7 Car Toys All 90s Kids Will Remember

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(groaning) - There's a literal bug in it. (laughs) Today is Christmas and Christmas gets me nostalgic for the good old days. I'm talking about toys. Our beautiful producers have put together an awesome collection of car toys that every '90s kid will remember. We're gonna check out the commercial, we're gonna open them up, we're gonna test them, to find out if they hold up. I'm James, he's Joe, and this is the- - [Announcer] D-List. - A big thanks to Keeps for sponsoring this episode. (gentle music) Oh, happy holidays. I'm just decorating the house with all my bird friends, but you're not here for that, are you? No, you're here because you want a full head of hair this holiday season, or maybe you're here for some of Dave's famous eggnog. (slurping eggnog) Mmh, creamy and delicious, Dave. (bird cawing) Little holiday trivia for you. Did you know that two out of three guys will experience some form of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35? And with hair loss in the family, my nephew Nolan decided to treat himself to the gift of Keeps this holiday season. He can just pop open his little Inter web book thingy and talk to a doctor online, and then he'll get his hair loss medication delivered right to his front door. So if you're tired of being visited by the ghost of hair loss past and are ready to take action, go to keeps.com/dlist or click the link in the description to receive 50% off your first order. Hey Dave, get me a refill. He laid these eggs himself. Did you know that? Did you know male birds can also lay eggs? (video beeping) - Joe, thank you so much for being here with me today. - Thank you for having me I'm so excited to look at all these toys. I don't know what's coming, so I'm super excited - Neither do I. I'm super stoked. If you guys don't know, we have a podcast called the Past Gas Podcast. You can check it out on the Donut Podcast Channel or anywhere that you stream podcasts. So today we're gonna watch the commercial for the toy. We're gonna open the toy. We're gonna play with it a little bit. We're going to decide if they're all that and a bag of chips! Just aight or don't go there! You ready? First toy, please! - [Announcer] Look out, it's Psycho. ( James laughing) - Hell yeah. - Immediately falling down a cliff. - Whoa. - [Announcer] With Jump Shift you own the skies. Jump Shift. - Jump Shift. - [Announcer] Far, you're the king of the sky. New Psycho from Tyco R/C. (chuckling) - Okay. - I loved Tyco cars. They were the first like, old big introduction into my love of cars. - Yeah, I remember playing with toy cars and I'm like, "This is bunk, I want something that has power." - This one's tight because it looks like it has a skillset. - Yeah, like you have to learn how to ollie. - [James] Whoa. - Two powerful Mabuchi motors, functional intakes for air cooling. - [James] Whoa, whoa, wheelie. (intense rock music) - So that, you've got, mastered that trick. - Well, you can only turn one way. - Really? - Yeah. (laughing) (intense rock music continues) (laughing) - So I think that if you practiced really hard, you could get good at this. Right out of the box, I think I would have been very frustrated. - Yeah. - After seeing the commercial, especially as a little kid. So I'm going to say, don't go there. - [Announcer] Is this the end for Donatello? - Aw, - [Shredder] Turtle breath. - [Donatello] Got a pizza instead? (laughing) - Wait, why does he have a Boston accent? - Hey, it shoots pizzas. - Pizzas. - [Announcer] Michelangelo to the rescue in the Party Wagon. ♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ♪ - So those were, groaner, (laughing) made by groaner. Those are definitely not the voice actors for Turtles. - No, I don't think they could get them for the commercial. - No. - Whoa. Some assembly re puzzled. This is not the original packaging, obviously. - This is a hand-me-down. Okay, here we go. (laughing) - Nice. (whimsical music) (toy clicking) (laughing) - This one is not as cool as I remember. - It's also kind of sticky. - Is this an air cooled engine on the back? - Yeah. I like this. Even though it doesn't have the pizza shooter that was in the commercial, I think it's pretty good. - I think it's cool, and it's definitely flooding all that nostalgia back. - Uh huh, and it's definitely like already kind of picking my imagination, which is really fun. I'd say it's aight. (funky music) - Okay, bad dude. ♪ If you wanna keep up with what's really new ♪ ♪ Then you need a Hot Wheels Automagic II ♪ (chuckling) ♪ You can paint, you can stripe it ♪ ♪ Hot Wheels rule ♪ - This was that era where everyone thought they needed to do a rap for everything. - Yes, it's so disrespectful. - (laughing) Yeah. - I almost don't want to open this one. - Yeah, This is like...this is new dead stock right here. - Dude this is nice. (upbeat music) Sorry, collectors. Including max. I am going to open the blister pack. - Oh no. The value is going down (chuckles) - So this is what I think it's gonna happen with this car changing stuff. It really degrades over time. So I think this is not going to be as exciting as we think it's gonna be as exciting as we think. (booming) - Whoa - Okay. I stand corrected. - Yeah. - This is cool. I'm blown away. I don't know, man. This to me is pretty sick. - My expectations were very low on this and I got to say it won me over. I like it a lot. - I think that the Hot Wheels, Automagic II - Say it, - All that and a bag of chips baby, I love this thing. Imma...this one is going on display. - This I would give to my future son. (video rumbling) - [Voiceover] I like to kiss him goodbye in the morning. Now he wants to shake hands. How you tell your kid you love him without embarrassing him. My dad used to bring me Hot Wheels, cars. I do the same, You should've seen his face When I surprised him with a hot wheels, Sto & Go car wash and service station. It really fired up his imagination. - Fired up. Murdoch wheels. They're of the ways I tell my kid, I love him. - God .(exclaiming). Poisonous.(laughing) - [Kid] Dad! - Hot Wheels - That's-- - They're one of the ways I tell kids I love them. - Straight up toxic. (laughing) - Awful That was the weirdest commercial we've seen so far - That was so weird. - My son won't kiss me anymore. - (laughing) Okay, this is a box of a hundred, Okay. This is dirty. (laughing) - This is really dirty toy. Can't you guys find any clean ones? (exclaims) - Whoa. (laughing) - Is it a cockroach (beep) - (laughing) There's a literal bug in it? (laughing) - Oh, this is cool. - Yeah. - And..okay, do that. This is a big old curly black hair. (laughing) Here's a tip to anyone selling anything on eBay, Clear your curly hairs off of it. Okay. That's cool. - It turns tune up - Let's see if it goes all the way down-- - I'm tuning it up (toy crushing) - Hey. Okay. - That's geometry I think, I think this is a fun toy. It's not, it's not blowing my mind. This is a gift from a guy whose kid wants to shake his hand because the kid wants a job, the guy is weird. And because of that, the kid is weird. - And maybe because it's old and it has a bunch of black curly hairs on it. (laughing) - And a bug, a literal bug. - (laughing) - But I still think it's pretty cool. I'm going to give it aight, - Yeah solid aight. - [Voiceover] K'nex. (upbeat music) - Stop motion. (upbeat music continues) - Oh so this is just a commercial for K'nex - [Voiceover] K'nex, he new snap together Color-coded construction set. (upbeat music) - We're going to have Clark our Christmas off. Put this together for us. It's inclusive (laughing) Dumping them all out. - Thank you, Clark. - Thank you, Clark. - Okay, so this one's smaller than I remember. - Yeah. Did you do this the right way Clark? Or did you take a bunch of shortcuts? - Did you put this together with smaller pieces and we call it (mumbles) I don't know how you did it, but somehow you made it perfect miniature version of a K'nex drag racer. This is a perfect example of stuff used to be better. - Yeah - Because when I was a kid, they were this big - Maybe it's. Because your hands were this small.-- - (laughing) Maybe I was just smaller but I really do think like, no there's no, they were this big. And also it was a rubber band loaded so It would do wheelies. - Yeah. - I'm pissed. What is this (beep)? I think that the original toy, the one that I had was all that and a bag of chips. With this, this thing is too small to put to that. It's limiting my imagination and I think it's a bunch of crap. And for that I would not go there. - [Joe] (rumbling) - (laughing) Yeah I did feel bad. I'm sorry Clark. - [Voiceover] Out of the shadow comes the new Batmobile (dramatic foreboding music) - Oh what! - Its a super hero on wheels, now Batmobile - This is one's from 2003. So at this point I had a real car. So I don't remember this one. So this one is for you later '90s kids like max. I loved action figures when I was a kid, I played with action figures way...for years. After my friends stopped playing with action figures, I used to call them guys, play with my guys, And imma be "pick up your guys." - I used to tie a little parachutes on. And I drove them off the top of the bleachers. 'Cause I live right next to the high school. - It's weird that the, the twist ties are like hit me. - Oh yeah-- - Hit him for me. - This is my least favorite part of any toy. - Yeah. - Cause he's never get all of them.-- - Yeah . (suspenseful music) - So, this toy (beep) this toy absolutely rolls, I love it. It's great design, very good wheels. - Wait, how does that motorcycle pop up?-- - Shoots - That's cool. (toy clicking) - There you go. - Cool . - Oh spring loaded. - whoa. That's cool. - This is very good. - God, you 2000's kids are so lucky. - You're gonna want parents that read the thing. Because if you get a Batmobile with a Robin motorcycle and you don't have a Batman or a Robin, you're gonna have a bad Christmas. - That's an ain't know right there. - But I do think that this toy absolutely slaps. - Yeah. - So I'm gonna say that this Batmobile with the Robin motorcycle is all that and a bag of chips! yeaps - I have to disagree with you, - What! this is kind a complete shock to me. - I think this is better than all that and a bag of chips. I think this is THE BOMB.COM. - (laughs) And I agree, man. I didn't know you would make it up new categories. This is DA BOMB.COM. (gentle music) - [Voiceover] Stop by for Tobo fun on TOMY. - Tomy terrible Tomy. (playful music) - Whoa, can't believe you guys fell in love with a doughnut sticker on it. (laughing) That is a sign It is so small, It's tiny. I remember like being able to grab it with my hands. Did I have tiny hands? - Reset the trip. - Oh, that's awesome. (toy ticking) Nice, start out nice and slow at first. - Whoa, watch out - Wait, turbo kicked in . - Oh we're spooling baby, whoa. - 180, - Got a slight misfire. Dude this is really cool. - If was a kid, I'd be psyched to get this 100%. Especially if I was a little German kid in 1980, I'd be like, " Ooh (mumbles) - You crashed, you ran right into that tree, dude. Let me try. (toy clicking) Oh yeah. Yeah, this is still cool. - I'd say from a nostalgia standpoint, I never had one of these, but almost all my friends had one in their closet or one of their siblings closets. I think as an adult, if I had this like on a shelf, like I think, well, we're going to go put this on the shelf in the donut lobby. Playing with it is not that fun. - It's not that fun now, but you have to think of like at the time it was probably really cool. Yeah, the only candy they had was licorice pizza hadn't been invented yet. So I think we're both agreed because of what it is. The Tomi turbo dashboard, all that and a bag of chips? - All that bag of chips probably not THE BOMB.COM. - I agree, if we miss something that you remember from your childhood, let us know in the comments below, you guys don't know we have a membership program. One of the perks is we give away exclusive stickers. The deadline for this season sticker is December 31st click the join button, or there's a link in the description below to learn more. I love you. - Keep it juiced. (laughing)
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 789,985
Rating: 4.9359279 out of 5
Keywords: car toys, best car toys, 90s toys, 90s toy commercials, 90s car toys, 90s cars, best 90s toys, car toy review, 90s kids, 90s kid toys, tomy turbo dashboard, 90s, 1990s, donut media, james pumphrey, joe weber, past gas, past gas podcast, donut media podcast, 90s commercials, dlist, d-list
Id: FuNRdYiV_6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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