7 Catfish Victims Called Out For Their LIES 😯 Catfish: The TV Show

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- You said, "I knew you was a thot." What was I doing to make me a thot? - You talk to hella people. What you mean? - (scoffing) Okay, but you lied about a kid? - I never did lie. - You told me you didn't have a kid, and then a kid just appeared on your Facebook. - Wait, do you have a kid? - Yeah, I got a son. - What? I'm surprised that I didn't know he had a kid. Here's a car. - Where? (Kamie gasping) (car engine revving) - [Kamie] There's three people in that car. - They were with three people in that car. - There were three girls. - But it's stopping here. (beeping) Someone's definitely coming towards us and coming inside. (suspenseful music) - Hi. - [Jake] Oh, that voice. - What's up? I'm Nev. - [Amanda] Nice to meet you. I'm Amanda. - Amanda, okay. - Amanda, Kamie. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - [Nev] Obviously, Jake. - Hi. - So are you Taylor? - [Amanda] Sorry, I'm nervous. - I understand. Where were you coming from? - Louisiana. - That's far. - It's like a eight-hour drive. - Did you drive. - You drove? - [Nev] Whoa. - But why him? - Well, we met in person in October at an event. I had a party at my hotel room. I used the Taylor account and told him to come to the party and he came. - So you guys actually hung out? Do you remember her now that she gave you that reference. - Very, very briefly. - I just don't get it. Why are you making friends with kids and fake hosting parties and sending them money? - I have a hard time talking to people. - Are you really trying to make genuine friendships with regular people or is it all just people who have a bunch of followers that you wish you could've been friends with in high school? - Kamie sort of said it. It feels like you're kind of trying to correct and re-live your high school years. - I think so, I am. (phone ringing) - [Chelsea] Hello. - Hey, Amanda. How you doing? Good morning. - Good morning. Um, this is actually Chelsea, one of her friends. - [Nev] Oh, okay, cool. What's up, Chelsea? - [Chelsea] Hi, Amanda was talking to us about what had happened yesterday and I don't think y'all got the full story. - [Nev] We had a feeling that there was more to the story. Are you with her? - Yes, sir. - [Nev] Can we come meet up with you? - [Chelsea] Yes, that sounds great. - [Nev] All right, send us where you're at and we'll head over. - [Chelsea] Okay, thank you. - [Nev] All right, thanks, Chelsea. - I basically I don't want to make Jake look bad for the things that he's done to me. - Okay. - But (beeping) that. This is a safe space. Your friends are here, we are here, we're open. - You have a right to speak for yourself and defend yourself. Let me ask you, yesterday though you brought up that there was something that came up that you didn't wanna talk about. Do you still feel like you don't wanna talk about it or is it- - Oh, I'll talk about it. So on Christmas Eve he called me and he was freaking out because he was like, I don't have money to get my family Christmas presents and I can't go home without presents for them. So I sent him $300. So then he was like okay, I'll call you when I get home and he never called me. And that is when I got mad and told him I was gonna basically put him on blast because I felt like he was using me for money. - Wow, that definitely was not a story Jake told us. - And then just the other day he had asked Amanda for, what was it, $600 or something for a phone. However much a phone costs. And Amanda was like, I only have $300. And he was like, that's fine, send it. There's other times where he's requested money and she's declined- - Right. - Multiple times, and he made her feel bad for declining his request- - So he sent requests. - He sent me requests for $300 to bail his friend out of jail. - Like, why would you even ask Amanda? That's not her responsibility. - But has he demanded money from you? - He's called me a few times and he's asked me to send him food to his house and I do because he's like I'm hungry, babe. I'm hungry. Can you send me food? And I'm like, okay, sure. - So why do you keep sending him (beeping)? - It sounds like you were asking her for stuff and getting mad at her when she didn't deliver. She felt like the relationship that you guys had was very one-sided and I agree with her. - Okay. But, let's be honest, you can't offer up money and then get upset when people expect you to give them money. - But at the same time, she's still a real person who has feelings. It's understandable why you would be hurt and upset. - Sorry. Sorry, I'm a little overwhelmed. - This is a learning opportunity for both of you moving forward, 'cause it's a (beeping) feeling. And although it's not fair to be used by people, it's also not fair for you to allow yourself to be used. - Yeah. - I get the sense, and we kind of have this whole time, that you probably kind of knew whatever relationship you were having with Taylor was never really gonna lead to anything. She probably wasn't even the girl she was saying she was. And you would've been right. So okay, you took advantage of that. - Yeah. - And you have to be able just to say, you know what, yes, I continued to talk to you because you were giving me (beeping). Can you own that? - Yeah, I can own that, yeah. - [Nev] Okay, right. - You're right. I (beeping) up. And I can tell right now that you're a genuine person and I completely took advantage of that. I do care about you and I did care about you. I don't wanna defend myself but I truly, 100% apologize. ♪ Pain is like the rain that falls down. ♪ - Get ready. - [Kamie] Oh, man. (doorbell ringing) - Hi. - Hello. - Hi. - [Dre] How you doing? - I'm good. How are you guys? - Doing good. - You're Casey? - Yes, I am. - Is that your name or shall we call you something else? - You guys can call me Charisma. - Charisma, okay. I like that. (Jackie laughing) - Who is this? - [Dre] Man, what the (beeping)? - I'm Casey. What? - Are you Rebecca? - Man, what the (beeping)? That's my sister. What you doing there? What's going on? - And what's your name? - Jackie. - Jackie, and you are Dre's sister. - Yep, that's my brother. - Blood sister. - Blood sister. We got the same father. So she really had nothing to do with this. - No. - That's messed up though. Why would you do me like that? - Charisma, is that really your name? - Yes, it is. - This is my friend, Charisma, and she helped me out when I needed her. She don't have nothing to do with this. - You played on my top. Why would you do that? - You're kind of a thot. You be acting thirsty all on social media and you got a whole girlfriend that loves you. You know, you got a family, you got a daughter. And I'm just tired of you being a thot, really. I just wanted you to respect your girlfriend. - So basically you baited me- - But you ain't have to take the bait. But that shows you how kind of a thot you is. - The type of messages I was sending, I'm asking for (beeping) and (beeping). Like, that's going to my sister. So, I mean- - You ain't get nothing sent to me. - I know I didn't get nothing. All right, that's facts. But I'm saying, I asked that... You know what I'm saying? The type of messages I would send off like, I wanna see that ass from the back (beeping) and like that. That's (beeping) up. My sister, you really did a number on me. - Karma's a bitch. - That's messed up. I'm shooken up. Like, damn. - When you were talking to Dre as Casey, did he say that he was in a relationship? - You didn't even tell me that you had a girlfriend, at that. So it's like you wasn't even trying, you wasn't even thinking about your family. - No, I was. I'm always thinking about my family. I did tell you I had a daughter and- - What we say? - You know the daughter came from a womb. So I mean- - Are you kidding me? Are you calling your girlfriend a womb? Is that, that's what you- - No. - That's what she is. - I'm saying some things should go without saying. I disclosed to Casey- (Jackie laughing) Casey- - I told you, like he- - Dre (laughing). What! Jackie, does Rebecca know that you've been doing this? - No, I didn't tell her. He just so disrespectful to Rebecca online. And I feel her because I'm a woman. Nobody wanna feel like that or look like that and you be making her feel bad and I don't like that. - I mean- - And wait, who's phone has he been texting? - Okay, so at first I had this text-free number. And then I ended up getting a new number from my real number and he didn't have it yet so I started texting from my just regular number. - So that's your new number? - Yeah, that's my real number so you can save it now. - So who answered the phone yesterday? - My boyfriend. Because he just likes to answer my phone. - Jackie, do your other siblings know? Does Fred know? Does Tasha know? - No, I didn't tell anyone. Me and Fred was talking one day and he brought up Casey. And I was surprised that he brought up Casey name 'cause that means you're serious enough to even bring her up to our brother. Then Freddie was telling me y'all was thinking about writing in to Catfish and whatever. So I saw the opportunity to embarrass you publicly 'cause that's how you do Rebecca. 'Cause you have daughter, you have a family, your girlfriend loves you, so, I'm your sister and I love you. I just wanted to make you feel how you be making Rebecca feel 'cause that ain't right and you need to grow up. He's just like my dad. But you are. All of us say it, you are. - I understand your perspective. It's definitely with 'em for having multiple females. I mean, it could subconsciously have an effect. - And you like it. That's what's crazy about it 'cause I think you like it. - You know. - But you have a daughter. Would you want someone to dog her out like that? - Yeah, I get that. I understand that. I'm definitely gonna work on myself and be faithful. And hopefully she'll take me back. This might be the deal breaker but I got charm so really- - Where? Show me. - Hey, you know, I mean I'm definitely gonna step it up. Jewelry definitely is a good, you know, I might get her some jewelry. - You can start with the jewelry, if you want to, but what we need, in our community especially, are more solid family foundations. I hope, Jackie, that you feel like you've got what you wanted out of this. I definitely did. - I feel like I did. And I apologize for tricking you. - Thank you. Apology accepted and we good. It's just, I was just shooken up. - I'm happy you guys are gonna stay close because this could've, obviously, taken a turn for the worst. So I'm glad that you guys are cool. All right, Dre. That's it for us, all right. - All right. - Take care, guys. - Bravo, Jackie, bravo. (suspenseful music) - Let's do this. - It's so weird. All the windows are blacked out. - Really? - Yeah. (Vince exhaling forcefully) (knocking on door) - [Nev] Hi. You must be Miranda. - Yeah. - [Nev] Hi, I'm Nev. Well, if you wanna come out here, I'll introduce you to the guys. - Hi, Miranda. - [Miranda] Hi. - Why did you, why did you lead me on? - It's hard to talk to somebody as myself. So behind the screen it's easier to talk to people. I didn't do any of this to hurt you at all, and I'm pretty sure you are hurt. And I'm sorry. - You caused Liz and I to break up because she felt like she couldn't trust me anymore. So not only did you hurt me but you hurt her as well. - I do feel bad and that's why I agreed to meet you guys. - Is anything you told me true? - Yeah. Everything I've told you is true, except for, of course, the pictures. - Does that mean your mother recently passed away from breast cancer? - No, that part was to true. I said- - Well that's a huge- - So then everything's not true. - Well, that part. - Well, did you have cancer? - No. - You came out here and said everything I said was true, except for the pictures and now it turns out most of what you said wasn't true. - Why, when he started dating Liz, did you try so hard to break into that relationship and cause havoc? You know he's in a relationship. You know he just wants to be a friend to you. That's the story that he told us. (suspenseful music) - Well, I might've lied about stuff and everything but he's not innocent. He has flirted with me ever since he has been dating Liz and I have text messages to prove that. The things that he said in his text message, he shouldn't say that if he has a girlfriend. - [Nev] What did he say in his text messages? - He texted me saying something about playing with his (beeping). I have that on text message so you can't sit there and say that you didn't send it. - Well, did you text it to her? I mean, whatever, if you did. - I mean, yeah. - You might as well tell the truth 'cause they're going to see it. - I said that but- - Okay. - While you were dating Liz. He's told me that he would break up with Liz for me. Obviously, he didn't tell you guys that story. - Nope. - No. - Whatever. - [Amanda] But, like I said, I agreed to meet with you- - It's not whatever. If you have this girl that you love so much, that you've been having a relationship with for a year and a half, why are you sending pictures of your (beeping). - [Vince] I wasn't trying to get any sexual conversation out of you. - Come on, Vince. - Don't pretend, and I won't either, that you're holier than any other guy ever. We're all the same here, okay. - Wait, time out. I don't do that (beeping). Vince called us in under the- - Yes, yes, let's just be realistic, for a second. - Under the pretense that he wanted to get this girl the hell out of his life because she's ruining his relationship with his girlfriend who he loves so much. - Come on, man. You're making me look like a (beeping) asshole. - You're kind of making yourself look pretty bad. - I mean, Liz had good reason to have suspicions about why you weren't blocking Alyssa. - I wasn't trying to get back in a relationship. - You were. It was something on the side that you wouldn't let go of for Liz, which is all she wanted. - I mean, yeah. - [Nev] Why don't we go back to the hotel and we'll be in touch with you and figure out- - Yeah, that's fine. - Another time to meet back up. - [Amanda] All right. - [Vince] They're making me look like a (beeping). ♪ You don't know me at all ♪ - [William] Okay, so Nev, I got something to tell you. Yesterday, I was on Snapchat going through pictures. - [Nev] It's a letter that is? - [William] Just a message between me and Jamie. - [Nev] That you saved. - [William] Yeah, it was saved. - [Nev] She sent you pictures on Snapchat. But that's the girl we saw on the Facebook page. - [William] That's the same girl to you? - [Nev] Are you joking? Yes. It's the same girl, with the glasses and everything. Come on, man. - I wasn't sure that- - Are you kidding? - It's the same girl. - Yes, it's the same girl. - [William] Man, my memory was off. - [Nev] When was this? - [William] This was like 2017. - [Nev] Has Akirra seen all this? - [William] Akirra, no, she hasn't seen all these. - [Nev] I think we've gotta tell her. - [William] (forcefully exhaling) Ah, man. - [Nev] Did you know that William had real photos of Jamie and he forgot? - [Akirra] No, you just. - You gonna be okay? - Never mind, just get out my (beeping) face. Just go. - You gonna be okay? - [Akirra] This (beeping) is a waste of time. The truth always comes out. - [William] Akirra, is she okay? - [Kamie] She's in the bathroom. I just spoke to her and she says she doesn't wanna come with us to meet Jamie. - I wish she could come with me. That way I know how she feeling. - But I understand where Akirra's coming from. I mean, she's upset. She's having a hard time trusting you right now. Why don't we respect her wishes and just leave her alone to cool down. - Akirra just said she's ready to go the (beeping) home and she's ready to go the (beeping) off. - Oh. - I know I (beeping) up. (suspenseful music) - All right, here's the park. - What's wrong? - I'm worrying about Akirra and that's all I'm thinking about right now. I'm thinking what's going through her mind. I just want everything to just be, you know, okay. I still wish Akirra could've came. - I don't think you want Akirra there. - Yeah. - [Nev] I think I see her. Jamie. - [Kamie] Does it look like her? - [Nev] I don't know. - [William] Oh, my (beeping) God. This is crazy, cuz. This is (beeping) crazy. - [Jamie] Hi. - [Nev] How you doing? Nev. - I'm Jamie. - Kamie. - Nice to meet you. - [Nev] Obviously, you know William. - Yeah. - [Nev] Why don't we talk out here. It's a little dark under there. So what's going on? - [Jamie] A lot. - You're Jamie. - Yeah. - [William] The whole time you're Jamie. - Um-hmm, but I did tell you- - (exhaling) Oh, my God. - In text who I was and I sent you pictures. - You're right because we- - We just saw. - We just saw. - Yeah. - [Nev] So when you first met him, were you lying about the pictures? - Yes, I was. - Okay, so initially you were using different pictures. - [Jamie] Um-hmm. - So you admitted that you were using the wrong pictures and you sent him the right pictures. - [Jamie] Yes, yeah. - [Nev] But then, did you go back to using fake pictures again? - Yeah, because he kept on not really believing that that was me. So I said, in my head, I said I would go along with it. - So that is confusing- - Yeah. - For him. I mean, for most people, I would think they would get it. - When I started developing feelings that I had, I came clean, 'cause I felt it was the right thing to do. - Thank you. (everyone laughing) You are the first person, you lied about who you were, then you got into a relationship, you had feelings for him, so you told him the truth. - [Jamie] Yeah, 'cause it was bothering me- - You didn't wanna believe it. - I didn't wanna believe it. - [Nev] This is weird. - [Tony] Oh, no, what? (Kamie gasping) - Hello. - [Kamie] It's her. - What? Hi, I'm Nev. - Tiana. - Tiana. Nice to finally- - I'm Kamie. - Meet you. - Nice to meet you. - You know Tony. Obviously, you're you. It's you in the picture. So it's confusing to me why we're here. - It's been two years since you first started talking to Tony. - Tony, um, um-um. - What is going on with you guys? Why haven't you FaceTimed? - Honestly, I was going through a situationship. But he knew about that. And I was living with my son's dad, we was co-parenting. - I know but you can find five minutes to... Is this a relationship that you were serious about at some- - We friends. - Okay, but Tony describes this relationship a lot differently. So, at the beginning, or at any point, did you think that this could be more than friends? - Yeah, back then, yeah. - So towards the beginning. - Yeah. (suspenseful music) - But is it totally wrong of him to think that there is something between you? - Yes, because I've told him about dudes that I'm talking to. I always unfriend you. I have unfriended you at least 30 times. - Never, never. - What? - Never. - (scoffing) I wish I could prove it but I can't, obviously, 'cause we Facebook friends now. - Right. - But I have deleted you multiple, a lot of times, Tony. - Never, never. - Have you flat out- - But how could you possibly- - Told him, I'm not interested? Stop calling me, stop talking to me. - Yes, there have been times where I told Tony, stop calling me, stop texting me. Have I or have I not? - You only told me one time. - Okay, one time. And what you do? You still hit me up, right? - 'Cause if you hit me up, I call back. You hit me up. - Oh, my God. So I call you. - You called me that day talking about something about some (beeping). I don't know what the (beeping) you was talking about. That was a minute ago. - Tony, you sound dumb and honestly, you pushy, you're extra, you're disrespectful. I mean, you said I was a thot, so- - What? - Nah, I said- - You said, "I knew you was a thot." What was I doing to make me a thot? - You talk to hella people. What you mean? - (scoffing) Okay, but you lied about a kid. - I never did lie. - You told me you didn't have a kid and then a kid just appeared on your Facebook. - Wait, do you have a kid? - Yeah, I got a son. - What? How old is your son? - One. - That's something that you tell somebody that you supposedly talk to, right? - I could understand being confused and a little surprised and upset to find out that a guy that I'm talking to didn't mention that he has a kid. I'm surprised that I didn't know he had a kid. - Me and my baby momma wasn't talking. Me and my baby momma don't talk. We (beeping) around two times, three times. - Did you know that your baby mom was pregnant when she was pregnant or did you not find out that you had a kid until after she had it. - I didn't find out until after. - Well, hold on a second. All of this is irrelevant if you don't actually have feelings for him. - Well, it went out the window once he did all that. - So you did. - Yep. - So, your interest in Tony was real. - Yep. - Over time, you just lost interest. - Yeah. Y'all don't understand, Tony can get annoying as (beeping). He blows me up and I don't like that, to be honest. I even told you I could be busy, I could be busy with my kid. When you blow me up and call me like 10 times, I just feel like you been stalking me. - Can we see some of the messages? - Okay, so that's Tony, Tony two times, Tony 25 times. - But you're saying he blows you up- your phone a lot. - He blows me up. He do stuff that he don't need to be doing. Like, I don't like that blowing me up stuff. I don't like that. - We see the phone records. - Clearly there's more to the story. There's two sides, for sure. Maybe now we can talk to you guys separately and just sort of feel this out as to where we're gonna go with this. Is this the best for each of you? All right, we'll see if we can dig a little deeper. - [Kamie] You've got some explaining to do, buddy. Like, come on.
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 612,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: most watched, happy endings, victims revealed, nev and kamie, coldeset catfish, kaden, adriana, catfish moments, catfish excuses, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, reveals, best of, hilarious, best moments, online dating, real life, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, pretend, nec schulman, nev, relationship, honest, reality, love, catfish, Catfish, Catfish: The TV Show, best of catfish, catfish the tv show, catfish mtv, catfish sneak peek, catfish highlight, catfish reveal, reveal
Id: E0S7admGjVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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