Motorcycle Hand Gestures Explained

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we've mentioned the wave the slowdown cops ahead and your usual turn signals but how many riding signals do you really know if you're preparing to go on a group ride or hit the track then it's definitely time for you to get familiar with these essential riding signals you've probably come across a few of these if you took a motorcycle safety horse but if you aren't using them on a regular basis it can be pretty easy to push them out of the old noggin before we get started thanks for being here you're awesome all of you especially you Doug especially you can come back here any time you know I mean it now let's start off with two signals you should definitely know even if you aren't planning to ride in any groups the turn signals believe it or not some motorcycles don't even come with blinkers and even if yours did there's always a chance that you might have a light go out or maybe you just prefer signalling by hand we're using both Who am I to tell you how to live your life just kidding I am Amy noob so you're here that I can impart wisdom onto you and tell you how to live your life you little squid to its absolute fullest bet on it let's go but let's be real let's make sure you're using at least a blinker or hand signal don't be a douche or a BMW driver what's the difference you might ask but I'm sorry for that I'll be here all week literally five videos per week smash that subscribe button no one is as prolific as we are it okay simmer down now your left and right turn signal are pretty easy to remember just signal that you're turning right just bend your arm at the elbow with your clenched fist held high like so it's a pretty easy way to remember this one is to think of it as celebrating being right I caught some flak for saying being left-handed was for Satanists but we all know that there's right-hand folks who are going to heaven talk about releasing the floodgates on the comment rolls and moving on your left turn signal is as simple as sticking your left arm out with your palm facing down like the direction all left-handers are eventually going to go both of these signals are imperative for riding alone or riding with the group it lets the traffic around you know that you are preparing to make a turn and if you're in a group it lets those behind you know to prepare for a turn pretty simple stuff right well allow me to blow your mind with some hand gestures you've probably never even heard of but that you should definitely be using the stop signal the stop signal is primarily for riding in groups but in the event you have a brake light go out you could be using it temporarily if you're in traffic to signal a stop bend your arm at a right angle and point your fingers towards the ground in a group ride the person the front the group is usually the one who'll give the signal with a few folks echoing and here and there for riders in the back of the group if you're trying to sound traffic because you've just had a break let go out keep in mind that if you don't know the signal is a motorcycle rider most people in cars aren't gonna know it either but it will at least draw attention to the fact that something is going on and that's better than just surprise in the car behind you and being turned into a kebab the next signal is really good for groups who aren't used to riding it together yet or for groups with newer riders this signal is the speed up signal and it lets riders in the group know to put a little more twist in their throttles now because of the speed up and slow down signal are so similar let's go ahead and knock these two out together to let your group know to speed up stick your arm out palm up and slowly flap it up and down kind of like a bird blink you can also tap on the rear fender of your bike as if it was a horse some people do that signal so what your group know they need to slow down and do the same thing except this time your palm needs to be pointed down up equals good down equals bad sometimes when you're out for a group ride the person leading the pack can change if you don't catch it you could end up following the wrong person or missing important signals the follow me signal is used to let the rest of the group know who is taking over as leader it also as handy is if you're in a really large group and there's gonna be a few different leaders to split things up a bit to let the rest of the group know to follow you raise your hand like you would if you were trying to ask a question this was pretty easy to remember I think of it as sort of like a pick me pick me because you know at some point everybody wants to be the leader which leads nicely into this next one that's picking a new leader the you lead signal can be used to let individual riders know that they should follow you it will make sense which one you are being signaled to do based on the context of your ride here's what you do point out the person's bike you want to take the lead and then point out over the front of your bike if you're out on a ride and you receive the signal don't forget to throw your arm up to let everyone else know that you're the new leader is you zip to the front of your newfound glory congratulations you finally made it you're officially the pick of Hoonah in town which means you're now the front line of defense for everyone riding behind you so let's get real close of this next signal the dreaded road hazard something you would otherwise roll right over in a car can be a death trap or a motorcycle and if you're riding in a group and fail to signal it it can turn into a dominant effect and down bikes and you do not want to be the guy responsible for that your life to let people around you know that there's something in the road or some kind of hazard you're gonna want to point to it if it's on the left go ahead and point to it with your left hand it's on the right point to it as best as you can with your right foot you definitely don't want to take your hand off the throttle so always use your foot when it's on the right group rides and even track days can look a lot like lost ducks trying to find their mom if you aren't careful that's why a lot of good leaders know to use a single-file signal to let those are not know you to get into a single-file line go ahead and raise your hand like you would to signal you're the leader then hold up the number of fingers that's equal to the number of files or columns you want if you want to ride three across and use three fingers etc depending on where you're riding to is probably going to be your max to be honest but if you find yourself in a situation where more riders need to be side by side then by all means give the signal who knows maybe you're kicking in the center on dirt bikes or in a squid let moto gang that needs to go five across to be honest though in most group right situations you're gonna ride in a two-by-two format slightly staggered to give the person in front of you some space and the person next you some space as well just use common sense and don't signal for a five column ride if the entire group is in a one lane on a highway you'll find yourself trapped the new leader real quick and you may even get hit with the pull off signal the signal is given when the group needs to pull off immediately or at the first available opportunity to give this signal use the right turn signal and straighten your arm out to the side of your elbow let's make sure a few up and down motions at the elbow and your group should get the message there are other times when you may need to stop during a ride the most common stops are rest stops food breaks and fuel stops so let's take a look at those it's pretty obvious when you'd use or see them but let's stay focus on what they look like I think you baby yams have enough between your ears to know when it would be appropriate to signal from one of these bad boys but first up is the rest stop for your left arm straight out to your side make a fist and act like you're holding a shake wait my dudes emphasis on shake weight because my team of lawyers have just informed me that I am not allowed to make a reference to what this particular hand signal also looks like the food break can be signaled by giving a thumbs up with your left hand and poking that thumb towards your mouth a couple times it can also be a point towards your stomach or a rub on your stomach again I'm not allowed to say what this Hill looks like and instead of an advice to tell you that you should probably think of it like a straw pulling up to your face yeah a straw moving on fuel stops can be signaled by the leader of the group or can be sent up the chain-of-command by someone else in the group who needs to make a fuel stop see I told you these things are pretty self-explanatory and this one is probably the easiest to do to send this five to your tribe just point to your gas tank boom easy don't be the doofus who runs out of gas during a group ride show up to your group ride nice and fueled at best they won't notice and will leave you behind unashamed at worst they will notice and we'll never hear the end of it as the group works to figure out the best way to get everyone back on the road and the best nickname you're gonna earn yourself the last two signals I want to touch on our courtesy for your fellow riders if you see someone you're riding with with their left a blinker on as we are all prone to do at some point throw may blinking signal by opening and closing your fist a few times you could save them a world of embarrassment the drivers around them a bit of confusion and put some good karma to the world now finally we have reached the end of signal mania and the last one comes with PSA I've acquired directly from my lawyers yaniv does not in any way encourage the use of the cops ahead signal as a way to avoid law enforcement he does not share this signal with the intent of educating young squib that's in the ways of avoiding unnecessary speeding tickets and does not responsible for any fines that may occur from the misuse of said signal we now that we've got that a delay tapping on the top of your helmet is a foolproof way to let other riders know around you or even right as it pass you're on the other side of the highway so know that there are cops ahead this is where I direct you back to that disclaimer and let you know that the signal is meant to keep law enforcement officers safe yeah just kidding it's meant so that your squid brethren coming the other way know not to rip a fat massive tank nooner at that very moment I'm kidding guys right safe don't be silly now before I let you get going you've got to check out this beginner bike giveaway rigmarole thing we've got going on because besides starting my channel it's been the most successful endeavor I've ever taken on seriously we've got over 575 people on here who are loving it and if you don't believe me they come at regularly on my videos and you can ask them below hit the link below to learn how you can win a KTM rc390 and hang out on my discord server which is kind of like a chatroom now you're gonna want to go ahead and hit subscribe ring the bell and drop some comments seriously how else will I be able to give away two brand new bikes for our next week ever look like in a way series don't believe me well then you're gonna have to wait and find out then yeah me out I'll catch you guys on the next one see you later fact dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties or registered blood donors don't know how true this fact is but by god someone checked it out right Audrey right did you take a look at this Jesus goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Yammie Noob
Views: 1,078,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle hand gestures, motorcycle hand signals, hand signals, hand signals explained, motorcycle hand signals explained, yammie noob, motorcycle how to, about motorcycle hand signals, motorcycle group ride signals, group ride hand signals, motorcycle compilations, moto vlog, moto vlogger, motovlogger, moto vlogging
Id: w-Mjpy_IGcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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