Life Of An Airline Pilot | Losing An Airline Pilot Job + Pilot Career Advice by @DutchPilotGirl

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hi guys welcome back to my channel and thank you so much for watching this video I hope you're all healthy safe and of course doing great today let's get one thing clear before we get into this video losing a job is never easy no matter the profession it's something a lot of people go through during their career but why is it especially frustrating for pilots why is it life-changing what can you do about it and can you prevent it I'm going to shed some light on this topic since I think you should hear about it especially during these crazy times I will also offer some advice some career advice for anyone who wants to hear it including future pilots student pilots and pilots without an airline job and if you like my videos consider subscribing and hitting a notification bell so you never miss out any of my future videos ok nothing is normal about this situation right it's a problem something no airline had to deal with before and it's impossible to say how the aviation industry will look like in a few years it's changing so rapidly that even by the time you view this video my opinion and the situation might have changed again so let's start with the basics to become a pilot you need to complete a pilot training and in most cases that training will cost between 80,000 and 140,000 euros if you are like me you need to pay for this training yourself usually through alone governments don't provide the funding for such a training or for a pilot training in general after a couple of years you have completed the training and are ready to spread your wings unless you did something else before you started the pilot training you're not an accountant banker doctor or youtuber you are now part of a very small group of people with a very specific job you can fly airplanes that's where you were trained for the problem with that is the amount of opportunities take the Netherlands for example the country where I live we are very small in size but 17 million strong there are loads of jobs around but as a pilot there are only a handful of companies you can work for without any experience it's highly unlikely they will consider hiring you so at some point you will have to accept any job that comes your way and that's perfectly fine maybe that's even what you wanted anyway you knew what you signed up for after a couple of years in a foreign country you hear about a vacancy in your home country but job close to your friends family and loved ones so you go for it and your life becomes stable you think about getting children buying a house and you can finally start paying back that enormous loan you have to sign up for in order to furnish the pilot training I guess you get the picture now imagine you bought that house you have two young children and try to pay back the pilot loan and then and then you lose that job all of a sudden your entire life is in complete disarray what to do you're no longer as flexible as you used to be in your 20s but you now have children and a mortgage moving to the other side of the world is simply not an option anymore but yet none of the other local airlines are currently hiring it's not that you can just apply for a nine-to-five job because you're simply not trained for it maybe working in a supermarket will do or any other job which does not require a specific education you don't have the required education and even if you did chances are you won't be able to pay the mortgage and student loan for your pilot training this is a predicament a lot of pilots find themselves in at this moment thousands of pilots lost their jobs because of the current pandemic and there's no doubt that the aviation and travel industry is taking a tremendous hit because of it airlines are grounded airlines are going bankrupt and people are no longer certain of their jobs the worst thing about it it's not even over yet I wish it was but I'm here to tell you the truth obviously the aviation industry will probably take a couple of years to recover but again who can tell right so what does this mean for everyone let's create a couple of groups the pilots that are still employed pilots with experience that lost their jobs the pilots that are still in training or recently graduated and the people that dream of becoming a pilot pilots that are still employed for probably faced temporarily measures like salary cuts and working part time airlines that we're doing well before the pandemic are now place in a different perspective and there is a strong public opinion because the media loves to discuss pilot salaries benefits etc most media coverage is based on inaccurate information they often forget the huge training cost and the fact that we are paid for our responsibilities the long days and other sacrifices like being away from family and of course the financial risks etc it's a very specific job like I mentioned earlier and by spreading false information people will consider this as the truth because they simply don't know any better it's also the reason why many people do not completely understand the situation pilots are in if a pilot loses his or her job the general opinion is that it is not a big deal everyone can lose a job and pilots get paid well anyways however losing a parent job is completely different from losing many other jobs it's not like there are many other jobs available and the requirement to pay around 1000 euros per month on interest and loan repayment remains imagine having to spend 1000 euros of your own net salary on a monthly basis for years to come because of a study or training well that's the world the pilots live in today but is that what you are reading in the newspapers of course not besides not all pilots make huge amount of money it's the same as any other career at the end of it you've reached the top but the road towards it is often less glamorous it's also very airline Pacific specific specific pilots with experience that lost their jobs will look for other opportunities they will have to keep their license and medical valid by themselves until they find a new job they might have to move perhaps with their families and compete with others for the same job they are likely to be the first people to get hired when the situation has passed pilots that are still in training or that recently graduated should look for ways to maintain their flying skills it's common to have to wait a couple of years before obtaining the first airline job I myself was unemployed for a couple of years when I graduated in 2013 there is no reason to despair you have your entire professional career ahead of you and it has just been delayed a little bit you might doubt if you have made a right decision but just try to eliminate those thoughts focus on maintaining your skills look for jobs at the simulator Center or any other aviation company become an instructor fly in the general aviation sector and earn a living by doing something else temporarily you will eventually end up in the right seat you just have to hang in there and last but not least the people that dream of becoming a pilot let me just start by saying that there is no reason to give up on this dream okay in my opinion it might be wise to just delay it a little bit and it's best to just study something else until the situation improves perhaps a study related to aviation k2 your life to create the best possibilities and opportunities later on educate yourself look for flight schools train yourself for assessments but don't give up the dream and be ready to apply at the fly school the moment you feel it's a good time if you really want to start your flight training right now it's probably the best to look for sponsored programs some airlines have their own flight schools and they usually come with a job guarantee and that's still a solid choice another good alternative is to go for a military career however this is something I only recommend to people that have given it a fair bit of thought since a military career isn't for everyone whatever you do make a plan and be prepared for any opportunity that gets you closer to achieving your goal never give up on your dreams and use your brain just place smart I know this is probably not the message you want to hear if you're dreaming about becoming a pilot however I truly believe that this is the worst crisis in the aviation industry to date and there's simply no way to tell when the situation will be back to normal having said that the aviation industry like the economy always has its ups and downs it is and will always be like a sinus whether it is caused by a virus or anything else the aviation industry is extremely sensitive for things that are going around in the world there are difficult times ahead for everyone involved but I am 100% certain that the aviation industry will recover from this Aviation is the future and the industry will grow beyond the level it was at at the beginning of this year there will be a place in the cockpit for anyone that is Irish it and is willing to work for it most chances come once in a lifetime so I would always advise anyone to make the best and most out of this life which has been given to you if you're healthy young and have a brain you are in a luxury position how many people around you aren't so lucky why waste all these beautiful opportunities by remaining in your comfort zone and settling down for Less just I don't see the point of that life is too short guys so find what gives you energy what drives you and just fight for it don't let expectations of society hold you back from achieving whatever it is that you want to achieve whether that is starting your own business becoming president or becoming a pilot you always have people around you bringing you down saying that you cannot do something or reminding you with facts the chances of succeeding are very little but remember all success stories included failures and people who didn't believe in them it's very hard to say this but sometimes even the closest people around you whose opinion you value most can't advise you simply because your abilities motivation and goals do not match there's always question yourself would you like to be in the position of the person who is advising you do they have that life that you have always wanted if the answer is no most likely those are not the people who can advise you best on life-changing decisions you see most people advise you based on their perspective of this world which has absolutely nothing to do with you so enough about my point of view let's talk about you what are you guys doing and how did this situation affect your profession are you guys still working are you working at home probably you are just let me know share your point of view with us by commenting below and during the first hours of the publication of this video I try to respond to as many comments as possible I hope to see you around check out my Instagram for daily posts and stories about my aviation life subscribe to my channel and turn on the notification to not miss out any of my videos thank you for watching and see you in the next video bye bye guys [Music]
Channel: DutchPilotGirl
Views: 194,937
Rating: 4.9385581 out of 5
Keywords: Dutchpilotgirl, Airplane, Flight, GoPro, Pilot, Airline, Boeing, salary, 36LEFT, aviation, plane, planes, captain, airbus, female pilot, airport, cockpit, flightdeck, jet, airline pilot, female airline pilot, flight school, pilot salary, cockpit view, female pilot in cockpit, Airline Pilot Life, Day in the Life of an airline pilot, life of a pilot, life of an airline pilot, a day in the life, become a pilot, justplanes, best office in the world, pilotseyes, losing a pilot job, airline pilot career
Id: mmMe3kMNBbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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