How to Avoid Biker Beat Downs - THE LONG CUT

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it is windy here today like i think my f-250 is going to blow out of the driveway so i wanted to start this video with a question and that is what do you do if you're at a biker bar with your wife or girlfriend and a one percenter sends her a drink the answer will be at the end of this video you got to stick around if you want to find out so for a long time a lot of viewers out there either in comments or live streams have been saying would you do a video about motorcycle clubs um and i finally was like you know what that that'd be fun it's one of my favorite topics and i thought i'd go ahead and do a video on it for like beginners this is not for the advanced who know all this stuff obviously i would love for you to watch and let me know what it's like in your local area because things vary you know by region but today we're going to talk about clubs in general and where did this really why today is that i was just chatting with uh boating 52 this morning and he had a run in with a local club and filmed it real time which was really cool so we were talking about his video and i thought i'll do one today and link to his because i think his drops tomorrow and i think that'd be cool so we're talking about clubs a little bit i started to make notes because this is one thing you do not want to misrepresent you don't want to say this wrong or i'm going to really offend somebody out there and i don't want to do that um so i started writing notes and ended up being three pages so you're gonna have to bear with me that i you know i'm looking at paper because i don't want to miss nothing right um so some of you first off who have the wonderful attitude that so many youtube commenters do are going to say well what the hell does this guy know why would i listen to him i don't like this angle i am much prettier like that no still ugly anyway um they'll this guy know he's a rabbit it's gonna happen and that's fine and uh i guess if you demand my resume before you listen to me um i first joined the organization that i'm a part of about 18 years ago and i've served in two major cities responsible for motorcycle club relationships for that organization and then also in board positions up to an executive position elected positions and whatnot up to a state level so okay there i've been around this a long time and if that's enough maybe you'll listen if not whatever go ask your mom for another hot pocket or something anyway some people might say then you know but why aren't you such a hard ass then if that's the case why don't you walk around with an attitude and i think that's a misconception that people think that members of clubs which i'm not a member of a club a member of an organization we're gonna get out in a minute um that they have to walk around with an attitude like a hard ass they have to be you know a little bit ignorant they have to treat everyone like you know dirt that's that any other and that is so not true um in my experience the dudes that do that actually aren't in clubs and if they are they're rarely in leadership because that's kind of trying to earn some sort of reputation or whatnot and that's not what we're about most of the time i can only represent my organization all the organizations that i've known and been around closely but it's not necessary to play a hard ass matter of fact um my experience the dude you're even most worried about is the quietest one so i have a a good friend down here who has three black belts many decades of experience and it's probably the most capable guy i know in a physical altercation and i happen to have friends who are in mc's who are not scared of this guy i don't want to say that but they're like that's a bad mfr right there and he is the guy they're talking about um the smiliness nicest guy you know right he's not trying to impress anybody because he doesn't have to and i think that's a different if you're trying to impress somebody something's off right um so that's why there's no reason to be like that right um i think first off the easiest way to sort of you're gonna classify this stuff for organizations is why would someone join and that will tell you a lie that'll like start this whole conversation uh you aren't you join an organization because it's for a cause you know uh you join an organization because you love the brand that you ride you know uh you join an organization because you're looking for family you're looking for that sort of connection that sometimes you'll get part of a motorcycle club uh and today we're gonna talk about those sort of categories so riding clubs and groups owners clubs and groups motorcycle organizations which is a category that's typically left out a lot of these chats and then what i call the king is the mc both one percenters and other you'll see these lists in a lot of different ways and a lot of different representations whether it be someone from outside the states talking about it um you'll see a lot of generalizations that i think are a mistake where they're kind of lumping things together that i don't feel that's right but anyway and i'm going to tell you some of the dirty details and and my opinions on some of these things um it's a qualified opinion but i'm not going to mention the single name of a single club in this whole video because that would be disrespectful and i ain't gonna do it so um first is writing clubs writing clubs are fine and dandy these are groups of friends that ride together and they just feel like they want to formalize it a little bit be very careful with this um maybe they get a t-shirt that says arizona desert riders i don't know i just literally made that up you know like and they and they just have like a name and they might have a t-shirt or they what not and if it's if in the place they live it's appropriate and okay they what is that okay i don't know it's noise anyway um they might even have a single piece back patch not something i would do but maybe where you live that might be a little more okay and they might have a single piece back patch that they wear on a vest and get away with it uh you don't want to just do that if there is a club in the air you want to make sure that it's okay first but you might see that that's a writing club just groups that like to ride together that have a sort of name and they probably don't have by the way this cigar is not lit hang on so i realized i i'm cutting in here real quick with a story i forgot to mention meant to share earlier um a cautionary tale about the writing group dudes again writing groups are fine if you have a group of friends and you all want to get t-shirts that's fine but just be careful how that progresses and that's where the story is so there's a group of dudes who ride a certain style of motorcycle in this area and it started with them giving themselves a tough guy name which is your first mistake uh and getting t-shirts made and then the t-shirts started progressing to where the name was sort of represented in a certain manner a little rocker-ish on the back of the shirt and then they started playing tough guy and walking in and standing at bars together and you know this kind of stuff and then they got mouthy with a couple people and you know it's just the the ego just got big and also this is not a group of people who put on a whole lot of miles um and it just progressed and progressed and progressed and they were known for having a party every year at a certain event and uh word got around the people just get kind of tired of these group of dudes flexing muscles they didn't have and the ego getting really big and getting out of line more than once and so the local dominant um sent i think it was just four or five dudes it wasn't many uh to this party that they had and they just showed up and they went and they sat down this is secondhand as i heard it but it's a pretty reliable source and sat down in the room and then slowly but never said anything and slowly people started going like why aren't they here you know like and then like you're just seeing the real deal is sitting right there and you're like people are like yeah so it's you know i'm gonna leave and they just and they slowly started leaving the party and those dudes hung around and then uh everyone left and those guys had a very very serious conversation about these dudes need to understand their place and their role and do not play club and do not you know like don't don't cross that line into chess pounding and trying to intimidate people that you know like that's that's going to go real bad and no no one got hurt anything like that and these dudes have reeled it in at least in my experience and what i've seen a lot since then but just be very careful if you've got a guy who starts riding with your group and you know this guy's got an ego problem maybe deal with that we all know that guy right he's got a bit of an ego problem he wants to play mc he wants to play club member then tell him to go join a club because if he takes your group and starts calling himself the sergeant-at-arms and of this into that publicly and he starts getting mouthy and talking smack um the real deal is going to come down on you eventually and it's going to go bad so just just be aware of that and don't play that game that's the story i just wanted to uh inject there and uh now back to our regularly scheduled program i talked too damn much and went out um i can't read the label but i would never drink sambuca this was given me by a viewer but damn you know soaked in soaked in a cigar very very good i like that anyway um these are like the entry point to that sort of world so people you like that you like to ride with that's it you go you have a good time you go on organized rides maybe you have a favorite destination a bar you hang out at you don't set any other fine and dandy all that stuff the next i'll call owners clubs or groups and we all know what those are so indian has the indian motorcycle riders group and the one that everyone knows is hog harley owners group been around forever my dad was a member of hogg in the 80s and hog's an interesting group it's sort of evolved over the years yes it's it's owned by the factory and it's it's you know it varies by little location but i live down here in south florida and the fort lauderdale chapter they ride like they put the friggin miles on so you know fort lauderdale hog chap remembers i think they something like a million something miles a year it's it's impressive they're number one in the country so you know some of these chapters really ride and then some of them just like to go to breakfast and whatever you know you see your chapter you do what you want with it the one thing that i would say that uh i have seen and actually saw recently is i was at a meeting for one of these writing groups representing the organization shall not be named so i'm not a part of the group i was just there talking about a ride we were doing and one of their officers said our club i wouldn't do that that's just in my experience it's not a good idea to throw the word club around and this dude in front of a room full of members of this certain factory aligned motorcycle organization i don't know if it was their someone you know officer off their board said like you know thanks for all that such-and-such does for the club and they were talking about this writing factory group and i wouldn't do that i would not throw around the world club if you're a part of one of those writing groups that might be something to take away from this just i wouldn't say that you're not a club uh you might be a factory club but i just would not use the word club someone's gonna hear that and take offense to it um just trying to help you get all been on shape if you want to uh and the other thing is you still do have sort of ego issues in these groups sometimes um the road captains can be a little bullyish sometimes and these are in these organizations because it's not a club but they want to play mc that kind of stuff and it can be like that not at all like that and i don't think it's a problem down here but i've heard that stuff in other parts of the country that they'll join the local factory-affiliated uh group and then somebody's a jerk and they end up so they have drama too there's no discipline right that's sort of one of the issues maybe but um you know uh [Music] hang on hey waste pro why don't you put mufflers on the trucks get an idea you know you're new to the channel it's a loud subdivision every video it's like i live in manhattan or something you know um and then um the next would be motorcycle organizations which i think this is a category that's skipped a lot um these are organizations that are created around a cause so maybe you're i thought of an example anti-human trafficking or something like that there's groups for that out there uh they're typically local there's not a lot of large nationwide or international organizations like the one that i'm part of but they do a lot of good work out there uh i know that like uh bikers for babies i did mean i'm going to mention that one organization many years ago they used to raise money for uh the march of dimes and they they were pretty formalized and had regular rides and they raised a lot of money for the march dimes that's cool so you know there's those sorts of organizations out there but they vary and they're sort of level of management discipline formality that kind of stuff they really really vary um and sometimes you gotta wonder what do they actually do if you're someone that wants to really get in and make a difference you all know i'm really partial to a certain one because you actually get to make a difference it is very personally connected you're actually going to do something so in that organization we'll have a lot of other organizations that want to draw upon um our notoriety and awareness and they'll say hey we want to do this ride together we want to do this one do that they just want to borrow upon what not and one of the things that we always ask is so what do you actually do and the responses sometimes is if what you do is raise money and raise awareness for a cause that's fine just don't overstate the case you raise money and you raise awareness um going down the path of saying we i don't know i don't want to offend anybody out there because you know how people are but we save these people in this situation okay so you do that like you personally go and do that and then the answer is well no we raise money and awareness okay well then say you raise money nowhere don't put on your superman cape yet if you're not doing the work so uh that's that's all i'm saying that i'm gonna get off the topics i don't want anyone to get all pissed off but um also know that again they have a varying level of intensity these groups um mine being i think the king of intensity and discipline structure or whatnot uh and they do not have territories territory's a dangerous word uh you might have areas of responsibility um but you do not have territories there's only to be typically one club in an area that considers that territory and that's their world i'm not going to go into that because that's their existence you know their chapter area this is their territory they're the dominant club in the in the in the area and so you don't just walk in and say i started a new club no no you're going to get jazz whipped you know be aware of that stuff and that's when we get into this next category and that is the king of them all the mc right so it's a touchy subject so i'm going to tread these waters very carefully because i have tremendous respect for very very close friends that in person i call brother even though i'm not a part of their organization they're not a part of mine who are members of mc's that are wonderful dudes that i trust with my life and i'm very very close with them so i would never want to offend them so i'm trying to keep that in my mind when i talk about it i do not represent these organizations i'm just sharing with you what i have learned so that you don't make any mistakes you know out there um the absolute cream of the crop top of that is the one percenter um they're the king of the clubs they are incredibly intense intensely disciplined their members are um there their back patches that they call their rags is something that takes a very very long time to earn uh sometimes years you know to earn that back patch so when you see someone who's rocking the full the full rags know that they've done what they need to do to earn that they have the old style process you're a hang-around which just means you might be friendly with them and then you might be asked to prospect and then a prospect is when you start washing bikes and filling bikes in the middle of the night and fetching beers for a while um and doing lots of different stuff to earn their respect before you might earn your actual back patch um the difference here is definitely with a one percenter in my experience everyone ever known the club comes first no this thing keeps going out so the club comes first without question and i mean there's a story that i can share where one dude was pulled out of bed on christmas eve a dude with a wife and children was pulled out of bed on christmas eve without knowing why or where put on his bike and he rode hundreds of miles in the middle of the night on christmas eve not knowing why and as the story goes the dice dude said he was he was actually scared that he'd done something wrong to a bar where he was presented with his rags so they were testing him all the way to the very very end he was tested whether the club comes first their model is club work family the club comes first then your job and sometimes they say family and then work but the club and your club members come absolutely first in life um some people said like if you if you like this life so much and you're so interested and you have so many friends there why wouldn't you be a member of a club well it's because i'm dedicated to the cause that i've worked for now for close to 20 years number one number two clubs never come first just being real i'm a husband and a father those things are always going to come first that's just who i am no disrespect to those that aren't of course we're all different people but for me i know that i would never dedicate i could never dedicate to that level you know my wife and daughter are always going to come first and that's why in my organization we always say work family organization shall it be named um it's not work family vacation time off travels and dinners out then the organization it is work required things family required things and then the rest of it you will put us first so they again go the other way you know the organization first um then there's a thing that you may or may not be aware of and they're pretty prominent down here that is support clubs these are clubs that are you know they're one percent clubs um they're they're intense and they are affiliated with that dominant club the big name that we all know we've heard on the news uh depending on what state you live in the name will be different and they will typically run a support patch so you'll actually see on their cut you know a patch up here that'll show the logo of the the one percent dominant club that they that they're affiliated with and they'll say affiliate such insider support club or you know whatever so they sort of have the logo of the the bigger organization on their cut these dudes they're to be respected because they're respected by that one percent club so don't take them lightly they are the real deal um often great guys they all are you know but uh in my experience everyone i work with down here and have known even in missouri are all great dudes but you know just be aware that they are the real deal they're not someone to be you know taken lightly uh and then i put under the category of all other mcs and i mean no of course no disrespect to those others but some of them call themselves 99 percenters i wouldn't do that because why they are the one percenters and you're not so just you're a an mc which is different than an mo or a riding club you're a real deal you're a motorcycle club just may not be a one percent club um they still have strict rules they have many many years of existence they have very strong uh uh history and traditions and things like that that they put forth and how they operate the club um they're often great dudes to be friendly with it's nice to meet a couple of them uh and get to know a couple of them over the years but you know they are very very tight with each other never put yourself in the category of their brothers you know i mean like that's that's you might be friendly with them but still you're not a part of the organization um i've seen some great things happen as a result of mc membership right so people call themselves a gdi a goddamned independent or something or they might even there's dudes i've seen that have said some things that i think were offensive to me where they said that they kind of looked down on you know club members and stuff and i'm like i don't get it i've seen dudes and known dudes who have told me their story where they had really rough beginnings you know maybe chemical dependencies and and serious problems and maybe they were abused kids and had family problems or maybe they had no family they were orphans or this any other and they found family in that club and and it's huge to these dudes like it's it you know and and their wives and it's a family they're so tight and they take care of each other um so there's legitimacy there so anyone out there who might be saying all clubs are stupid no they're not know that they do some great things out there for the community they do great things for each other uh the one guy that i forgot i didn't mention the story uh he told me that this dude was an orphan who'd had a problem with substances his whole life and his brothers that fixed him they straightened him out over the years you know like you know helped him quit drinking and stuff he they put him on the right path and the guy said i owe everything to my brothers so there's some great things being done by clubs out there and just just maybe don't talk about something you don't know about which is which is the greatest you know bit of advice you can ever get on earth um i thought i'd talk about for a minute and you could break this into a million videos couldn't you but i'm not gonna uh and that's like structure how are these clubs typically made up so i'm gonna run through this pretty quickly so there's typically a president often referred to as the p um the p is the boss they're typically elected they're in charge of everything but mostly managing the other officers they shouldn't be bothered with little things like where's the beer you don't ask the p where the beer is um and then if they're part of a larger organization then the p is the voice representing the chapter upward to the parent state national whatever then the vp the vp is the track the jack of all trades sort of uh in charge of everything and nothing you know because they don't have any specific responsibilities other than managing the membership and and representing everyone when the p is not around the vps in charge that kind of stuff and they typically manage downward even though i'm not i don't mean downward like membership is down but they you know i'm saying the p is representing upward and the vp manages downward um and then there's a secretary who's the records keeper there's a treasurer's in charge of money and there's a sergeant-at-arms and you can talk you can do a whole video on what a sergeant-at-arms does and it varies by organization so it will be very very different um be aware that if you boil it down they're responsible for safety in keeping order right so in some organizations that are mc's one percenters what not yeah i'll say it they're a dude to be feared they are the enforcer of rules and procedures they are the solvers of conflict two brothers get into it the sa gets in the middle and forces them to straighten it out because it's gotta it's gotta be figured out um they are typically the most cool-headed dude in the room because if you've got two brothers that are at each other and there's a serious problem they've got to be the voice of reason they have to bring the conversation down you know and calm things down and work things out so i think there's this understanding that the essay is this forced to be reckoned with and feared and this the puffy chest guy in the room and not in my experience is not the essay is normally someone who can solve issues and straighten people out without being a without it coming to blows that's their real job um and then there's something i want to talk about for a second that show what you may have done out there uh these patches on your back that say lone wolf no club or independent i saw one that said independent but then had a state lower rocker that's not a good idea i just i just wouldn't do that that's not a good idea so the lone wolf no club thing why do you need that patch that's like going down the highway on a motorcycle wearing a patch that says i'm not in a car yeah we know that we can see that you're not in a car if you don't have a patch on your back we know you're not part of a club why do you need to start [ __ ] i don't i just don't understand it um and there's a serious issue here because i can tell you a personal story where we showed up to the local hangout down here several of us and saw a local support club for the dominant 1 club and immediately went over and paid respects because we we know them and we were just talking we have a good relationship with these guys we're bullshitting having a beer and all of a sudden they're like yeah we're trying to decide where to kick this guy's ass seriously and i'm like well why there was a dude riding a rocking on his cut a top rocker that said lone wolf no club and a bottom rocker that said florida so this guy essentially put a patch on his back saying f you to clubs and i claim florida this is just the dumbest thing you know like they're just stupid you don't need to do that it's not necessary and so they were seriously thinking about whether they wanted to go start an altercation with this guy and um and i had said hey before you do that all due respect why don't you let me just go talk to the dude he probably has no idea he probably went to a rally because the patches were really clean you can tell that'll tell you a lot how clean are them patches anyway they were sparkling and i'm like he probably went to a rally thought it was cool didn't think about it a whole lot put that stuff on his vest and is rolling around just just just starting a negative conversation with his cut um and they talked about it and as well maybe you know and i'm like hey and i'm trying to say let me go let me go not get this guy this guy's ass kicked let me go talk to him and just tell him hey you don't know this but i'd probably go put that cut in your bag and i think seriously about cutting those off because there are some people who are highly offended by it and the kind of people you don't want to offend and um they talked about it for a while and said nah we'll let it go and then so this guy never heard a word he's on the other side of the bar this is an outside sort of environment drinking a beer no idea that six damn camera overheated i don't remember what i was talking about i think about the dude who almost got his ass kicked yeah so this guy had no idea that he almost had a really bad day so if you're out there with a lone wolf no club patch on your vest understand that you may not mean it this way but what you're doing is sort of downing your nose at clubs publicly it's just not this is not necessary you know um and know that what you're doing is challenging them and i don't care how tough you think you are you're gonna lose so just don't just why it's just why is the question anyway um and then i wrote a list of how to interact with clubs how to interact with clubs and these are pretty good pieces of advice that i've learned personally and one of them you'll see in bodine's video tomorrow that we talked about uh that each that he added a bit of a text to explain we went back and forth on and it's just an honest mistake but it's a really good stuff to see happen in real time and the dudes that he ran into were great not an issue but just be aware there's some mistakes you can make if you know someone who is a member of a local club only interact with that club through that person do not walk up to a member of this person's club and say i know such and such um because now you're representing such and such and you may not know how to do that so just just don't do that there's no reason to walk up and go i know billy bob you know or whatever it's just i just know if billy bob's with you you can interact with this club just don't walk up to someone and say and claim friendship with one of their members she just can only go bad she's not really a reason unless you already know those dudes that's one thing i'm saying if you don't know them um never speak on the behalf of an organization that you're not empowered to represent so i say that myself about my organization i'm not entitled or empowered to go around representing them on social media that's why i say the organization the challenging name um so a good example of this is on a personal level is i know of a group of riders that was heading to a certain tourist destination and they stopped at a diner and this guy walked up to these this group of brothers and sisters and said just so you know this is such and such territory and he named off a club and the brothers and sisters at the table said are you a member of that organization and the guy's like well no i just know some of them that dude did not have the right to represent that organization and walk up to another organization and say this is their territory it ain't your job to do that man and you may have just really created a huge snafu for yourself with that organization you thought you were defending because you never know those two organizations might be very friendly just don't do it don't speak on the behalf of an organization you're not a part of and empowered slash to prove to represent not a good idea it's gonna go bad uh it's all it's the same thing as claiming former membership in an organization you were never part of we've all heard those stories guys walking around saying well i'm an ex such and such first off there are no x anything's if you're drama one percenters but if you claim that someone's going to find out it's it's almost as bad you just don't represent an organization not a part of um also you don't know if you don't know i could see a guy walking up to a dominant one percent club and telling them you know this is such and such territory and like name off the support club that reports you know i mean like that could go that could go so bad in so many different ways just don't do it it's not necessary um never approach a member of a club now these are again these are generalizations and maybe there you live and everyone's more relaxed i'm saying down here and in st louis where i lived and for my entire childhood and other places just don't walk up to an mc member whether it be one percent or real regular mc just don't do that they will initiate contact if they want to talk to you they'll wave you over or whatnot if you do have contact with a member of an mc there are two things you always do you remove your sunglasses and you take off your gloves you never shake a hand with a gloved hand you never do it with the sunglasses covering your eyes it's just a sign of disrespect it's very very old don't question it's just the reality take off your glasses take off your gloves for you shake their hand and only shake their hand if they extend their hand first you don't go hi i'm you know whatever no they'll do it first um never touch their patch i didn't write that down but that's something else too if they come in for a hug for whatever reason because they find out that you're the brother of somebody that they know and and they and they go in for a hug because bikers hug you don't touch their patch you go side high you go you know maybe not down low you know what i'm saying just don't just don't touch the patch kind of disrespect um never ask how many members a club has so if a club starts a conversation and you're genuinely interested you're on a bike night whatever and one of them says you know come over because maybe one of them knows someone that you know and they've heard you're all right dude and they come over and they start talking to you and you're interested in hanging around them um and they invite you to ask questions you can ask things like so so why why do people join and you know and they'll tell you that that's an okay question so why do people typically join you know the organization uh club group whatever i say organization loosely um and they'll answer that never ask how many members they have the answer is always enough you never you just it's just old you don't do that what you're doing is sizing them up and that's disrespectful they may not have 800 members they might have 40 40 is enough so you just don't ask the number of members they have it doesn't matter it's old thing um if you're invited to a clubhouse event open house whatnot um i've said this one before and some of you don't get it but i swear to god you got to trust me on this if you're invited to a clubhouse for an open house night weapons are left in your bike you do not carry a gun into an mc clubhouse if you are not a member of that mc and a lot of mcs even have rules where their members aren't allowed to carry in the clubhouse only the executive board and sergeant-at-arms this again varies by region but that's a fairly standard thing but do not if you're not a member of an organization go into their clubhouse with a gun because you're saying a lot of things you're saying that i don't trust you you're saying that you don't have control over your own clubhouse you're saying there's all these things that's insulting that you carry a gun in there in their uh in their clubhouse and also they're trying to manage the safety of their members and you just put that in a bad situation so i don't care how second amendment and tough guy you think you are you don't carry a gun in a clubhouse you leave it in your bike the other thing is you don't lock your bike they will have a prospect watching bikes there's someone there who is made to stand there for hours just washing the bikes no one's going to mess with your bike but locking your bike implies you don't trust them and that's a huge sign of disrespect some of you are yelling at the tv or the screen right now i'm just telling you dudes you don't carry your gun into a clubhouse and you don't lock your bike yes you're leaving an unlocked you know bike with a firearm in it don't go to clubhouses then if you're having a tantrum right now out there just don't go to a clubhouse if you i have to have my gun with me at all times i would never even unlock don't carry that that night if you know you're going to the clubhouse if you you know if you don't want to leave your bike unlocked figure it out but don't break their rules uh and yes they might go along and check um i've seen it done where they'll send a member out and they're walking down the line checking to see if bikes are locked because you're being disrespectful them if you lock your bike it's not considered to take anything they're not going to take anything they're not going to go through your stuff they're just trying to see the kind of person you are and if you went to their clubhouse and locked your bike saying i don't trust you uh they might ask who owns this bike it might go bad from there just it's their rules man their house their rules um and then there's an old one that i think is that is probably the best advice on earth and that is if you don't belong don't be long so if you've been invited to a clubhouse uh hang out be nice have a beer if they're raising money for a cause give to the cause smile be respectful not if not of that this any other you'll make friends i'm not saying be afraid but be aware of the vibe in the room things can change there might be an inner conflict going on that they're trying to deal with and then you just kind of feel like eh i need to move on and if you get that feeling trust your instincts and move on don't be caught in a place at a time you should not be there as a matter of fact i always said especially one percent clubhouses don't stay too late because there's a certain line where they're having a great time they're being together they're putting down a beer or 37 and the feelings might come out and they might get into you know an argument or a tense discussion and you're in the wrong place at the wrong time i've even heard of dudes who have gotten between them you're there late and two of their brothers have an argument and this guy thinks he's helping by saying oh you know come on no no no don't do that and they beat the ever living hell out of that guy just read the room be aware of the vibe be aware of your surrounding watch people and if things go a little sour don't be there anymore just move on say thanks get on your bike and leave and that's probably the best advice keep aware even on a bike or a bike bike or bar um if the vibe changes there's a bunch of members of clubs there and things feel off trust your instincts and roll just get out of there if they jab at you that might mean they like you meaning they make fun of you you ride a you write a gold wing and they're going to give you crap about that they might like you and that's why they're doing that don't jab back someone says like well any other thing come with you know a cappuccino maker you don't say well at least it doesn't leak oil don't you know what i mean don't don't jab back that's just you never know who you're talking unless you know the guy really well but if you don't you just never know what the hell that might go so don't do that um interaction with their wives and girlfriends this is a whole other topic you could do a whole video on what property of means what an old lady is what a pass around is what all these things it's very regional but be very very careful my rule is if i'm walking through a clubhouse event and a um wife or girlfriend whether she's wearing a property of cut or whatever just happens to look in my direction and smile just being friendly i'm not saying making a pass i'm saying like just going i i very quickly will smile and then duck my head and then keep moving you just don't you just don't want to be inappropriate what they perceive is inappropriate with their wife or girlfriend so try to avoid that whole environment if possible to not be around you know wives or girlfriends and and don't get into a private conversation with one of them don't just don't do that stay kind of a way stay clear it's better uh it could be a daughter too this is a lot of clubs this is family man their daughters might be there and you sure as hell don't want to look at one of them the wrong way you know don't do it and these are foundational rules that i have seen so many freaking times i can't even tell you and how badly this can go don't lie do not lie and say that you've done something you haven't done that you know someone that you don't know that you have been a member of something you have do not lie um often if a club member starts asking a lot of questions they may very well already know the answers to those questions and they want to see whether you're honest always tell the truth always be incredibly honest do not represent and don't lie um don't play the tough guy you're gonna lose i'm like this all the time i'm the smiling idiot all the time and i never have problems i've been i've been around clubhouses for two decades at least actually since i was a child so i used to go with my dad to events and i have never had a negative interaction why because this is me it's me all the time it's the real me uh i'm not misrepresenting anything i never lie i'm always completely honest um and and just don't don't don't walk in like this you know we all have that friend who just thinks he's the toughest dude on earth he's not there's someone tougher right around the corner and and what i've seen is they will sniff that out and they will test you so if you walk into their clubhouse acting like you're the toughest guy that's ever lived someone's gonna spot that they're gonna immediately go and they're gonna challenge you they're gonna try and push you and see what you do and then if you fold you look like an idiot and then if you fight them you're gonna get hurt because no matter how tough you think you are there's somebody tougher three guys away so just just don't do that don't play the tough guy be respectful and be yourself this is all the same thing right be yourself don't claim to be something you're not just you know this is me all the time i'm not a hard ass who goes around starting biker brawls i'm not gonna do that that's not who i am that's not how i roll you know this is me all the time no one's ever gonna challenge me because i'm not challenging them i give respect and i earn their respect over time this is how this works um and then real quick categorical stuff on like patches so back patches you have one pieces which is again it's a patch that's one piece and it may or may not have the name of a chapter or something on it the name of the organization and it might look like it's multiple patches but it's one patch you also then have like your top and bottom rocker with an insignia and then you might have a little patch to the right of the insignia that says mc or lemc which is law enforcement mc which i didn't go into because that's not my area of expertise but an lemc is a law enforcement minister which is a cop club uh and then um it may or may not have the mc because there may not be an mc you know you know what i'm talking about top rocker bottom rocker center insignia and then it might say mc over here um you've been approved probably and have earned some respect if you're walking around publicly wearing a three piece with an mc like that um and then sometimes you might have multiple patches that are just sewn together tightly to look like one piece so like your hog chapters do that they have rockers but they're you know they don't have a bottom rocker they're tough and they're you know they're sewed together so um so overall advice what i would tell every one of you out there to do if you don't know even if you live in an area that's rather sparse these are just still you know good tips be aware of who the dominant 1 club is where you uh live and ride in and know what bars they frequent be aware if they have any support clubs and what the names of those clubs are look for patches and just know your surroundings uh do not necessarily go up and ask them about their club that's not a good idea especially know what clubs don't get along if you have a source for that don't go poking around don't go you know being that guy at the bar going does that club hate that don't do that right uh if you have a legitimate way of learning that stuff that's a good idea um but know what clubs don't get along with each other if you see them both i.e club and club b show up at the same bar same time get on your bike and get the hell out of there just just don't be there i do that all the time i roll on that door open no i roll on if i see two groups that i know don't get along it's just not a good idea i don't need to be seen fraternizing either one and that pisses off the other um open houses if clubs in your area have a reputation for getting along well and they have an open house which a lot of clubs do you'll find that through maybe the local uh confederation of clubs or you know what not you might see that um website maybe your local abate chapter which is the the lobbying group for motorcycle rights they often abate has a like a magazine and they'll in every club will post their open house nights and stuff like that um go no i've just said for the last probably what seems like an hour be careful don't do this don't do that but go go to open houses they're inviting everyone to come to their clubhouse and it's a good opportunity to meet some solid dudes to to get to know some people you never know when it might help um you know personally not that long ago uh a member of a club yeah and a member of a one percent club asked me some questions about my organization and i wouldn't say it was tense but i was definitely being asked some questions that were uh uh yeah it was a little tense anyway um and and thankfully because i had made friends the local p of another mc was able to walk up and just join the conversation because he knew this dude very well and as soon as he gave me a hug and we started chatting and talking while this guy was asking me questions it changed the entire vibe of the conversation why because that dude could see that i'm known liked and respected by this president of this other club you know what i mean like and it just changed the entire vibe okay this is a solid dude i don't have to be so so hard on them um so these are these come from going to clubhouses from going to open houses and making friends and just getting to know that you know bob or mary's a solid dude or woman and and they're fine no reason to worry about them you know uh and if you see them in an awkward situation you help them out these these are very you know it's a good idea to make friends just follow these rules and you'll be fine so all these videos are intended to have a conversation i read every single comment and respond the most so tell me what it's like in your area i don't want to fight with everyone and start a goddamn argument but but this is just my experiences and and whatnot uh but yeah comment down below i want to know i want to know what you think um bodine's video will drop tomorrow of four o'clock ish where you'll see his interaction with with a local club which is a really positive one great dude by the way i like boating52 but i'll link to his channel down below so you can find the video um and then also um our live stream is tomorrow night today's thursday i'll get this up this evening maybe even premiere it i don't know it all depends on the little and who's inside whether she allows me um but eight o'clock eastern me and mrs monkey will go live tomorrow night we it's just the two of us and then you guys chat in the sidebar and we answer you and interact with you guys so if you want to talk about the subject it did it again and overheated and turned off mid-sentence so i think i was talking about the live stream tomorrow night so today's thursday i'll upload this tonight and then tomorrow night friday the 21st i think uh at 8 p.m eastern me and mrs monkey will go live uh and just talk to you guys um so we're going to talk about this more we can uh last night i want to plug real quick uh two wheels down was the channel i was on swami's live stream last night that was fun so he does a live stream every wednesday night um so i'll link to his channel down there go check him out subscribe give it a watch it's a good time great dude up in canada where it's so damn cold he can only legally ride so many months a year because he asked by law you have to have certain tires craziness he talks about it in the live stream so whatever so um go check out swami great dude uh and then again bodine's video that comes out tomorrow about his experience will be a lot of fun to watch i've seen it but it's it's good stuff you should go see it um and then come join us in the live stream hang out with us you know uh we're gonna have an absolute blast the auction that benefited the sawgrass chapter of biker skin and child abuse uh raised it was the the bundle that was donated to us it was a vintage jacket and some pins and patches and stuff like that sold for hundred and forty dollars sort of the glorious sob out there that bid that i really appreciate it net donation i'm just gonna round it up to 400 bucks so a 400 donation it's going to go to the sawgrass chapter of biker stream child abuse uh you guys are great i appreciate it this pro monkey nation as you guys are calling themselves the greatest sobs on the planet love you to death i look forward to seeing a whole bunch of you at sturgis it's looking like we're gonna do a get together at the beaver bar because the owner has reached out to me we've been chatting not sure what day we're gonna figure that out together because she was in myrtle beach so uh we're gonna get that figured out but thanks a ton if you're not a subscriber please stop right now and hit that subscribe button it makes all the difference the world to us if you want to help fund the tires and crap i have to put on the rig before i leave for sturgis go buy a sticker or something like that go to professional dash and we've got t-shirts and pilsner glasses and and faux yeti's confettis stainless steel insulated cups and all that stuff so go buy a t-shirt or something like that i really appreciate it and we'll talk tomorrow night and i think that's all this video is long enough oh and before i forget before someone goes out and comments it no i've never watched a single friggin episode of sons of anarchy i don't know what it's about i i doubt any of it's accurate or correct i don't have a clue and i refuse to watch it but before it even says you just watched that dude dude never seen a single episode kiss my white irish ass we'll talk soon back oh and take care of each other
Channel: Professional Monkey
Views: 522,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harley, Harley-Davidson, 2021 Ultra Limited, Electra Glide, Ultra Classic, Heritage Softail, CVO, Road Glide, Sturgis, Biker, Motorcycle, Install, How-To, DIY, E-Z-GO, Buffalo Chip, Glencoe, Motorcycle Club, MC, MC Protocols, MLLH&R, Love Loyalty Honor & Respect
Id: wSeWe93Gffs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 20sec (3080 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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