel are not prophecies prophecies are those who are visiting all the time they come they need a prophecy they are like a visitor mentality you'd think that prophecy is the highest kind no it's not God did not meant prophecy to guide you the counsels of God are his word and the word is Christ himself I mean its Christ himself that is why today we write a will before someone dies because that will represents the very person even after they are dead isn't it that will changes the destiny of families because of the inheritance there has been laid for them that will defines what belongs to them and what belongs to another it is as equal as them if they are and this is the same he says equal as what Jesus said and sometimes I can't figure out when people say okay listen wow you you preach well what is God saying to me prophesy I thought I just been saying what God is saying all this time but no you know in our church that's the problem we have a lot of preaching which is of human origin and not from God exegesis that's being taken in homolytic styles to preach what has been said maybe it was not taken from the presence of God but do you know what when your heart is right every word though it can be like stone it will become a life to your spirit so it's not about the guy who is speaking it is the hearer who's hearing from God my brothers and sisters I've said in a Catholic Church before for my friend's wedding and when the past or the priests when he is speaking something it becomes a life to me why it is not about what he's saying I'm not saying they are wrong they all anointed by Christ in different ways we have to honor what God honors isn't it everybody is given a chance to serve God maybe they are Catholics the Anglicans they are Baptists so whichever denomination they are following God they have their own space you will guide me with your counsel guidance counsel our four sons and daughters don't be a prophecy addict we are edit of Jesus I mean councils don't have to be stirred is part of you it's right inside you God will stir the word and you can hear you know what happens to our people we just go meeting after meeting for prophecy the moment we don't have here they go somewhere else they just want someone to say this is what the Lord says can you imagine the amount of time you take time few hours to go there just for like 50 seconds or prophesies that what you want I can give you that almost every Sunday no I tell you I'll just pick a card that's what for you you know but counsels that comes from heaven the word that is preached we prayer and fasting it brings you the council's of heaven it ships your spirit over for your destiny I mean just not to make you feel happy your spirit is being shaped for the things of heaven to get used to the council's of God what God is speaking to you because our job is to not make disciples of us not to make people disciples of the church but to make disciples of Jesus and afterward you will receive me to glory look at that that was 24 and then verse 25 says there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you wouldn't be able to say the same thing some of us do because over the age category you got nothing else to run after so he say only Jesus life I wish I could say that too but I didn't know maybe I just want to be honest listen guys listen I want to be honest man I think when I accepted Christ that was a transplant something about heaven came inside and I pray I prayed that transplant for my children I pray that for our young people I pray because I've seen even the olders are struggling following God you know it's not that if you are older is easy it's more heart as well because you are so fixated with your pattern of thought suddenly to say Jesus is everything it's not an easy if you have not been discipled to follow him you're telling a 70 year old to say follow Jesus the fire also struggling there's 70 years old struggling so you realize to follow Jesus it's a grace of heaven jesus said no one can come to me unless I draw him towards my father when I saw that scripture when I was fifteen and a half I cried to Jesus please draw me towards you so that I will follow you so easily draw me towards you please draw me don't tell me to come through my own works draw me and he did may I encourage you the secret of coming towards the presence of God to be drawn by the Lord to be drawn by his love by His grace from the time that you are telling how much you love Jesus he spends more time telling you how much he loves you he cares for you my flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever verse 25 God is the strength of my heart he's my Porsche in other words he's my satisfaction verse 27 behold for those who are far from you Shall Perish you put an end to everyone who is what can you read that word for me it's a scary word you put an end to those who are unfaithful now you see the word everyone do you see everyone everyone is a generic word doesn't just specifically belong to the people of God now everyone means everyone as long as you are unfaithful to the law of humankind you will perish to the people of God our standards are higher if you're unfaithful it's not just to God to your friends unfaithful to your promises unfaithful to the covenants you made not just marriage could be friendship unfaithful God will put those people quite far away and so I want to remind you in this endtime today a new word for you but as for me it is good to be what next ones can we all read together verse 28 one two three go but as for me it is good to be a canny little in the last part kind of say it as loud as possible but as for me it is good to be look at that but as for me never mind what others are doing never mind who is being blessed praise God they deserve their blessing isn't it but for me it is good to be near God look at the choices he's making sometimes I feel it was easy for these guys to speak because it was they when the wilderness there were no stop no 7/11 no handful I mean who cares of all that no Wi-Fi come on but they were all the time connected with God we have everything yet we are so disconnected we are disconnected from our family we are disconnected with our own person you are connected to phantom don't know who thinking the world cares for you but no one cares when you die you not remembered one young girl came and told me a few years ago if Jesus doesn't come in speak to me in this conference I'll commit suicide very young woman I brought this matter when I was fasting before God I said Lord look at what these girls say and the Lord told me go and tell her no one can bend me no one can manipulate me go intelligent then I was thinking how to go and tell her this because people think they can sway God by bending them in other words I'm not going to change I'm not to give up I'm gonna be Who I am but if you don't speak me I'm gonna give myself right listen if you kill yourself you're not going to see Jesus anyway doesn't mean that after kill means I'll see it's a blank statement I'm not giving a counseling statement now for those who are watching in the youtubes around the world to suicide victims do they enter heaven the Catholic doctrine says no but God's mercy is different now I do not know yet but certainly the Bible helps us to understand the mercies of God are much more bigger than what we think I mean it's not a blank statement the mercies of God are greater they just choose to end their life shorter on earth but you don't have to I mean when I spoke to this girl I told her listen if you die for two weeks your family will be crying after that you're forgotten pastor what about you I say probably two days left she got a shock she gave me that kind of a ghost look what say yeah probably two days after that I forget you because man I'm carrying the cross bigger than you are you think you can manipulate God you can't be manipulated the moment I said that you know what happened to her she was set free in the conference because the soul many plates the soul puts you in bondage but when you give that very soul to Jesus he set you free you are no longer a servant to your soul you are a servant to Jesus I can say it in few words but in counseling it's longer than that I want to encourage you today let God become the strength of your heart now I'll share with you what the Lord said about for today's prophecy the first word that I want to declare over 2 0 1 9 over all of you who are seated here over your sons and your daughters over your family and for those who are watching through this live telecast the world I declared to you from heaven a new day has begun this is the word that the Lord has gave they the Lord gave and there was a shift in heaven that took place a shift in the life of those who are seeking God a new day has begun now my brothers and sisters I want to ask you are you a person who seeks God not someone who just come reluctantly but someone who seeks guy the word seeking is cultivated in the lives of our children my brothers and sisters I want to tell you what Jesus said I wonder I reserved it for a few days later but one this one point of what Jesus said I want to share with you he said my people all the time conditioning their children to qualify for the necessities of this world but they don't do anything to qualify them for my kingdom we don't teach our children what God demands and how we are to approach his presence but whatever the world says you spend day and night confirming our children to the necessities of life you spend the whole year preparing for the three-hour exam you're going to spend an eternity with heaven and yet we become so careless you think that they won't come but jesus said my children are not prepared to enter into the kingdom we think that our chandi school children have to do teachers have to do all the work now they are the facilitators they are not instructors there they facilitate what happens at whom whether the children are worshipping enough look at what we do when we go to school when everybody is clapping you tell your children you better click isn't it when someone comes when everybody stand of intelligence come home stand up but the same children come to church you don't even instruct them to worship you don't tell them to lift up their hands you don't tell them to stand up you don't tell them to sit down or new you just let them do like this up to them try that in the school see where that's up to them works alone I was preaching in a church while the parents were praying the child was playing the cell phone putting the lake on the Pew in the front cross lake and playing I was watching whether the parents what are they saying or not and of course they didn't say anything so you know what I to Dinah it took out my sword while I'm preaching and I address the very thing right in front of them what are you doing about the kingdom Oh immediately put away the phone stand up worshiping I say isn't that what you should be doing who do you think is the instructor when you come to the presence of God unless you think while I'm preaching Jesus is not here but the point is he is standing in the midst of us even now are you listening the presence of God has to be mentored the children must know how to recognize the presence of God how to recognize a presence when he come how come in a audience remember especially in school because we all of us now children all have been to school when the guest of honor you can't even see the guest of honor you know that the fellows coming there the voice that there will be a week you see ha ha ha no one can see you know the front row guy can't really see but the wave of silence goes for everybody how come they can recognize an attention but in the house of God we are blindness vets and because we don't cultivate our children when they grow they grow more in unbelief rather than in faith are you with me I pray that this year we will change a new day has begun in the kingdom a new strength is given to the child of God to touch every church new anointing of Prayer to follow Jesus my brothers and sister listen there is only thing one thing I cannot buy from you I cannot force you or buy your discipleship to Christ I cannot buy that I can only invite you to follow Jesus Jesus told me when he came don't worry about who's coming and who's not coming in the church your job is not to sell the church to people just preach my word and I'll bring people in so we don't have to do extra activities and paint different colors and do all the latest gig I'm not saying church should be boring why doesn't need to look like a discotheque isn't it I don't have to look like a popular star I just have to dress properly and preach properly like a normal human being how's that I don't have to look like a squirrel I don't like to look at it latest gig I just have to do what God wants me to do and then God will draw the people because it is the attractions of the presence of God that changes people's life it is not the smartness of preaching it is God who changes people life a new day has begun can I bring you the attention to Exodus chapter 12 verse 2 remember these people came out from Egypt they were following an Egyptian calendar the people of Israel I don't know what money was that I mean I'm saying I don't know because I didn't do the research for this preaching right now I'm speaking prophetically I didn't want to give you unnecessary dates now just for illustration purposes assuming assuming it was probably much lustrated purposes okay maybe March 16 or so whatever and then they came out and God says today shall be the first day of the year first my first day zero zero zero one everything changes today today I Reese the clock in your life imagine the fellas birthday was March 17 olam ha on mas 16 reset wait for another three months everything was redone when God says there is a new day that has begun in your life in other words God is going to reset your life reset your clock in a different schedule following the timetable of Jesus in your life I mean now that requires a commitment remember all will come to pass for those who are pure in their heart one of that scripture is Isaiah 60 verse 1 we all know that arise and shine for your light has come for the glory of the lord has risen upon you rise and shine for the light has come there is a scripture that says in Luke chapter 1 verse 78 about John the Baptist you'll be surprised how it says it in Greek put up Luke chapter 1 verse 78 because of the tender mercy of our God whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high can you tell me when sunrise comes in the morning you know what morning means a new day has begun and that's what the Greek says it says God's tender mercies will come upon you because a new day has begun in your life and someone say look at the next verse what does the new day do to you verse 79 says to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace when a new day from heaven shines upon your life you are no longer afraid what the world is doing to you it's not about the shadow of death it's not about the evil that people have planed to pull you down that all you're not afraid of retrenchment bind that spirit in the name of Jesus from today what do you do you're no longer afraid of the word retrenchment because when one door is closed God opens another door but everyone don't have you know you are not everyone you are the child of God or what about the other child of God you are not competing you're complimenting one another God will make a way for you I mean there is something you must believe he tests your face the Bible says God calls those things which are not as though they are I mean a few months ago Angeline and I we went to pray for a pastor in Malaysia they have two children and I asked and the wife was pregnant I asked the pastor and the wife what child are you praying for with gender they said we are praying so much for a boy whole nine months they didn't want to go for a scan I don't want to test my faith and receive a prophecy for a young boy that it will be a boy while we were worshiping my Spirit came out went to the womb and so it will be a girl and the Lord kept the name this is the name you must give to this girl but I didn't want to break up their faith I don't want to break up their joy who they were very strong in the way the facial expression is like if I say anything negative they will get very upset nothing is going to change only what God says matters isn't it so a few days ago they call me hey pastor it's a baby girl so praise God what God gives is always the right I know your faith is then all of that but what God gives is always right you see if we don't deal with this then we are releasing rejection into the baby I didn't expect this but this is what came out it's not about that it's about what God has given to us I mean God knows best I mean the Bible says when God releases the blessing of a new day upon you it God is going to set you free from darkness in the name of Jesus any prevalent circumstances over your life that is sleeping darkness to come in it could be a pattern of thought it could be a depression it could be discouragement if you are very used to discourage me all the time and you're not used to being high it's time to break out in the name of Jesus it's to break this darkness out of your pattern of thought and get used to a new day and a people thought what is a new daily you know what's the new day you go to the coffee shop sitting out of there all the older guys in there what the new day I've seen every day uh you know what you got to do you can't kill them get up from that table Sydnee people who believes in a new day my mother wanted me to stay near in her house I mean near in Tokyo her stead is a very mature estate every week there is someone dying because they all in the 70s 80s and 90s like they take their turns to die you know so today's meet the next day dude then next one see lahu so she asked me to stay there and when I got married I said sorry I'm not saying I don't have to live here every week I think that death no children are playing in the playground like a ghost playground because there are no children in the st and I say I'm not gonna bring my children and grow up this very depressive you know like who's your playmate in the playground oh my let's change the estate you cannot change them hello I am a friend probably you are sitting on the wrong table full of darkness and that is why it's consuming you when discouragement is prevailing you probably you are speaking to the wrong crowd your faith will not be able to grow up because if you are not a pioneer you're not a fighter then you need a very conducive environment for your faith to be nurtured if you are in a moments of being nurtured you cannot put yourself in circumstances where you can't take it are you with me it's a time to grow up second ian's 5:17 6 therefore if anyone is in Christ Jesus he's a new creation the old has passed away probably we have to declare shout it out in your room the old house that's not shouting the old house that's not really shouting you know because when you are shout it's like screaming innit do the same thing you do at home let me scream to one another let's do that all right are you ready the old house that's power men and behold the new has come sometimes you gotta scream dear young man something gotta scream it out to your pass the patterns of thought the patterns of defeat the patterns of discouragement some people can only last for 10 minutes of encouragement after that the old self takes away again so today you declare the old has passed away some people tell me you know pastor in my life that is always a pattern you know whatever new things I get it will just be snatched out from me today in the name of Jesus that pattern will be broken because a new day has begun over you that is why I was crying when Jesus gave this word because the church went through tests and challenges but God said today in this first day of the new year I will change again a renewal pattern that will come upon the anointing of the church a new spirit a new anointing new leaders new anointing new strength that will come and the Lord said I will teach you to pray no different heights in prayer no more it will be the same level praying and trained but different level of praying with God when your heart is entwined with the Spirit God has given the word from heaven called the word new and if there is a word that you need to scratch right in the front pages of your Bible is the three-letter word called new any EE new seyed over your life new the first one that I gave you is a new day has begun the second one while I was praying a very large gigantic trumpet was shown in front of me and the Lord said this trumpet is appointed to declare the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and I saw angels gathered from the four corners of the earth and six continents they all came in they stood there and I saw these angels are taking this word like in a very hurried more faster than DHL Express because that one have to take time to tell the Sun just appear just like that and you know what the problem is this when they blow the trumpet the natural order of life shakes and vibrates heavens shakes earth shakes mountains shakes and that's why we have all kinds of activity earth rumbles when they hear that trumpet sound of Jesus I saw earthquakes I saw more tsunamis coming at the word of the Lord the wicked shall perish and so we pray for mercy we pray for compassion and I'm telling you every I tell you I tell you again today on the first day of this year all your holidays make sure you get your clearance with God don't be in the wrong place at the wrong time instead of you asking God you know who you are cheap flights oh good offer if you're not supposed to be there don't die stupidly can you accept that you want me to point who these people are because I know there are some foolish people all the time no matter what you say they are foolish mind takes over looking at this the cheapest flight ever can be $1 hey if God tells you not to go it doesn't really matter do are you listening don't let your foolishness kill you you know it's the wrong way to die why you die I don't know love you know how Heaven loves over you sometimes I try to imagine can try not to go there now I keep you in the spirit for a while a large trumpet Matthew chapter 24 verse 31 and he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call and they will gather his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other look at that my knees were painful after kneeling for many hours so I stood up the moment I stood up I was transported into an ocean and I saw a very large gigantic angel standing there and as though when I stood up this angel came inside me that feeling and I was as giant as possible standing there and the Lord showed me this is revelations chapter 10 you are seeing the angel that I mentioned in Revelation chapter 10 in revelations chapter 10 verse 2 you will read that there was this angel that had a little scroll open in his hand and he set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land it will find that this message in Revelation 10 will describe a very huge gigantic angel sometimes it's very funny to think such huge gigantic angel but the scroll was very little very small one and this is what the Lord told me see some things that the law told me is generic he allows me to tell the church so that the the graces that rests on me will flow into the people that I'm pastoring are you with me it will not come if you don't receive from me no just simple as that but if you receive an honor the fact that God has appointed me in the house of God then it comes and flows on but there are some things a lot will say specific this is for you don't say that so the part where I cannot hunt on that's for me maybe I should share to you as well no this is what God said point number three stand tall in the call of God don't bow down anymore don't make yourself look stupid extend tall in what God has called you when God is ask you to do something don't be skirmish all the time don't walk away don't procrastinate it's time for you to stand and see what God can do are you with me if your company can entrust to you millions of dollars and trust you to do the job for you to say you can't do the things of God it's something that you need to think about in it do something for the kingdom of God and stand tall in what God has asked you to do number four I was shown I'm just wondering how to say to you how to describe that to you I was brought into a Garden of heaven and there was the largest tree that I've seen his full of life the tree was moving it was a tree of life it was full of light like electricity is just passing through current you know all this we describe also we won't know because we don't see electricity right how do I know how to do but live imagine like a like a pipe where water is running in that you can see so imagine that if you can't imagine that you know what to tell you go to the hardware buy a pipe and let water run maybe see please see that why I tell you why because the modern home in Singapore all the pipes are concealed you don't know whether what is running from where the olden pipes are different you know where it's all running you know it's very difficult to talk to Singapore in almost everything today I saw this tree of life where the life of God was generating my brothers and sisters the reason why Adam and Eve was kicked out from the Garden of Eden because less day they will be a life for eternity after partaking the wrong fruit that's how powerful the Tree of Life is it's almost like God has to stop that from happening because the moment you protect the Tree of Life you will not die and that tree of life is meant or was meant and now I will say it's meant to all of us who love Jesus I mean because look at the book of revelations chapter 22 he says to those who overcome I'll give them the right to partake of the Tree of Life that means that tree still kept for us I was brought to that tree and I saw it the other part of it I will tell you another day but today just this part of the story is the Lord said be fruitful that's point number four to you be fruitful in what God wants you to leave how he wants you to leave in whatever you are doing for Jesus be fruitful there lot of people told me tell me that God told me to come to this church ok after that the Lord tells me relief ok but in between this coming and living the question is were you fruitful the seat just came up and you think that's fruitful no if I can't taste it if it's very bitter that means not ripe enough to be fruitful you understand I'm saying because this sounds very holy God told me to come really what did he ask you are you forgetting the Book of Ezekiel if you say something God said when he did not say you'll be judged by God for using the name of God in vain Church are you listening if it's God said if it's God if it's you saying it's you if you are not sure then say you're not sure but don't not use the name of God in vain no wonder those who use the name of God in vain do not have an authentic experience with heaven they can't hear the audible voice of Jesus without hearing your so loosely saying you heard from God what have you really hear I think suddenly you will say I am God because that's what people do you know you'll find in the history of church a lot of men and women fallen away because of saying I am God the moment they hear just once they add on be fruitful in John chapter 15 verse 1 to 7 I am The True Vine and my father is the gardener and I speak this if a lot of burden to myself my family our church leaders different departments our eldership team our leadership team zone leaders music worship audio children our logistic team administration office we have nine people working in in our church now 92 of part-time permanent part-time the other seven are full-time staff out of that administrative team we have three people who are called by God for full-time standing officers in the ministry I declare to you what Jesus said be fruitful where God has planted you it is not the long service it is awarded it is the fruitfulness of your life that is awarded by God are you with me you cannot say I am 55 years in the ministry okay doing what what did you do to leave something behind do what Jesus wants you to do I mean if not he will be just doing generalized work I am The True Vine my father is the gardener I was here in this church one day and the Lord reminded me probably this fella is listening to me right now you better you better change we're listening the Lord told me to call this brother in one part of the world and the Lord told me pay his school fees Bible school fees because he's going through a hard time and I called him he cried on the phone and I picked his last year's school fees from then on every month I'll call him what are you doing no I'm driving for the church what are you doing I'm driving further faster what are you doing I'm paying his bills what I doing I'm driving and picking up I said if I known that I will chevre send you to a driving school I wouldn't have sent it to a Bible School do you understand what I'm saying I'm not saying you shouldn't be driving but if that's all you want them to do you should have sent them to an advanced driving school these are precious men and women whom we have invested years of education and Bible School training we plan them as seeds in the harvest field they'll become a tree that will feed other people in the vineyard amen but we think that is ministry that one anyone can do you know I can call anybody to be a driver but not anyone can be called by God because calling comes from heaven when are we going to consider the sacredness of the calling and the vocation we are carrying big fruitful now today I'm in a very good mood the Lord has allowed me to smile and talk so I'm smiling and talking to you but it was not the way when he appeared and talked to me again essentially for one and a half hours I say don't talk to me because I couldn't see I was afraid I will end up saying something wrong because the mood when the Lord Jesus spoke to me the emotions of his upsetness the urgency and the and the holy anger came into me but I think has given me his grace this morning verse two says he cuts off every branch in me that best no fruit while every branch that does not bear fruit he prunes so that evil what somebody said Jesus I love you it doesn't mean that he's going to throw that branch away you know he trims it he deals with the broken ages when that means when Jesus cuts ax the resurrection power comes into the branch in best more fruit day it is something we cannot understand he deals with us so that we will be fruitful once when I saw Jesus not why is this all this whole deal what is it why we have to go through so much you know what he said he said so that when you stand before my father you will be awarded you're my son you cannot lose remember I told you yesterday is the cheating game he prepares us he tells us how to please the father say these say these do that do this so when you come day you will come to the very house I built for you I'm the one who's building but the father is the one who qualifies you not being I can only do he told me to give my life for you I did it he told me to give the Holy Spirit I did it he told me to share my blood I have did it but the father is the one that qualifies you that part I can't override it it is his job you can do what you can do but it's how children will sit on the exam table isn't it the same way the Lord says be more fruitful first forces remain in me so I also remain in you no branch can bear fruit by itself it must remain in the mind neither can you fruit unless you remain in me and the word to pay attention is the word remain continuity not visiting not coming in and out not behaving like a stranger but remaining in the presence of God but God wants us to bear fruit verse 5 I am the vine and you are the branches if you remain in me and I in you you will bear much fruit apart from me you can do nothing let me let me listen I think I read it wrongly apart from me you can do something at least half a thing 10% at least one you really believe that are you living that way because apart from me you can do nothing the sooner you realize the more dependent you'll become apart from me you can do nothing recently or this year I mean last year two zero one it there are two things that I did for someone because I loved them and cared for them and on the 27 Jesus came and he said but then I I didn't ask you to do this right so let it go can you answer something else to Jesus no you can't he said no I didn't ask you to do this another pastor called me from Malaysia he said can we help this church that is going to close down they are going through hardships and I brought it before the presence of God the Lord asked me are you trying to revive the very church that I'm closing down you become the life to them I said no Lord I'm not why is God closing down the church all because not every church is started by God some churches are started by the flesh it was started in anima t it was started out of a challenge you can do I can do it was started out of rebellion you broke and go I will break and start it was started through the arm of flesh I can show I can do it too it was started out of the power I have enough money to start so why must I follow you you get what I'm saying hey I'm a father but when my father stands infront of me I'm the son I'm not a father in front of him do you understand that you can know as much as you can know but the moment you stand before true spiritual fathers or men and woman who called by God is different from one who's just serving but then today we want equal ranks well when God speaks I wish I could tell you a little bit more when the Lord allows me I will tell you when he speaks who does he speak to prayers intercessors warriors and prophets standing there critical things are spoken to prophets not to everybody one of the things that the Lord told me that is why I brought my special staff that has never left my house for the last 10 years the last time I brought it out and I spoke was more than 10 years ago tomorrow the next day you will know why I brought this Jesus came our church was here he took the stuff he pointed any toilet and I thought maybe this action must come in a prophetic egg you will know why the Lord uses his rod it is a staff if you need it to be a staff it becomes a rod if you just not paying attention are you with me the Lord said be fruitful remain in me and you will be fruitful every time I cut myself off you can and the Lord said don't interfere with that church because I'm closing it down you can't do anything don't put your hand it's not about money it's about the call of God number five I've got a few things today I probably only eight I'll go quick don't worry about time are you worried about time don't work your time we'll just open there's nothing to worry about time number five be ready the Lord said get ready 358 a.m. the word the Lord give and in Luke chapter 12 verse 35 this is the parable that says stay dressed for action keep your lamps burning look at that did you pay attention to this ESV Luke chapter 12 verse 35 it's about the the Lambs and now stay dressed for action keep your lamps burning and then the next verse says you must be verse 40 look at verse 40 you must also be ready for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect it is coming in a time I do not expect be ready my brothers and sisters it's not fair to say to our young children who are in school every day exams and homeworks and you're telling them be ready they already not enough time to be ready for school so it's not fair put on them such a statement but what about it you have much more in charge of your own life are you ready for Jesus are you showing that headship in your life that you are serving God are we serving God we want to be like everybody else this church is doing this that church is doing that and all of them are doing what God told them to do we too must do what God wants us to do I mean our ratings and our callings are different our styles are different but we all must become the same DNA of the Father showing different shades but it's the same God be ready in a vision I was brought and I saw very big net and that's why I want to declare to you what's gonna happen in JMK I saw a very big net and the Lord through the net the Lord said from now you mustn't put out hooks into the pond or into the ocean or into a lake you must throw a bigger net that means know what listen are you listening the church is going to grow tell your neighbor the just gonna grow the other neighbor what to do show the example what to do sure ready hey Paul where's the affection tell your wife don't show me what to do okay the next person say I don't know okay done that's all simple action I don't want to pretend to know what to do because if I pretend I can follow formulas and what others are doing we can do it in a vision when I was in Lancaster November Angelina Anjali was not that she went back while I was praying I saw like little volcanoes just popping out in the spirit like fire popping out and boom the fire walls I said a lot whoo what is this what can I improve I'm the church in the church here I said this a young man and woman whom my spirit world raised up in the last days you are to mentor them they will not come through the normal streams of church work that means there will not be this Bible study students they will be brought by the spirit bank they will just appear like a volcano train them these are the fire brains of God who I will raise up we are given the privilege to mentor them I mean you see you cannot bring people where you have not been I think I've been there I've started that way so God sent some portion some percentage of the people that God is raising up in this endtime those who will have a prophetic mental upon their life will be brought to us you can't play the game but you know they have not been here 5 10 years ago I was there first you know are you willing to pay the price since you are first right are you willing to resign in follow God since you are first one see when it comes to sacrifice you want to be the last one but when it comes the reward you want to be the first one isn't that the flesh that is speaking are you with me and say yes laughs everything else you saying yes one you are with me right we deal with this we deal with this a bigger net to catch Jesus told Peter he said whole night we have been casting out Jesus appeared in John 21 verse 6 cast the net on the right side of the board and you will find some fishes there and so they cast it out now they were not able to bring it in because the quantity of the fish increased now in John it is very it is the passage is written in a very polite way and at the same example the same passage in another passage says Lord you know whole night we throw it's not going to happen but because you say I'm gonna do it again tell your neighbor God is going to override he's going to override our common sense he is going to override your hard work he's going to override what you learn in the books God is gonna override miracles in your life in somebody say that's hard work my bringing in the souls giving birth to a baby is the easiest thing bringing a child up all the parents I can see tears coming I can see a broken soul by me the Lord in Courage chief the moment I say bringing a child up you see even our elder Barnabas is crying it's okay brother we want to get ready to catch bigger fish fishes in the name of Jesus I mean are you ready are you ready are you ready pastor what about church not enough you know what I'm gonna do give some features to other churches how's that somebody say Amen now because that's what the passage says the passage chase when they couldn't catch they call the other fishermen to come they call the other boats to come can you share because it's just too much for us to handle and we shouldn't be too greedy just to keep for ourselves we should know what we can and what we cannot there are 93 churches in Geylang and most of them have almost every Church has mentoring services and that is why I found no reason why we should start another one knock on the same door offer the same packet of rice do all the drama to get them to our church for for water 93 people are doing faithfully you know for all these years why don't we do something which others don't do and tell you what we don't have across this passage we don't have a tamil service so we started one let's do another things one of the things it is dying in Maya that we should do it is to fit the poor and care for the poor care for the needy there is something that is dying inside me that I'm not satisfied until we get it done and our brothers have already started the game going to the willing hearts cutting vegetables even though they didn't like it Ashley oh goodness Maine got a walk on it brother Daniel has been speaking to me about what he has been doing to his neighbors in Sangha I realized that God has been sending people who has got compassion for this because compassion is a gift it can be cultivated while you must care for this I mean and our youth ministry we have to integrate them to the service of God integrate them in the main services they've got much more compassion that we think we can just that we don't tap it out I mean bigger fishes to catch number seven two more to go that's it oh six sorry six is bigger net to catch feature sorry bigger net to catch fishes how can you make some time listen many people say pastor I can give you money but not time time is money goodness the things you learned from the world when you are sick going tell the doctor lot time is money so give me a quick peel yeah take this and die is that what do you want know when you're sick and you're dying and that's the time you'll ask God Lord give me time isn't it you know ask you for money anymore because you found that money cannot buy time kingi Zakia was there and God sent the prophet and said God has given you just 15 years extension imagine it 15 years is given to you everything you're going to do is going to be time too isn't it because it's not gonna do nonsense man 15 years you think is a long time no it's a short time for those who know what to do your days runs faster than you think 15 years time point number seven this very interesting word for this you have to look at Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 35 I had a awesome experience that I never thought I would ever have I always envied others who said it today it happened the said God who gives the Sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for night for light by night who stirs up the sea so that it's waves roar and the Lord of Hosts is his name verse 13 36 if this fixed order departs from before me what is the fixed order it is talking about the order of the galaxy he's talking about the order of the planets there is a fixed order for the moon and the stars to be varied supposed to be right when I was praying I was brought into the galaxy for the very first time I saw stars everywhere and I saw all of them are alive they are talking they are singing and this is not a parabolic experience that means what do you think they are saying no they are alive you know how they look like to me when I cook was brought close to one of these stars just like a starfish that is a life sorry Singapore India I'm thinking how to say I'm a scuba diver have seen starfish close enough so I don't know what else to out every stop is before you notice a star have you seen that you have great exactly as long as you didn't say it's a market I'm a I was brought close to that tire and the Lord said come sit and he allowed me to go and sit on one of the stars and he said now this table will bring you then I was brought where I was brought I will tell you the next few days it was an experience I don't know how to tell you stars by natural it's fire burning light you cannot go in touch you cannot go inside but I was allowed to go close then the Lord said all the stars when they are blinking they are singing of the praises of God what is going to happen in this end time God is commanding the fixed order of the planets and the movements and the stars to come into alignment to speak about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ listen carefully the fellows who are witchcraft the Sorcerer's the astrologers and astronomers even they will read the Stars and they will declare the Messiah is coming those who are even non-christians will declare when they reach the Stars the Messiah is coming and that's how the wise men of the East were able to know a star has been born how come they followed the star they astronomers they are not people of God they follow astronomy but the Astronomy let them to Jesus God is going to do miraculous things but when this order is going to be changed when they when the planets are reordered in a different way the natural calamities of life will take place the temperature you know what the Lord told me you think colder temperatures colder he says going to become more colder the hot temperature is going to become more hotter weather patterns will change it will be chaotic because the order of this task will move planet you see that's why God creates a warning if this fixed order departs declares the Lord then shall the offspring of Israel cease from being a nation before me forever so he will not change the fixed order you'll find in the book of Hebrews it is the Word of God that upholds the fixed order of the planets so nothing changes few days ago or rather few weeks ago US president Trump has ordered the first Space Command to be built in outer space they're going to build a station there for military purposes called Space Command you know we used to watch this programs called space 1999 in the 1970s were you there all the others don't want to admit I know by the look you were there probably didn't have a TV that's all it was also funny there was a command there there was out the space and ships and all that today US has declared the first space command that is going to be there so they will have an upper advantage on warfare what's going on around the world based on space they're going to tap into certain areas I was brought into a planet to show there are living matter living space the same as Earth there are other living planets which are not shown to the world yet but God has other heavens and earth the same but he chose this globe he chose this so that we will be born here there are other metals out there which is not shown to us what is God saying to us listen are you ready why number seven align yourself to the heavenly order of God in your life our church must align itself to what the father is telling us to do then everything will flow according to God's will now for some of you you think this is too chimp I tell you the easier way just follow us full stop yella if it's to chimp raela follow star I'm not saying below star by the way those who are watching on the video I am NOT saying follow the stars I am NOT saying going read astrology I am NOT saying pay attention to astronomy I am NOT saying follow the soothsayers I'm saying follow Jesus because the star is following Jesus okay because there's always some people who do selective listening know the battery when we hey first I say follow the star then they change the battery a he say follow the astronomer know who so now it seems you change your battery I'm telling you follow Jesus Amina well what did I say pastor why we are talking about stars even the stars and the creation are going to align itself in these end times I cannot still describe to you the joy that I had to see the galaxy the gisado used to share these so many times I was brought into the planet la the Lord said touch the moon la touch this love you get to touch everything because he was always very interested with space in astronomy he's always a he's a student he's a bright guy in the whole family no he's the smartest guy by the way you know you know you know family the highest scorer all the time I don't know I I was never envious about him because I was too young I don't know about my sister's probably they were oh yeah I think they were look at that look at the face sorry yeah stir up all pink all things have passed away the fixed order of the Moon in the Stars I couldn't believe Jesus say going home come and sit this table will show you then you realize every creation praises God you know I couldn't figure out one day one of my friend many years ago he told me you are a prophet you mean you can prophesy over people's life I say yes you mean you know everything the which I say yes can you pray for me so I told about to him guess what that fella did he wanted to see whose prophecy is powerful so he brought my name and the year I was born because his close friend enough to know the you know my date born year blah blah blah he went to a priest who will look at astronomy stars ha astrology sorry astrology and you know what I was very amazed I couldn't answer that question until today when I saw the scripture that priest looking at astrology now this is a disclaimer please don't go after that you know it's wrong I did not go that guy went I'm just telling you what happened okay can you go to astrology can you consult those who console a strategy they died you I used it I I remember so nice on youtube so please haha you know what that guy said him the the desk Rolla ji he said this guy that you are talking he met the Redeemer in his life he met the Savior he married how many children bla bla bla bla bla because the stars is showing today I realize why the stars are showing because the stars can only show what God is doing in your life you see that that is why people who know how to read they know how to tell you what God is doing in your life but you think is a wrong different God but God is the God today I declare to you in the name of Jesus God has ordered the stars over your life we can use it in a very subjective way that a new day has begun over your life follow Jesus not the Stars don't worry take Eckstrom fastest a look at the star whether the sky singing to me or not by the time you see the skies bathing in each a movie wrong star because instead looking at the star looking at your neighbour please do not do this disclaimer I did not tell them to do that this is the same teaching which a de baño came and spoke in our church in judges chapter 5 verse 20 when when this girl what was the name this young girl what was the name Deborah yeah this girl was fighting wasn't he a girl Deborah Deborah in the Bible that yeah she was a girl named why can't you all answer yes you're wondering so gala Deborah is a gala what life Deborah is a girl where's the bravas Deborah here now church where there's another one where's the other one accept it yes or no for the heavens for from heaven the Stars forth from their causes they fought against Sisera how's that possible there was a spiritual warfare that was going on well Deborah was fighting from Earth the Stars was also waging a warfare from the Spirit in the heavens and the stars from they are ordered position that means their causes they fought against the principalities and the powers look this is the scripture that reveals to us the order that happens in heaven why is God choosing to tell us today now if you are a young church I wouldn't have talked all about stars today because I prefer to avoid all this because people are always very shrewd in their mind or pastor Stephen say it's okay to consult stars no don't be rubbish man you sit there you open the wrong door of demonic spirits that spirits will come and confuse you I'm not saying all that I don't shake hands with astrologers okay I don't are you listening okay I'm talking about Jesus now just because I say that don't open your horoscope in the war today the sky is saying hello are you listening or not what does it the pitch means what it's what scope you know the beginning already telling you do not open it open the Bible the Bible is called the good news open this one that one is what just remember what they say your life will be like a scope not big horror what okay okay I just want to don't want to stumble the young people here today lie so I just got to break it out let's give me the last number eight and we will pray this is the normal service time amazed okay are you being blessed number eight the last one for today fire will test us deeper into zero one nine nine words fire will test us deeper I wish I don't have to say because each time we go through a test to say God thank you God I passed the test no more fire in my life no it just prepare you for the next fire when you pass this fire whoo-hoo god I had the worst nightmare of my life next one starts God is qualifying as you know why the judgment fire of the world is much more greater than what you have experienced this is a love fie of God the Redeemers fire the refiners fire is not the judgment fire this fire makes you shapes you molds you cooks you transforms you the world's fire destroys these trucks takes away but God's fire makes you brings the best out of you helps you do realize that you are something more than just a piece of flesh that's because fire do you know we always say I've noticed that in deliverance ministry when I used to pray for people when demons will scream and run you know we talk about demons being in hell that means Hellfire is more stronger right and so very famous way of praying in deliverance ministry I command the fire of God to burn you sometimes you think they already in fire they know what is fire why another fire come and burn them no in fact you know what happens all the time the fire of heaven is much more greater in its intensity and inspirati when it comes on a demon it screams and it delivers itself oh you know how many times I was encouraged this fireworks lively Tonica phonology never play unnecessarily take away the fire bomb and boom here we go the fire is going to test us more first Corinthians chapter 3 verse 12 to 16 if anyone builds the foundation with gold silver precious stones wood hay and straw look at that each one's work verse 13 will become manifest for the day will disclose it because it will be revealed by fire and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done if the work that has been built on the foundation survives he will receive a river if anyone's work is burn up he will suffer loss though he himself will be saved but only as what through the fire do you not know that you are God's temple God's Spirit dwells in you I want to leave you with this thought as a church we rather go through the fires of God today than to suffer the fires of hell tomorrow the world's judgment is much more stronger than what we are doing today a new day has begun God told the next few days I've reserved it but I'm going to first it since the first day walk in love and unity understand one another where we come from no your rankings where God has placed you don't cross outside the rankings that you have in the spirit the more you think you can then you realize your ranking is no way that's what I saw and that's why I brought the rod tomorrow the next day I'm going to share what the Lord is saying because there's going to be a certain discipline that came if we are to fight the Lord's warfare I mean can we all stand up together we're going to pray I'm not going to drag this time but however I am going to encourage you to consecrate your heart before the fires of the Holy Spirit you have faithfully heard the message for more than one hour I'm going to ask you to consecrate your heart in your mind I'm going to ask you to consecrate your heart in your mind before the presence of God you may not need to say a lot of things you wondering which one to say you just have to say God guide me and leave me i consecrate my heart my mind before you can the worship ministry assist us at that moment to honor the presence of God and just help us easier to go with this through all of us now while we are concentrating ourselves before God to follow him there are existing issues that still need to be dealt with bills that needs to be paid children that needs to be educated loved ones that needs to be cared for it costs us money you need to work overtime and you need to make your ends meet areas and business areas that needs to be cultivated things that you've still got to do undone children that needs to be married you know God knows all all of them consecration is not the absence of responsibilities concentration is the heart of the soul of who we are in the midst of all that God is given to us we are consecrated to do what God wants us to do I just want to pray right now that for every youth every child for every mother father for every son and daughter brothers and sisters just take a few moments to create this moment as a holy moment with God the very Jesus that we are worshiping he's a Living God he's in the midst of us he is standing in watching [Music] he is the one who created the planets the Stars the galaxies he's your God there is no one else beside him he will command blessings over your life doesn't matter whether you have a level or a level PSLE what challenge God is able to match his wisdom for you he has stuck in your work he is able to lift you up don't fear the world fear the Living God [Music] father in the name of Jesus today I pray a blanket blessing over Jesus my king change I pray for everybody who has considered the house of God is their refuge as they are rock I pray in the name of Jesus God the word that he have pronounced on this first day will become a health and healing to their flesh we pray for the English service we pray for the Tagalog service we pray for the tamil service may the anointing of God rush upon each one of them made the tensional presence of God recite and preside in this place God lead us into a song just take a few moments right now listen folks [Music] what we want to [Music] be trusted [Music] the words [Music] for you alone [Music] come on sisters will you sing unto Jesus right now [Music] come on dick my sisters [Music] come on brothers declare it's the Lord [Music] he aids us against the [Music] come on let's all together as a family [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we trust [Music] [Music] you alone are God eternal we declare throughout this year on the first day of the first month of this year truly you are eternal as Joshua declared me in my household we shall serve the Lord Father the men and women who are gathered in front of me here my household help us to serve you help us to build you a house may your presence will come in recite where your sanctuary can be seen your glory can be felt the fear of the Lord will become the very break of heaven where prayer will become the very few that energizes this force strengthen your people I pray let there be a clear path in front of them in the midst of all their challenges lift them above God the myths of all the obtain confident for those who are nursing physical Illman in challenges may now be the moment of healing in the name of Jesus we now meet a moment of recovery in the name of Jesus this year will be filled with miracles of God this year will be filled with the surprises of God this year will be filled with the breakthroughs of God anticipate the interventions of Jesus we pray God all those who have been struggling with their walk need this year be the year they will feel the holiest moments of their lives to our heart consecrate we welcome the new moves of the Holy Spirit annoying the leadership team annoying the ministry team did the spirit of wisdom and revelation for us to do what God has called us to do and knowing how families fund as this year we will focus on building the families with love and unity let there be a new day that will begin in our families the hearts of the fathers will turn to the assaults and let our hearts of the sons turn to their fathers we pray for all those who are watching internationally now I mean the anointing of God that is manifesting in your presence that is tangible here touch them let no one be felt alone let the presence of God be with them in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 3,370
Rating: 4.8481011 out of 5
Id: JxOF8I6fGvA
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Length: 117min 12sec (7032 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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