7 Airline Pilot Secrets You Don’t Know About – Boeing 737 Cockpit Secrets By @DutchPilotGirl

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hi guys welcome back to my channel and thank you so much for watching this video I hope you're all healthy safe and of course doing great today let's expose some secrets and things you probably did not know about the 737 at the end of this video I'd like to know how many if any you already knew and if you like my videos consider subscribing and hitting a notification bell so you've never miss out any of my future videos secret number one did you know that we have multiple cameras inside the airplane which are displayed in the cockpit that way pilots can keep an eye on what's happening in the galleys those cameras do not record though apart from the cameras we can also hear everything which is being discussed in these parts of the cabin we monitor them and in case we can anticipate on something we obviously take action sometimes one of our colleagues comes in telling it that temperature is writ high and we already anticipated on it by turning the switches a bit down simply because we already heard the crew talking about temperature it goes without saying that the cameras are installed for your and our safety and we would never use them for anything else secret number two have you ever taken a good look at the overhead panel of a Boeing 737-800 I'm sure if you're not familiar with the layout it looks like one big chaos and even if you are a little bit familiar I wonder whether you ever noticed these little pluses I'm talking about the little white pluses which are located on the panels of the systems and what do you think they are for believe it or not but when you press these white pluses the whole system will temporarily illuminate the plus shows the position of the electrical connector behind the plate so if the individual panel lighting is not working properly then pressing on the little plus can do the trick secret number three did you know pilots greet each other in the air during the night at night when two aircraft flying in opposite directions approach each other it's quite common for the pilots to turn a landing lights temporarily on and off this is done to greet each other and sometimes increase situational awareness whenever the pilots of one aircraft Si and other aircraft approaching they flash their running lights and wait for the other guys to respond sometimes you get an answer and sometimes you don't I always try to respond or flash those landing lights when I see another aircraft approaching I mean it's fun right as a passenger you can see their landing lights when you are seated close to the wing root and with your window blind open or raised and next time you see some bright lights outside of you you know that another aircraft is passing below or above your airplane moments later number four when it comes to pilots greeting each other in flight pilots have another way of communicating it happens that pilots recognize each other on the frequency during the flight a while ago somewhere over the southern part of France I heard hey Michel is that you on the frequency and I responded yes who is this yeah it's Marc so obviously we can be blocking the frequency all the time so on come to retune one two three four five each other frequency on this frequency we can talk normally but we need to keep in mind that every aircraft in that area is able to hear us it happened two times that Marc recognized my voice in the air and I held as well with some other colleagues during turnarounds conclusion it's a fun way to have a little chat with colleagues in other planes secret number five the overhead panel of a Boeing 737 contains the buttons and switches related to aircraft systems all systems are colored in dark grey except for four of them four panels are light gray but why are specifically these systems light brain the four Alegre panels are the primary system control panels and the light gray panels are intended to easily identify critical systems these light gray panels contain the systems which are isolated when you pull the fire handle these are the systems affected by an engine failure severe damage engine separation or engine fire so fuel generators hydraulics and air-conditioning system did you guys know this one secret number six when it comes to the design of the Boeing 737 overhead panel you can see that the generator panel has a different shape and all the other square panels do you have any idea why it's shaped differently the 737-400 model has the gauges on top of the generator bus panel which the boeing 737-800 it doesn't have however they just kept the same overhead panel and left those gauges out I mean time is money right secret number seven the squawk code 1008 responder code often called a squawk code is even by air traffic controllers to identify airplanes this allows for easy identification of aircraft on the radar score codes are made of four octal digits the dials on a transponder read from zero to seven and the codes given are completely random unless unless you are in busy airspace and I want to keep a close eye on you by squawking 1080 C can see literally anything you tell the other pilot to do so ABC Airlines one two three descends flight level 200 if I would descend towards flight level 200 but set fly out two one zero I would immediately get a call from ATC telling me that my assigned level is 200 the same counts for the heading and speed maintain speed two five zero means setting the speed to 2 5 0 knots and not one not more or less so that's it for today guys if you like these kind of videos let me know in the comments below because I might create another one with other secrets and don't forget to mention how many secrets you new check out my Instagram accounts for daily posts and stories about my efficient life and give this well aviation life in quarantine ok give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and don't forget to hit the subscribe button if you haven't already clicking a notification bell will ensure you never miss out any of my future videos I hope to see you in the next video guys bye right
Channel: DutchPilotGirl
Views: 587,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dutchpilotgirl, Airplane, Flight, GoPro, Pilot, Airline, Boeing, salary, 36LEFT, aviation, plane, planes, captain, airbus, female pilot, airport, cockpit, flightdeck, jet, airline pilot, flight school, pilot salary, flight instructor, cockpit view, landing a plane, female pilot in cockpit, pilot life, pilot secrets, cockpit secrets, aviation secrets, Things you didn't know about pilots, overhead panel, airplane lights, 7 Airline Pilot Secrets You Don't Know About, Flight Attendant Secrets
Id: VLUUdstAp1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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