73 Questions With A FEMALE AIRLINE PILOT | Life Of An Airline Pilot By @DutchPilotGirl

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hi guys welcome back to my channel and thank you so much for watching this video I hope you're all healthy safe and of course doing great today today I will answer all 73 personal and pilot's related questions people ask me on my youtube channel and Instagram at the end of this video I'd like to know if your question was part of these 73 questions and if the answer I gave you was the answer you were looking for if I did not cover your question in this video I might create another video so make sure to leave that one behind in the comment section and if you like my videos consider subscribing and hitting a notification bell so you never miss out any of my future videos without further ado let's get started question number one so the first question how many years have you been a pilot well I started in 2011 and I followed a integrated program which means that it will take you two years more or less so I graduated in 2013 so I've been officially a pilot since 2013 I guess how old were you when you first flew an aircraft by yourself well I did my flight training in Arizona as I said before I started in 2011 so the first part is eight months of theory and after that I went to Arizona to actually do the flight training I was 20 20 years old when I was there so that's been a while ago our pilots being paid during this time during this lockdown situation well me I'm getting faith luckily because I'm working for this great airline but there are many pilots who don't get paid simply because they have like a weird contract or because the company simply doesn't pay them in order to make sure they can survive however there are also many pilots who do get paid simply because they're working in a specific country like Germany or Italy so those pilots get paid because of the country but not be of the company it also makes you realize what company you're working for ok favorite music or favorite band or singer well I am a big fan of the weekend and learn array and I'm curious to know what which music you guys like which aircraft type would you like to fly at least once as you guys know I fly the 737 right now and I would love to fly something which is completely different simply for the exposure to see if it's completely different if it's similar and of course if I can learn something from it because that's the main goal from everything and I would say that the a380 is the most different from the 737 simply because of the size because of the technology and of course it's also Airbus so yeah I'll probably go for that one these still flight smaller aircraft like the piper Archer to maintain manual flight skills no I don't I do perform as many raw data approaches as possible to keep my menu of flight skills up to date or up to a level let's say I'm not really into hiring and playing multiple times to keep a salad because keeping a single-engine piston rating valid is something you you do when you're really into flying a smaller aircraft if you know what I mean any advice for student pilots or people who are about to start a flight training yeah for sure I have some advice and it's longer than just a few sentences here there so I decided to make another video about it if you're one of those hundred guys that ask me this question then please watch the video I'm going to upload next week worst case scenario what if you have a double engine failure after takeoff like in all situations aviate navigate communicate manage so you fly the plane first and when you're close to the ground you might consider a 180 turn or might consider I mean you better just perform a 180 turn and fly the plane try to land it and do memory items if you can and everything else is a bonus but of course you have to safely land the plane or at least try to start one engine but if you're close to ground and you have thought how did your fly training go any retakes and rejects my flight training went well because I have no retakes and no rejects that's all because I'm a super pilot or anything that's just because I'm or I was super motivated in order to successfully complete it without any problems so I'd say it was more a motivation thing is your pre-flight by the Japan girl supporting iOS systems of course it is supported by us systems it's supported by Android and iOS if you don't know anything about my pre-flight app then check out the link in my description box will you collab with 74 gear of course I would I mean I've watched some of his videos and he sounds like a very funny and nice person so yeah why not are you still based in Italy no I changed companies and my previous company I worked in Italy with my home base in Milano Penza and now my home base is Amsterdam did you get another degree in case becoming a pilot it didn't work out no I didn't do that but it is definitely something I would advise anyone to do because the aviation industry is so hectic I would say that having something extra is always a plus favorite youtubers besides aviation channels so I've always been watching Shane Dawson then we have Jeffrey star he's super funny and of course I like to watch YouTube videos which are gonna bring me something you know which I can learn something from and whether there's personal growth or another level I am always interested in those videos so yeah I would definitely recommend MindValley TED Talks and project life mastery check them out if you haven't because they're really awesome channels would you like to fly the a350 a320 8030 yes why not like I said before I don't really care any aircraft which is different than mine and any aircraft I can learn something from I would be really happy to fly and whether there is a big airplane or a smaller one I might where do you live in Holland I live in the city center of Amsterdam before I leave in malama pencil or yellow pencil I lived near than like my java ancestor calendar like a really small cute town in Italy but yet since half a year already that's time goes really far first okay but yeah since then I've been living here it's very busy but okay it's fun are you 100% Dutch well as far as I know I am yeah favorite foods that must be lets up my - and a freaking Dale special what does it mean when your captain says fasten your seat belt we are going around well we normally have like series and calls for that when you go around so and first your seat belt does not include it at all but yeah I'll be like okay do you miss flying the four hundredths asked by my colleague from Alba star Tommaso Joe Longo well Tommaso actually I don't miss the front because the 800 and flying and you guys know what I mean so yeah of course I always enjoyed flying the 400 but if I compare failures with no failures and I mean it's gonna be of course the 800 do you think it was harder for you to become a pilot because you are a girl this is very hard to say on social media and on specially on YouTube and everywhere where people are gonna judge you so usually I always keep quiet about this but if I have to be honest with you guys yes from the moment I started my flight training until I got my first job as an airline pilot I had to prove myself all the time because you have the image against you you know if you're not looking like a guy everybody's like mmm shouldn't you be doing something else you know but from the moment I entered the cockpit no one has ever questioned me like and I never noticed anything different regarding gender perspective let's say so yeah before for sure and after that sort of lost for years never that I ever notice any difference do you watch air crash investigation no I don't watch those kind of series but I do watch Westworld which is really like mind-blowing I think so go check that out if you what are the top three airlines with the best contracts well guys a good company is for everyone different or it's different for everyone because some airlines for example they offer contracts in which the employee can stay at home and others don't so it really depends what you want is a pilot and what you think is more important some people who want to get rid of their loan and they go to the Middle East to make some real money and for them that is the best airline because that's their goal you know what I mean they don't have the goal of starting a family for example but if you do have that goal then another airline might be perfect for you so it really depends on your wishes what are the small buttons on the yoke that must be disengaging your autopilot the electric trim we have to push a talk on them on the back side of the yoke and did I mention anything else and that's it how do you pass your days without flying well guys I don't know about you but I have not been bored for one single day I have been super busy with my projects future projects which of course I cannot tell you anything about yet it costs so much time that consumes my whole day and of course I keep improving my app and the e-book I made so yeah all those things how do you feel during this time are you afraid of losing your job but I think I can speak for a lot of pilots when when being asked this question because all pilots are or most pilots are afraid of their job they are nervous even pilots who thought they were secure for the rest of their lives do not have a job right now or are maybe about to lose a job so me as well I'm also nervous about losing a job because you have no idea what this is going to to have an effect on how many hours did you have when you joined your first airline well I joined a reiner two years after I was graduated and I joined a Reiner with 200 hours so I had some similar hours from the flight training and one or two flights I did in the mean time so yeah very little I know that all you guys in America are like what flying an airline with 200 hours because the in America they have to have at least 50 hard hours if I'm correct correct me if I'm wrong when will you fly again well hopefully in June how do I become a pilot if I have no physics and math in college well I don't know about the country where you live or the guy who asked me this question but in the first per country like in my country if you don't have math or physics then in your pockets so students work then you can obtain specific certificates which allow you to to get invited for an interview or to fly for a flight school I don't know if that's also possible within your country but I'm sure something as possible because you're not the only one who doesn't had or who didn't have a math and physics in there in college okay passengers ask for photos in the cockpits yeah of course you can ask for photos because junior turnarounds you can walk any cope with hey we always loved those things but obviously not during the flight so from unlocks from off look still unlocks you can enter the cockpit what are the first three steps to become a pilot I mentioned all of the steps in my ebook so just for this reason so that I don't have to like reply to all these emails asking me the same in order to find my ebook somewhere here so yeah if you're really interested then you can check that one out did you like working for a charter company I mean I absolutely loved working for a charter company and I am super happy that I was able to get that experience in this industry I would recommend it to anyone because you are flying for so many different companies in such a short time that you learn so much about every different company and their and their way of of dealing with things you have to be very flexible that's the other side of it because obviously you cannot have a relaxed lifestyle it's more of an adventurous and hectic lifestyle and of course you have to be the person for that are you scared worried about how the aviation industry will transform after this situation the only thing I'm scared about is that specific companies will abuse the situation of too many unemployed pilots which will result obviously in deterioration of contracts and that's what I'm scared about that that they will abuse that power okay I'm not gonna call names but I know that's gonna happen within some companies what is the best thing about social media well for sure that that's being - are being able to motivate inspire and help people in a positive way obviously the worst thing about social media that is I think that people always have an opinion about you or think that they know you how far from the runway before you lower the gear that's completely dependent on the airline some have procedures where you have to lower the gear like 15 miles from the runway which is in my opinion who am i right other companies for example have glides over life others have lots of intercept some airlines have five nautical miles in IFR and VFR or VMC for nautical miles which is really late as I said it completely depends on the airline rollercoaster tycoon or this seems well I never played Sims but I did play a lot of roller coaster tycoon so for me it's for sure rollercoaster tycoon how long does it take to become a captain well also this is airline dependant according to the rules you are able to become a captain when you pass the 1500 hours practically that actually never happens except for business aviation so most airlines or most airlines they will not upgrade you when you have less than two thousand eight hundred and fifty hours if I'm correct within other airlines like for example the airline I'm working for right now they have a crazy long seniority list so it completely depends on that seniority list when you become a captain and in every airline that is different Windows or Mac OS I always used Windows but I ended up I know it was was a laptop or the system behind it but every time my laptop crashes or a program crashed and I mean it seemed to get word that worse and worse so I changed to Mac OS and since that moment I never had any troubles so maybe it's me but maybe it's also the system what would you say to little girls and boys who might want to become a pilot I would say find your find what you want to do what drives you would gives you energy and go for it no matter what people say just follow your dream success never comes at ease remember that what was the hardest part of the flight training I think that that is the theory because there are so much stuff that you have to learn in such a short amount of time that it makes it hard like the material itself is not really hard but the time span in which you all have to learn it and save it within your mind that is hard have you ever had to divert to another Airport yes I had a couple of medical emergencies and that means that you have to refer to any airport which is below you do you always use poppy lights puppy our position of both approach path indicator lights which are beside the runway and they provide you visual clues if you're high or low if they are available yes I for sure will be using them but if not then they're not you can still land the plane you know do you ever want to fly for a major company well a major company doesn't automatically mean it it's a good company right there are many major companies out there where you really don't want to work for so that doesn't say anything about their conditions or the contracts they offer so no not specifically a major company nothing if the people are nice the contract is good and the rest fits with my with what I think is important then I would go for it whether it's a super small company or a major company when will you collaborate with Captain Joe again well there's no specific base he's always welcome here in Amsterdam and I think where we get a longtime discussion about making another video here but I haven't talked to me well I should talk to him so yeah have you ever landed wind speed brakes were not in the arm position no me it never happened to me so that's good cats or dogs well I am really a cat person they are so cute and I wish I could have a cat but my lifestyle just simply doesn't fit with having any well at least not cats or dogs you know maybe I should get another pet if I could choose for sure did you ever see a laser from coke with yeah I have I was flying once in Kiev Ukraine eeeh apparently they're very are there a lot of lasers there and we saw one so we made a report I don't know if it's our and it did anything after that's a bit what is better departure or landing obviously that's the landing and then another question is landing stressful or are you ever nervous during the landing no landing is like fun you know me there's nothing to be it's not stressful at all what is your best travel tip well actually I have many travel tips which is why I publish some travel related articles on my website expiry girl.com but one very important tip which I didn't mention there is to travel safely so let me explain it to you guys last year I spent most of my time travelling from one hotel to another on a continuous basis and whether I stayed in a tropical place like Cabo Verde or in England I made sure I never wasted my time very simply so much to do when you run a YouTube channel and an online brand and in order to do so I need devices which connect to the internet and Internet can be a very unsafe place right think about identity theft getting hacked etc I might've stayed at over 200 different hotels but I never used a public Wi-Fi I simply wanted to avoid any risks of being hacked you to a sniffer installed on a Wi-Fi network one of the best tips someone can give you when you're traveling is getting a proper VPN and this is where north VPN comes in a leading VPN company with super-fast servers which offer double data encryption for increased anonymity north VPN protects your data while travelling and in public places like airports and coffee shops it also enables you to unlock Netflix and your favorite and Stayman websites well being away from your family and friends during a layover they reach out to me and offered to try their service and as you can imagine from that moment I never looked back we stayed in touch with each other and I am super happy to announce that this video is brought to you by North ABN which results in you getting a 70% discount on their service for 349 per month and an initial month free you don't have to worry about your online privacy and security anymore North IBM was also selected as one of the best VPN in best phibian awards for 2020 and they are compatible with most operating systems like iOS Android and Windows I truly hope you will consider using a VPN and if you're interested in this offered and go to North VPN that come / DPG or use the promo code DPG to get a 70% of the three year plan plus one month three the link is also added in the description box below what is your favorite plane I don't really have a favorite plane I like my bowling centers and you know it's a fun plane how many times two files make an alto length well that completely depends on the weather and company procedures for example in my last company every month we had to make an alter land or simulated Outland in the plane to keep its bellator I don't know for what reason but we had to do that obviously when the weather is below minima you have to perform an outer lens you cannot land manually so in those cases which is actually super rare right it's very rare for for me at least do a to do it ultimate and it's nothing fun about it because the captain is doing the landing and you're just monitoring or the captain I mean the captain is flying but that plane flies itself is way more fun to to many you fly yourself any details about your new projects no I cannot say anything about it so it's having a social life or family difficult as a pilot that's completely depends on the airline as well I mean in my previous airline yes it was like almost impossible because you are never home and you're sent all the time to different destinations which can be super fun but if you're willing to start a family then it might not be the best airline airline I'm working for right now does provide you a lot of free time and yeah a social life let's say you are able to build a social life do you miss flying in the u.s. yes I do actually I do miss the u.s. crazily because the last time I've been there was during my flight training I always wanted to go back to Phoenix and Arizona Scottsdale all those places I had great memories from there yeah also the flying part I miss especially those flights to Coolidge or the airports which were uncontrolled which elsewhere gateway no that was not uncontrolled okay there was an airport I don't remember but yeah flying in the u.s. means for me a lot of freedom I don't know how it is right now regarding the rules but at that time the southeast rectus area I was like really an uncontrolled part so yeah I definitely missed that because those those all those restrictions I mean they're not fun what type of 7 3 7 do you fly and do you need different type ratings for that can you fly the max2 right now I only find at 800 and the 700 in my previous company I flew the 400 but I don't fly the 400 anymore if I can choose between the different types then I prefer that 800 because it's just very reliable and it's a like a relaxed airplane that say can you fly the max2 well for all those different types you don't need it and a new type rating but you do need simulator sessions and theory applied for that specific aircraft so that's probably the same case with with the max but now what's happening with the max nobody can tell because maybe there will be a lot of other simulated sessions when that airplane is about to fly again or will be flying again Everest or Boeing I mean come on guys this is not even a question you know honestly I don't care I mean the video I made with Captain Joe it was just like a fun idea me I love to fly an aircraft like I really love to have the feeling that I am in control there are not just monitoring systems this is why I prefer Boeing but I have never flown in an Airbus so how can I judge that then what is the most bizarre thing you experienced during a flight one of my subscribers on this YouTube channel I don't know if you're watching but I had no clue that someone from this community was on board so we were flying to her gada and when I was going to the toilet you know having a chat with my colleagues in the galleys and all of a sudden there's a guy coming up saying hey I follow you on on YouTube and can I make a selfie and then I heard from them from my colleagues that this guy already thought it was me but he was not sure and then of course when I entered the galley and you know went to the toilet and he could see that it was really me yeah that was really one of the weird things because I never like I know that you guys are here but when I fly I am flying you know I don't think about anything else so it's really fun to combine those things all of a sudden and to have someone who was actually watching these videos on boards do you need to go to a university to become a pilot no you don't what is the best memory from your previous company well that is for sure the Spanish and Italian people all the different companies we flew for the experience I gained during all these different flights the lay offers are for sure one part because when I came from Ryanair I was not used to having any layover so that was really fun for me and the Christmas dinner okay it's in a nylon session in for honey you to feel of Jim yeah where it's come we need a event I mean a lobster platter shaken is overlooked first this damn pratical tangles and it would exceptional take me to have met main loss believing slave once told me to America all tied and also believing socially for a medical a Jacinto supports a numerical paints for an announcer live from a supply for an idiot nail on sprout is my briefing shouldn't be here combined out the moments and yeah taught as well the Moscow if a winner okay Thailand or the Philippines both you should visit those countries because they are absolutely amazing and if you're going to the Philippines go to el nido palawan of course because I need of located in palawan puerto princesa just go to Bohol go on I think it's called visit the Philippines it's really worth it and Thailand I love Kingsbury as we call it I think it's a call to come Hannibal I don't know how you explain the English I have no idea it's like three hours away from Bangkok which I would really recommend it's from the River Kwai Koh Samui of course Phuket hobby well there are many nice places but it's a physicals okay how much does a titrating cost once again that depends on the airline you can pay 30 40 50 or 80 K for a type rating and sometimes you have to pay it or actually most of the time you have to pay it and some are lucky and they don't have to pay for it it completely depends on the airline what was your scariest failure for me it was definitely the one time that I had a engine fire warning at v1 and as some of you might know v1 is the most critical time during the fake tuna take a face you close to the ground your speed is low and you want both engines to work in the end it happened to be a wrong indication of lights and warnings because we didn't have an actual engine fire but the indications were so so we had the bell the lights everything but we followed all the procedures and I landed the plane safely do you have any tips for upcoming flights school students follow your dreams but be smart why are they engine starts which is placed in continuous what that is to provide a constant ignition on the selected igniter and that is to prevent a flame out during critical phase of flight and in severe weather so yeah that's why we place them in continuous that's it guys 273 questions you asked me on my huge channel and Instagram so I hope you enjoyed and I hope that your question was part of this question bundle if not then make sure to comment below check out my Instagram for daily posts and stories about my aviation life and give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and don't forget to hit the subscribe button if you haven't already clicking a notification bell will ensure you never miss out any of my future videos I hope to see you in the next video guys bye bye you
Channel: DutchPilotGirl
Views: 247,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dutchpilotgirl, Airplane, Flight, GoPro, Pilot, Airline, Boeing, salary, DPGMEDIA, 36LEFT, aviation, plane, planes, captain, airbus, female pilot, airport, interview, questions, bose, cockpit, flightdeck, jet, airline pilot, female airline pilot, flight school, pilot salary, flight instructor, cockpit view, landing a plane, female pilot in cockpit, pilot life, nordvpn, Air Crash Investigation, 73 Questions, 73 Questions Vogue, Type Rating, PAPI, 73 Questions With A Female Airline Pilot - DutchPilotGirl
Id: v13nT5QB89I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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