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thank you Jesus we do thank go for the light that you shed abroad in your heart if something has opened up in your spirit man give go towns if you know you are living here knowing what to do next and being committed to doing it give Him praise ask him to speak to you in this last segment take out a praise in Jesus precious name father in the name of Jesus thank you and thank you and thank you just one word from you can turn any situation around thank you for the many things we have heard and the many things we are saying now help us to be privileged to handle them in our respective lives and ministries let no minutes here so far death let everything time bounce back to life in Jesus name give the lot of behind of praise and please you're maybe comfortably seated this is a workshop indeed they have a witness in the house does go putting tools in our hands to walk with that's you knowing that Gordon tools now keep the vehicle of that Commission in motion we'll give God praise we give God praise I'm going to hinge on just one thing that I believe will help us to gain speed ever mentioned over on the game but I feel pressed by the Holy Spirit to reinforce eyes it we're in the last days the golden era of the church and the Troublesome era of the world the manor shall be domiciled in the house of God all the fun things of life shall be said in church a great time of trial for the world but a season of triumph for the church so we must become a song with what the glories are on what to take what it takes to be a partaker of it engaging the force of fasting and prayer for our desired nest levels Isaiah chapter 58 number 6 to 14 is this not the fast that I have chosen to lose the bands of wickedness to undo the bodies of stagnation to bring an end to your pressures of the enemy and that you break every yoke then it talks about the love dimension of it is you know to deal die bread to the hungry and that thou bring the poor that are cast out of their house when thou see a naked at outlet cover him and I Dow hide not thyself from their own flesh does the loss factor that gives value to our prey on fasting you know faith works by love prayer works by faith whatever you don't believe in prayer will never come true and what to believe in prayer will they deliver to the level of your love for God what to believe in prayer will only be delivered to the level of your love for God so everything works by love then shall the light break forth out of obscurity the elation report of the morning and I had shall spring forth speedily and the register shall go before the unclear eligibility reward now that means the author of prayer and fasting will always lead to eruption of Revelation because they planned for them power of Hell has been destroyed prayer and fasting we always call my knitting outbreak of Revelation to have a witness in the house he does have light breaking forth it was from the author of prayer I came to know what was resisting the church from growing and how to keep the church on the path of continuous growth I didn't read that in any book there was an outbreak of Revelation they brought the church out of stagnation and we are celebrating that sue today it was from the author of prayer and fasting that determine a time has 18 broke forth in my life and I screamed yay I can never before it from the auto pray I discovered that a hard core said to me thou shalt not borrow October 4 1981 so I had no privilege of trained it outbreak of Revelation and I had shall spring forth speedily so it's a covenant had therapy keeps you super thoroughly feet as we engage in it according to the Word of God now I went on and say was named - our dark Hall and elosha answer so it facilitates answers to prayers - a cry initial say Here I am every time to pray according the revelation of the truth on any subject of committed cause integrity to answer if you ask anything according to my wheel outbreak of Revelations your assets to the wheel of God on the subject matter and it's before you so it facilitates answers to prayers was 10 if the outro dies so to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted sue then shall I rise in obscurity and I tackle a shall be as the known day verse 11 and the logic guide the continually which was heard about the bank audience when God guides and we follow only goodness and mercy follows when God guides and we choose to follow only goodness and mercy allowed to follow us from today if we win o pursue after you anymore Ezra called the people of God and proclaimed a fast to seek the right to wait for them and go granted them what they require Ezra chapter 8 verse 21 to 23 the Lord shall guide continually which way Jesus what steps are made to take I will handle of her what are you saying for me to do and he do that on the order of prayer and fasting and we are sure of responses and was 12 as a 58 and was 12 and that I shall be of disability would with places thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations and thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach the restorer of paths to do it so it's not about answers to principle change of levels the author up real fast and provides a platform for assessing our nest levels well we hear that Esau suit is about right we feel for him well you can't tell how much of us are selling our but right without knowing the things worth of walked into five years ago we are not there yet because in the morning in the afternoon and the night in the midnight as the crows every day we are selling off our glorious destiny without knowing and then in verse 14 he said then shut out the light and safe in the Lord and now we cost thee to ride upon the high places of the earth I'm Freda with the heritage of Jacob their father for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it so it changes our levels brings us to the high places of the earth swimming in our heritage and attention and that's easy because I commend you to God for sin and the water was visible to beauty and give you an Editors among them which are sanctified so prayer and fasting is ordained a covenant platform for assessing our nest levels in life and that includes in our ministries it's important to know that prayer and fasting is a commandment not an admission is this not the first thing that I have ordained prescribed command is this not the Papa soldier prescribed fasting and prayers so it's not about if you fast is a way you fast so I say well Matta is not an eve matter where you fast Matthew 6 verse 17 and 18 or thou when thou fastest not if thou fastest anoint the head and wash thy face that thou appear not unto men to fast but unto the father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly so it's not our principle is a commandment somebody asked me yes ago in America say why don't we see the miracles that you see in Africa and you don't do what we do if we do do what we do do we see what we see one of my sons are Hardy son missing you couldn't find him and came and reported to me that this boy went out in the money and he couldn't find they couldn't locate him it caught me at nail o'clock in the evening and I said your sound it tones today no tomorrow today whatever we got you find his way home not knowing how we go there if you do what we do we were say miracles from you before we release it here but what we decide to do what your forefathers who are doing according to the Word of God it shifted because you stopped fasting and prayer is a platform for change of levels that scripture clearly defines it in your life of my life as individuals and in the work of the ministry in our hand remember every commandment of scriptures is ordained for were profiting every if I can to make were subjected what I do I will set on high above all nations of the earth let fast hold of instruction letter not go Kippur for she is that life prove us 14 I mean for on verse 13 the work which was of you two demos didn't profit them not being mixed with faith and then they had it Hebrews 4 and verse 2 all scriptures is demonstration of God and is profitable every spiritual commandment is ordained for a profit prayer and fasting inclusive when our prayers when our fastest is ordering to be part and part of our lifestyle in our Christian adventure our much more than as ministers we must organize aware in the first 10 days in the body of Christ what did they say mark chapter 2 and verse 19 and 20 and Jesus said unto them can the children of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with them as long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast but the days come that this we come when the program shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days the bedroom was taken away saying so we have entered the days of fasting then shall they fast in those days we must be sent to the times and seasons of life we are in the days of fasting and the body of Christ whatever we move today we demand prayer and fasting to move what about which a level will demand prayer and fasting to implement look chapter 5 or look 6 33 to 35 look five please 33 to 35 and he said they said on him why do the disciples of John fast often and make prayers and likewise the disciples of the Pharisees but dye eat and drink and he said unto them can he make the children of the bay group chamber fast while the bridegroom is with them but the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shy dear fast in those days who mo scaredy's alone it's a spiritual force that empowers us for change of levels a great door and effectual be open unto us but there are many anniversaries all these revelations just open the doors but to assess the door there is a contention there are many adversaries some of which you never move without prayer and fasting work will not test that the word say this woman our Gaza won't believe but even with your faith this one we know go without prayer and fasting Matthew 17 numbers 20 and 21 this time and I believe those kinds are mostly the gates of hell resisting the advancement of the church this kind this kind quite not out but by prayer and by fasting no gate of air shall succeed to resist your advancement and ministry again [Music] because you now know what to do we're in the last days we're in the days of prayer and fasting in the body of Christ we're in the last day two days of great happiness in the body of Christ where my people shall never be ashamed we are then it will be poured out without measure upon God's people and you know as much as I do that the anointing is enhanced by prayer and fasting the anointing is my soul tested for thee are my flesh longer for thee in a giant Asselin well know what I eat to see the power and the glory the anointing every minister knows that the anointing is enhanced by prayer and fasting well we are praying the right kind of prayers no bread and butter prayer when the plane came down focused Kingdom and lodging Kingdom advancing prayers the anointing increases we're in the last days that this of spiritual growth it shall come to pass end and last days that the Montoneros alone shall be established upon the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the east and all people shall fluid to it all people mica for was one unto Isaiah to pass two and three all people or people shall flow into it and silicon nation we are also in the last days the days of prayer and fasting Thomas Brown fasting is a requirement for assessing the RAM of supernatural thought growth that God has ordained for the last days apart from divers interjections of the hula goose George has been on one day weekly prayer every week of the year congregational prayer and fasting and three days every month we call the spiritual week of emphasis I've told them that les top birdies for three months you see the case of a come and Billie's Todd the wood is taller gates if you don't keep God against the assasinate that as becoming way of life is not something we are planning to do something that is plant itself inside you and that for life the new cut we know walk every Reviver rise when he showed us of Maine they built a new car to carry the Ark of God gory Arctic and knock down who'sa chapter 13 of force Chronicles on verse 8 today we did not after the due order and first chronicles chapter 15 that no one ought to be at the Ark of God the priests and deliberate so you caught them and sanctified them and the ark was successfully born and carried to his place of arrest there is no new technology to the next level is the same old truth that will get you there studying the ways and see and ask for the wood part we had a good we were in your father's store and walking today we were not walking it when the IT generation we have software for everything a credential group there is no software for church growth there is no software for life growth there is no software for advancement in life it makes specific demands on your life and my life may no one here said is betrayal to a muscle of meat may no one here but his fingers tomorrow that I ate of my destiny in the name of Jesus this is very important and the last days he shall be said this man was born there and that man was born there the old items have Alexis tablished her all my font is ind who City of God some 87 was one to seven it's a picture of the rise of giants in the last days from the body of Christ remember as the church grows God changes the status of his people I will multiply the Anishinabe few and I will also glorify demolition-derby mediocres Giants will start rising in every charge as we keep engaging with the demands of church growth Jorge spread touch expansion charge enlargement in the name of Jesus Christ let me have you loud SME let me have your loudest Amen the gates of Hell shall no longer be able to stand away of that church the way of that ministry is declared open for life in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ we're in the last days that days of the rise of giants and saviors shall come upon man's eye on which I judge the month of Esau and the kingdom shall be the Lord so as the top begins to grow Chan's began to rise every single church under the sound of my voice you not just only have crowds go be raising Giants out of the crowd [Applause] God will be raising Giants out of the crowd in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ remember leader be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever yeah I was busy doing god stains and got busy raising them up changing their levels changing their status thou shalt be aware experienced we must not allow our belly to run to ruin our destiny likely so we must refuse to let our belly ruin our destiny as Esau oh sorry like Jacob it's so far it went one year setback you want so far that in your life 21 all years out of one's life because of uncontrollable appetite no one would be a victim no one would be a victim no one would be a victim I came back from one fasting episode before the Lord and I was out to a meeting I mean the power of God was so fresh so heavy I couldn't tell how I'll move from the front to the back I was literally floating 1977 literally afloat I came out on one pre-owned first in time and the law said go to doctor to approach India today and as excuse me Reggie passed oh the Lausanne man preaching here today he said the law to mean somebody's coming here to do fire fire came down from heaven is available it is the post that scares people is the cost that scares people is their cost the scares people who were taught a little way where they are costly this woman in petticoat with his baby on her hand to cut with don't you know ritual killers and ability the baby from her out of the compassion of your mother she took a bargain true of those Devils and a flyer of shaloo chemo and they began to speak in tongues right there they Oh when done is to Paul they were all done in stupid she to dinner she saw by a handy one who's was leading and caught the roof for seventeen orders and the only escape this way you hear the voice of imam from me people we do focus here that we are in the days of the wrong manifestations of the sons of God I pray you with no message to your belly I pray your belly will not rob you of this in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus cry the time is now lift up your right hand everybody receive grace to pay the price receive grace to pay the price receive grace to pay the price received rest OPD pride receive grace to pay deprived receive Christ obey the pride in the name of Jesus cried proved by yourself pray in the spirit I receive grace right now I receive grace right now to pay the price tirelessly so continuously so to keep the gates of hell of my mandate of my mission [Applause] everybody pray take authority over those ghetto hair jános town thank you Jesus and Jesus precious name we have prayed in the name of Jesus of Prayer no devil we ever require more than faith prayer and fasting to clear the way Jesus said this kind and that's really kinda refer to goeth not out but by your faith employees prayer and fasting forces backing it all the other three fourth quarter cannot be broken no gate of hell can't disregard your authority of faith pray on fasting and clearing the way therefore the siege of stagnation is over in your ministry thus siege of stagnation is over in that George get seated please I said to some of the ministers who are out in the lobby behind here I said okay I think I said it here don't be patient with failure or you never taste success there can be no motion without the reaction you are God give you each other starting with four that's okay I had one mehandi I said testimony they were for when they started here 1000 plus now one of my son's here from protocol I mean from kanava they started at 7 another 1000 close dust testimony that's what God wants to give to you that's the kind we have you know every schoolhouses times spine you are doing your fourth degree you intend to university at 100 level maybe when Social Sciences after four years expected to come out if you are CD after eight years without be a burden to your father it would be important and concern to your parent now go run that mountain long you know you are pretty relevant message will not be mysterious and too preachy and I her as a chapter 40 verse 6 as their 40 on verse 6 the voice said cry and in sorrow shall I cry all flesh is grass and all the goodness colonists the arrow is as a flower of the field go I'm pretty what do I preach for anybody - no hardest define message get back to God what are you sending me to preach Jonah went to Nineveh and preach to eat the preaching that God paid him and in three days a whole city was turned back to God heard the voice a friend I say what shall I cry say cry saying whatever I tell you to preach is what do you call it oh please find out and steal with it the only part of what has commanded you to go and preach find out oh I'm so - Pete you who buy what that's not true he sent me to preach the word of faith and it told me what widows dimensions who make it work and how faith manifest to show that is working I've preached one message for four years on the field we are in a battle against a path of darkness and everybody has eyes can see people walk and walk and nothing is walking they try and try and not only showing these are all manifestations of the path of darkness resisting your life from having many but Jesus is the light of the world when you open it off your heart to him he comes in to treat child of light when you become a child of light can the devil block the road against you kinda devil imprison you can ahead rhodium captivity you cannot escape from the torture the path of darkness on till you become a child of light you know how to go to school to understand that you have never seen darkness pursuing after light to arrest it to stop the Wiggins to block access to his future just become a child of light and darkness will leave me alone how many want to be saved you cannot escape if you neglect this great salvation you die in frustration you'll be a victim or through life that's why c'mon God sent me to come and bail you out from the region of darkness into light so you can experience fulfillment in life maximum 1215 minutes oughta call five minutes write your name two minutes ago it's clearly gave me that message and that message growing in strength every day I don't quote any scripture if I say join me think is one living by his house and it was not a good job then that's why my message if John is a concern remember because yes never seen a Bible in his life John says hey hey so he told him under simply now I have bought to really charge boo touch light and the body's gone flat would you call me to come and charge it for you please say no you have to be in charge to keep your battery of salvation charged so you're left with no return to darkness and if for my troopers come back to me you understand it finally recharge wherever you find yourself in the world and don't just go visit go plug hours is only one of those vibrant choices around the world today because I'm out for Jesus I yet they call the gospel the gospel of Jesus if you print a buffalo judgment nobody will believe christ who are doing that before we are very happy that they cry and then we left ma we are sent to preach the gospel of peace not of crisis we are ever house we intend to first say peace be on to this house so the first term we release is blessing peace be to this house two of our members who are out in Abuja and the aunt activist no no we don't understand Oh bless you God bless you God bless okay please calm them clean clear dignified audience that's the gospel of Jesus not I bind you we do good here to buy no good here to lose them how beautiful are the fees feet of them them bared the good tidings the publishes peace Isaiah 52 verse 7 the say unto Zion thou shalt be butyl they are just full of the blessings of God in their heart as they go out how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings a polished piece the bringer good tidings of GU the publisher salvation the said autos I Oh dad I go full of romance 1529 is a I'm coming to you with the fullness of the blessing of the gospel the fullness of the blessings of the gospel asked chapter 3 verse 26 where I got a light from is a God send Christ unto you forth God have enriched up his son Jesus sent him to bless you and to sustain the blessing to let to know the most all from your Saint abroad the troubles and the four systems he sent him to bless us and to sustain the blessing by turning away from my iniquities blase blase blase blase blase that's the gospel that will bring the world to their names that's the good news that will change people's position in life so we are going on with the gospel of peace when out with the gospel of blessing when I with the gospel of healing we met someone in one of our treaties recently and then that is June 7th this year he was sick of diabetes high blood pressure and was being one ECG to check the state of our heart when he saw a letter from the boss gave her life to Christ on the ground proclaim a blessing on them when to those betwee was going to a lien how hospital free high blood pressure free from diabetes heart situation in shield the blessing the blessing got tattooed a light from the pours the blood change a story and here was what she said myself and all members of the family permanent members of this church today that's it gospel does the gospel you don't give good news with Frannie faces excuse me Jesus knows you see I don't want you seem to have no problem man I do give good news with long faces the death will not be smiley don't want you won't get anything a pre-harvest of defeat parishes where joy with us from your heart don't get dessert Drake chapter 1 verse 12 but you are giving the good news smile he said what what we got three people from one family or from one environment and the old church the landlord of this man who had challenged each tenant of his house watch and they said go to title 20 comet I see everybody smiling about the boss a miracle we solve your problem so he came and in three months everything's wrong so what is a constant I had a problem say look I told you a friend yo that time to go to that place and go help him because you might not not only pay the house rent it was a body con were celebrating birthday everything tom within three months so he said what I want to call Joe that one took him and everything wrong not the owe the landlord is an Elijah you know an advanced Muslim so he came and gave His life to Christ it's an a diner chartered by the joy of the Lord the attempt to piss off people so don't flock people in charge give them hope give them hope don't look down on anybody in charge tell them they have equal value in the sight of God all of us are children of the Most High God give him hope of tomorrow and it will come out of the tour smiling somebody else will be attracted to come does their part of joy if we are not joyful who cannot be effective on the harvest feel the joy must be radiant it may be something they can touch something can handle a lot more your testimony is your strongest message say what we my testimony is my strongest message my testimony is my strongest message lavishly share your testimony of God's goodness in your life and what has happened to you since you met him Shiite lavishly shy joyfully if you don't have a testimony don't world because if any Mar being crazy a new creature all things are possible so the most pass away from your life there used to be part of your life before he's no longer there can I get your email you have seen specific answers to prayers in your life no share your testimonies lavishly and joyfully there is not a confident about testimonies so along with the message of triumphant living the message of the gospel of testimonies of other people have encountered God the gospel of Dominion the gospel of signs and wonders that is God's dragnet for the harvest into the house of God whatever you want the child to do take the lead in doing it I so commit yourself to it they connect with you and in no time they were dissolved they're running remember every praying choice is a growing Church and every growing thought must remain a plane charge to keep growing so it's a lifelong task also know that no church grows without a people on the go they go witnessing Jesus they go of any compelling invitations to church they go advertising the program of the church for the Commission somebody has to test somebody common see we do our part then it does his supernatural part like my son was saying one day I asked how many people got to discharge without anybody inviting him a clown that means we don't you I mean I would seed to what I want to do but that does not stop her from being what we should do because you have your personal rewards and you have your future tied to it either lipid receive a Twiggy's and gathers fruit on the life Ratana and the multitude of people is the Kings no way part of bringing more to the church Johanna Jesus and either who knows me I will Hana prove us 1428 and for some a chapter 2 verse 30 so you have your part in it and your partner and his rewards for you and everyone shall be rewarded according to his own labor so it's our opportunity as we do our part he keeps doing his part and together is agendize deliver can I hear you're human can I hear your email there is nothing good about this you are made to do that is for you see they are all for our sake they are of our sake the univer means your great rewards in this awesome harvest season here these some churches will experience some eruptions that will cause them to shed tears of joy the pastor's will sit down and be shedding tears of joy the workers will sit down and be shedding tears of joy or to the glory of God stand to your feet everybody amen thank you Jesus give the Lord a big hand or prayed [Applause] amen somebody came from aqua balm on his way to one inside forest looking for an herbalist unfortunately before dropping unfortunately we could drop him at the gate of Canaan land and the density to eradicate he entered the gate as he entered the gate the phone died it's telephone fully charged so the obelisk you knowledge him he couldn't lead the abolished it was a Wednesday if one good is way to charge gave His life to Christ you could abolish the obelisk could enriching what was going to look for the apalis fall right on this ground is brand new joke Chirac gave His life to Christ is a join himself now in the Lord that's the supernatural dimension of church growth that's when God steps in and those are the things we'll secure as we turn the place of prayers and I said I believe Jesus the master builder of the church is in this place I believe the Holy Ghost the lord of the harvest is on this ground I believe God the multiplier God is in this place and it begins to manifest himself in whatever ways it chooses to well the good news is no church here we suffer the siege of stagnation again [Applause] where you are now will be the least do we ever know in your life you an evangelist the Last Crusade you her will be the last one you ever heard in terms of size your size we multiply most cities will some began together to receive the gospel from your mouth that applies to men and women there is no difference between the Jews and agreed between the male and the female the similar rubra all the similar over there are apostles who are women in the New Testament there were prophetesses in the New Testament there were women among the 120 in the open or something the Holy Ghost on the earth so there is no gender disadvantage you are cold you are called steel your calling record record stinger : so women are cold your husbands are no call yes goddess no have to examine with who calls me by a wheeze can I hear you man I get they had enough wisdom to get a husband alone with peace at home joy at home with all the support needed I pray that your poor name will not be lost it will not be lost to wandering spirits those going here and there not know where you are going may you stay focused to the end of time in the name of Jesus may you stay focused in the end of time till the end of time in the name of Jesus may you stay focused till the end of time in the name of Jesus lift up those two hands everybody celebrate goal for the new death as dawn upon that chore today give him glory give him praise [Applause]
Views: 87,238
Rating: 4.7180405 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop David Oyedepo, FINANCIAL FORTUNE BANQUET, bishop david oyedepo live service today, bishop david oyedepo 2019, living faith church worldwide, bishop david oyedepo 2017 messages, winners chapel, prayer and fasting by bishop david oyedepo, International Minister, international ministers conference oyedepo 2019, international ministers conference 2019, international ministers conference 2019 day 2
Id: 8qjAqcxmQ0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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