7 Car Myths Stupid People Fall For

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rev up your engines today I'm going to talk about some common car Miss some are true some are false but this information can save you a lot of hassle in the long run now believe it or not if you put your remote next to your head that actually increases the range of how you can find your car in a crowded parking lot or unlock the doors watch now this Toyota remote has a pretty good range the car is way over there and you can see it still works but when I get further away it no longer works until I put it under my chin and watch even at these really far distances it then worked because something about the signal and the fluid in your head and I got a big head it amplifies the signal so it travels further so if you see people in a parking lot with their key under their chin and they're twirling around in a circle they may not be crazy maybe they're just looking for their car well there it is and if you don't want to look foolish and you got a bottle of water for hydration around you can use the bottle of water too it'll amplify the signal such that your head's got a reasonable amount of water and space in it and it's handy usually your head is attached to your body so you can push the key you might not always have a bottle of water to hold so that myth is real but here's another if you use more expensive premium gasoline your car will run better well in the case of most modern cars that's not true it actually may run worse modern cars are generally made to run on regular gasoline now the higher octane gasoline the expensive stuff and actually can take more pressure before it explodes and burns well a few of a car that's made for gasoline that burns under less pressure it works better in the average engine and even if you have a modern luxury car it says you have to use premium fuel they'll all run perfectly fine on regular fuel they'll just lose a little bit of horsepower for example if you have the Ford Mustang four-cylinder EcoBoost it's like 330 horsepower fuse the high test expensive Fuel and it'll put out about 287 horsepower if you use regular fuel so you lose some horsepower but it runs perfectly fine so not only would you be wasting as it stands today I just checked the gas station down the street it's a dollar a gallon extra for the premium fuel you'll be wasting a dollar a gallon in a normal car like this Toyota it may actually run worse with high test gasoline than with the normal and I know some people will say oh but there's better additives in the print me and feel like hey in the United States there's laws fuels have to have certain kind of additives to stop pollution to get better gas mileage so you're throwing your money away putting High test gas in most cars these days they don't need it they're throwing your money away so throw that myth down the toilet most cars regular gasoline they'll run perfectly fine you'll pay less money and actually they could run a little bit worse if you put premium fuel because they're designed for the lower octane fuel originally back in the day the fast racing cars luxury cars and engines with very high compression ratio and if you would have put regular gas in them they'd knock they'd climb Clank clang when you're accelerating and that's bad but modern vehicles are well beyond that so don't get suckered into buying High test gas when you don't need and hilariously enough years ago people took the gas companies to Congress and said how come you charge so much more for your high test gasoline for the expensive stuff because it turns out that it only costs a penny or two more to make that versus the other stuff so it needs a little bit more refining but not much well the oil companies responded well that's to recoup our advertising costs because watch all the ads on TV you'll notice the only thing they ever advertise is their top of the line premium gas so their excuse is what we have to pay for our advertising costs well let me tell you don't waste your money on their advertising costs just use regular gasoline the next myth has to do with oil changing when I was a young mechanic we changed the oil filter every 3000 miles or once a year right now some of these companies are saying you can change every 10 or 12 000 miles well if I were you I would not do that because the last thing you want to Modern car is a gunked up engine now for anti-pollution reasons and better gas mileage the companies started using low tension piston rings the Piston Ring seal the piston right and then they're really all cars they had high tensile strengths so they were real tight they had more friction they got worse gas mileage but they could run a really long time before they started to burn oil as they're worn out you got to get another engine right well today almost all cars used these low tents uh piston rings so if your oil gets dirty and gunky the piston rings will get stuck in the gunk because they don't have that much tension they won't seal right and you burn oil and that's why you see so many cars today that burn off and the manufacturers say oh that's normal our cars burn a quart oil every Thousand Miles right it's normal because people don't change the oil now you don't have to change every 3000 Miles like you used to as long as you use high quality synthetic oil like this I advise with normal stop and go City Driving most of the time change it every 5 000 miles or once a year and change the filter it's now 17 years old it does not burn oil on a highway it gets 37 miles a gallon going 65 miles an hour you don't want to ruin an engine because oh you don't have to change the oil as much don't worry about it now the only real exception to this rule is if you do a lot of high speed highway driving you can go a lot further then you can actually go Ten Thousand Miles driving on a highway is equivalent to like 10 to 15 percent to wear or stop and go if you're going all on a highway and I mean real Highway when I was in Houston forget the highways half the time you're going 10 miles an hour stop and go traffic in a traffic jam right but if you're on an actual highway it's going 65 miles an hour you could change it every ten thousand miles if you use full synthetic oil and you're not going to have any problems but for most people who drive a lot of city stop and go that builds up the carbon that builds up the water that's created by combustion you want to change the oil every 5 000 miles and yes today 3 000 miles is overkill if you use full synthetic oil right but if you're using conventional oil and not using synthetic oil I would still change the conventional oil every 3000 Miles with normal City dry it doesn't work as good as synthetic oil doesn't flow as well don't fall for this myth that oh you can change your oil every ten twelve thousand miles it won't hurt anything in the long run it's going to wear your car out because let's face the facts they're making cars cheaper than they used to now the next myth is an interesting one you're going down the highway you better rolling your windows down than running your air conditioner because you'll get better gas mileage well this might have been true decades ago when American cars had big air conditioning compressors that used a lot of energy but any modern car built in the last 15 or 20 years has more efficient air conditioning compressors and it turns out that if you're driving down the road with your windows roll down less efficient driving down the road you have more wind drags and that wind drag negates any amount of power that a modern air conditioner compressor uses So and I've done experiments I had a customer drove from Houston to the Indianapolis 500 and back with this Ford Mustang on one trip there he rolled the windows down on the way back he had the AC on he got the same exact gas mileage whether the AC was on or the windows were rolled down and this old Toyota got 37 miles a gallon driving in the summer from Rhode Island to Tennessee with the air conditioning on the whole time my wife does not like being hot it doesn't knock your gas mileage out and at highway speeds with the extra wind turbulence it gets the same gas mileage now another myth is that tires are Just Tires doesn't matter what you got on your car that isn't going to affect your gas mileage and stuff like that just go out by the lowest price tires don't waste your money well of course that's a mess of course cars are the contact point on the road if they have the wrong tread design if they're poorly made then they have too much friction they can knock the heck out of your gas mileage and of course keep them properly inflated because if they don't have enough air they're going to have squash down they're going to get more friction you're going to get worse gas mileage and of course you you don't want too much pressure either because too much pressure the center of your tire will wear out more because it's bulging out towards the middle you can lose traction and of course it's dangerous because if you put too much in 60 80 psi when they get hot they can explode and buy good tires that have a good higher traction but aren't outrageous so you get bad gas mileage not almost people don't think twice about the car tires but think about them once buy good tires with a good gas mileage tread pattern they've got ratings for that you can research it all and always keep the correct pressure in them for both safety and gas mileage reasons now another myth is when you're filling your car up how the pump shuts off you can keep adding gas so you can go further and put more gas in your tank you do not want to do that when it shuts off leave it if you keep filling it up some of the gasoline will get into your EVAP system there's a big old tank under here and there it is it's called the that canister assembly it's there to separate gas fumes from the air and then either pure air comes out or the gas fumes are vented back into the engine intake and burned if you keep filling up your gas after it shuts off you're going to get raw gas in that system that system is made for gas Vapors raw gas will destroy it and in this case the evap canister is over 300 bucks just in parts no another myth is that all your car's always needing a tune-up now back in the day in the 1960s when I was a young mechanic you had mechanical points that were out you had carburetors you had to clean and adjust you had to adjust the valves all the time there are a lot of things involved in a tune-up you just set the ignition timing but modern cars are all run by computers and most use iridium spark plugs like this I just changed these on a guy's car they're not in that bad shape they were the original ones the car had 200 000 miles on it was still running okay thought about setting the ignition timing you can't on a modern car it's all done by computer what about setting the idle speed again all done by computer there really is no such thing as a tune-up anymore I mean hey you can easily change your own air filter and when it comes to spark plugs this has four you can change them in 10 minutes it's not hard to do but it doesn't need to be done all that often and as for adjusting valves if you had to in the old engine tank most cars these days have hydraulic valves that adjusts themselves and ones like this Toyota they use stainless steel shims theoretically they need adjusting this has never been touched by 94 Celica has never been touched and it still runs fine it's a royal pain because you got to buy all these different size gyms measure them take them off the engine put them in it's a real pain but these systems are so well made normally to the life of the engine you never have to touch them now unfortunately if you own a Honda many of them still use the old-fashioned rockers that have a screw with two bolts on them you got to loose them and you got adjust the valve then you do need to adjust them they do wear and it's a gigantic pain in the bust so Mr true and some are just a bunch of hogwash so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell foreign [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 408,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, never do this, don't do this to your car, things not to do in a car, how to maintain your car, car maintenance, things, things not to do in a new car, car maintenance fails, car maintenance for beginners, cars explained, car repair fails, car repair fail, fails, car fail, car fails, car myths, myths, mythbusters, myth busted, stupid people, dumb people, dumb, 20 car myths
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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