Why EVERYONE Plays: Alhaitham | Genshin Impact

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by this point it's common knowledge for support characters to have far more equity and standings and placements among the overwhelming majority of players tier list for a multitude of reasons key of which being the range of use case is far eclipsing that of the damage dealing counterparts as I'm sure you're well aware by now the value of a character is determined by not only their practical performance but other anciliary factors that are just as if not more Paramount including but not limited to elements such as team versatility ease of use and coverage of which those are far more present on supports and off filters than that of on filters which is why even is a as the start of version 3 you'd be hard pressed to consider any character who is exclusively on field as quote unquote s tier due to the very limitations imposed on those who can't exert pressure without being the active party member that only made it more surprising when alham was almost immediately instated as one of the best characters in the entire game where he has remained ever since and there are no signs of him losing market share well into version 4 now and Al haen Still Remains one of the most popular and high performing damage dealers in geni consistently ranking among the top 20 characters of spys and a well-known favorite among hardcore and cash players the world over for just about any scenario in the Overworld so for today's episode of Y everyone plays will investigate exactly what about alham has enabled him to have one of the most consistently impressive resumes for a DPS character before getting started I want to ask everyone if you're in the market for a phone strong enough to run gin in starl then I have a suggestion for you check out the new red magic 9 Pro the newest release of the red magic foam line red magic is a professional gaming equipment brand that's all about pushing top-notch gaming devices from monitors to keyboards mice and of course phones the red magic 9 Pro is a mobile device optimized for gaming with the latest Cutting Edge Parts including but unlimited to the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 processor up to 16 gigs of ddr5 RAM half a terab of ufs 4.0 storage one of the best battery capacities I've seen a screen with 120 refresh rate and an instant touch sample rate of 2,000 HZ for perfect controls it is pretty much everything you can ask for in nextg phones there are honestly too many features to go over from Hardware to software but the basic gist is that this phone is very very robust in performance being made specifically for gaming they have a plethora of gaming related stuff for you to enjoy first and foremost being the game Space by flipping the switch on the side of your phone it puts the phone into a gaming mode and pulls up a library of all your games including a list of settings for you to play with they even include a library of plugins so you to take advantage of I know gening can be kind of hard to handle on mobile but red magic took this into account by increasing the response rate precision and sensitivity of the screen in addition to shoulder triggers built into the phone itself giving you two more buttons to use which in my case I made it so the shoulder buttons rotate the screen for me so you can have a better gameplay experience if you're interested in copying a new gaming phone for yourself then definitely check out red magic using my link on screen or in the description I'm honestly impressed at how much they put into this thing while keeping it sleek and flat at the same time thanks again to Red magic for sponsoring my channel but for now back to the video the year of sumero was a critical turning point for gin now that the cast of available characters has expanded considerably and each element has at least one or two units that stand among the top there's a rising increase in concern for efficiency in relation to memory members of a similar job understandably back in the day when there were only a handful of units who could do X Y or Z job though competition was present it was mostly irrelevant on the account of the scarcity of options but as a version three there are plenty of characters to choose from who can all achieve the same end result even if they go about it in their own unique ways this was especially true for main damage doers who have only one party slot to fight for compared to supports and off fielders who can afford to share up to three making things quite competitive aaka shun child wander sh Yia YULA the ultimate win condition for all of them is to deal as much damage as they can in any way they can so for all hay them to break past most if not all of them and cment himself as one of the best onfield damage dealers in genin he would not only have to excel in one field but in every field that exists to great a character and that's exactly what he did I talked about this before but there are two ways the character can be valuable in genin and by extension any video game to either be the best choice or something or the only choice for something representing the then new dental element alham had or rather still has the best of Both Worlds at present there are nine playable dentro characters that we can work with flushing out the roster of the healthy balance of damage support and off field pressure we know that nahita is Far and Away the best D character without question and it's colloquially agreed upon that Al haam at least P to forina buffing B to high heaven is the second best by being both the best and only option in a way for one alam's the best dental carry with his only real competition being ady who evidently struggles to keep up with them outside of extreme circumstances like C6 technically his Broast room cave is also m damage dealer but uh we've established a long time ago that 47 DPS units have no hope in competing with five stars so if you're looking for any onfield dentro character I'll hate them is pretty much your only option bringing us to the next question why is this important well because if the entirety of version 3 failed to demonstrated to you dendro is exceedingly overpowered being the best and pragmatically only onfield option for the strongest damaging element in the game is quite conducive to one's popularity now what makes all ha them convincingly the best dentro unit besides Nita it's that he's everything you would want to see on a main damage dealer for starters alhan feels very good to play historically there have been a number of units with commendable strength and performance on paper that got diminished in practice a good example being CLE whose popularity is hindered by her rather clunky animations and short stature on the other hand it could simply just stem from not being everyone's cup of tea with the bow category being notorious of this as a lot of players dislike either holding still for aim shots or the fact that their normal attacks can damage only one enemy in alhan Cas sees of the tall male architect giving him the best movement physics in the game naturally with their heights they have the longest stride and therefore initial dash out of any body type which means they burn less stamina to reposition compared to a short body type like Nita who has to expend considerably more stamina to move around and said movement can feel more arduous on account of the stubbier leges furthermore alham ass sortu the best weapon type in terms of attack range and speed second only to pole arms though stuff like this is not necessarily present in the front of players Minds it targets user experience which is inherently subconscious and not meant to be noticed yet they still influence the feel of a character as an on fielder who intends to spend most of the time on field this is one reason why according to most to play all haam he feels really good to use second reason why he feels really good to play is that his kit is the most conducive when it comes to achieving all your dendro needs again only behind nahita with all ha them having excellent dendro application and being able to apply it over an extended period of time he can adroitly accomplish either hyper bloom or quick and rather nicely which is what distinguishes him from tuna who for the most part can only perform well in Quicken teams and not so much hyper bom at least before for the follow-up nature of his chist light mirrors along with them IM his basic attacks the dentro grant him application rifling even Catalyst users additionally his Elemental burst provides a rapid flurry of attacks in a short time frame that instantly maxes out your mirrors allowing for fast instances of spread both the skill and burst contribute to hyper Bloom and quicken in their own ways mainly because both of them set him up to obtain his mirrors which in turn enable him to apply Dental fluidly more importantly though he doesn't have 100% of time he is flexible of time based on how you rotate his abilities he can either play quick SW Swap and attack really fast or stay on field for extended periods of time each of his chisle light mirors only lasts 4 seconds which may seem comparatively short given his burst and skill sharing a rather long 18-second cool down however since he can acquire mirrors through multiple means he can stay active for longer periods of time than most other on fielders charged and punching attacks generate mirrors his skill generates mirrors and his burst generates mirrors Al together enabling up to 12 seconds of mirror up time which is more than enough for you to either play hyper bloom or Quicken teams with the remaining downtime being used to cycle through your party members again continue continuing with that train of thought Al Ham's comfortable play style lends Credence to how good he feels to use he could work with just about everyone that can be used in a dentro based team his basic attack nature makes it easy for him to weaponize Yan chingcho and B's follow-up attacks his unfixed up time whether you want him out for long periods of time or short can have him work well with units that can do the same such as Fishel for quickin or kokami and Shogun for hyper Blom and though his mirrors expire upon switching out with there being multiple ways to acquire them that means even if you mess up your rotation and forget to use something you can swap back to a teammate then swap back to all ha them and continue without missing a beat whereas other on fielders like utau and Shogun lose their damage buff even if they prematurely leave the field forcing you to either commit to using them sub optimally for the rest of that duration or swap out and wait the entire cool down so he's a character who doesn't actually have 100% of time in theory but realistically it almost feels like he does that's because he has a blanket of hyper boom that strings nicely alongside his personal damage while other hyperare units don't have that added cushion basically alham feels like a hyper carry in that he has good damage and sustained onfield damage but he plays like a driver too so he has the best of both worlds I guess in a way it's the same reason why child has become so good his own personal damage is impressive and he can simultaneously augment shing's damage alham does the same where he contributes a fair amount of DPS on his own while at the same time drawing from the strength of Quicken and or hyper Boom for a big DPS with those reactions being almost idiot proof compared to stuff like swirl which can absorb the wrong element or vaporize and melt which can miss timing it makes Al hate them hyper consistent at the same time he can also take advantage of personal damage Buffs from units like yellan and Verina whose total damage amps don't help reaction damage but since alham has good personal damage he can still use those characters in essence he can use basically anyone since he can go with any place them if you want to play for reactions and quicks soft he can do that if you want to do a mixture of both he can do that if you want long rotations he can do that if you want short rotations he can do that alhan can do anything and everything you would need from a dentro character he's not locked to a specific play style or wind condition this allows him to appeal to a wide demographic third reason why he feels so good to play is because he's one of the few characters that you can pull right off the shelf and get going almost immediately some characters need specific units to go along with them or have a more elevated investment floor before you can really enjoy them with constellations weapons or artifacts but I'll hate them can be used Straight Out of the Box for one both those Elemental skill and burst have split Skilling based on attack and Elemental Mastery so like nahita I'll hate him internally get stronger by building Elemental Mastery dramatically magnifying his strength in addition one of his passive talents directly converts Elemental Mastery into more base damage for both the skill and burst it's important to remember that not only does he deal more more damage from Elemental Mastery but Elemental Mastery itself makes reactions deal more damage for even more damage his em hybrid scaling is not nearly as ridiculous as Nas but it's measurable enough to take into consideration with this in mind alham can itemize literally anything the sword category has an extensive selection of good weapons to choose from light of f are his personal of course his freedom sworn you can run even Jade cutter Miss spitter wolves Fang harbinger of dawn even any of these work for him thanks to benefiting off both DPS stats and reaction stats crit Elemental Mastery attack and recharge you can throw any weapon you like and any half decent artifacts without having to Malt like you would on someone like sha who doesn't want Elemental Mastery whatsoever conveniently you can also Farm his entire team's artifacts in one domain for most of his teams guilded dreams and deep with memories cover about everything hypothetically let's say you have an example team of alham shinobu yelan and nahita nahita can run deepwood alham and shinobu also run gilded so three out of the four party members can Farm the exact same artifact only it besides maybe nland whose entire team can run Marshall say Hunter and golden TR tro I'll hate them and ride in National are the only teams where the majority of their units can Farm the same artifact domain you might wonder if something like this has any real bearing on a character's usage but it does a big reason why eil is unpopular despite having a pretty fun play style is due to how much work it takes to get him off the ground you have to get him then get his personal weapon or serpent spine neither of which you can get if you're free to play get your GE units ready which means you have to level up and upgrade entirely new units like goo who you weren't using until you got EO then get specific artifacts that can't really be used by other characters which means you probably have to farm husk of opul and dreams for him and albo from scratch for many it's simply just not worth the TDM to get going hence why he's unpopular being able to pull alhum slap on basically any half decent sword on him then grab units like Fishel Shin B kokami Shogun who are far more likely to have been used prior to Alon than Goro or albo and get some half decent artifacts all from the same domain and you're good to go the only Annoying part is that his personal Ascension material is one of the more cumbersome ones to get but everything else is pretty Dam good so let's put things together all hate them is the strongest on onfield djo carry and frankly The Only One D is a broken element all ha them can exploit D's power in every which way possible making him super consistent and versati with any hydro and Electro character in the game furthermore he's extremely easy to get going as he can efficiently use a variety of weapons both four and five stars contributing to his ability to scale off both DPS and reaction stats play style wise he appeals to both types of players the side that wants to run quick swap teams and the side that likes to have one person brood Force through everything he has all of the quality of life features past onfield carries are lacking in some shape or form but most importantly what I think helps his caser being one of the most popular characters in the game is that he doesn't have to compete with nahita several times throughout the video I said that he's the best dental character who isn't nahita implying that nahita is the best dental character which is fact thing is nahita was so far ahead of her time that she was net and finina levels of power long before version 4 it's to the point where I might go on record they say she and finina are the two best characters in the game that's how overpowered the dental archon is but try to think of it like this if I'll hate them is requa nahita is Mega Rayquaza mega Rayquaza was so insanely overpowered that at one point he was banned from Uber Pokémon's equivalent of the ban list consisting of Pokemon so strong that they would have a 100% pick rate if they were in competitive tiers and then you have mega Rayquaza who was so broken that he was even banned from Ubers what I'm getting at is that nahita is so far above the competition that it's simply not fair to compare other units to her that being said regular Rayquaza still shoots on everyone and that's what alham is he's one of the best normal characters in the game literally he doesn't have archon privilege and he's not a centuries old Dragon who's basically a God as well he's just a normal dude but a really damn good one in fact I think he should be the Benchmark for the level of quality of life modern onfield carries should have and besides alham and nahita don't compete with each other though nahita can be used as an onfield here and honestly prefers to most people like her for her off field useability having someone else onfield for driving purposes alham is exclusively onfield this enables the two of them to be fielded together and they very often are essentially alham was a beneficiary of circumstance compared to other units who were victims of circumstance anything and everything that could go well for him went well for him he was fortunate that D's reactions were insanely good fortunate to be one of only two good dentro attackers while the majority of dentro consisted of supports and healers fortunate to not have to compete in the same niche as nahita being helped by her presence instead of harmed by her and to top it off he had ample onscreen exposure in the dentro Aron story line almost too much in fact he may have actually had more screen time throughout Samir than even Nita herself so when he was finally made playable you know everyone wanted piece of it exposure quality of life and practical strength the best of every World possible if nalet Verina and nahita are Gods amongst men Al haam is a man among Gods it's frankly impressive for a main DPS onfield unit like him to have such a widespread player base beating out even some supports I guess it pays to be you know an impossibly attractive wise cracking cynic but anyways with there being no signs of any new dentro characters for quite a while I think he'll continue to stay as one of the most played characters in genin that concludes why everyone plays all hate them let me know in the comments down below if if you agree or disagree with my points as well as if you think there's anything else I forgot to mention for now though if you enjoyed the video I encourage you to leave a like And subscribe don't forget to follow me on Twitter at vars join my Discord server and check out my other y everyone plays episodes if you haven't yet but till next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 81,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin alhaitham, alhaitham op, alhaitham, genshin why everyone plays, genshin why everyone plays alhaitham, weop alhaitham, alhaitham teams, alhaitham guide, is alhaitham good, is alhaitham worth it, alhaitham 2024, genshin alhaitham rerun
Id: s9BO6uKYhcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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