Charles Capps - (March 24, 2005) part 1

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welcome to walk on the water faith church and ladies and gentlemen may I present to you someone who needs no introduction an international Word of Faith Minister a man I highly respect a man full of character and integrity a man who stands by his word Charles Capps [Applause] glory to God that's with me yeah I'm a believer not a doubter I've come to receive revelation and insight wisdom and understanding from God's Holy Word I fully expect the Holy Spirit the bear witness with my spirit concerning the revelation of the word and how to apply it in my life on everyday basis Alleluia praise the Lord for that glower to God you may be seated well being a farmer you know I I can understand planting seed good ground somebody asked me one time said how that church treats you down there I said you've treated me like dirt they planted seed in me yeah a farm 29 years for it went into ministry I want to mention a few of things we have on the book tape table tonight before we get into the teaching session now you know when you come speak a couple of nights you've got about 40 sermons you'd like to preach and my younger days I tried to preach them all the first night and I learned better than that but we have a book out there called faith in confession now this is a faith confession manual how to activate the power of God in your life we talk about things about how the law of faith works the difference between a confession and a lie you know some folks don't know the difference in the confession in the lie they say well now if you say anything that's not already happened you're just lying now let me ask you something how in the world would you ever get anything by the principle of mark 11:23 if you didn't say it in 24 if he didn't say it before it happened who serves just say to the mountain a financial adversity mountain of physical adversity be thou removed be cast in the sea shall not doubt his heart believe what he's saying he'll come to pass he shall have what what he prayed knowing what he believed what he said what he believed doubt not his heart believe those things he is saying we'll come fast well but not preacher that I just know we get into that baby Artois but you have to call for what you don't have and you know people that you know when people get well let's sit this way her TL Osbert say this one time I've never forgotten it he said you know when when people get indoctrinated they quit thinking and and and it's it sounds very spiritual to some folks in a religious setting and say you just have to say it like it is no you don't Jesus didn't he looked out in the face of a storm on the lake and he said peace but there wasn't any within there was he called for what he didn't have then he looked at the way he said be still they weren't still but then they were he called it first and you calm storms in your life the same way I better get back on this how to receive God's provision using wisdom when acting in faith how doctors and medicine worked together for faith and healing medicine won't heal you won't keep you from getting healed sometimes it'll hold down the symptoms while you believe in free healing can you believe you healed better if you don't hurt her if you do hurt the body heals itself all the things being normal all healing is from God there's a subtitle in one of the chapters in here that it kind of gets you attention it's called going whole hog when half ready we have a series out there called how to succeed when others fail it's to tapes know these CDs I'm sorry two CDs didn't say CD on the front CDs we got several series out there in CDs also in because that's and I'll go buy the book and tape tape and almost spend a lot of time and take advantage of what's out there you know we have a lot of things we've already said be a blessing to you Alleluia open your Bibles to Romans Romans suppose chapter now you know Jesus said when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and understandeth it not and that's a key phrase understandeth it not then cometh the wicked one and catcheth away that which was sown as hearty now if you read mark's account of it mark didn't phrase it like matthew did matthew caught something mark didn't catch that's the reason we're all to read all the gospels one fellows reading to Bible for the first time with a happy call well when he first got saved and he read Matthew and Mark and he said hey Jeanne said somebody made a mistake this is in here twice she had to explain to him well see he was a liquor salesman when he got saved so he didn't know a lot about the novel but thank God he learned bid me hallelujah but but anyway Matthew caught something mark didn't catch there there's places that that mark colt think Matthew didn't catch so if you hear the word of God and don't understand it if you don't know why you're doing certain things somebody's gonna talk to you out at it so we need to know why we believe what we believe and if you understand it the more you understand it the more more you can operate in that principle and it's important that we understand it don't let somebody talk you out of doesn't take the devil to do it sometimes some well-meaning church members talk you out if they don't understand it so when it comes to faith in confession and and we sometimes we must explain the word confession because most people all they know about confession is confessing your sins well that's a good part of all right if if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins cleanse us from all unrighteousness but see when we confess that means we agree with what God said we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God we say what God said about it so if we confess the word we must say what God said about it whether the circumstances agree with it or not if if you're walking in LAC you began to get a hold of the promise of God and confess abundance Gil you gave and the offering then it is given unto you're not going to be it was given when you put it in there for us heavens concerned it was given may not be manifest yet probably didn't but it was given but you know some you hear some people cast out the word in favor experience well yeah I know the Bible says that but here's what happened to me I gave him my car broke down I had to overhaul transmission well now what happens they cast out the word in favor of experience that's always dangerous regardless of what happens to you in life it never changes the Word of God still says the same thing and we should still confess the same thing what God said about but if you will say what God said about it long enough eventually it'll change what happens do you mind it's called calling things that are not as though they were Jesus operated in this principle and all of his ministry and you know you could study the Bible for years and if you don't study it from that angle you may never see it the way I got a hold of this one time I said to the Lord I said Lord now you know if this is a Bible principle calling things that or not why didn't you use it in your ministry for the next 15 minutes I was embarrassed he took me mentally from one scripture to another revealing how he always operated in this principle and he's our pattern so we're going to talk about faith we're going to talk about calling things that are not we're going to talk about how God told Abraham P I don't know what you'd entitled is other than it'll it'll be word of faith I guess but let's read here in Romans chapter 4 verse 3 he says what saith the scriptures abraham believed god it was counted to him for righteousness now notice it says abraham believed god now you remember that his name was first Abram it didn't say Abram believed God it said abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness Abram never did believe God the way abraham believed god and and we're talking about that little father in a bit but come over here them to the 13th verse well the promise that he should be heir of the world was not to abraham are to his seed through the law but through the righteousness of faith they are unlined that phrase righteousness of faith because it's very important phrase you know help you understand father as we approach your word tonight i submit to the anointing of god that abides within me to Minister the Word of God that you've revealed it in my spirit pray that every mine will be open every heart will be receptive to the Word of God and it will become indelibly imprinted upon their hearts and their minds and they will live out the reality of your word by acting on the promise of God according to your law of faith we thank you for it we give you praise for all that shall happen in Jesus name everybody said amen now notice he said for the promise that he should be of the world what does it mean to be heir of the world heir to the things that God has given us in this life there's some things you're not going to enter into the laughter life but you know we have sang that song I mean when I was growing up we did and I wasn't raised full gospel church we sang when we all get to heaven we sing that song every time we went to church and and it's a beautiful song wonderful song and it is true when we get to heaven won't it be wonderful then but it kind of left the impression you're not going to get anything good too you get to have it no second Peter chapter one said God hath given us past tense in it us all things that pertain to life and godliness in other words we're heir to all the things that God has given us in this work when he created men said let us listen make man in our image in our likeness let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl the air over the cattle over all the earth over every creeping thing you know it's just good news to know what you have dominion over creeps and today which we live so there's a lot of creepy things going on you know but it's through it's not through the law I said but through the righteousness which is of faith now hold your place right there we're going to come right back there in just a little bit but before we forget it go over to Romans the tenth chapter we'll find out what the righteousness of faith does in verse 4 of Romans 10 for Christ is an end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth for Moses described as the righteousness riches of the law that the man that doeth those things shall live by them but the righteousness which is a faith speaking on this wise now first he's going to tell you what the righteousness which is of faith would not say see it helps you sometime if you know what it didn't say it'll help you understand what it did say so Paul said say not in thy heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring Christ again from the dead now you might think who in the world would say that we've all been guilty of saying that have you ever said Lord if you just come down and touch me I'd get healed that's basically what you said if we could get Jesus to come back in the flesh reverse the process of death get him back in his physical flesh blood and bone body where he had authority to heal the sick cast out demons raise the dead then he could lay hands on me and I'd get he'll if he'd come back do that have you ever noticed that after Jesus rose from the dead God is glorified body he wasn't much God as God was God you know he could eat get up walk through the wall appear anywhere he wanted to never healed another single person never cast out one demon never did one single miracle after he rose from the dead somebody said it walked through the wall that's not a miracle if your spirit being you know he went down the Pool of Bethesda but there was a multitude of crippled folks there and he walked up to fellows been there crippled from what 38 years and never walked stepping his life said rise take up your bed and walk well first of all he said to him will you be made whole he didn't ask you that he won't to do he said will you there's a difference and the man said started talking about his problem he said but I have no man they gave me in the pool you know that the story was that angel came down certain season and what troubled water if you get in first into that pool you get healed but he couldn't get there everybody somebody else got in for he did he said I have no man to help me he didn't know who he's talking to he didn't know Jesus from Adam Jesus said rise take up your bed and go home don't you know that that man knew did a few crippled who can't walk had not walked that step in your life if he was healed you still couldn't walk because you don't know how to balance yourself don't you know that he knew a can't walk and you use this new a crippled man can't walk but he told him to rise take up his bed and go home what's he doing call him things that are not just calling a man healed but the man's not healed he's crippled laying there on his pallet been there 38 years never walk stepping back call him things it or not the first movement the man made to get a he's calling himself healed the boy just got up given up this bed put it over his shoulder started home the two said wrong day to heal folks they stopped him they said you can't carry your bed it's a Sabbath day did you notice Jesus always got in trouble on Saturday this is your Sabbath roll around somebody gonna get healed so here's the man carrying this bed they said he said well a man that healed me told me to carry my bed they said who was it I see him stop and put his bed down just leaning up against it scratched his head say you know put alive me I don't who's in trouble now think about this here's a man been crippled 38 years nobody's ever told him to rise and go take his bed and go home they've always patted him on the head and said well God just teaching you something just just hang out and just just suffer a while it'll all be over one of these days won't it be wonderful when you get to heaven but here's a man walks up to it and said man rise take up your bed and go home and he just took up his bit and did what he said I'm telling you folks if you just read the read and this book and do what it said it'll change your life read the read and do what he said so here's here's a man he's got healed and and he didn't even know who Jesus was but we know who Jesus is and we know what he did yeah we better go on here so Paul said I say Paul now yes Paul here in Romans chapter says what saith it now he's talking about remember what he's talking about the righteousness which is of faith the word but the word what word who was the word Jesus he was a personification of the Word of God in the beginning was the word word with God the Word was God the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us the word what is this the word the word is nigh thee the word of promise is as close to you it's getting it in your mouth and speaking it into your heart it's an IV even the word even has added by the translators it is nigh the in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach this is what Paul taught get it in your mouth speak it in your heart a little out the reality of the promise of God somebody said well I wouldn't dare say that I have abundance because I have lack that's the way you get abundance you call for what you don't have I mean if the kids are out playing and you have dinner ready are you gonna sit out and just say start crying and say I guess it's not God's will for the kids to come in I got a dinner cooked haven't showed up I don't understand it I guess it's not God we'll know I'll just call them and they'll come now the Apostle Paul said all the promises of God are yes and amen second Corinthians 1 all of them and many all of them in other words God's already said yes to it you supposed to be saying so be it but you hear a lot of well-meaning Christians that have been taught wrong saying all you can't say it unless it's already true unless it's already happen you'd be lying oh no you're calling what you know how they say I don't understand how you can say you're healed when you're sick that's all the more reason you oughta say it see we speak in past tense because the Bible speaks in past tense that is calling things that are not as though they were and you see it all through the scripture you don't get the two verses into Genesis you see God calling things that are not he looked out and saw darkness what they say whose dark out no it wasn't what he says it'd been some of us do worst okay I don't think it'd never get like no he looked out and saw darkness said the light be and light was somebody says yeah but brother Capps that was God read a little further let us make man in our image in our likeness let them have dominion how them going to have dominion same way that him had dominion with words based on the authority of the word of God the DNA of God is resonant and inward is the faith that's resident in the Word of God Paul said please come to the hearing it wasn't any faith in the words you couldn't get any faith but hearing the Word of God then it's resident in the Word of God and the way you get it in to your heart because faith works in the heart not in the head you can't believe you're hitting what you can believe really hard and I'm not talking about the blood pumping talking about the core the center of your being says the word is as close to yours getting it in your mouth and speaking it into your heart now just because you spoke at one time doesn't mean it's there it's not planted there it's a process in Romans 12 Paul said be not conformed the world be transformed by the renewing of your mind now that word renewing is a continual sentence you must continually renew your mind because you're rubbing up against folks and daily that are negative in life I know isin down the South Arkansas there had a tire that went bad on then I stopped at a place at the tire place bald tire put on the vehicle and the guy was got it on there and he's in there rummage around trying to find this price list for this tire he told me you know and and and he he finally found it over as well I said if we're gonna snake it a bit me and I said no I've got a snake you'd have found it killed it for it no I my luck he had bit me I said have it your way you know what you say if you believe doubt not in your heart but you know people say things like that then they wonder why they walked out and stepped on her snake and it Bitterman they confess for years it's been a snake admit me I better get off of that I get started on that and we hear but it's in your mouth and in your heart what you get to speak out of your mouth gets into your heart the more you say it the more you believe it the more you believe it the more you said it's like a dynamo which the generator is generating either positive faith or negative faith depending on what you say he shall have whatsoever sail and that's not gonna happen right then if you said tickle me to death and you fell over dead and there's three other people who said that and they fell over dead you'd finally get to you get the message pretty quick hey it might have had something do the same tickle me to death now in some script all tickled me to death proverbs says a merry heart doeth good like a medicine anybody in here taking medicine to die I trust not you was the doctor knee field they gave you a prescription you went down had it filled and you carried home and you opened it up and you looked at and said take three of these a day until they kill you what would you do I mean you did a better sense than that no that's unscriptural talk if you're gonna be scriptural about that it tickles you life you laughter you knew you'd live forever now there's people that think all you're just too radical on words oh is that right let's see what Jesus said who serves shall say here's the principle of the law faith and now it works who serves you'll say you got to do it with your mouth audibly to the mountain to the problem you'll never hinder me again long as I live you hear me saying it believe doubt not in his heart but believe what he is saying notice that we're saying that's a continual sense not just what you said to the mountain you you release faith in every word you speak don't speak things you don't believe don't speak things that are the contrary to what the word says he must believe those things he's saying he must speak only those things he believes will come to pass then he shall have whatsoever he said you have to develop yourself in that didn't come overnight jesus said it this way in matthew the twelfth chapter he said a good man out of the good deposit or treasure of his heart he bringeth forth and who do you say brought it forth he said the man did how did he get the treasure in his heart well Jesus didn't tell us but the Apostle Paul came along and in Galatians he said that what I'm preaching I didn't learn it a man neither was I taught it but by revelation of Jesus Christ the things he taught he got the revelation of Jesus Christ then he comes along and tells you how you get it in your heart it's in your mouth and in your heart and then right there in the seventeenth verse in Romans 10 says so then faith cometh by hearing the word of God faith in God comes from hearing the word of God faith in the devil comes by hearing the words of the devil and speaking the words of the devil I've had people to come in the prayer line sometimes they tell me but they looked over so in crime I said well rejoice and they look really confused I'm a name why because the devil's a liar then they won't know do you have a word from the Lord for me yes but listening to the devil but speaking of the devil said because fear cometh faith cometh by hearing the Word of God fear cometh by hearing the words of the devil word is now you now what Paul's talking about is the word of promise same thing he's talking about in 2nd Corinthians 2 when he said all the promises of God yes and amen now in Romans the twelfth chapter if all said don't be conformed where I'll be transformed by the renewing of your mind you can take a glass of water in a pencil I don't have either I thought I had a pencil mother left it you start stick that pencil and water start stirring first of all I was doing cutting water but after a while the water starts falling the pencil you take the pencil out and it'll just keep circling for a while when you say what God says over and over and over you begin to think like God thinks that's renewing your mind now Paul said the carnal mind is enmity against God not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be you can't believe with your head what you can believe with your heart but you can get your mind renewed to where it doesn't fight against what your spirit receives what you've got in your spirit in heart you can have faith in your heart and doubt in your head and the faith will still work but you can have doubt in your heart and faith in your head you know why faith won't work in the head no substance of tearing it's the substances in the heart faith is the substance of things hoped for and it doesn't reside in your head it resides in your heart the way you get it there it's in your mouth and in your heart now that's why it's important to confess what God's Word said about you in the scripture whether it's true or not in your life at that present time it is the truth in the Word of God so will you activate it is by saying what God said until you go to believe in it like God said it and it doesn't help him overnight now you hear people say things like somebody told brother happy call well one time said said all his faith and confession stuff doesn't work he said oh why do you say that well he said I said three hundred times one day I had a new car and I didn't get it you wonder about folks like that when they get up in the morning how do they find the floor I think they must jump off on the wall and slide down I know you're not gonna be a car just because you sit in the garage all night it's not gonna happen just because you say it listen to what I'm saying it's not going to happen just because you say it but saying it is involved in causing it to happen it's a process of renewing your mind we're saying things see you have to have Bible for what you say now this fella that that confessed he had a new car he probably had the formula and no principle then let me give the illustration of a formula and principle when when I was young very young and my brother we sent out one day watching the birds fly off the barn and my brother said you know if we had wings we could fly he said I'm gonna go build us fix a set of wings and and we'll fly down to her cousin's house land on his barn so he goes in the house he come back in a little bit perfectly good set of wings to shoebox lid with strings around them so he could time on yarn now we had the formula all right because we could see all the birds do is they hop up off the barn and flop their wings and they fly so we got the formula no problem got the formula see this fella we said he confessed three days he had a car that's all he had was formula it wasn't in his heart in his head when working you had no substance of their faith works in the heart and how you get it any hearts in your mouth and in your heart now see the saying it has to do with it because if you say it it'll get into your heart if you say it long enough and when I want to school third grade they stand in half of us on one side of the room have on the other side of the room and we'd cool to multiplication but back and forth to one another until we knew them by heart they knew back then that's been a long time ago what you say with your mouth long enough it becomes indelibly imprinted down here and then you don't have to count apples and oranges to find out how the multiplication tables work four times for 16 every day of the week now some guys come along say you know this law of mathematics is strange you know the other day for time for was 37 you'd say what is wrong with you but you know people come along say you know God will heal you sometimes but sometimes he'll make you sick that's just like saying the law of mathematics doesn't work on Thursday it works on Wednesday sometimes on Friday no God is a good God all the time dividing line of the Bible is John 10:10 the thief cometh knock but for a steal kill and destroy jesus said i'm come that you might have life and have it more abundantly now who was Jesus the Word of God personified if you want the abundant life you better get the word in your mouth because I was that's where the power comes from is the Word of God and it creates faith inside you so my brother we had argument oh I said I'm going first no he says my dear I'm going first so we get out there and I hip him up on the bar and he wasn't tall bar and it was just about six feet high but for a small ball as we were to get up there and jump off of the thing you had to be believing what she is doing who is believing all right we had to farm it all right but we didn't have the principal and see that's that's the problem with a lot of people failure they don't have the principal the principal and the formula go together Jesus tells us how to operate it on the positive side most people operating it on the negative side well he is up there and he jumps and he just went cathode and I'm the most disappointed little fella you ever so I run over there too and I called him buddy I said buddy why didn't you flap your wings he said I didn't have time I said we'll give him to me I know I can do it so he helped me up on the bar now my aunt was out there aunt Geneva was out there hanging out clothes she's hearing and watching this whole thing so he helps me up on the bar and I had on some new overall this is about three inches too long and they hadn't cut him off it just rolled them up welding process to getting on the bar and they come unrolled and I'm up there and and that was an old barn I mean it built years ago it had these old square nails that help the roofing on it was a wooden shingles and and when I jumped my bracelet leg home walls nails it sticking about this high and and and I was hanging upside down and I had plenty of time to flock but it didn't fly now I had the formula all right I jumped and I flopped but I didn't find my first flying was bad experiences in verdict but you see I've got a better set of wings now flew down here today but they're not too buffed libs so you see you gotta have the principle you got to have the formula and you've got to do what the Word of God says he said the word is now Utes in your mouth and in your heart now let's let's read the rest of that because it tells you how you're born again and it's about the method of calling things that are not as though they were what say Thea the word is nigh thee sin thou mountain in the heart and verse nine he says that if thou shalt confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus confess that Jesus is Lord when you're a sinner yeah oh I'd be lying if I said that no you're calling things that are not did you notice didn't say confess your sins we talked senators ears to confess your sin they can't remember them all if they got to do that to get saved then never be say they can't remember all their sins now you could say can lord I confess all my sins but you couldn't remember them all but now notice he said if thou shalt confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus confess him as Lord believe in the heart god raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart with the heart the heart with the head now with the heart see mental assent sup here but faith works in the heart you hear people say I believe the Bible from cover to cover now what they mean is that I know the Bible is holy I know the Word of God is true they're generally speaking now yeah I believe the Bible well what about the scripture that says now let's take what Paul said when you know not what to pray for show up the Holy Spirit through your spirit praise the way God would pray in a language you hadn't learned no one won now now yeah yeah they spoke in tongues one day of Pentecost but speaking in tongues of the devil today you know some of those same people say we believe the whole Bible they don't believe it why cuz been taught long faith cometh by hearing well they're hearing the truth of whether hearing lie faith come on faith come on that's why it's important that you don't sit under teaching that is is contrary to the scripture you see because you know people say well you know healing went out with the process well now if you believe that to you it did because jesus said as you believe so be it done unto you so whatever you believe to you that's the truth to you may not be the truth at all for God's concern well with the heart man believeth unto righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation now it's not just talking about being saved that word salvation there means deliverance preservation healing and soundness it's actually total prosperity of spirit soul and body in other words you can leave your heart and be born again without saying a word for instance if a person couldn't speak then he couldn't be born again if he if he couldn't speak if it were true he had to confess but I remember ministers saying one time he made altar call in a fella in Texas came running down out cowboy boots on him just slid up under the altar speaking in tongues he got saved running down the aisle hadn't said a word believed in this heart got born again you don't speak in tongues with us you've been born slid up on the altar speaking in tongue so this word salvation means deliverance from temporally preservation healing and in prosperity spirit soul and body so if you if you're gonna enter into this deliverance of preservation healing and soundness you better get your mind in motion confessing what God said about it say it the way God said it the more you say it the more you believe in him or you believe it the more you say it now go back over there well no way but going to verse 17 again and let's just point out something here so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God now if you take verse 8 the word is nigh thee it's in thy mouth and in thy heart those didn't say it's in your pastures mountain in your heart didn't say it's any washing out in any heart there's in your mouth in your heart you'll believe more quickly and more profoundly and more strongly what you say than what anyone else says oh you'd get some faith from hearing your pastor preach the Word of God if you received it but it'll come more quickly more profoundly to you if you hear your own voice saying what God said now why is that God gave us two sets ears the outer ear and the inner ear the outer ear the Apostle Paul said the outward man perish the n-word management new day but they the outer ears for the outer man the inner ears for the inner man what you say with your mouth is picked up by the inner ear or bald structure inside the head feeds it directly down here to what the Bible calls the heart plants that end thus all of your heart that's what the parable is so we revealed the source oh with the word how did you do it and I saying it Luke 17 Jesus said if you had faith as a mustard seed you would say to this sick of mine tree be thou plucked up of the root be thou planted in the sea and it should obey you that's what the King James says the original Greek the ancient Greek says you would say and it would obey you didn't say pray to God move it he said you say to it and you will rearrange that situation or any inanimate object and I tell you I've used this scripture for the last 20 or 25 years speaking to things I said now Jesus said you were too baby inanimate objects dirt every piece of property I bought and sold last twenty five years ago I bought it for wear solder pick up the dirt and say now Jesus said you would obey me you dare not disobey Jesus I call you mine you'll come to me in Jesus name when you sell your mine one piece of property I talked to the lady didn't oh well I wasn't in position to buy it then I had had about all I could say grace over on the development but had talked to her about it and I had talked to this property because I knew his a good property and 12 years later my daughter got the won't and buy a piece of property up there and I said I know where's piece of property that's a good piece of property and it's it's got a roof view of a forty thousand acre lake you know it's on my property and I said let's go over there to Martin we'll talk to it because I never tried about never even offer a whole piece of property unless I talked to the property Jesus said it would have been you know somebody looking like that made like a calf at a new gate I'm serious and so we go out there to talk to that property and and we start talking about property and I had a flashback I said that I just remembered I talked to this property 12 years ago that's the reason she hadn't sold it was when it sells it comes to me it stayed there 12 years we called her and she said well yeah I guess I'm Senate but she said one problem that said I've told the guy that lives over there he's he didn't tell me who it was but said I promised he made me promise him that if I were sold it I'd give him first chance at I said that's all right he hadn't talked to she called back a few days said well I got a hotel he'd bet he'd go on vacation there's a few days before she got hold of it and you know most people didn't ring her home no I knew he wasn't a kit because I had talked to it Jesus said it would obey me so she called back and said well said I guess it's yours if you want it said said no he couldn't pay that much of course we offered what the property was worth or what she asked for it $2,000 acre he's thinking he'd buy for 300 you know it was just doable Timberland and all rocks and stuff but it had a million-dollar view but anyway that I'm telling you this as a a illustration or a robber said to me one time he said don't ever quit using illustrations they're their windows that help people see through things and in fact this this is on top of a mountain it overlooked four thousand acre lake I bought in 1980 we flying over there actually bought a little piece of property over owned by the narrows there and and we flew up there signed the deal and we flew over this mountain my wife looked down then she said you know I'd like to have a lot on top of that mountain beautiful sandstone Bluffs about 500 foot above the water I said well we'd come back here in a few days and rent a car and drive over and see what's available so I questioned some people and talked to them but now you can't buy anything on that mountain said paper company owns at all if they'll never sell it and I said well okay but I'm saying it's subject to change so we go down there and we get out and we walk around and we picked up some dirt and talked to it called it to me you come to me in Jesus name now you dare not disobey Jesus we scattered that out and go get another handful walk around prayed in the spirit called it ours well we I didn't want but an acre so about ten days later I went over there or I went over there to file this deed on that those piece of property and I asked the circuit clerk I said who owns that property down at the end of the mountain it was the end there had beautiful views also and I knew the paper company didn't own it and and she looked up and she said well that man walking in the door right there and so I introduced myself to him and he said well he said I sold that property last week but he said I just happened to have some inside information that there is 500 acres coming on the market here in about 10 days and he said I'll take you out there and show you where it is yeah they're who we talk to so make a long story short it it abate me now you can't get any more scriptura than that whosoever shall say to the mountain this was a mountain two miles on top bluff property two miles of waterfront property that they said would never sell but after I talked to it came on the market in ten days and I got in touch with the folks anyway the story was that it it abate me I learned one acre they wouldn't sell one acre we ended up me and a friend of mine to invest in property bought the whole 535 acres and been working horn since 1981 and it has been a real blessing we fed the alligator while you know but it turned into be a real blessing now this is the way you use these principles in everyday life you know so many people make all this on the work some spiritual thing no God is practical his his word is practical it's in everyday life you want to raise start calling it thank God I have it the name of Jesus oh you don't have it you don't tell people that they don't think you're Looney you talk to yourself about it look yourself in the mirror yeah I'll get the raise yeah he'll prove this read I won't even have to ask for a raise I'll get the raise because I don't have what I say and I base it on the authority of the word of God and I'm diligently to work and and so on you know I don't go goofing around on God and expect to get long you know anyway you apply to these and situations in life so Paul is saying here the word is in your mouth first you speak it in your heart and faith cometh by hearing and who's he's talking about here if you link these two scriptures together superimpose them over one another hear yourself said with your audibly with your voice now God's word has never lost this power just as powerful as ever was God told me one time I was praying in the spirit and it's appear to God and said to me he said Jesus little God whoever said in the first person he said my words never lost any of his power still as powerful it wasn't when I spoke it to the prophets and through the anointed ministers like Paul so on he said my words not Board of power but said my people avoid a speech they won't proclaim or speak what I say but they say what the devil said and he said just as there is creative power in my word that will come forth and manifest in their lives if they speak it so is evil power present in the words of the enemy to afflict and oppress everyone that speaks them and you know them take care of probably 80 to 90% of all depression and fear and all kinds of disease
Channel: WOW Faith Church
Views: 1,217
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Charles Capps
Id: R726mAJD9RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 41sec (2981 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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