Cars You Gotta Build Yourself

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Race Car Replicas

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/FluxxOG 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

There was a podcast question once where someone asked if Brian is mad for the Donut guy for something but didn't quite get what the story was about, did Donut Media steal some footage or something?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mrozek33 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
(violent car noises) - Today we're talking about kit cars, a.k.a vehicles you gotta build yourself. I understand when most people think of kit cars, they probably imagine a weird Lamborghini lookalike with bad proportions on top of a VW beetle chassis. But it turns out, there are a lot of pretty sick DIY kit cars out there. Today we are gonna talk about the coolest ones. 'Cause you know what? I like cars and so do a bunch of my friends. So we make car videos for a living. Go ahead and hit that subscribe button so we know if we're doing a good job. I'm James and this is The D-List. Big thanks to car insurance comparison site, The Zebra for sponsoring today's video. Now you might think a working bathtub full of warm cash in the middle of a parking lot is a waste of money. But hey, it's my birthday. And mommy says birthday boy gets what he wants. While installing an actually functional bathtub right here wasn't exactly convenient, finding good car insurance on The Zebra was. The Zebra lets you compare car insurance quotes from every major company side by side in minutes. There's no more shopping around with multiple websites or being interrupted by spam calls. Nolan, my laptop needs more juicy. - I'm right here James. You're lucky it's your birthday. Nolan I'm feeling a bit tired, I need you to finish this ad for me. The Zebra is home to honest and independent advice that can save you hundreds every year on car insurance. To find the best car insurance options for you, check out and start saving today. (James farting) - Ooh, sorry. I had a lot of caviar. We have talked about the Miata a lot on this channel. I get it, you're perfect, you're affordable, you're super fun. You think you're better than me? You can't even read, you're a car. But what if you want a Miata that isn't a Miata? What if you want a Miata that's a bunch of pipes welded together? Well my friend, you get yourself an MEV Exocet. The MEV Exocet turns your NA or NB Miata into a full tube frame, grownup go-kart. This exoskeleton chassis kit was developed to be the most affordable, lightweight, easiest to assemble kit on the market. Obviously we're shedding some pounds by you know getting rid of it's skin. The skin is one of the organs that slows you down the most. Why do you think skeletons are so fast? Now the Miata is already a light car but the Exocet is 35% lighter. That's Deadlift territory for me and I don't do Deadlifts 'cause of my back. I just do Power Cleans. That kind of lightness makes the Miatas, a hundred-ish horsepower, a whole lot more fun. And the Miata comes start with a super turbo motor which makes it even more fun. I'm not saying you should do it. It's your life. I'm not the boss of you, but it would be fun. The kit costs $7,000 not including the Miata that you gotta cut up and it supposedly requires about a hundred hours to assemble. And there's a few companies that make Miata Lift Kits, so. Okay so maybe the extra set is still too much Miata for you. That's okay because I've gotten even better exoskeleton chassis kit car. And this one is even spookier than a skeleton. DF Goblin. DF Goblin is basically the same concept as the Exocet but instead of using a Miata it features the innards of a cold hard american legend. Of course I'm talking about the Chevy Cobalt. Let me tell you, by the time that you piece this kit together you're not gonna have much Cobalt left other than the subframe, the engine and a few other pieces. The Goblin kit transforms your front engine, front wheel drive Chevy into a mid engine rear wheel drive. This thing. (engine running) According to Goblin website, it's not even that hard. They laid out instructions for every part of the building including buying a Donor car, stripping it down and each stage of the process. This thing is the Ikea troll stop of cars. And even if you do get stuck building it, there's an entire forum of absolute Goblin freaks that are just dying to help you out. And if you really wanna your panties in a twist, get yourself a turbo charge Cobalt SS which will hit 60 miles per hour in 3.25 seconds with the goblin kit. They say the Goblin takes about 200 hours to build and it costs just under 10 grand not including the Donor. You may be a goon but what's a Goon to a Goblin? Nothing, nothing, you (indistinct) nothing. So maybe tubes and skeletons aren't your jam. Maybe you want something a little bit more Countash Something a little bit more Testa Rossa Well this next one will give you all those exotic looks without the exotic price tag and all you needs is a Pontiac Fiero. Aldino K/O. The Aldino K/O kit will transform any year Pontiac Fiero into this. Why would you wanna turn your Fiero into fake Ferrari Pantera (indistinct) shine? Well because driving ridiculous cars is almost as much fun as pissing off Ferrari owners. That's why Fieros are famous for being turned into kit cars and that's for a really good reason. They're dirt cheap, their body can be replaced easily, they light on fire pretty easily and they're already mid engine. In fact, here is a Fiero that we found on Greg's list, that has kit car candidate in the title. There might be more Fiero kit cars in the world than actual Fieros at this point. Unlike the exoskeleton kits that we talked about, most of the work with the Aldino involves stripping the Fieros exterior and replacing with all the fiberglass parts. It's supposed to take 150 hours to build and costs around 10 grand. I would be hard pressed to find a funnier $10,000 job. This next car doesn't look like a car at all, looks like a Disneyland fricking monorail baby. Car Factory ETV. Car Factory ETV or extra terrestrial vehicle is a blob shaped coupé with going doors, massive intake vents and absolutely no rear view side mirrors, okay? 'Cause in the future you don't look to the past. And apparently it's street legal in Florida because everything is. So what car is this thing even based on? Some kind of mid engine thing, something fast? Wrong! Dead wrong cowboy. This spaceship is actually a Chevy Aveo underneath. According to the inventor who invented this invention, a complete build will cost you right around $20,000. So if you live in Florida and have $20,000 burning a hole in your pocket, this could certainly be an option for you. Superlite Moab. Waah. So you thought kits were only meant for cars, huh? Dead wrong again. Zero for two. Wow, are you okay? This burly boy is made by a company called Superlite who also makes a bunch of super car looking vehicles but the Moab is #builtdifferent. It's an all out race truck. Two inch thick steel cage to (indistinct), 20 inches of wheel travel. LS power baby. The truck is rated to handle 750 Hrsprs and those are off-road hrsprs. That's the most (indistinct) kind of hrsprs If you've never shopped for a trophy truck before you might not realize that they are very expensive. I'm talking 250 grand. But the Moab kit starts at around $50,000 which yes is more expensive than some of the other cars on this list. Think about what you're getting for that price. Superlite claims that the build should take around 200 hours to complete. Now we all know that that's the equivalent of watching Paul Blart 133 times. Now let me ask you a question, would you rather watch Paul Blart 133 more times Or would you rather build a 700 horsepower off-road trophy truck? Or would you rather move the TV into the garage watch Paul Blart 133 more times and build a 700 horsepower trophy truck? That's called a lifehack baby. Ultima Evo. You might recognize this as the weird fast car from Forza. It's a super car, literally. You can go out and buy one of these from Ultima for $100,000. Or you can build your own. And then you can buy one of those bumper stickers that says built not bought and you put it right on your rear window. Except this thing doesn't even have a rear window, 'cause it's a frickin super duper car. Ultima's website says the kit car version of the Evo costs as much as a mundane new BMW M3, which is a weird kind of mean flex. But what does this kit car give you for mundane BMW M3 monday, money. Well, let's start with 1,020 horsepower supercharged LS behind the (beep) pit. The thing only weighs 2000 pounds. That's half a Hertz per, per pound. That's a half a Hertz per, per pound. That's a half a Hertz per, per pound. Sure some of the other cars on this list are "fun" but the Ultima is a super car. It goes 0-60 in under three seconds. In a car that you and your cousin Dale built in your garage in a couple of weekends while drinking Pabst blue Ribbons. That is not a good idea. The next car in this list is a replica kit based on a legendary british sports car. You think I'm talking about the Caterham 7? Strike three. Damn dude, dead wrong again. I'm talking about the RCR XJ13 which is based on the one of one Jaguar XJ13 race car. The Jaguar XJ13 was a racing car developed to compete at Le Mans. But it never raced. And only one of this car was ever produced. You might also notice that I said racing car not race car that's because it's british. Although this car had a lot of potential with its five liter V12, Jaguar didn't prioritize the XJ13 and the development of Ford's GT 40 quickly made it basically obsolete. It also didn't help that the prototype was crashed and lost forever. but that's where the RCR comes in. No I'm not talking about regular car reviews, shouts to those guys, hi fellas. I'm talking about race car replicas. The XJ13 replica is a fiberglass body sitting on a mono (beep) chassis. Obviously it's got the looks of the original Jag but you get to decide what kind of guts you wanna put in it. You can't do that with kids. All for a price tag starting around 30 grand. Just make sure that you measure your legs and butt before building this thing, because nothing's worse than spending 400 hours building a car that you can't fit it in. Ask me how I know. LB Specialist STR. LB Specialist STR is a replica kit car of one of the most legendary rally cars of all time, the Lancia Stratos. The shortest rally car ever, seriously. An original Stratos costs about $650,000. An LB Specialist STR costs about 5% of that price tag. And you also wouldn't be afraid to drive it. Much like the Stratos, the STR was designed to be fitted with a V6 either from an alpha Romeo, a Toyota or Ferrari. I think I know which one I'd go with, Toyota. I would like to take this moment to point out that Lancia only makes one vehicle today. It's called the Ypsilon. You could drive an Ypsilon or you could drive a brand new Toyota V6 powered rally car. Choice is yours. Shortest rally car ever. Capping off this list, no cap, is a very special kit car, perhaps the greatest kit car ever. I'm talking about the Shelby Cobra 420 fricking seven. (James hissing) Shelby made less than a thousand original Cobras and they're worth like $5 million. But thanks to modern technologies, like science and fabrications. There are a few companies that make their own flavor of uncle Carol's creation. And I should mention that they're not technically called "Cobras" for legal reasons, but regardless these are really sick cars. Factory Five makes one called the MK4 Roadster which they claim is the world's best selling, best engineered and best performing replica of all time. Factory Five says they'll sell you a "complete kit for $20,000" but I think someone should tell them the definition of complete because you still got to come up with your own drive-train wheels and paint. Personally I'd make everybody flip their lids with turbo K series, BB SRSs and midnight purple tube paint from North 34. And unlike some of the other kits on this list you can still be a tall ass mofo and fit in this bad mama jama. This is a kit car that Shrek would fit it and for that, this is the king of today's D-list. Thank you guys so much for watching this episode of the D-list. If you're new here and you liked it, go ahead and hit that subscribe button. I really wanna better than all the other boys. While you're down there, click that join button. See what this thing called the Donut Underground is all about. If you guys wanna learn more about building cars, check out our other series, Money Pit. And if you wanna learn more about Shelby, the God, the dude, check out this episode of my other show, Up To Speed. All right. I love you.
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 1,530,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kit cars, best kit cars, built not bought, cheap kit cars, df goblin, df goblin kit car, goblin kit car, replicar, replica car, cobra replica, shelby cobra replica, factory five, factory 5, factory five cobra, donut media, james pumphrey, dlist, factory five racing, cheap replica cars, replica cars, list of cars
Id: FTTFVhqk-3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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