14 New Rider Mistakes I Hope You're NOT Doing / Riding SMART 28

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welcome to another episode of riding smart with dana and the fireman we're going through an after action review process to figure out what happened in these motorcycle crashes and close calls that way we know what to do when it comes to these types of situations we know what to train for before this type of situation and we can learn from other people's mistakes all these videos were submitted by you guys so if you want to submit your videos links are in the description and then on top of that we're going to be talking about how to buy a motorcycle helmet online so this way you know what type of rating to look for what type of head shape you are and then on top of that so you don't spend a ton of money on a helmet you don't need but with that said i'll see you guys on the next live stream [Music] all right so we're going to go ahead and ride so line of sight is going to be a big problem here good job on the positioning okay watch out for the line of cars be very careful very why is that person with the brakes that's why okay no buenos on that one so this is one of those things i was telling you about right here is that line of sight now with him he's on an adventure bike he could probably see over all the vehicles for me i'm really short i can't see over the vehicles remember this is your total stopping distance right here and this is your space cushion so be very careful when it comes to uh being too close because you might have to break in that amount of space you start to see the brake lights okay so brake lights are very good indicators that something is happening right above you can't see very well because of the line of sight issue so he what he does is he moves over when he can so he has good line of sight now you can do that right now though so you can do that right now or you can move over here to this side and you can do the same thing and this also allows you to have an escape path to the right you don't really have one to the left until you get to this point where you're in the second lane so we're going to get up to here and he's still maintaining his space cushion very good that's what i want to see you guys do so this is the moment we switch lanes now take a look about right here now this is the positioning i want you to have when you're riding normally because look at the line of sight you have look how far you can see and you can see why this person right here is applying the brakes because you know this person's here this person this person this person so i want to react to this person applying the brakes not this person applying the brakes it gives me more time to do stuff let's remove over here now what i was saying is you notice right here all these people have brake lights except for the ones that are moving it's obvious right the ones that are moving they're not applying the brakes but then when you're looking at a big line like this it's why is everybody applying the brakes down here versus here this guy took it off the brakes and then he applied it again these people are moving these people aren't now it's pretty hard to say well i i know what's going to happen you know somebody's going to pull out and they're going to come out in front of me that's not always the case we're doing an after action review where we can see that the problem here in the solution here is first of all the problem we have these people applying the brakes and there's a possibility with this intersection somebody coming out the solution is we have too many different factors so we should just go into orange stage so when you're kind of just ready you're kind of paranoid this next thing that happens right here you're already covering the brakes you're already looking for a skate pass you already know that if you have to accelerate to get out or break the stop you already know that you're gonna have to do something like that so this won't be such a huge surprise it still will be but you might be better prepared so part of being a smart writer is seeking out and recognizing hazardous situations now what i use is a color code system along with some patterns but the color code system is white stage you're completely zoned out think of sleeping yellow stage just right now i'm yellow staged in i am zoned in orange stage is when there's a specific hazard or a certain situation that presents these hazards like an intersection coming up right here red stage you're gonna have to swerve or break because a threat just came at you okay navigate that threat brown stage you're supposed to navigate that threat but uh you kind of failed and you got a little poo-poo in your pantalones that's that's kind of why it's called brown okay all right so ill transistor silvatigo watch carefully what she does okay remember these are all sent in not evol not all of them are crashes oh sorry so that's going to be a merging issue you hear the brakes so we're going into an area where there's other vehicles okay there's the intersection right there so the intersection remember what we do orange stage we're going to intersection we're prepped and ready for anything okay so intersections you typically have people making last minute lane changes to kind of jockey to the front and that's what i would be concerned about right here especially if we're going to be going into that lane on the right that is open this lane right here as you can tell it's not there's cars in front of them so when we see a lane that's open a lane that's not the lane that's not people want to go into the lane that's open so we should be kind of aware kind of concerned don't make jockey or don't make uh quick movements now right here what you see is this person switching lanes we have the opportunity to apply the brakes we have it right now or we can accelerate through if we wanted to now if we accelerated through what issues would we have if we accelerated through class right in the comments a rhetorical question i'm going to tell you right now if we ride right through we have to now stop before that other vehicle up ahead which is a motorcycle rider and that car so we accelerate to get to it then we have to brake even harder to stop it's kind of like doing wheelies before a corner you gotta land it slow down then do look press and roll i prefer just to apply the brake slow down right here and i think that's what he does a little bit of uh skidding a little bit of skidding not a big deal all right so feridin's moving hopefully i said that right intersection orange stage be prepped and ready left turner left turner left turner good braking go ahead and honk the horn not a big issue remember some of these are not crashes they're just uh minor close calls or common situations that could be happening uh to you so we're gonna be moving forward a little bit right here now what is one of the biggest things that is going to cause a huge problem all these cones now somebody in the chat was saying that you know the sun could be a factor well look at the reflective on these cones the construction cones probably blinding you a little bit then also the vehicle that's turning left in the intersection can't see us because of line of sight because of the cones so we're going to keep moving right here the moment we see that you can barely see it this person's turning left in front of us they're going to keep going they're not stopping they're gonna keep going so what can we do and it's exactly what ferradin did he's gonna go ahead and roll throttle even more maybe apply some brake pressure i can't really see his hands in this situation but he's gonna let that person go but my other fear is when i see that and it happens all the time the car behind him this one right here could easily just say you know what he went i'm gonna go so it's not that first one that you see it's possibly that second one that decides to go out so that's why i don't want you going into the intersection and doing this now right now he was paying attention to what was happening over there but i don't want you doing this and being like hey man fu when that other car decided to still go now i believe he saw that the other car was not going so there it is there's the car right there get out of the way get out of the way so he saw that he wasn't going so then yeah he'd go ahead and look and say what the hell is going on but i'm always worried about that second car always pay attention to that there's two color codes that you're probably going to be in most of the time when you're out riding and that is going to be yellow stage and orange stage now orange stage is when you specifically identify any type of threat or hazardous situation now we all know motorcycle riders have a dangerous time when it comes to intersections and corners so right here as this corner this is definitely an orange stage maneuver for me so i'm watching about for anybody that might want to come out in front of me also the left turner and then side of the vehicle is a great pattern to look for for orange stage so be very careful be prepped and ready find your escape pallets cover those breaks when you're in orange stage all right so intersection again watch out okay right turner's on this oh the mort good job good job so remember we're going over common situations that happen if you like what we're doing here click that like button it helps out the channel quite a bit and it's free just click the little like button all right so we're going to be moving through here turning left and as soon as you saw that movement of that car's tires and they started moving i think they're supposed to they can because it's a right turn but it's not that right turn lane it's this right turn lane and that right turn lane is supposed to go into our lane so they're not going to merge into the far lane over there to keep us safe because they have this car here so as soon as you see that it's like you shouldn't be doing that you really shouldn't so that should cause you to to really be like okay definite orange stage i'm gonna stand it up right here this person is way closer you can see it on the far right way close so i'm gonna stand up here go ahead and roll up the throttle apply some brakes let them in there's no point in fighting i do not want you guys fighting so he stood it up did exactly what i'm just saying applied the brakes let him in now this dum-dum figured it out last second and quite possibly look at the reflection on the back of the subaru could have been sun in the eyes who knows they could have been looking left blinded a little bit and then decided to go so they went back in that lane maybe they could have hit the other vehicle i don't know i don't care as long as i'm safe but the mort did a good job applied the break stood it up and then it found an escape path mainly because that person decided to let him have it so he did a good job remember common situations we're going over some of these these are user submitted videos all right so watch out for lane mergers in this issue oh my gosh so many whoa baby stromer 250 good job on recognizing that and moving last second good job on the 360. 360 situation awareness okay so whenever you deal with a roundabout intersections or anything where they have these slotted lines that you have to stay in your lane be very careful about anybody wanting to take part of your lane i don't want you fighting for your lane go ahead and present yourself okay you know presenting is when you kind of move around a little bit not going back and forth you know reckless writing but you're just kind of doing this a little bit go ahead and present yourself that's going to let people know hey we're here but don't you know if they come into our lane don't fight them don't try to hit them don't punch mirrors don't like honk at them and then stay in the dangerous zone get out of the danger zone and then go ahead and honk but don't fight for things i hate it when you guys fight for things because it puts you in so much danger so he looks he saw that right there it's very quick and that's the thing is you can't do much it's almost instinctual you see something that you automatically move and you really get that through training so he's gonna see it let's go ahead and put it a little bit slower he's gonna see it in his mirror and that's where it is and you can see how his arms start to shift more towards this side so he started to shift more got himself out of that situation and that person's gonna go now at this point you're safe okay you're safe unless this person slams the brakes so what i don't want you to do is to get angry and try to rush into the danger zone again keep yourself safe he's safe now honk the horn now roll up the throttle and increase that space cushion but don't fight for things guys i don't want you fighting for things all right so good space cushion right here doing pretty well okay this vehicle slow down turn turn turn surf oh drop the bike dropped the bike car factory customs [Music] oh passenger so she said get it up get it anyways so what do you think could be a possible factor in this crash and i'm going to call it a crash because it was just a small little dump it's the miners of crashes possibly no damage whatsoever to his bike maybe his floorboards or anything like that what do you think caused this do you think they're chit chatting maybe not paying attention because remember you're the driver the rider let me take that back i like saying that we're drivers not riders i don't feel like we should be riding on top of the machine because it almost feels like we're riding on a horse and a horse has a lot of they get to choose a lot okay as much as they're trained they get to choose a lot a motorcycle doesn't get to choose you're absolutely in control i prefer the driving of a motorcycle not riding of a motorcycle but you know the nomenclature on that it's not up to me so the thing is you're in charge of it so if you're talking and you're you know paying attention to your friend or girlfriend husband wife whatever in the back and you're not paying attention to what's up front you're not really you know you're not really in yellow stage you're more like in white stage you're zoned out okay so zone into what's important jason noga knows what we're talking about so zone into what you're what's important which is the vehicles in front so right here great space cushion amazing but you should also be planning okay so position for safety this is a good position because a good good space cushion but you need to start locating hazards and adapt to those hazards and we never did that then exactly right longer braking distance with a pillion so right here you notice how the car started to slow down it's hard to see the brake lights and everything especially with this camera but maybe we can see it in person as soon as that person's starting to apply the brakes what are we doing why are we still maintaining our speed getting closer and closer at this point you should either emergency brake because it's already emergency we're having to navigate a threat or swerve now you could have just adapted to the hazard back here okay so we go over here the vehicle's slowing down let's go ahead and go further because we can adapt even sooner vehicles slowed down we can adapt right now okay so we positioned for safety we located this hazard right here oh there we go located the hazard now we can adapt to the hazard by going into the next lane first we're gonna check our mirror then do our blind spot and just to navigate or uh sorry adapt to it by getting the other lane get back into our lane and the story but if we're not paying attention no if we're not paying attention we're going to run into this vehicle or get to a point where we're going to have to now at this point emergency brake or swerve and that is gonna be a red stage maneuver okay action time you're on high alert actively engaged in a red stage maneuver okay an emergency response so emergency brake or mercy swerve at this point you're not going to be able to stop in time unless you do what he did and barely barely barely made it now if he reacted maybe a split second later he would have crashed so swerve it'd probably be the easiest thing you could have done just swerve to the right get back in your lane and check your pantolones and be like oh man there's some kaka in there so that's what you'd be watching out for good braking though but uh right here applied the brakes now why do you think he dumped it maybe a little bit weight shifted to the left maybe the handlebars shift to the left and then he just kind of fell now thankfully thankfully the passenger didn't uh fall and roll over more towards this way because he could get hit okay so what i do is i look at the rating i look and see if there's any type of anti-fog technology or if there's a pin lock and then i see what the cost of replacement visors are so right now i'm gonna go ahead and pick medium so cool i like the look of the helmet you know i'm gonna go look around it looks pretty cool i like it i like it i like it you know it's a bell so it comes from you know bell helmets very reputable company uh pretty cool oh look at staff pick so revzilla even thinks it's a good helmet okay so far i'm pretty good 209.95 within my budget all right the next thing i look for is right here okay what type of shape head is this designed for now there's intermediate oval round oval long oval three different kinds of heads now i have an intermediate oval most um americans most people in the united states have intermediate oval japan's more of a round oval europeans are kind of long oval but it all really depends on what your head shape is so you always want to double check that if you ever have any issues out here on revzilla this is kind of how you can check okay so these are the types of health or head shapes so make sure you do that because you don't want to get a a long oval helmet for your round head okay because you're gonna have pressure on the sides of your crown and then also if you are um a long oval or an intermediate oval you don't want to get a round shaped helmet because you're gonna have a lot of pressure on the front of your head and that's not good it's gonna give you a lot of headaches when you're riding so if you get headaches right now while you're riding especially right here like you get a lot of pain you probably have the wrong shaped helmet so as soon as i look at this i go down here okay cool intermediate oval that fits my head so that's something i can work with i start to read all these things and a lot of this is just marketing okay so i don't really care too much what i care more about is this stuff right here i look for the rating is it dot is it ece is it snell those are the things i look for so dot not too impressed by dot it's an it's a post market testing so the they can the manufacturer can put the helmet on the market and then maybe it gets tested if it follows the standards ece before it even goes on the market has to be tested snell is is a post market sometimes snell is an independent third party that tests things so ece is really good but when i see this if it just said dot i'd be a little concerned but it says snell m2015 what does that mean uh it is the 2015 rating and they usually have new ratings every five years so it's not the 2020 rating but it's still pretty dang good at least the 2015 so i'm pretty happy with that three shell sizes what does that mean so the three shell sizes what this means is that this the size of the helmet itself is the shell size so a medium large is gonna be bigger than an extra small small and then through an xl to three xl is gonna be even bigger so the shape of the head if you wanna have a bobble head or not type of thing i like to look at the shell sizes because i don't want it to be only one shell size for every range because what they're doing then at that point is just getting huge cheek pads and i don't like that so i really like the fact that it has three shell sizes three eps sizes that's the polystyrene foam on the inside that's really good pano vision shield now that sounds an awful lot like marketing but when i've actually tested out it means you have really good uh peripheral vision so it's really good on that eyewear compatible so if you are having to deal with eyewear it's very important to look and see if a lot of these things are now a lot of helmets nowadays are eyewear compatible what that means is that there's little slits in the foam where your eyeglasses can go into so not getting pushed into the side of your head so that can cause headaches five year warranty that's typical now you want to replace your helmet every five years anyways chin curtains are really good to prevent airflow getting up top double d-ring closure that's the typical retention system that they have you know for for motorcycle helmets it's that d-ring okay so some of them are ratchet some of them are magnetic okay so so far pretty good you know i like it it's within my budget it's snell rated it's fitting my head shape it does have where it does it doesn't say anything about a pin lock system so the pin lock is is like a double pane window that's going to help from fogging so that's one of my big issues on this one because i don't want it to fog up so i would have to go ahead and buy aftermarket cleansers or anti-fog spray that's not very good but here's the cool thing so let's go ahead and take a look at this and let's go and take a look at this so this is the face shield replacement so i always look at this i always buy an extra face shield just in case and i want to know how much it's going to cost the added cost to it so light smoke dark smoke you have all these cool things in here so typically anything for night time you want clear or i don't know about no not gold rhythm iridium you want yellow it looks like they don't have yellow so anything at nighttime you want clear anything with with low light you don't want any of these other things these other things maybe even maybe the blue would work but these other things will reduce some of your vision so be very careful with that but it's 59.95 for a clear visor not too bad not too bad but here's the cool thing with this one pin lock ready face shield for an extra 30 bucks oh that's pretty cool so they do have pinlock vision stuff for it so it's really cool to see but that think about that as the extra cost that you're going to have okay so the helmets can be 209.95 with another 60. so 270 dollars but that's if you want to have an extra face shield all right here we go san diego all right so looking forward oh keep it up keep it up oh no no no [ __ ] so why do you think diego santiago gioverna verno i'm still working on my spanish guys so he's gonna look left oh split second it didn't take very long did it to move you to the left now we're right here we start to panic a little bit it's like okay okay oh crap oh crap so i can still save it what you can do in this situation use that rear brake okay use the rear brake don't use the front brake if you use a lot of the front brake you have street tires now we're on grass it doesn't have that grip that you typically would have with knobby so use that rear brake and slowly inch your way to the right and then once you're on the road release that rear brake and then go ahead and accelerate out of there but that's not what's gonna happen here we got a little bit of bumpy and why do you think all of a sudden we grab that front brake this we got this right here we got this right here this is in our way we're like oh crap oh crap oh crap we're not gonna make it i'm gonna just go ahead and squeeze more front brake and then there's a dump of the front tire okay so we were doing pretty good with our tires until this moment and then it all of a sudden lost traction it's because we grabbed too much front brake on low traction surface if you just joined in make sure you sign in okay there's a sign in sheet click that like button to sign into today's class you'll get credit for it all right so moving forward this is the thumbnail all right so group ride bunch of friends sholto you're doing good david and i was waiting for that i was waiting for that you're right what do you think happened there shulto all right so we're gonna be moving here we're in a group ride uh everything's going fine good spacing and here's the thing if you're getting to an intersection in a group ride and it looks like things are gonna be disconnected so that person over on the far right is gonna make it but then uh i forgot his name already he's not going to make it because this vehicle is going to be in the way that's fine go ahead and split up that's the point of having a bluetooth system so if you want to get yourself a bluetooth system we do have a link in the description for cardo uh anything packtalk freecoms it's a it's a link and it's going to apply a discount they sponsor the channel but i absolutely love my cardo packtalk bold because in this situation if that rider got farther and we had to wait what i would be telling uh the writer that got through the intersection i didn't like hey we got a car i'm gonna be split up from you so the people up front will go ahead and slow it down a little bit and they'll let me catch up that way there's no confusion and we're being safe as possible we're not just one big line uh we're having to be split up so when he said david they quite possibly already had a bluetooth system on but nobody was really communicating these things and maybe we're kind of zoned out because we're following the other rider so what do you think happened here jonathan what do you think happened here i believe what happened was this rider saw it's really late slam that front brake because this person's coming now what stage is that if you slam the front brake class round stage so you got a little poop in your pantalones you panicked okay so you did what you thought was an emergency move like grabbing the brake but in reality it's not it's a panic brake you didn't get enough traction on that front tire you didn't do progressive braking to slow down and stop in time and then on top of that you weren't paying attention and more than likely he's been riding for years and years and years and years and never had an issue like this but you know a lapse in judgment collapse and paying attention can really do that to you so i don't care if you're an experienced rider you need to be staying paying attention paying attention right there it could easily smash your ankle so wear gear okay i'm glad he's able to check up on him and everything's good you're right part of the color code chart is two types of emergency color codes and that's gonna be red and brown now red stage is going to be when you actually pull off your appropriate emergency maneuver so if you need to swerve you swerved if you needed to break you did really good progressive brake pressure and you were able to stop in time or buy yourself some time so you could swerve a little bit later now brown stage is when you did all of that but instead of good progressive brake pressure you kind of did a little bit different with the panic brakes the side of the vehicle right here so all of a sudden they came out i'm like ah crap scared boom slam that break that is brown stage same thing with freezing up and just getting scared and target fixating on the object you're supposed to go swerve around so don't ever go into brown stage but if you have to hopefully you're going to make it into red stage with good practice and you're able to navigate that threat doing good mickey how you doing right here oh lane mergers yep good braking he's riding an indian scout bobber 20 looks like doing good okay okay get it in gear very good get yourself out of danger move into lanes find that friction zone do everything you could do all right so what happens here typically so when we're getting into an on-ramp to an interstate what are the main issues that we have do we have people turning left in front of us do we have incoming traffic do we have pedestrians no when we're on the interstate all we really have is the flow traffic going one direction and the only time we're gonna have path of travels are when people merge into our lanes from you know whatever lane they're in but we definitely can tell that people are gonna be merging in the merging area in the merging lane so when we're getting closer and closer and closer to this make sure you go into orange stage that way you're prepped and ready and then once you get into the flow of traffic go ahead and get into yellow stage and zone in and start scanning for things start planning your ride okay adapt to hazards if you locate them so we're gonna be moving forward right here and as soon as you see this vehicle crossover the gore area they're not supposed to but they still do it guys don't worry about it they still do it as soon as you see this we need to do something we need to either switch lanes to the right i know it's ending but here's the thing we got to get around it first then we can deal with it after or apply the brakes that's that's all you have to do don't get next to them but these are the things that i want you to pay attention to these small little details and the reason why we're paying attention to small little details is because we're in orange stage we're prepped and ready and a little bit paranoid okay orange stage right now yellow stage when we're in traffic now this kind of traffic i'd be in orange stage all the time so the horn don't use the horn in an emergency situation use the horn when you're safe i don't want you doing it as an emergency thing the emergency moves are only swerving and breaking that's it or maybe ejection button you can fly away from here i don't know but either way don't use the horn in this situation get yourself out of it first so braking is really the only thing we can do right here so mercy braking you should be able to do it now i believe this bike has abs all right so we're moving right here we got an intersection coming up going to orange stage look at these vehicles a little awkward what's up what's with these are oh there's an intersection or an accident be careful people aren't paying attention oh there it is gaspar t good job so here's the thing i want you to pay attention to we see something uncommon in a common situation we have an accident here so if there's already an accident guess what people are not paying attention in this intersection okay if it can happen right there right before you were there it can happen again one of the things that we deal with on fire scenes is that people are rubbernecking if you don't know what rubber necking is it's like you're the accent so i'm driving oh look there's an accident that's rubber necking and that causes people like just like we were watching if you turn your head you turn right right so when they're doing this they crash into somebody they're not paying attention to what's in front so right here that's what i'm concerned about so i see this i'm like um somebody's gonna be rubber necking they're not gonna be paying attention you see the cars also right here kind of getting into our lane to get around it that's why traffic control is very important whenever you're having to help somebody in a car accident because you don't want them hitting you either so we're getting closer and closer and closer see how he's going slow he's not busting through the intersection if you're going crazy through the intersection you won't be able to adapt in time right here he did a great job great job great job now line of sight is what's causing this issue you can't see issue is issue you can't see around this truck until it's too late but since he's going such slow speeds you know for the environment right you know you don't haul ass on a on a curve when there's a lot of snow and ice on the ground you're not going to haul ass through an intersection with a car accident you're going to slow it down you're going to go based off of the environment and what's going on so gaspar did a great job and then this person's gonna come out and he's able to do what let's see [Music] he swerved a little bit maybe a little break that's perfectly fine got himself out of there good job gasper all right so baby stronger once again all right the side of the vehicle that's a good warning sign we got the sun in our eyes um okay okay might be an issue the side of the vehicle right there side of the vehicle careful careful careful careful good job see how he was able to slow it down didn't panic and was able to get around things that you want to focus on here is if one person is going to do it somebody else is going to do you have sun in the eyes you know you have this big bus kind of waiting there so that's a possible intersection and then we got this person starting to creep out you have one or two options you can shoot for the gap or break and what he did was able to slow down a little bit kind of move out of the way and now this person finally saw it and was able to get around it so he did good i want you to take notice of this left turn signal here okay i'm approaching it's a stale green light meaning i didn't stop at the intersection and wait for it to turn green it's already green and it has been for quite a while actually as i approach the intersection the rest of the video speaks for itself watch and learn all right letting robbie take over wow all right so i wanted robbie to take over so he actually did his own after action review and it was very good so i'm just going to add a little bit to it ravi if that's okay with you yes it's okay thank you so much so here's what uh i really like i can't keep a straight face this is what i really like is that he recognized just because it is a green arrow for me does not mean i just get to go i still have to do my head checks left right left or right left right wherever you're at you know depending so that is a habit i want you to maintain even if you have a green arrow and everyone else is supposed to be stopped i don't want you to be like okay green arrow i'm just gonna go but typically i do left right left i typically look never break your good habits break your bad habits but don't break your good habits even if you know for sure it's safe to do so sometimes you will catch yourself or catch somebody else doing something wrong even though you assumed it's still going to be clear but i'm just going to do a check i don't know how many times i've been walking on the sidewalk with my dog and i still before i cross the street i'm always checking left right left right left right consistently and one time i just not one time many times i just felt like it was safe to do so even though i didn't need to check i still checked and boom i saw a car so always always always check watch and learn yes so still do your checks slow down still so he's going to look left didn't have to and as soon as he saw that uncommon thing in common situations like this guy is not going to be able to stop in time and robbie decided to stop in time and that right there probably could have been a fatal accident for robbie so keep practicing your checks even if you don't have to don't break that good habit car factory customs here we go oh i just wanted to include this video in here [ __ ] original crazy eight here we go baby all right side of the vehicle right there side of the vehicle side good job good job good swerve good swerve could have slowed down in time and went to the right lane instead but he still found the escape path that he needed i like his things but did you die all right so we're gonna be talking about you original crazy eight don't worry about it you know we're here to critique but the thing is we're here from a position of we all want to learn we're not here in a position of let's make fun of while we're critiquing like we could do better right uh i'm assuming original crazy eight is so you can lane filter a little bit better [Music] all right so what we're doing is we're coming up to this intersection now what we already can tell is that somebody went through so even if you can't see that it is an intersection you're like is it if you see a side of the vehicle it is so kind of slow down be ready for for anything orange stage right here so you definitely see this and i can tell he's already starting to slow down a little bit by rolling off the throttle but he sees the vehicle coming in so there's the brake but here's the thing we start to rev bomb okay so the rev bombing it's not going to help you out so let's not do the rev bombing part it's it's pulling power to the rear wheel it's not allowing you to swerve and accelerate as efficient as possible but what we have right here if you had your mirrors down so this is another thing about your mirrors if you had it down you could do a quick check in your right mirror do a quick check to the right and then you can swerve to the right so what you did here was assuming that this person was going to slow down and stop or or move a different lane and move out of your way if they heard your rev bomb but here's the thing it doesn't really happen it doesn't happen like you think so now we're kind of stuck into a position of i have to do a late term emergency move you can still swerve to the right if there's nobody there we don't know yet um but what he did was it was fine so if you're ever in a situation everybody else okay so we already kind of figured out what original crazy 8 could have done a little bit better for this situation so what we're going to do now is if you get caught in this situation what can you do in this situation you do exactly what original crazy 8 did is you find anything that you possibly can use as an escape path and remember remember remember we're on motorcycles so we have the littlest of impact in profile so right here what he did was find his escape path this right here you could easily use think of these lines as as a target your tire is going to fit on it i know you're not supposed to go on paint lines but we're not applying the brakes we're not accelerating hard we're just trying to escape so we have this curb all the way to the tire we can fit there and that's exactly what he did maybe touch the curb a little bit but just take a look at that this is all you need in terms of an escape path and i want you guys to really see that outside of we shouldn't be doing this but the thing is if you get into a position where you need to do this look at what you can do don't assume that you can't do this you can especially excuse me in an emergency maneuver okay if this is all you have take it but other than that what i would do is i would have swerved to the right instead not red bomb [Music] but he did what he had to do now remember this is all clips from the live stream that we have every tuesday and thursday at 3 p.m mountain standard time on this channel make sure you hit that like button at the same time click this video or this video and keep watching
Channel: DanDanTheFireman
Views: 572,340
Rating: 4.9500799 out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle rider training, new motorcycle rider tips, new motorcycle rider mistakes, mistakes new motorcycle riders make, DanDanTheFireman, Motorcycle Training Concepts, motorcycle tips for new riders, online motorcycle class, beginner motorcycle riding course, how to ride a motorcycle in traffic, motorcycle riding tips for beginners, beginner motorcycle tips, beginner motorcycle riding tips, motorcycle tips for beginners, dan dan the fireman, motorcycle riding tips
Id: 7Sne0aUZ208
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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