💰PASSIVE INCOME Midjourney Printify & Etsy FULL Beginner Print on Demand Tutorial

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in this video I'm going to walk you through step by step how to sell printed amount products on Etsy by using printify I'm going to cover Niche research as well as how to do trademark checks how to create a t-shirt design using mid-journey and Photoshop I'm then going to walk you through how to upload your designs through printify and at the end I'm going to give you some bonus tips to help you get more sales on Etsy now when it comes to Niche research there's a few important things to note here first of all you want to try and find niches that have low competition and still a good amount of demand you don't want to jump into some of the very obvious niches like maybe video gaming or nurses which obviously do have a ton of demand but they also have so much competition meaning so many search results on Etsy that is just going to be very hard for you to get sales in that Niche ideally you want to fight niches that have less than 2 000 search results and also have quite a bit of demand and I'm going to show you how to identify demand in a minute here now in case you're thinking 2000 results is too much I purposely checked some of my best selling niches on Etsy right now and they are all around 2000 or less results so that's definitely a good number to aim for obviously the lower the better if you have a niche that has demands with only 200 results then jump at it straight away those are going to be hard to find but the closer you get to it the better another thing that's very important to bear in mind here is that you want to try and find Evergreen niches in case you don't know what those are they're usually related to Hobbies animals or job titles for example and the good thing about Evergreen niches is that they have potential to get sales all year round if you jump onto a trend maybe something politics related or something that's currently in the news then oftentimes those Trends might get you more sales in the short term but the sales will fizzle out very quickly and then you'll have to try and find new niches again after a couple of weeks which that's not what we want we want to build up a passive income stream where we have designs that can sell today in two months in two years you know far into the future because people are always going to be interested in hobbies in animals usually I do my Niche research on Amazon and oftentimes the niches you can find there also translate onto Etsy now I do have a playlist of lots of Niche research tutorials that show you different free and paid tools to help you find Evergreen niches but let's jump onto Etsy and do some some research right on there so here we are on the Etsy homepage and the first thing you want to do if you're not from the US is click on this little flag symbol in the top right corner and I'm guessing that most of you will want to sell to us customers unless you want to specifically Target a different country maybe a country you're from because you have some insight into specific niches and I would usually recommend changing the region right here to United States and the currency to the US dollar just so you get more accurate results as to what's actually selling to us customers to start off with the research I would recommend just typing in a very very broad Niche at the top because then if you scroll through the search results you can find inspiration for sub niches that have lower competition for example if I type in dad shirt right here and hit enter I personally sell a lot of t-shirts that are aimed at dads this obviously is very competitive so 627 000 search results if you just put up a t-shirt that says Dad you're probably not going to do very well but if we look through this we'll find lots of ideas to Niche down further and a few things to mention you will see a lot of listings that say add by Etsy seller those are basically paid rankings they're not organically ranked this High you want to look for t-shirts that don't have the ads by seller sign right here because that means they're ranking really high organically and getting sales really well without even having to pay for ads another thing to note here is that sometimes you get these best seller badges those are a very good indication for sales because if you click into this it will tell you this item has had a high sales volume over the past six months so those are definitely good to look out for because they indicate high demand another indication of high demand netsy is this right here that says in 20 plus baskets 20 plus could mean 100 it could mean a thousand they only show you 20 and then plus unfortunately but designs with this tag right here are usually doing really really well and if we scroll down further you can also see that this specific item has had 387 results and usually I would guess around 10 of people leave a review obviously that can vary but if we if we take that as a guide then this t-shirt has sold about three to four thousand times scrolling down even further to the bottom of the page another indication for sales volume or demand is the favorite so at the bottom right here it says nearly 2 000 favorites on this item the higher the favorites the more people obviously like that this type of design and are interested in this sort of Niche listed on another good indication because whenever a t-shirt sells on Etsy it gets re-listed it is the 21st of March while recording this so that means this design has sold just yesterday and obviously has quite a lot of demand going on so once we've found a design that's doing really well and that is a bit of a sub Niche to your main parent niche in this case you know bears and dad then you would have to check the competition of the search results on Etsy and the way to do that is Type in the primary keyword so for this one it would be Papa Bear shirt if we hit enter on that we're going to get 6 000 results that is too much in my opinion you might be able to get some sales here if you pay for ads but that is a very risky and difficult strategy to build out unless you have a lot of money to burn so I would personally stay away from the papa bear niche in this case but now that we found an animal themed shirtless aimed at dads and we could type in at the top right here instead of just Dad's shirt we could put animal Dad should that is the first example of how to Niche down so we've gone from Dad shirt to animal dad shirt and we've reduced our search results from about 600 000 to 44 000. so once again we're going to scroll through this right here and look for design ideas or sub Niche ideas within the animal dad Niche got first of all this one sticks out to me a corgi design right here so you could look at different dog breeds a ton of these bare ones are selling but we already know that is quite competitive we've got a design that says daddy wolf so that might be an idea to look at wolf designs that are cross-leashed with dads husky dads so dog breeds definitely have some high interest it seems here we've got a chicken themed design that's definitely pretty interesting and on the next page there is another chicken themed dad design so you kind of want to look for patterns obviously there's lots of different dog breeds that you could look into but this chicken dad idea definitely seems interesting to me because it's not the the first thing that you would think of because dogs are quite a lot more popular than chickens obviously so let's have a look into this result right here so this design doesn't have a best center badge but nevertheless this shop seems to be doing really well if you look at the bottom there is quite a few favorites here and this was also recently listed so let's have a look at uh chicken dad then chicken dance shirt is giving us about 2 700 results oh another tip I wanted to give you is oftentimes you see these shirts right here with a really really cheap price and you might be wondering how to compete with that 12 for a t-shirt so if you click on this oftentimes it's just a click bait sort of thing where if you actually go to selector size as you can see these are all way more expensive than 12 that is just one option the extra small option that you can get at that cheap price so don't be confused or like discouraged by that most of the time they're not really that cheap it's just a bit of a click bait now this is as interesting because it does say in 20 plus baskets it's also had quite a few reviews 24 right there so could have sold a few hundred times and it has got 164 favorites so this is definitely got demand and if we type chicken daddy shirt into the search mask up here we get a thousand six hundred results so this is definitely a design idea that I would potentially look into and create myself it has got relatively low competition and there's definitely Demand right here and there's also Evergreen potential for these shirts to sell all year round which is quite important but before we go ahead and create a design for the niche that we found we need to go ahead and actually check that phrase that we're going to use for trademarks because if there is trademarked words or phrases in it then we're not allowed to sell that specific design and rather than going to the USPTO database which is quite old-fashioned and really hard to look through I like to go to TM hunt I'm going to leave a link to this in the description it's a free trademark research tool all you have to do is click on split search up here then we can type in chicken daddy if we hit search the next thing you would do is change the status right here from all to live and then type from all to text because only the text designs are important here now we can see that Daddy is live and it is not registered yet so technically this is not fully live it's still being examined it was filed last year and it's still not gone through fully so this could either become registered in the future or not now you might think this is a bit of a turn off and I wouldn't trade this design now but if we click on the serial number and actually open this up it's going to bring us to the use PTO database here we can see some further details on the specific trademark if we look into goods and services now you can see that this is going to be trademarked for bikinis briefs underwear blah blah blah so loads and lots of stuff that we are not going to sell we want to sell this in t-shirts but not obviously on bikinis and underwear so even if this becomes registered in the future we can ignore this trademark because it doesn't apply to us so the next step of a process is going to be creating a design and I'm going to be using my journey and Photoshop for this but you don't have to use mid-journey you don't have to use Photoshop either you can create designs in other apps like Kittle canva Adobe Illustrator you can also use pre-made Graphics from sites like creative Fabrica or vexels but since mid-journey is a very interesting option as well I'm going to show you my process with that today so here we are inside of mid journey and just to let you know if you want to use the images that you generate right here commercially that you need to have an active subscription and I think the cheapest plan with mid Journey at the moment is 10 which is enough for the commercial license you can use free Alternatives as well for example at the moment Blue Willow is free I'm pretty sure Dal e is free but with those you might not get as good of a result as you do with mid-journey so the prompt I'm going to be using for our chicken graphic today and you can copy this as well if you want to is forward slash imagine t-shirt design graphic of a synth Wave Chicken synthwave is a very interesting style to play around with it's a bit of an alternative to the very common vintage Sunset style then we've got wearing sunglasses in front of a minimalistic sunset with a contour and a dark background so this is quite a good prompt to get a t-shirt design like graphic that is isolated and has like a plain background that's what the Contour and dark background helps with and just another quick tip right here at the end of this prompt after background you need to hit space and then we want to add dash dash no and then another space and put mock-up and that's going to help us avoid majority generating mock-up images because when it sees T-shirt design right here it's sometimes thing oh there has to be a t-shirt in these images which we don't really want we want a plain graphic as the examples right here above so that dash dash no mock-up usually solves that issue and in case you don't have version 5 enabled you would also have to add Dash Dash V Space 5 at the end of this to use the currently newest version of mid-journey for these images once you're done just hit enter and just another quick tip if you want to change or swap between the different versions of mid Journey you can also enter forward slash settings right here hit enter and then you can see them right here at the top I've got version 5 selected by default but you can also go back to older versions if you prefer that style so whilst The Prompt is generating if you're inside this message box you can press upwards arrow and bring the exact same prompt up again you could literally just paste it in there again so we get more options to choose from because sometimes the results are not very usable but other times you get some really really nice results so pasting it in there multiple times definitely helps and you can also by bringing this up make some very small changes and get a nice different style as well so instead of synthwave for example you could also put vintage if you want a variation that is more of a vintage feel you could also add vintage in front of this sunset for example hit enter you could maybe do a variation where it's more American flag themed and then you could create a design that says something like American chicken daddy instead that way you have another cross Niche right there you've crossed patriotism with dads and chickens so and maybe we could add right here instead of in front of a minimalistic vintage Sunset we could say minimalistic American flag once the images have been generated you've got a few different options so if you're not happy with any of the graphics that came back you can click this button right here to rerun the entire prompt get four completely new results you can also click one of these U buttons right here you want to u4 to upscale the images that you like best in this case I did that with u4 which is the bottom right it goes from top left to bottom right so one two three four and the these buttons are for variations so if you like one of these Graphics quite a lot but it's not a hundred percent there for you you want it's slightly different you can click V4 as well right here to generate new variations of that graphic you are going to have to probably rerun your prompts quite a few times or create variations it's very rare that the first result that you get back from your first prompt that you type in is going to be perfect or what you had in mind so just stay patient and rerun The Prompt multiple times do some small changes if you have to and you will get some nice results but once you've found the graphic that you're happy with just click open in browser right here and then you can right click on the image go to save image as and save it on your machine so once you've downloaded your mid-unit image you'll probably notice it is only about 1 000 pixels wide and high which is not really good enough for T-shirt design prints and that's why we need to upscale the image quality on another website now I'm going to use replicate or nightmare AI here as an example this gives you some free upscales and then eventually asks you to pay that's usually the case with a lot of these upscale websites I did recently upload a video comparing various different options if you want to check out which one might suit you best but in order to use this one the link will be down in the description you just have to scroll to this section right here drag and drop your image into this box and then you can select the scale I usually use six for t-shirt designs and then you can click submit and you're going to get a way higher quality version on the right hand side after a few seconds now sometimes you might get an error message here and that is because the input image that you uploaded is already too big in size I think the limit is somewhere around 1 700 pixels maybe 1 800 but once this is done you can hit download over here it's going to open it up in full size and then once again right click into this and save image as so now in order to remove the background from our graphic and also add some text to it I'm going to be using Photoshop there is a free alternative to this called photopia so you could follow along on there as well for the dimensions I'm going to be using 4 500 pixels in width and 5400 pixels in height and a resolution of 300 the orientation is portrait mode right here and then once you've selected all of those just hit create now you need to drag and drop your graphic into Photoshop make sure to select the one with the higher resolution and then in order to remove the background you've got a few different options so you could use the magic one tool which you can access by hitting W on your keyboard as well but for a graphic like this is going to make it very hard even if you play around with the tolerance no matter what you do here is always sort of going to select too much or too little and so for this sort of graphic sometimes in your case it might help as well to actually select the graphic in the layers panel and then head up to select select the menu and click subject right here and then Photoshop is going to do its best to select the main subject of the image which obviously in our case is the chicken with the sunset besides the bottom right here this actually looks really really good so now I would recommend heading to the layers panel and clicking on this little similar here to add a layer mask and now if I hide my black background layer you can see this has been cut out quite nicely now we just need to fix the bottom right here and in order to do that I'm going to drag out a ruler and if you don't see these rulers at the top you have to hit Ctrl r on your keyboard and then just click on this and drag drag it down to the bottom just to where it starts getting all wavy and messy please make sure to have your mask selected from the layers panel right here now we can use this rectangular Marquee tool to draw a box so just click on the ruler and start drawing out this red angle right here to select all of this at the bottom which we don't want then you have to make sure that the color in the background right here is black so that we can hit control and backspace on a keyboard to erase all of this if you have this the other way around if white was the color right here then you would be painting in the mask and reveal everything so I have to make sure that the colors are set up correctly here for this to work but now if we get rid of the ruler dragging it down quickly you can see we've got this very neatly cut out from our background and ready to add some text so to add text to your design you need to hit t on your keyboard for the type tool just click on the empty space on your artboard wherever you're going to put the text in this case I'm going to create my design optimized for dark t-shirts with a sort of black background so the font needs to be white ideally I'm using a font called The Bold font which is free for commercial use by the way if you want to use the same one as well it's quite nice to have a bit of contrast between the two fonts I'm going to select milk Shake right here which is also a very nice free font that you can use in your designs and now you just need to play around a bit with the sizing and the arrangement to make sure that you can read all the text quite clearly and to create a bit of a balance between the graphic and your text and there we go I think that looks quite good even if we zoom out we can read the text quite clearly which is important what I usually like to add with these sorts of designs is a bit of a texture to make it more interesting and to do that we need to group all of these objects right here so the graphic and the text just select all of that in the layers panel and hit Ctrl G then you need to drag and drop your texture file into Photoshop if you don't have a texture file I do actually have a free textures bundle if you want to check that out that will be linked in the description this one right here is from my exclusive member graphics for joined members of the YouTube channel but you can just use the free bundle as well if you want to once you've overlaid that onto your graphic over to the layers panel hold down control while you're over the thumbnail of the texture just left click onto it then you can head up to select click on inverse and if we now select the group in our layers panel that we just created and add a layer mask right there we can then hide the texture and as you can see and we had the background it has been cut out from our letters and graphic which means that the T-shirt color will shine through this which is a really nice effect and if you're not happy with the placement of the texture once it's been applied you can also unlink it right here in the layers panel and then while having this mask selected hit Ctrl t on your keyboard and then you can move around the texture file as you please like this which is also quite a handy trick to have up your sleeve once you're done with your design just make sure to hide the background layer and then you want to head up to file export and click export as and in terms of the settings right here you want to make sure to select PNG for the format and the width should be set to your project settings and you don't really have to worry about anything else just make sure to click export right here and bottom right and save it to your PC so now that we've got our design ready the next step is going to be uploading this design through printify and printify is a really good option here because it's free to get started their website is really really easy to use and by using them you get access to their Global Network of high quality print production Partners they also have some of the lowest prices in the print and advanced space so what's not to love there will be a link in the description to create your printify account and you also need obviously an Etsy shop to connect to with printify so if you do not have an Etsy shop yet it does cost 20 cents to list an item on Etsy but if you open your shop through my Etsy referral Link in the description then you can get your first 40 listings for free so once you've created your accounts you need to log into printify and connect your Etsy store you can do that up here in the right corner by clicking add a new store and then if you follow this link to connect to Etsy it'll be very straightforward and easy to connect your shop once you're done with that just head over to the cat catalog so you can start adding your first product so we're going to go to men's t-shirts right here and most of these are unisex by the way so if you want to sell to women and men at the same time you can use most of these for that some popular options right here are the Gildan 5000 which is my personal favorite and the Bella canvas 3001 is also quite popular and you've probably noticed right here that it says from 7.25 but then underneath in Green from 5.80 with printify premium now you can sign up to a printify Premium plan essentially where you get up to 20 discount on your orders now I wouldn't recommend doing that if you're just starting out because you need about 15 to 20 orders per month for this to be worth it but it's definitely a very good option to first of all offer cheaper pricing for customers so it makes it easier to get sales and you can obviously increase your profit margin that way as well so once you've found the product you want to go with just click on it right here and then you need to select the print provider that you want to go with now you will see a lot of different some details right here that will help you make your choice first of all we get a rating score which is the performance of the last four weeks in quality production speed and stock reliability goes up to 10 points so that definitely gives you a good indication in terms of who to go with obviously the pricing is also quite important so not all of these have the same price same goes for shipping that can vary and the average production time is quite important as well if we scroll down here I quite like to go with swift pod they are very reliable and they have very good pricing as well so once you've found your production partner of choice just click on start designing and now we need to upload your design files so just click on the right hand side on my device select your file from the computer and it's going to upload it right here to your printify library once your design has been uploaded I would go ahead and select the colors for your T-shirt because as you can see by default it is white which our design does not work well with and instead of selecting your colors right here I would recommend going to product Aryans because you get some extra details such as the cost of the color because because it's not always the same depending on what color you choose and the available print providers because in some cases there might be a color like here Coral silk that only has three print providers so if they go out of stock for this color then you can't offer this color for sale anymore which is quite annoying or you don't have an alternative production part now not many alternatives to get your orders fulfilled with white is definitely the cheapest option but it doesn't work for our design we've got it optimized for dark colors so black is the most important one that is very cheap and black is also one of the most popular colors for t-shirts this one has 23 providers so that's ideal and some other colors I would recommend going for right here is Navy and we've got royal blue that's another good option as well as sport gray the top right here once you've selected all of the ones you want I would recommend not selecting too many by the way maybe four colors or less use that as a guide because if you have too many options then your customers might struggle to make a choice and not buy your product so once you're done just hit update right here and now you've got this editor on the left side to move your design around to resize it if you want to and over on the right hand side you've got these buttons right here to align the design I would recommend using the Align to top function so it snaps to the top half of your T-shirt another quick trick is this right here the resolution so this design has got a 365 DPI which is going to print a very good if you make this bigger it's going to eventually turn yellow right there as you can see medium resolution 164 DPI is not really ideal for a good print quality so you want to make sure that that is always in the green I would also just go ahead and quickly check all of the colors you've selected to make sure that the design is visible and works on all of these colors then once you're done with this stage click on Save product and that is going to bring us to the final stage of uploading with printify where you select the mock-ups right here I will go ahead and select one of these mail mock-ups just because a design is aimed at men and I will deselect the more curves with women in them because they're just not relevant I'll also deselect this Christmas one the end and scrolling down further here we get the listing details this is very important as well because it's going to help the customers and Etsy actually find a listing we need to fill this out with relevant keywords that people might actually type into the search mask you might wonder how do I find such keywords well you can look through Etsy bestsellers and find inspiration that way and see what works for the people or we can use some tools and I wanted to recommend a free website right here called top bubble index now this one runs with ads you can't use an ad blocker that's how they make their money but it is really powerful considering it's a free tool there is a link in the description to this if you head up to the menu and go to Etsy tag generator you can type in a primary keyword right here and it's going to pull relevant keywords from other Etsy listings and let you copy them really quickly so let's type in right here chicken dad shirt and hit search and it usually brings up a capture so you have to solve that right here and there we go we get some relevant keywords some of these might not be enough certainly important for us for example chicken mom but if you want to get rid of any of these just click on the keyword itself and it's going to delete that and then you can use the rest for inspiration for your listing and copy 13 because we're going to need them later on so I've gone ahead and created a title and description for my listing right here with the help of those keywords from top of the index I've also tried to use a lot of synonyms for the product type so it says shirt right here at the start then we've got t-shirt and tea because not everyone is going to type it in the same way we've got a lot of relevant keywords in here such as chicken daddy chicken dad animal farmer chicken farmer and that sort of stuff Father's Day add into the title as well because this t-shirt or design is definitely very relevant for Father's Day the description is this chicken daddy design is ideal for farmers who love chickens animals and farming great chicken diet Father's Day birthday or Christmas gift for men so it is also a good practice to add in some extra occasion or holidays into this where this design might apply as a good gift I've left in the default description right here that gives the customer extra information about the product and if we scroll down further right here you can leave the shipping profile at the default I'm going to help you configure that in a little while here on Etsy and now we come to the pricing so here you have to click select all and then we can edit the price of all of our t-shirt colors and sizes in one go I would recommend going for the edit profit tab right here and then change this to about 12 if we hit apply as you can see that brings up a lot of our prices to about 20 dollars and you might think that is really expensive but what we're going to do an Etsy typically is to offer a sale or a discount and that way it will bring the price down under twenty dollars and scrolling down further past this I will take hide in store right here otherwise it's going to be published instantly and you will pay the listing fee without being able to double check the listing and then we get at the variant visibility so here you have to make a bit of a decision because by default it is not going to show the out of stock variance that means if a certain color or size has gone out of stock it will not be available for purchase but if you want to select this option right here then people can still buy all of your colors and you can then look for a different print provider to fulfill the order for you but if you want to have less hassle here just leave it on the default and the rest of this can stay the same and then you just want to click on publish and now it's going to upload all these details onto Etsy and create our first listing now you want to head over to your Etsy shop and click into the listings section right here and now if you click onto drafts this is where you will find your new listing it's not been published just yet to the Etsy Marketplace so there's a few things we need to go through right here if we scroll down a little bit further where it says about this listing you need to select another company or person made it then this can stay as a finished product and it is made to order scrolling down further the next thing that you want to configure is the production Partners so in your case if you've got a new Etsy Shop you probably won't have anything set up yet so you have to click add new production partner down here and you can copy the same settings that I've got here for Swift pod if you're using them if you're not then you would have to look for the details on Google on printify so in this case production partly name is Swift PD a descriptive title printing company location is San Jose about the partner you can put anything you want into here but it's just to help buyers understand what the partner does for you so I put the this printing palette helps me focus on what I do best creating better designs for you looking at the last section right here about your partnership what you want to select here is I don't have the technical ability or equipment to make the item entirely by myself I designed everything myself and they do everything for me meaning they do the printing for me and once you've selected all of this you can hit update partner or save and then select it from your list down here and now we move on to the tags so you've got the option to add up to 13 tags right here to help you get found and this is definitely quite important for SEO so once again I would recommend going to top bubble index and just copying 13 tags from there so once you've pasted your tags into here just click add or hit enter on your keyboard and that will paste them all into this box the last thing we need to configure is our shipping profile and I've already configured some settings right here that you can copy for Swift PUD if you're using a different production partner you might want to check what they charge for shipping and also how long it takes for them to delivery items and then these prices might vary a bit or what you have to set here so the origin zip code for Swift PD is 95112 country of origin United States and the processing time I've put one to five days here because usually it's about two to three days with swift Theory so you've got a bit of leeway right there in case there is a delay in terms of the shipping charges for the United States I've put two to five days delivery time and 199 per item and this is something I'd recommend you do as well is rather than charging the full price that Swift peer recharges you of 475 or whatever it is offer a cheaper pricing for the for the shipping because most people don't want to spend five dollars in shipping try and get this price down and increase the price of your T-shirt and to make up for the loss in in profit right here now you can also offer free shipping right here if you want to but then it might be worth having the Premium printify plan to make that way easier because you'll get the the cheaper production cost then I've got Australia and everywhere else configured add more location C at the bottom and these are obviously quite long delivery times and higher prices because Swift Purity is only located in the US now you can also enable order routing in your printified dashboard under the store settings and that way if an order is placed in say Europe then they will automatically reroute the order to a European production partner or production firm and then it will obviously be cheaper to ship and it will also be quicker now when you enable that you don't have as much control over like the pricing and the quality you have to then work with more production Partners so that is up to you whether you just want to have it like easy peasy as it is here be mainly focused on the us or if you want to have differing prices depending on where your order is placed and therefore also get some shorter delivery times in different locations once you're done with configuring your profile just hit save down here and then you can select it from your options you can also make changes to this further down the line so once start getting some orders on Etsy then it will all become a lot more clear as to how much profit you get left with and whether you can still lower your shipping prices or whether you have to increase them to actually make a profit but once that's done we can scroll down to the bottom and hit publish right here usually get an error first but if we double click this publish button tells us you need to pay 20 cents for each listing now if you used my link you don't have to do that for the first 40 ones and that is usually enough if you have a good Niche and good listings and Designs that's usually enough to start getting some sales but after that you will have to pay 20 cents per listing so hit publish and now that's going to move into the active tab right here and you can click onto this Cog symbol and view your item on Etsy now the first bonus tip to LP get your first sales in Etsy is heading to the marketing tab within the Etsy store and then setting up a sale and the reason you want to do this is because if you have an active sale then within the search results on Etsy you get a nice little highlighted tag saying that you've got 10 off and if it's say 24 hours left on your sale you also get an additional notice that warns the customer that your sale is nearly running out so that adds some urgency to the buyer if they like your design to buy it at the discounted rate let's say we tap in 10 discount right here for example we can leave all of these as they are and then the sale duration obviously here you would have to decide whether you just want to make it like a two-day sale so you get that timer right there that's running out very soon or if you want to keep it running for a bit longer so you don't have to keep configuring your sale every other day but once you've configured your time frame all you have to do is configure a name at the bottom I usually put the month and the year at the end but you could also name this whatever you want really that relates somewhat to the sale and hit continue I include all of your listings or you can select specific ones if you don't want to offer all of them for sale and then hit review and confirm and create the sale down here you've got all of these different coupon codes that you can configure to bring customers back which either have already purchased an item from you or have added an item to their cart but didn't actually end up checking out or what a lot of customers do in Etsy is they favorite items that they see in search results that way anyone who's favorited your item will get an email sent to them with an offer for a discount code so if you set one of these up all you have to configure down here is the percentage of discount that you want to offer and obviously a name for the code that's literally all you have to do and then click create offer and Etsy will start sending out emails on your behalf to turn some of those people into customers who've seen and light your designs another very effective way to increase your conversion rate and to start getting your first sale if you're new to Etsy is to optimize your mock-ups the reason why this is so important is because the mock hubs are the only sort of touch point the customer has with your product obviously they want to imagine what it looks like once it's delivered and the better your mock-ups look the more likely they will want to purchase your design there's a few options you have here to actually get premium mock-ups you can look on Etsy itself and type in the product type so in our case Gildan 5000 mock-ups and I would also recommend looking for sizing charts which are really really handy to RT listing because oftentimes customers are wondering about the sizes and rather than leaving them confused if you add a sizing guide to your mock-up images as well then that's more likely going to turn potential customers into a sale now in terms of the actual mock-up images I would recommend looking through Etsy best sellers and look at what works best for other people you will quickly find that there's of a common style that does really well on Etsy and I'll put up some examples on the screen of mock-ups that look really good for the Guild in 5 thousand as an example and another thing to note here is that you want the design to be visible quite clearly and in quite a big size on your primary mock-up because when people are scrolling through the search results if the design is really small and hard to read then they're way way less likely to click on a listing and they will just scroll past it until they actually see a design that they can read properly besides looking on Etsy for mock-ups you can also go to some other places such as vexels which has a really cool mock-up generator or playset which is very popular as well and even integrates with printify directly and another bonus tip is to be kind and courteous to your customers because if anyone has got problems with their delivery or maybe they want to return an item because it didn't fit you want to exchange the size even if you don't offer these things on the Etsy Shop try and still be helpful and kind to them because most of the time it is way better to lose out on a few dollars to help a customer out in comparison to that customer leaving a negative review on your shop which which can really hold any sales in the future so also bear that in mind good customer service is going to help you out way better in the long run and get you a lot more good reviews so that's it I hope you enjoyed this video If you still have any questions just leave them in the comments down below and I will try and answer them when I can and if you want to learn how to successfully enter Evergreen niches then make sure to check out this video next where I'll show you four strategies to create designs for them [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Philip Anders
Views: 101,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: merch by amazon, print on demand, mba, t-shirt business, t-shirt, design, tutorial, increase sales, teepublic, redbubble, graphic designer, zazzle, etsy, teespring, spreadshirt, amazon merch on demand, amazon merch, merch on demand, on demand, tier 10, teir 10, tier 25, low tier, passive income, midjourney, ai art, ai, artificial intelligence, printify
Id: DCdIrUhUrlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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