7 Advanced Tips for Every Alhaitham Main

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today I will give you seven Advanced tips that every Alon main uses to max out its potential we will talk about ways to maintain and more quickly get his mirror Stacks Min Maxes on the Time explore one particular team comp and more as you properly know aam's gameplay revolves around getting mirrors that enable projection attacks they are gained via skill burst and charged or plunge attacks the projections from these mirrors have a very high Talent scaling especially on your Elemental Mastery and get a further boost from his Ascension four to maximize their damage we need to maintain three of them the maximum amount for as long as possible and it's not just for the scaling it's also because they have a specific internal cool down that makes them trigger a reaction every two hits for example the first projection attack with three stacks will trigger spread twice every 1.6 seconds our attacks enable these projections and every 4 seconds we lose a mirror let's quickly recap how to get mirrors the burst GRS them depending on how many you have have when you cast it if you don't have any it will give you three his skills also changes depending on your mirrors without any a cast will give you two otherwise one your charge at or plunge attacks will always give you one with a 12 seconds cool down you probably knew all this but it's important to recup for later the number one trick that most Al light Mains use is the burst swap tack his burst will produce mirror Stacks after 2 seconds this means that it's possible to cast it switch and use something from a teammate M and then come back to get his mirrors however failing to switch fast enough will make you lose them so to keep it brief you want to avoid using this stack if you're not confident in pulling it off every time your ping is too high resulting in wasted time between your inputs and when the switch actually happens the skill or burst you want to use has too long of an animation most common use is spawning odds from facial or casing cookie skill or burst but many many more can fit in this two seconds another trick to to minmax his time generating mirrors is that his skill can be held to aim it once you do no matter where you will be able to plunge attack right after this combo alone brings you from zero to three mirrors if you're up against an enemy with a big hit box we can push this trick further by aiming very low the jump will be so short that our liem will not perform the entire plunge animation but a faster one instead note that this only works as a result of colliding with someone or something and will likely hardly work on small enemies but if possible it's a good way to save a bit of time now his unfield presence can be maximized a lot but it requires a little bit of planning so let's say you want to be on field for the longest time possible or at least for as long as you can maintain three mirror Stacks you will start with your burst either use the previous burst swap Tech or not and then proceed to input normal attacks every 4 seconds recharge the missing mirror with either a skill or a charger attack an easier way to keep track sh of this is by looking at your projections these extra attacks happen in intervals of 1.6 seconds meaning that after two of this attacks it's okay to start getting a mirror back in other words every two projections you try to get one mirror via skill or charger attack generally it's better to use the skill first to let the cool down start the charge at and plunge attacks have a slightly shorter cool down for your mirror generation but let's say you're facing multiple waves of enemies you can split your own Field Time by only setting up the whole skill into plunge for three mirrors attack for as long as necessary then reset up for a new wave of enemies leaving the burst available for three new Stacks by the time you start losing mirrors again your skill will likely be off cool down enabling even longer rotations you can also have a rotation where you just want to keep a light am on field for a very brief amount of time this is one of the few moments when using his burst with two or three mirrors is actually beneficial as it gains damage depending on how many you have on cast it will only give you back one or not at all but it's okay since we plan to swap out anyway for this to work we do a hold skill into plunge a few normals and then burst before 4 seconds pass we can also squish a longer onfield window into a smaller one by using his burst and just following it up with your skill to avoid switching waiting or doing some physical damage what you do depends on how much time your team allows so to recap do this if you want to stay on field a long time this if you want to be free to switch often and this if you want to switch as soon as possible but regardless of the time we spend on field what's the best way to actually attack the most important thing to notice when we look at his scaling is the fact that his third attack actually has two different hits which are quite relevant for someone often triggering spread reactions as they will help his internal cooldown go away faster in short the more hits we do the more spread or general danger application we get performing the so-called N3 Dash is a great combo to get as many hits as possible in this can be repeated and two strings of Entry Dash can fit the 4 seconds that we have between mirrors going away which gives us this complete and easy to remember combo burst weight or swap tack entry Dash twice skill to get a mirror back entry Dash entry charge attack to get another mirror entry Dash entry this combo contains around 22 spread reactions but of course you can get creative with how you attack some even spam charge attacks and to be fair since his attack Talent does not really contain any special Elemental Mastery scaling or crazy multipliers it's totally fine to mix up your combo and focus on your mirror generation instead as that's where most of its damage comes from anyway most Al lightam content here on YouTube is a bit older and often pre Fontaine release if you have been watching my videos you know where I'm going with this Alam is another character that can include furina and ins him meaning he can now upgrade his artifa set to marfc Yes it becomes his best in slot set offering some damage on your normal enj your attack but most importantly a great amount of CR rate the set helps spread damage more than Elemental Mastery does the set is going to be from a slight upgrade to even 7 8% better than gilded but what's the role of furina here you probably heard that damage percentage Buffs like hers do not apply to reactions like hyper Blum so why would we include her the reason is the simple fact that quick can is an aura that can be maintained on an enemy together with some other elements it also acts as a danger Aura meaning that Hydro can be applied to Quicken and result in a bloom pretty simple for now Hydro however consumes the Quicken AA leaving a lightam less room to trigger spad reactions furina here is different from the usual hyperboom Hydro characters like cchu and Yellen because she simply applies less of her element and with a much more forgiving up time let's take this team as a template all item naha and cookie we want to add the hydro to this team ideally getting hyper blooms but also without sacrificing too much of a light 's damage using a website like JC Sim we can simulate the same rotation using different Hydro units in the slot it will run it thousand of times and give me an average of a multitude of information we want to see how many hyper Bloom cooky triggers and how many spread reactions a item triggers let's try it with zinu with it C6 activated and a full alium rotation we will see 16 hyper blooms and six spreads let's try this with a c yellon in the same exact rotation we will see 12 hyper blooms and 12 spreads now let's go with furina nine hyper blooms and 14 spreads we are simply trading hyper blooms for Quicken up time and that goes very well with furina because she won't buff hyper blo but she will buff spread damage now does this mean that finina is better than zure yelon not at all as especially depending on your investment assuming most can get their hands on a full Elemental Master cookie build then the weaker your Al lightam and the hard the better suu is because hyper Blom damage will only scale on cookies level and Elemental Mastery on the other side very high quality builds are okay with trading some of these hyper blooms for Quicken up time to increase both nahas and alam's personal damage also keep in mind that Yen does very well for the same reasons as furina she also Buffs damage percentage which applies to a lightam person damage but another point to consider for finina is that she allows rotations to be more forgiving as Yellen and zinu have a set up time that needs a item's full rotation while finina can allow you to be more flexible without much of a problem the split rotation we talked about earlier well that's pretty bad for characters like zinu and yellon they would just end up either delaying you a lot or losing up time forina with a 30 seconds duration on their skill makes you way way more flexible since I predict this team to become much more common especially for how reison efficient it can be if you ever want to vertically invest into a Lem a quick tip is the fact that both nahas and furina constellations are of a higher value than his own both actually have a very similar damage increase and will shift towards naha or furina depending on the exact team and builds also a quick reminder for your reasin planning deep Food is Almost mandatory in a team that contains a item so even if you do decide to go the furina plus Mar route make sure to form a Lisa set for support or naha it will also very likely be available in the strongbox once Nan releases in around 3 months as always this was not a comprehensive guide but just a collection of tips that I feel are a bit less talked about or more relevant for the time I'm making this video If you have a doubt about our item whether it's a generic question or a specific one let me know in the comment section I always read them all leave a like comment or sub if this video helped you stay tuned for more content and see you in the next video
Channel: SevenPls
Views: 17,025
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Id: TC4j6sQ5CUo
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Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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