69 Charles Capps - The Rapture

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yeah glory to God well say it with me again I've come to receive revelation and insight wisdom and understanding from God's Holy Word and I fully expect the Holy Spirit the bear witness with my spirit the revelation of the word and what's about to take place on planet Earth hallelujah glory to God you may be seated Alleluia well I was sharing with pastor George that I really felt led last night after the service to going to be sharing tonight on the subject of tribulation or Reps rapture you know there's so many people that you hear people and meet people that they want to try to talk you into tribulation I never have understood why they won't retribute leave but I'm gonna get out in here on the floor I see they put me a podium down there if nothing's just better down here somehow get on there walking eyeball you but you know there's been arguments all through the years you know they just going to argue about something you know and they say well yeah we're going through half the tribulation now we're not going through any of the tribulation some said yeah we're going through all the tribulation then you've got people you know the churches have argued about different doctrines all through the years one of the stories I heard was kind of humorous I hadn't told a joke here so I don't never know how this is joke or not but it's funny they can these two Pentecostals were arguing one of them said well there's only one and God's name is Jesus and the others said no there's Father the Son the Holy Spirit is a Trinity three-in-one they make up the full Godhead no there's only one he said well no wait a minute Stephen saw Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father what are you gonna say about that he thought for a minute and he said well he said if you'd been hitting head with rocks you've seen double - and if you get a piece of prophetic puzzle in the wrong place put it in the wrong place you're going to be hopelessly confused concerning well the tribulation or rapture and we might just take a vote tonight after the service to see who wants to tribulation who wants to rapture how they Lou you I want you to open your Bibles first of all - I want to give you sort of a synopsis of some things that gives us a profile of the rapture in the Old Testament and I won't go through the whole thing because there's a much material that would take so long to to go through all of it we wouldn't even dare try to do it in one night go with me that Exodus in the nineteenth chapter now the scripture tells us that God spoke the word the end from the beginning and we know that the day is with the Lord a year's thousand years as a day the seven six days of the Genesis account evidently represents 6,000 years of human history the seventh day or the seventh millennium on God's calendar is the millennial reign of Christ but we are on God's calendar not our calendar nobody knows what our calendars right or not well it pretty well no it's not exactly right but no one knows which way to go to get the exact but you can rest assured God is the official timekeeper and God deals with determined time determined time is like a ballgame a football game is one hour determine time which you've never seen a football game played in an hour there's timeouts there's time delays and and other things that enter in we know that from the Book of Daniel the ninth chapter Daniel that the angel said to Daniel that there seventy weeks determined upon thy people our weeks of years and when when all of those weeks had transpired except one they crucified Christ in God turned his time clock off right there the prophetic time clock was turned off and that seven-year period is what you call the Tribulation Period it's a seven year sabbatical solid Jewish sabbatical cycle and that period of time must absolutely come to pass before the millennial reign of Christ so where does it fit everybody tried say everybody a lot of people tried to fit it into the year 2000 before the year 2000 from 1993 because the the accord with peace that Clinton was able to broker at Camp David was in 1993 wasn't it and they said well that's it 7 years and it puts you year 2000 and we would be in the tribulation they thought that was the one the Antichrist would you know break it the mid-tribulation whatever but it didn't happen one thing about date setters that is very consistent they're all 100% wrong but yet we have pathetic profiles in the Word of God that gives us general timeframes of the Tribulation Period the rapture of the church and I want to take you scripturally starting here in Exodus well we've already talked about Genesis so I guess we started there the seventh day of the Genesis account if you read the second chapter there it says that it was all perfect finished and the Greek word used there are Hebrew word that's translated that means perfected at the end of seven days it was perfected I mean at the end of six days it was perfected the sixth day if you'll notice God said it was very good at the end of the sixth day now other days he said was good but the only day that he said was very good was end of the sixth day why because it represents 6,000 years of human history of determined time and at the end of the 6,000 of the six days of the Genesis account man was in the image and likeness of God and the thing that has been is that which shall be at the end of 6,000 years of determined time the church will be in the image and likeness of God to perfection it's a prophetic profile the seventh day represents the seventh millennium which is God's calendar the seventh millennium now we're in the seventh millennium on our calendar but God is the visual timekeeper now let's go to Exodus because in Exodus we find the first Pentecost 50 days see Pentecost means 50 that's all it means this means 50 50 days after Israel came out of Egypt in the nineteenth chapter of Exodus is the first fifty days after it came out of Egypt so it's officially the first Pentecost so let's follow this now here in the start with verse ten and the Lord said to Moses go to the people and sanctify them today and tomorrow and let them worship clothes now in my study of endtime events when I wrote the book in time events the Lord showed me some things about salat the Solomon concept the Solomon concept is found in Clea's st-1 where Solomon says the thing that have been it is that which shall be and the thing that is done is that which shall be done and there's no new thing under the Sun you ever heard people say you know it seemed like history repeats itself the only reason it seems that way is because it does only in a little different way and I'm not going to take the time to go through that but when you get time read to read the first chapter of the clea steez in fact there's some other places it's mentioned in there but this is a very valid way to look at scriptures because certain events that happened in days past reveals the future in a very unique way this the Bible is the only book that reveals the future and right here in this chapter it reveals a multitude of information concerning the time of the rapture of the church now on the day of Pentecost for instance the way that God uses numbers in Scripture and associated with other events is important because God uses the numbers not to go above scripture but to confirm the written word how they're associated with certain events in the scripture now on the the Genesis account six days seems to represent 6,000 years and when you get the sixth chapter of Genesis why the Lord said that my spirit will not always strive with man for his days but his days should be a hundred forty years when I evidently said that to Noah Noah we have 950 years so what's the mystery here evidently he's referring to Jubilee years ever 50th years of Jubilee now we have in the Genesis account the first chapter six days representing 6,000 years of human history and man was in the image of God the perfected at the end of six days and then if you take a Jubilee is 50 years in man's days 120 years 120 times 56,000 so you write back to the same thing you said in Genesis one man's days of dominions shall be a hundred and twenty Jubilees of Dominion on the earth God said let man have dominion over the earth over the fish of the sea fowl there over the cattle over all the earth but there's a time when that Dominion stopped and we don't have time to go into all the details of that but it just won't give you enough information so you can see the profile that's laid out in the Genesis account and just keep stepping over now on the day of Pentecost in acts 2:4 how many were in the upper room 120 and Pentecost means 50 multiply those together you've got 120 again a significant number that appears different places in the scripture and we will not try to talk about all of them tonight obviously but I want you to see that as we begin to talk about this so evidently he is referring to 120 Jubilees and then you get into the book of Job but it says the day's man's days are numbered and it just falls in line with what the Genesis account if if you read the book of Job I think it's the seventh chapter in the 14th chapter but now let's look at this I don't want to bore you with two minute detail but do want to give you enough inside so you can see what the profile is going to reveal here so this is 50 days after they've come out of Egypt so this is would be called the first Pentecost and verse 10 said the Lord said to Moses go to the people sanctify them today and tomorrow and let the moisture close now it sound like going to clean them up for some reason today and tomorrow that would be 2 days when you recognize enter the church age of two thousand years of determined time get cleaned up what's going to happen day the Lord's coming down mountaintop high now the Apostle Paul said the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel with the Trump of God the dead in Christ shall rise first we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air now the word heir is translated from a Greek word that means from ground level to the top of a mountain now this is how accurate this profile is the Lord is coming down he said the third day told Moses the Lord's coming down on the mountain they come mountain top high the third day in the morning two thousand years of the church age after that next day would be considered the third day and we're not talking about thousand year days once you get into the third day because this is the day after the two days which is a profile that you've got to have the seven years of tribulation to fit in there during the time of the rapture but now look at verse 11 be ready against the third day for the third day the Lord will come down inside of all people on Mount Sinai now all of what people what's God's people what I told people that saw this it wouldn't nobody else out there to see it so he's going to come down on Mount Sinai the third day in the morning now skip down to verse well with a mitten full get away from that I've got a note here in a equi letter distance sequencing in this eleventh verse you read only the first letter of each word in the Hebrew and in this verse it spells did you believe is that a coincident I don't think so the Jubilee not a Jubilee a Jubilee is 50 years but the Jubilee is no doubt the rapture but let's go on verse 16 and it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there was thunder and lightning and a thick cloud upon the mountain and the voice of a trumpet exceedingly loud so that all the people that was in the camp trembled and Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God and they stood on at neither part of the mountain now if you remember on this occasion they said let them come up to the mountain they cannot touch the mountain anybody that touched the mountain will be killed or thrust through with the dark this mountain could very well represent the kingdom of God it could be a profile that once this event takes place people that come against the kingdom of God it may be Ananias and Sapphira incidents wholesale possibility that's what it's laying out here but we have no positive proof of that but let's read verse 16 again came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were thunders and lightning thick cloud upon the mountain and voice of a trumpet now notice didn't say the sound of a trumpet said the voice of the trumpet in that interesting because John the Revelator in the book of Revelation chapter 1 he heard as it were the voice of a trumpet talking to him and said come up hither and immediately he was in the throne of God sound so much like that john experienced the rapture in a vision form the voice of a trumpet exceedingly loud so that all the people in account trembled and Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God now let's talk just a little bit about Moses Moses lived exactly 120 years he died the same day was born 120 years later so we have a man in this congregation on the first Pentecost that lived 120 years and the first Pentecost was 50 so we have these two numbers if they multiplied together you get 6,000 again is God trying to tell us something six days he labored the seventh day arrested there's no doubt the seventh millennium is the millennial reign of Christ why is it going to be a rest for the people of God because Satan will be bound for 1,000 years thrown in the bottomless pit when our brother caps are you sure that's what this talking about well I had a fella called me and said I've got a fellow in my church that's visiting from over to England and he he's worked with the Bible computer code the Bible code on computer for nine years and said he won't know if there's anything you'd like for him to look up in the Bible yeah I said well yeah this happened I just told my wife a few days before so I'd like to have somebody knows how to operate the computer program because I suspicion this is talking about the rapture right here I mean it just profiles it exactly it's the third day in the morning and you know Hosea said God has torn he will heal us talking to Israel said after three days he will raise us after two days he will revive us after the two days are the two thousand years of determined time of the church he'd after three days two days he will revive us and the third day he'll raise us up and we live in his sight well it fits this exactly it was the third day in the morning now once this in the 16th verse if you start with the fourth letter in the 16th verse and you skip ever of the letter from left to right the way we would read the Gentiles would read it spells in the Hebrew original Hebrew it spells the Hebrew word bet shell Huth I said great Greek what does bet sell hoof me it's Hebrew for in the rapture you skip every other letter now if you're familiar with the Bible code book that came out some of their skip sequence was fifty nine thousand this is two and the shorter skip sequence is more meaningful it is when it shows up in Scripture so that leaves no doubt that God hid this in the original Hebrew to reveal that this profile I was the rapture there's no doubt in my mind about it but this fella called he said that what did about this fella I said yeah let me talk to him so I said would you look in Exodus 19 and see if you can find anything in there about Michael but go see Michael is is the in charge of the rapture Michael the Archangel he's in charge of the rapture and see if it's found about Michael and the church and then anything about heaven in this chapter are you ready for this buckle your seat belt here's what we found in there Michael he took Church into heaven now is that a question in the original Hebrew that's what is profiled in an equi distant letter sequencing in this chapter I'd say that's meaningful wouldn't so we're not just shooting in the dark when we say talk about rapture and and you know you get over into the New Testament you even see it profile but Jesus himself in the sixteenth chapter in all of Matthew I'm gonna mention that one then we're going to go on to two things that we find further in in Matthew but go 2016 chapter Matthew look at this last verse here we would read more but we need to conserve time tonight because we've got a lot of things won't say this is Jesus speaking after you 16 verse 28 verily I say unto you there's some standing here that shall not taste death till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom and after six days see Jesus didn't stop and say now chapter 17 but the next thing the writer says that Jesus waited exactly six days and he taketh Peter James and John up to a high mountain apart was transfigured before them his face did shine his Sun his raiment was white as light and behold there appeared to him Moses and Elijah talking with him after six days so we're back to the Genesis account again six days seven days a day of rest so after 6,000 years of determined time there's going to be a rapture then the tribulation is going to take place so its profile right there he lived it out in reality and here's Moses and Elijah now wise Moses and Elijah there somebody said by Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses that will prophesy in the streets of Jerusalem you know and will die the last three days of the Tribulation Period but Moses doesn't qualify Moses already died those two witnesses die in the streets of Jerusalem if a man's already dead he can't die again so why is Moses and the lines of their Moses represents you remember he lived exactly 120 years he will represent the righteous dead of a hundred and twenty Jew believes who died before they entered into the promised land that's all the death is for Christians hundred twenty Jubilee see what I believe with all my heart we're the last generation and you know you've heard a most dear life that well you're not gonna get out of this world why don't you believe it this last righteous generation is going to get out of this earth alive rapture more alive than ever but here we have a perfect profile in the New Testament lived out and the things that happen now the thing that have been it is that which shall be in the thing that's done is that which shall be done fits the prophetic profile of Exodus 19 exactly because you have the number 120 there's Moses Moses represents the righteous dead of 122 believes and by the way I don't have time to go into detail but but when we got over into second kings and had him to go through it with a the computer program what you find in in 2nd Kings is that it in the equi distant sequencing you find that it says head chief angel Michael that's when Elijah was caught up because I suspicion that God took Moses I mean a Michael the Archangel came down with his chariot spiritual chariot disputed with the devil about the body of Moses you know Jude 9 says Michael the Archangel when disputing with the devil about the body of Moses did not use railing accusation but said the Lord rebuke you I'm always wondering what is this doing over here what does it mean what does it mean Michael is the one that came down to take up Elijah but he took Moses up disputed with the devil took the body of Moses in the chariot resurrected Moses put him in the chair caught up the logic both went to heaven together I questioned the Lord about this because I said now Lord I you know if this is Moses and Elijah up there and they represent the church see Elijah was caught up alive and Moses died I said but they have to go to heaven together they can't go separate he said you're exactly right have you he said have you ever noticed where I sent Moses I mean Elijah to be caught up I said no sir he said it'd be worth your time to look it up he set him over across Jordan across Jericho across Jordan and the valley of Moab exactly where Moses was buried hallelujah thank God for the Holy Ghost well what it says head chief angel Michael he contended Moses he resurrected and down at the bottom it's not in there once it's in that chapter twice doubled and down at the bottom the guy called me back and he said I've never seen anything like this and all the things I've wronged he says it looks like Jesus encoded this in the scripture and down at the bottom it says Yahshua he signed his name to it first Oh Laurie well it convinced me now you can make up your own mind about now let's go to let's find out why people think they're going through the tribulation some of the reasons anyway go to Matthew 24 now for the sake of time we're going to deal with the last part of the tribulation period here that he's talking about because this is where the Great Tribulation comes in the first three and a half years of tribulation you know that the Antichrist makes a doesn't make a covenant with Israel he he leaves the covenant in place and supposedly going to leave it there for seven years but the middle of that period he breaks the covenant now let's see where we're gonna start verse 21 and then shall Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be for except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened now don't be confused about the days being shortened the Tribulation Period is seven years long not one day longer not one day less but he said except those days be shortened some about the intensity of the tribulation those days of intense tribulation has to be shortened Mary would killed all the Jews in Jerusalem and and all the people that would not worship the Antichrist so God doesn't allow that to happen what happens is when you study the prophetic scriptures and Old Testament it tells you that the 1010 kings of the north come against the Antichrist and he has to leave off of this severe persecution and just slaughtering them wholesale and go fight and he's tied up the rest of the tribulation fighting these wars until they hear that Jesus is coming and then they all group together and come to fight Jesus keep him from setting up his kingdom and of course you know that's a bad move but he said except those days should be shortened now this is mid-tribulation after mid tribulation he changed his mind and he says now you're going to worship me I'm God and so on and so he accept those days be shortened there were no flesh be saved in Jerusalem but elects sake those days shall be shortened now heard a fella on tape somebody gave me this tape and it was biodegradable after I went past the Second Mile I threw it in it he started laughing when he got right here he said ha ha ha I thought these rapture teachers was telling us we was going to be raptured here we are right in the middle of the tribulation he was so thrilled that he was and we're going to be in the middle of the tribulation now you know if if the church goes through the tribulation we're going to do great wonders and signs during the tribulation show me one of them in the book of Revelation they're not they're never mentions the church after chapter 3 until you get the last chapter and said these things were written to the church doesn't say anything the church did the church is not there the church is outlawed the church is rip rapture raptured in heaven during that period of time and I'll prove it to you but scripture I'm not just now someone said well now wait a minute the elects sake for the elects sake that's talking about the Saints now there's there's four I believe called Saints are the elect Jesus called the elect angels called the elect Israel's called elect and the Saints is called the elect you have to determine from the place used in the scripture which elect is referring to so which elect is he referring to here well we have to search the Scriptures a little bit hold your place are out there and go to mark thirteenth chapter in mark 13 is giving us the same scenario just a different writer is putting it down and we start with verse 19 and in those days shall be affliction such as was not from the beginning of creation which God greeted it at this time neither shall be and except that the Lord had shortened those days no flesh should be saved but for the elects sake whom he has chosen now that tells you it is Israel the elect there is Israel not the church the church is not in the middle of the Tribulation Period it is the elect of whom God has chosen and that labels it Israel beyond the shadow of a death whom he has chosen he has shortened the day is shortened the days of intense tribulation now go back over to Matthew 24 and let's pick up on it here if you don't determine the intent of the words of Jesus you can be really confused and like I said if you get the wrong piece of the prophetic puzzle pushed in the wrong places like a jigsaw puzzle you get one place piece in the wrong place you're never going to get that puzzle together completely and if you believe that this is the church then you're going to be hopelessly confused concerning the rapture and the Tribulation Period now let's let's move down here to verse 25 behold I have told you before wherefore now back up we've got to read another verse start verse 23 then then If any man shall say unto you lo here is Christ or there believe it not for their eyes false Christ's and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect well at this point they're not able to deceive Israel which is the very elect because Israel has been taught by the 144,000 that this man is an impostor and they have enough information till they're not deceived it says behold I've told you before wherefore if they shall say unto you behold he is in the desert go not forth behold he is in secret chamber believe it not for as the Lightning cometh out of the east in china 'then to the west so shall also the coming of the Son of man be coming to the Son of man what coming us he referred to the second Advent not the rapture you're not talking about rapture here now look at the next verse for wheresoever the carcase is there will the eagle's be gathered together now you know where that puts you that puts you in Revelation 19 hold your place there and look at Revelation chapter 19 Revelation chapter 19 let's begin reading with the leaven and I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that was on him was called faithful and true and righteousness he says judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written whose name no man knew but he himself and he was clothed in a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God the armies which we're in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in linen white and clean that's us coming back from heaven with Jesus we've been there seven years and out of the mouth go his mouth with a sharp sword that with it he shall smite the nation's and he ruled them with a rod of iron he treadeth the winepress press of the fierceness of the wrath of God and he hath on his vesture and his thigh name written king of kings and Lord of lords and I saw an angel stand in the Sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of the heavens come and gather yourself together unto the supper of the Great God that you may eat the flesh of kings the flesh of captains the flesh of mighty men the flesh of horses the flesh of them to set upon them the flesh of all men both free and bond both small and great and I saw the beast and the kings of the earth my armors gathered together to make war against him that set upon the horse and against his army and the Beast was taken and the false prophet that that wrought miracles before him and they that deceived him and there is they that had received the mark of the beast and they that worship the image and they both were cast alive in the lake of fire burning with brimstone and the remnant were slain by the sword of him that set up on the horse which sword proceeded out of his mouth and all the fowls of the earth fit were filled with their flesh that is exactly what Matthew 24 is referring to let's read it again now you can understand it better for his the Lightning cometh out of the east and Shina 'then of the west so shall also the coming of the Son of man be this is the second Advent he's coming to the earth the second time and the rapture he appears mountaintop high he does not come to the earth we're caught up to meet him there and that profile in Exodus 19 is so accurate that he was mountaintop how he came mountaintop high the third day in the morning I mean it's just you what you just can't refute that it's it's the rapture now now look at verse 28 and wheresoever the carcase is there will the eagle's be gathered together the carcass of what the carcass of these people is talking to the birds the flesh-eating Birds eaten along the great supper and immediately after verse 28 verse 29 and immediately after the tribulation in those days the Sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and star shall fall from heaven powers of heaven shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Sun a man coming at clouds of heaven with power and great glory that puts you exactly revelation 19 it's the second Advent not the rapture of the church he's not dealing with the rapture here he's dealing with the second Advent now notice here in verse 30 there shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven there's no sign for the before the rapture in heaven of the Son of Man and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn all the tribes of the earth are going to see this we're now gonna be in that number because we're not here we come back with it we're the ones that's riding the white horses and with a linen on clean and light this is the second Advent the rapture no one will see it but those that are gone all the tribes the earth shall mourn because they see the Son of man coming in clouds power and great glory yeah rains fire and brimstone straws destruction no destruction with the rapture and he shall send His angels with a great sound of the trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other he's talking about getting the elect out of heaven bringing them to the earth at the second Advent that's exactly what happens in Revelation 19 and also if you want more proof of that Isaiah 27 13 in Isaiah 11 11 through 12 talks about gathering the the people of Israel that are left on the earth out of the nations around where they've been hid away from the Antichrist and saw so there's it's also bringing people back from heaven it's gathering people back that have been dispersed during the Tribulation Period but beyond - out of the doubt this is correlated with with revelation 19 and it it's absolutely the second advent and not the rapture of the church you can see how people could be confused with that if you don't look very closely at what it says you have to discern the intent of what was said and when it says all the tribes of the earth will mourn for they shall see this on a man coming they don't seem coming for the rapture the only people that saw won't come down on Mount Sinai was God's people would now come over here too and a lot more I'd like to explain but it just take too long do it go to verse 37 here but as the days of Noah were well let's reverse search tix with but of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but the father only but as the days of Noah were so also shall the coming of the Son of man be for as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark now the only thing here that could even be similar to the rapture is that when Noah entered into the ark when the destruction came he rose up above it so that would be a parallel to the rapture but now notice what happens what he's describing here until the day that Noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away now at the rapture there's no good no going to be I'm not going to be a destruction of the wicked at the rapture that you this is the second Advent when the the destruction of the wicked takes place we just read it over there in Revelation 19 now you get out here and they said then it to be two in the field one taken the other left and and and this sounds a lot like the rapture doesn't it but did you remember over there that it said the people that had taken the mark of the beast they're going to be destroyed the ones that weren't taken didn't take the mark of the beast won't be destroyed one taken the other left this is not the rapture it seems a little bit like it till you look into details it won't fit it will not fit prophetically Jesus is not dealing with the rapture in this chapter specifically well we better move on because I want to I want to cover some more things here go with me over to what the Apostle Paul talk now in 1st Thessalonians first Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 Paul says but I would not have you ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that you saw or not as others which have no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also who sleep in Jesus will God bring with him now we should not sorrow as others which have no hope you notice over in pagan lands when people die they just frail themselves on the ground and screaming scroll and wallow and just just go berserk because they know they're never going to see them again Paul said I would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep even as others have no hope if we believe that Jesus rose again a died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him in other words the physical bodies in the ground in the grave but the spiritual body is in heaven to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord that spiritual body comes back with Jesus the resurrection takes place and it has a glorified body now listen to what he says for this I say unto you by the word of the Lord now when Paul says by the word of the Lord that's where he got it from the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep now see in some places it seems that Paul uses the phrase coming of the Lord and that's why people get confused on because he doesn't use the word catching away or raptured sometimes there's coming a Lord but you can tell this is rapture we is describing this becoming the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep but the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first that did you notice in Exodus 19 that Moses led the people up to meet with God and that's the way it states now we know he didn't lead him up on the mountain but he led him up and the Holy Spirit had that worded that way so Moses who lived 120 years we know representing all the righteous dead of 120 Jew believes he led the possession up to God and the dead in Christ shall rise first and we which are alive and remain I mean the profile is exact I mean not one plate one thing out of place the dead in Christ rise first then we were will rise in close proximity in other word y'all getting this I believe this will help us understand it now notice the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain and it means they're alive and remain until the period of Christ shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air so shall we ever be with the Lord now notice he didn't come to the earth there we caught up to meet him in the air the the second advent he comes to the earth and he destroys the wicked no destruction at the rapture of the church and this idea that that when he raptures the righteous out of the earth that millions of people are going to die because the pilots on the airplanes and and all of this are going to be gone people are going to die millions and millions of them you know that's not God's method I believe God will be merciful to these people and there will be somebody else there that can take control I just don't believe that God's gonna send millions and millions of people to hell just cause we go to heaven then we which are alive and remain see Paul believed at that time that he was going to be alive and here shall be caught up together with them in the clouds meet the Lord in there so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore comfort one another with these words now wouldn't be very comforting he said but we're all going through the tribulation so comfort your neighbor with that fact not very comforting is it not when you read and find out that one-third of all the people in the world will die in a 11 month thirteen month period during the Tribulation Period then demons will be loosed out of the pit for for a period of time and it's the demons that kill the two witnesses but they're resurrects now let's go into chapter five but of the times and seasons brethren you have no need that I write unto you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night the day of the Lord coming as a thief in the night now here's something that we've assumed for years that want to talk about the day of the Lord come in as thief in the night talk about the rapture not so we talk about the second Advent always talking about the second Advent when it says coming as a thief in the night and when they shall say peace and safety not now now notice how this is word here's how you discern the intent of the times and seasons brethren who's he talking to the church brethren you have no need that I write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night so he says the church already knows that for when they shall say now he's not talking to the church is it he's talking to they who's they've they that will be on the earth at that time all those tribes of the earth that it talked about in Matthew 24 that we'll see him coming at the second advent for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction shall come upon them not talking about the church is it he's talking about them that are on earth as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape not brethren not the church they that are on earth shall not escape but ye brethren are not of darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief now did that undo that idea that he's coming for the church as a thief in the night he's not going to overtake the church as a thief in fact I believe we'll know the exact day the Lord's coming before he comes I believe it's linked to an event that had be no doubt about it there's never been a rapture that they didn't know when it was going to take place well there might be one that there might be a question about Elijah knew the exact day he's going all of the sons of the prophets at jerko and in the different places he went before he was caught up knew the exact day Elijah was going to be raptured Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him evidently had somebody with him to let him know what happened to it so he must have known he's going to be caught up or they might have thought he just fell off the bluff somewhere you know and then Jesus was caught up while they watched him and you know we've been taught for years in a moment in the twinkling of an eye we're going to be caught up know what the Bible doesn't say that says in the moment in the twinkling of an eye is talking about will be changed in a moment in the 2009 but they don't see doesn't say caught up in a twinkling 9 when God does something 3 times the same way he sets a pattern it's the gods in the old method of operation and he he doesn't deviate from that I am God and a chain not he said so there's patterns in the scripture that revealed this and Elijah knew the exact day he's going sons of the prophets knew the day and evidently and of course we we have to speculate a little on on Enoch but we'd have to know somebody was with him to know that he walked with God and God took him to heaven but Jesus we know they sit there and watched him as he went up that didn't happen in the twinkling eye and and there was a cloud received larger out of the shot I believe and Jesus out of the side of this cloud that receives the Saints out of the side one direction so sometimes you know we assume certain things because we've heard somebody say you know it's going to happen in a twinkling of an eye that as far as we can tell there's never been a rapture that happened in the twinkling of an eye probably never will be I believe that we will well actually oh well I'll tell it's not well you need to hear it whether you believe it or not I believe that that the scriptures reveal through profiles and also by the things that happened in the other three raptures that live people were taken to heaven alive that and they knew when they were going why would we know when we're going did you notice that Jesus in Acts chapter 1 he was seen 40 days he was here for two days after he rose from the dead and had a glorified body he stayed here 40 days and preached concerning kingdom of God and then he was caught up as they watched him go into heaven the Apostle Paul got the revelation now you are the body of Christ what Jesus gets we get we're going just like he did we'll be here 40 days after we get a glorified body we'll have 40 days of unhindered ministry on this planet with a glorified body just like Jesus did the difference will be that we won't be limited like Jesus was when he got his goal fide buddy Jesus was limited he was a man in order with the Holy Ghost and heal the sick cast out demons did great miracles through the gnawing of the Holy Ghost but when he got his glorified body he was restored to his divine God had powers as God and lost his right to operate as a man then he stood on the mountain said all power is given to me both in heaven earth now you go in my name you cast out the demons you lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so he he couldn't operate that way the more because he lost his right to operate his man you have to have a physical flesh blood and body on body on this planet to have authority and Dominion here that's the reason Jesus had to have a physical body to have dominion on this planet any spirit being on this planet that doesn't have a body to operate through is severely limiting what they do that's why the devil wants to get in somebody that's why the Holy Ghost won't set habit you it's why God and Jesus and the Holy Ghost wants to live inside you because you have the authority of the body mm oh my god so int it just like God now let's just look at this scenario let's suppose I'm wrong I'll be the first admit it if we get to heaven they say they is wrong on it but what if I'm right I mean we have prophetic insight here that that indicates that because the thing that hath been it is that which shall be and if Jesus got his glorified body and was here forty days and did you know when he rose from the dead the dead were raised and they were seen in the streets of Jerusalem the Apostle Paul says he's going to make a short work of righteousness it's 40 days of glory what is what would happen if the righteous dead were raised and they stayed here for today's and visited their kinfolks and said you know I'm Uncle Jack I've been dead 40 years and Jesus is coming in 40 days fuel to go you better get ready god nobody can foul this up you get up some morning to start to open the door and you walk through the wall call your neighbor and said Jesus is coming in for today you want to go to heaven you better get ready fool over to God well like I said you need to know about it whether you believe it or not I believe it with all my heart I believe God has designed the method why wouldn't he revealed to the church his body he knew the day he was going elijah knew the day he was going and he represented the body of christ being caught up alive and nobody can foul this up i mean you can't you can't foul it up when you get a hundred two hundred million people with glorified bodies preaching the gospel all over the world be they thought in germany or Indonesia if we're ever going to make you short work of righteousness there'll be more people saving that for today have been saving all the 2,000 years of church history if I'm wrong I'll apologize to you when I get to heaven but you make up your mind whether you want to believe it or not but you need to know about it because there's some things that we hadn't even thought about God's not going to lose this thing this church is not going out sick and bedraggled and and in won't they're gonna know we've been here they don't be ready for us to leave the time we go they will help us they will heap the gold and silver on us out here like the dead the children Israel we've already gone well I don't want it helps to you enough to preach myself happy my my goal would be to God when I were all right come come down here to verse we're in the fifth chapter first this alone you ah verse 8 but let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for a helmet the hope of salvation are the hope of deliverance from the tribulation I put that breath the sea for in cities for God hath not appointed us to wrath now this is the words the Apostle Paul he said he got it for the word of the Lord he has not appointed the church to wrath why would we go through the tribulation but to obtain salvation or deliverance by our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us and whether we wake or sleep we shall live together with him wherefore comfort yourselves together and edify one another even as also we do now I didn't say but we all going through the Trib because he didn't believe it now come over here to the to the second Thessalonians in second Thessalonians part of it well let's start down here at verse 6 it is a righteous thing for God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you and to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance upon them that know not God and a bit they not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ now this is obviously the second Advent he's referring to first and there's a reason for that the reason is that somebody wrote a letter and forged Paul's name to it it seems and said I Paul a changed my mind the day of the Lord has already come or is at hand and you know something to that effect because he talks about that in the second chapter here so you have flaming fire taking vengeance upon them that know not God and who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of Lord and from the glory of his power now that puts you in Revelation 19 that's that's the second Advent but now come here to shop to - now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and something else our gathering together unto Him I believe the first part of it where he says the coming of the Lord Jesus he is talking about what he talked about here in the first chapter it's the second Advent and the reason he's talks about that first because he's going to show you the difference between the two there's fire and destruction with the second advent there's none with the rapture now we seat you brethren by the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ which is the second Advent and by our gathering together in him a different event that ye be not soon shaken in my nor troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us that the day of Christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means now notice he says a letter asked from us in other words he said I didn't write the letter let no man deceive you by any means that they shall not come emphatically saying that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed now that word falling away if you have an amplified Bible in but has an amplified Bible here there's a little letter C by the word falling away and it has down a footnote down at the bottom of the page says possible rendering of the Greek word apostasy ax is departure of the church anybody got that their Bible raise your hand that's exactly what it says in a Greek scholar not a Greek scholar a teacher of ancient Greek over in Australia wrote me she heard my teaching only she said it's not a possible rendering it is the rendering of the ancient Greek it's a catching away not a falling away it's the church that's caught away and the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposes that exalted himself above all that is called God and that is worshipped that he is God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that He is God remember you're not the one with you I told you these things and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time how do you know what with holder's he just told you there's two things that have to happen first a catching away and the man of sin being revealed then the tribulation starts now we know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let until now is this until he be taken out of the way now there's been all kinds of speculation and different ideas about this some sense the Holy Ghost is taken out now the Holy Ghost would be here all there in the tribulation there'll be multiplied millions of people saved during the tribulation period without the Holy Spirit being on earth no one could be saved during the tribulation period except the Holy Spirit draw people they cannot come to Christ then some say you know one thing and another but it is the church that withholdeth the body of Christ the righteous people of the earth is what with holes or restrains the Antichrist he cannot take over or even make his move take over until the righteous are out of the earth now when the righteous are out of the earth it's true that the Holy Spirit does not have a body here on the earth to restrain through so the Holy Spirit could be the restraint but he restrains through the body of Christ because you have to have a body to vote when the righteous are gold they'll vote the Antichrist in wholesale oh he'll be the greatest one on and you watch them they're probably on the saying now but anyway he said he who let up will let are this actually this word led is no English word it means hinder are restrained it means the opposite of what means today he will restrain or hold back until he'd be taken out of the way now the body of Christ the Apostle Paul always referred to the body of Christ as a man a lot of people say well it's the church is a she or a feminine gender but the Apostle Paul said till we all come to the unity of the faith for the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man he called the body of Christ a perfect man and if it's the body of Christ anyway that's gone and then shall the wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming even him whose coming is after working with Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders with all deceivableness is them that perish because that they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved now some folks say well I'm gonna get saved during Tribulation Period well it's possible but it's not going to be easy you can't live for God now it would be 99 thousand times tougher then but this is the Apostle Paul's teaching concerning the rapture and tribulation and so on now now go with me to Revelation right quick and the first three chapters of Revelation the churches mentioned 19 times after chapter 3 the church has never mentioned again until the last chapter of the book of Revelation there's reason for that the reason is the church is not here during the Tribulation Period there is no Church allowed during the tribulation period and there is nothing that the church does here during the tribulation period but there are tribulation Saints that would be born and they will it talks about you know the the Antichrist destroyed and coming after the the Saints well it's tribulation Saints it's not the church now as we get here to the 3rd chapter let's pick up on this and he's talking to the Philadelphia Church here beginning with verse 8 I know thy works behold I set before thee an open door and no man can shut it and by the way the Philadelphia Church was the sixth Church and no man can shut it I have set before the open door no man can shut it for thou hast a little strength and kept my word and has not denied my name behold I will make of them the synagogue of Satan which say they're Jews and or not and do lie but I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee because thou has kept the word of my patience I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation remember Jesus talking about pray that you that he will not not be led into temptation same word here and it should have been translated both places tribulation that's what the ancient Greek scholar says it's the word for tribulation so he's going to keep thee from the hour of tribulation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell on the earth now if we're on the earth at that time it's going to try us why would he try the church we've already chosen Christ is to try them that dwell on the earth behold I come quickly hold fast to that which is the house that no man take that crown to him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my god now come here to the fourth chapter after this I look now this is John speaking John the Revelator I looked and behold a door was open in heaven that Centauri was talking about that's the door he was telling the church about he is experiencing the rapture in a vision form and that thing that have been is that which shall be in the thing that it's done is that which shall be done this is an event that reveals the exact thing that will happen in the rapture and all the other things that we show but John actually experienced the rapture in a vision form now I don't know whether he was taken up bodily and maybe it was just spiritually but he experienced the rapture and vision form and the first voice that I heard was it were a trumpet talking to me which come up hither and I will show you things which must be Hereafter now think about it what's he talked about for three old chapters the church age now he's going to take him to heaven and showing things that are here after what after the church age the church age is over at the rapture of the church and immediately I was in the spirit behold the throne was set in heaven so immediately he was in heaven and by the way you'll see down here where in verse six and before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal in the midst of the throne song you know the Apostle Paul said that he'll present to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing a Christian when it says crystal see if it doesn't name the sea is talking about a mass of people in Crystal is the substance that you cannot hide a flaw in if there's a flaw in it you can see it now when you get here in Chapter five I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written and within and on both sides sealed with seven seals and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and loosed the seal there often no man in heaven nor in earth neither under the earth was able to open the book neither to look thereon I wept much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book neither look upon and one of the elders said unto me weep not behold the line of the tribe of Judah the root of David hath prevailed to open the book and loose the seven seals how they lujah let's go down to verse eight and when he had taken the book the four beasts the and the four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb having every one of them harps and golden vials full of orders which are the prayers of the saints and they saw the new song saying thou worthy to take the book and open the seal there off for thou was slain and has redeemed us unto God by thy blood out of every kindred tongue and people and nation and has made us unto our God kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth who is this it's the church in heaven singing the song of the redeemed and the Antichrist has not yet been revealed and I beheld and heard a voice of many angels round about the throne the Beast elders a number of them was ten thousand times ten thousands and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice worthy is a lamb that was slain received power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing and ever creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea and that are in them heard I say blessing and honor and glory and power unto him that sitteth on the throne and unto the lamb for ever and ever now look at here at verse well and read rest of it and the four beasts hid a man and the four and twenty elders fell down and worship Him that liveth for ever and ever then chapter 6 and I saw when the lamb opened the first seal had heard it were the noise of thunder and one of the four beasts saying come and see and I saw him behold a white horse and he that sat upon him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer now there's people that teach that this is Jesus this is not Jesus this is obviously the Antichrist notice this man has a bow of no errors he rules by deception they have to give him a crown he doesn't have a crown read in Revelations Jesus had many crowns on his head this guy don't have a crown static rise when the first seal is opened the Antichrist showed up immediately after the church is in heaven they don't settle it forever the church does not go through the tribulation when he had opened the second seal I heard the second beast say come and see and there was another horse that was red and the power was given unto him it would take peace from the earth and they should kill one another and there was given to him a great sword so war breaks out immediately you think it's bad in Iraq now in some of these other countries you hadn't seen anything two lists take place when he opened the third seal I heard the beast say come and see and I beheld lo a black horse he said on him had a pair of balances in his hand he heard the voice in the midst of the four beasts say a measure of wheat for a penny three measures of barley for a penny but hurt not the wine and the oil famine always follows war a day's wages for a loaf of bread $50 hundred dollars for a loaf of bread going to get expensive and then they can't buy or sell unless they have the mark I don't believe if I want to go through that do you could we have a vote who's for rapture how many's for tribulation we gonna play for you if you are my my my my let's read this one more time and I'll close revelation 19 remember said there's a door opened in heaven over there for the church revelation 19:11 I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat on him skal faithful and true in righteousness he's a judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns they didn't have to give him one he had many crowns and he had and he had a name written that no man knew but himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name was called the Word of God and the armies which we're in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in linen white and clean and out of his mouth with a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nation's rule them of the rod of iron he treadeth the winepress with the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of kings and Lord of lords hallelujah can you say Amen hallelujah king of King and Lord of lords glory to God who then come down to chapter 20 I saw the angel come down from heaven have the keys of the bottomless pit a great chain in his hand laid hold on the dragon the old serpent the devil and Satan bound him a thousand years cast him into the bottomless pit shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should not deceive the nation's No More till the thousand years was finished and after that be loosed for a little season and I saw Thrones and they the set upon them judgment was given unto them and I saw soul - then were headed for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which were not worse would not worship the Beast neither His image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads are in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years the rest of the Dead lived not again until the thousand years was finished this is the first resurrection blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection and on such the second death have no power but they shall be Riis of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years Oh hallelujah blessed be guy and then the last war that ever takes place and when a thousand years expired Satan will be loosed out of his prison to go out deceive the nation which are in the four corners of the earth gog may God and gather them together to battle the number of who the sands of the sea and they went up the breadth of the earth and compassed the camp of the saints now you know this is dawn and the Bluff City and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophets are are and were tormented day and night forever and ever and I saw a great white throne him to set upon whose feasts the heaven the earth fed away fled away there was found no place for them I saw the dead small and great stand before God the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life you ever wondered what God's going to renovate this earth by fire and not kill all the people on it at the white throne judgment we're all going to heaven for the white throne judgment the Christian don't go there those that are raptured don't go there to be judged we go there to judge angels the Apostle Paul said while we're all in heaven the dead are resurrected the wicked dead they go to heaven to be judged and while we're there this earth will burn up and will be fashioned anew and we will escort the New Jerusalem verse chapter 21 tells we'll let's go at the New Jerusalem back from heaven to earth God is going to move heaven to earth hallelujah glory to God forevermore hallelujah I don't want to ever help you just clarify some things blessed be the Lord God of heaven hallelujah hmm I better hush I get started again glory to God come on guys let's all stand together right now lift your hands to the Lord give him glory give him honor given Thanksgiving for this father we honor you we worship you we glorify and magnify you Lord for the future that you have given to us the brightness of your glory the brightness of your day that is coming God we give you the honor for that come on just thank him for that's good news tonight that's good news tonight thank you Lord thank you Lord for blessing us with that thank you Lord from magnifying yourself thank you Father oh come on lift your voices to the Lord this is good this is good this is good thank you Father glory to go praise You Lord go Oh father we glorify you for this we give you thanks giving Lord thank you father thank you father for your goodness thank you Lord for a manifestation of your goodness and your mercy and your kindness towards us Thank You Heavenly Father before we receive our offering tonight for brother Capps I want every head bowed and every eye closed right now to enter into this place called the rapture to make heaven your home you must receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior giving your life completely over to him and I want to make this challenge to this congregation tonight if there's anybody in here this evening and you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life tonight is your night tonight is your night to step over from the tribulation you to the goodness and the presence and the love in the compassion of God how do you know if you've never been born again you've never been born again if you've never asked Jesus to come into your heart it's as simple as that so if there's anyone in here tonight and you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life tonight as your night and you say yes pastor George I want Jesus as my Lord I want you to lift your hand up right now lift your hand up right now if you've never been born again it's time for you to be born again tonight just lift your hand up right now is there anybody in this church tonight I want to make sure before we take one more step in this service if you say pastor George I've never been filled with God's Holy Spirit praying in another tongue speaking in other tongues you lift your hand up right now we want to help you we want to help you with this thank you Father thank you Lord God thank you Lord God is there anyone here just another moment Thank You Heavenly Father everybody look up at me I want you to say this after me in Jesus name jesus is my lord he's my Savior he's my deliverer and I look forward to the time I'm raised up to meet him in the air thank God we are delivered from the tribulation now give the Lord praise for that Thank You Lord God thank you Lord go I want you to be seated just for another moment I was I am so pleased and thrilled that we've had brother Capps with us during these last few T's don't you appreciate he and Peggy cat and tonight what I want us to do is to bless them beyond measure I want them to know that when when they receive that check into their office they'll go oh praise God they'll go thank you lord and they'll know that they have touched the lives in the hearts of this congregation so I want us to go before the Lord right now and pray ask the Lord what he'd have you to do Terry and I already prayed about it we've got our check already prepared for them and I just I so appreciate the anointing that's on brother Capps what he gave to us on Sunday Sunday night and Monday night has so helped me encourage me has really been a word from the Lord to help prepare us to do what we have to do as a congregation to get this youth and children's building built completely furnished and to do it by faith we're going to do it we are going to do that and then this word tonight was just over the top thank didn't it lift your heart tinit lift you up father we come before you tonight and I thank you that this is a giving congregation this is a sowing congregation and this is a harvesting congregation and we so this seed by faith into Charles and Peggy Capps tonight Lord we believe that you will continue thank you father well I just need to do this by the Spirit of God brother and sister Copeland would you come help me do this and Terry would you come stand up here with me and Charles and Peggy coughs would you stand out here please I just believe it's of the Lord that we lay hands upon on you for the for the increased anointing for the increased strength and the increased ability from the Spirit of God to continue to do what you need to do this is the year of your open door and there are doors that are opening in churches that have heretofore closed their doors to this message both of these messages but doors are opening wide now father I'm asking that you send them people to help them pastors to come alongside them and to make a way for them in these end times and in these last days to deliver this word in strength and in power and in might thank you Father holy holy holy God call up our keiki de locas get a harmonica strength great strength supernatural flooding and restoration to go and to do and to experience on a first-hand basis all of those things that you have expected and knew would come to pass over all of these years well the time is now so rejoice and again I say rejoice for great abundance a flood an uprising on overflowing not because of more late on your part in fact from this time forward it'll be the easiest time you've ever had in your Christian walk because these are the days of the harvest and harvest you certainly shall so rejoice and know that this is the day say if the law think hallelujah praise come glory to God thank you Father thank you for this lord thank you for this door Lord thank you Father thank you Father thank you father in the name of Jesus we speak unto the church you rise up Church you take your place Church you rule and you reign church and you open your doors and you open your hearts to the strong uncompromised message of faith the day of the church has come but the church shall not rise up until she embraces this because the just shall live and reign by faith saith the Lord oh thank you fine absolutely thank you Lord Jesus and this time that brother Capps so wonderfully opened the book on tonight we're there we're in it and those that live like we do where we live by faith and we make a big thing out of the love of God we make a big thing out of knowing what God is doing and doing it with him and being involved and we're the kind of people that brother Capps was talking about we're not just blessed we are walking in the blessing of Abraham and pressing that blessing to do its job in our lives and in our church and there's people like us all over the world and they're pressing and pressing to us while brother camps described tonight by the Holy Ghost is not going as he said to come on us as some kind of shock to us it will be one more step of faith just one more confession of the word amen Oh a to be the biggest day of your life but Phil but I'll tell you something today was the biggest day of my life hallelujah this the reason is so important to continue to press continue to grow continue to move in the things of God and not get just caught up in the natural and just don't have any clue what God's doing to keep pressing the blessing by faith continuing every day I am the blessed the blessing is working in me now praise God and continuing to grow and grow and and and be ready and and as we do I'll tell you frankly every day that we live like this you and I it's one one day closer to heaven on earth because I'll tell you I mean these are the good times if there ever was any good old days these are it Hey I mean people look back at the good ol days back being some of the time that's just because you forgot most of it he wasn't any good they really hadn't been any real good old days in his earth since the Garden of Eden but then the thing that the Spirit of the Lord is so impressing me with as we were standing up here in the presence of the Spirit of God manifest like this was to press on continue to press the Apostle Paul said I have not apprehended but this one thing I forget those things that are passed and I press on towards the high calling of the Anointed One hallelujah you just keep pressing just keep pressing and one these days while you gonna be pressing go poop Shawn look at this oh this ain't never been on a diet like this before glory be that God and walk through the door and forgot to open it it may take you a couple of days get used to this you know that glorified bought in my mother bless her she pressed toward the rapture every day of her life man she didn't tell me she said Kenneth Jesus coming this year I said mommy you said that last year she said I know it but he's coming this year I said what if he don't she said out of that Donny but don't think about that he's coming to see her friends the law and I you know I've give her a hard time particularly back there for out you better and we get into the next guy said mama he didn't come she said he's coming this year she never quit I'll tell you she never let go of it amen I guarantee you she's in heaven today saying Lord we going this year is he doing that and he probably you know he just smiled at her and say well but not let you know for
Channel: JehToday
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Keywords: Charles Capps
Id: gOr0JLcswh4
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Length: 99min 30sec (5970 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2013
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