6/7/2020 - "It's a Faith Fight" - Rev. Josh Herring

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somebody lift up your voice and let Hale hear you the church is still alive and well the church is still alive and well hallelujah felt like heaven in here a few minutes ago we were all shouting together it felt like heaven on earth but the Hernandez used to say that if praise in a song service is the anesthetic that numbs your flesh for the surgery of the word that is coming and the more praise the more likely the surgery was going to come to you so I think that we had such a breakthrough and praise the word is ready to go forth but before we send it why don't we just praise Him one more time with everything inside of us somebody lift up your voice like a trumpet and magnify Jehovah Jesus we worship you we love you we exalt you we praise you I feel the gift of faith in here eternal Sultana high up in Jesus name hallelujah if you love pastor and Bishop get loud and let everybody hear you aren't you thankful for their leadership amen this ship gave me a big old bear hug is like getting hugged by a bear and he said you're like one of my sons and that's the best compliment I've ever heard I appreciate it so much and love him so so much look up to him so so much and pastor Myers what can you say except one of the greatest endtime visionaries in the world right now and you're so blessed to have him as your pastor amen give honor to the Richie for the Tyler rich he also doesn't very much with a Scott give honor to you by the Dillion morning and what a great preacher you've got an evangelist to be here with you you're so blessed to have an evangelist on-site and give him honor today today is janay in my twelfth anniversary and so I give her high honor love her so much she's very I don't know how she does it and she's about 8 or 10 weeks away from from number 4 little boy and so I'm so thankful for my beautiful kids I love them so much the older you get the more you realize that's all you have it's the most important thing in the world I love them so much first Timothy chapter 6 verses 11 and 12 and Hebrews chapter 10 verses 23 through 25 first Timothy chapter 6 verse 11 and 12 for the building just looks outstanding this is so amazing I looked like I was in a different place when I walked in beautiful 500 people are coming soon verse 11 of first 2600 and follow after righteousness godliness faith everybody say faith love patience meekness fight the good fight of faith somebody say fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life whereunto thou art also called and as professed a good profession before many witnesses hebrews chapter 10 verses 23 to 25 let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the Day approaching I want to preach to you from the subject this morning it's a faith fight it's a faith if I turn to your neighbor and tell him I'm in a faith fight right now and turn to someone else and tell them I'm in a faith fight Lord Jesus release your authority and your power on every soul every man every woman every boy and every girl we take dominion over the entire atmosphere of this city right now in the name of the Lord Jesus have your way in Jesus name in somebody clap your hands one more time aren't you glad to be in the presence of the Lord hallelujah Jesus you may be seated faith is what most people would call spiritual vision Bible says faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen and we talk about walking by faith and not by sight but can I say this right off the bat the true faith is going blind into your circumstance and your situation if you have the outcome already in your mind what's going to happen and you quote-unquote have faith for that outcome then you are seeing what you want to happen and therefore that is not faith that is hope because hope the Bible says gives you an expected end so you already know what's gonna happen you believe what's gonna happen when you are in the dimension of Hope you see it but if you're truly in the dimension of faith you do not see what's going to happen but you believe God that his will is going to happen the greatest level of faith is not believing for what you want but releasing God for what he wants to do in your life true faith is I don't know what's gonna happen but I'm gonna worship God anyway because I believe he will do what is best for me for all things work together so if you can see the outcome you're living by hope and if you cannot see the outcome and you do not know it's gonna happen but you're here on a Sunday morning you've got some faith in you right now do not let the devil beat you down because you don't know what's gonna happen and you don't know what God's will is you want to thank God that you're feeling like that it's an indicator that you are walking in faith and not by sight this it's no wonder that hell would want your faith more than anything Jesus told Peter Satan had desired to have thee that he might Cynthia sweet but I have prayed for you that your faith fail not in other words if the devil is visiting a human the one thing he wants more than anything is that human beings faith because if he takes your faith then he gets your joy if he takes your faith he gets your peace if takes your faith he gets that worship that you give God you can't really worship if you're not in faith there's something about faith that is a connecting point to everything else that you walk in when you walk in the spirit you can't not walk in the spirit if you do not have faith for without faith it is impossible to please God he wants your faith more than anything that's why faith is part of your armor the armor of God I want to show you something your armor of God has different elements that you wear you you you first put on the truth you gird your loins with truth which is the innermost layer protection signified it should be harder for the devil to get to your belief in truth than anything else and then you cover that up with the breastplate of righteousness you wear the breastplate of right you said you shot your feet with the gospel of the preparation of peace you bind on peace to your feet you put on a helmet of salvation you wear these things but the shield of faith you do not wear you hold on to it you don't wear faith you hold on that's why it's so easy for the devil to get your faith because you're not clothing it you're holding on to it that's why you've got a Welsh attire wake up every morning and make up your mind things are gonna come against me to try to take that shield away I've got to hold on to my faith more than anything cuz if I hold my faith they can't get my righteousness they can't get the truth they can't get the salvation they can't get my peace but if I let go of faith let go of it they will attack me that's an indication why the Bible said in Romans that we go from faith to faith what does that mean it means faith is transform about faith transfer I want you to put this in your memory bank faith transforms for whatever the circumstance demands because for instance faith the shield of faith but the faith is also called the gift of faith faith is called a through the spirit in other words whatever circumstance you're in faith shows up for that circumstance in the specific role that only faith can can do in other words if you're in a war with a spear in attacking your family you need they shield of faith when you get up in the morning but if you're ministering to people you need a gift of faith to go through you and if you're living day by day and everything's fine you need the fruit of faith to come out of your life in other words faith manifests for whatever do you are dealing with someone's got a seal in here right now and someone's got a gift and someone's got some fruit but make no mistake about it you're all walking in faith and not by some bout of thank God for your faith right now because the demons tremble when you let them recognize I still have my faith is weapon faith is a gift faith is a fruit faith is a fight as Paul said you have to fight the good fight of faith before he said fight for he said you have to follow after it first Timothy 6 verse 11 you have to follow or you have to chase or pursue faith you have to go after it no matter what's around you have to go after faith because there are so many voices that are gonna come against your mind filling it with doubt and fear and all kinds of other things you have to make up your mind I'm going to go after faith I'm gonna get something in my spirit that calls me to believe God still has the answer and then he said after you follow it you have to fight the good fight now these two words fight fight the good fight are two completely different words okay in the Greek in the original text the first word fight is a Ginoza my which means to contend with an adversary or to enter a contest with an opponent so that word fight fight that that right there makes sense they're contending with a challenger with competition I understand that that makes sense the second where fight doesn't make sense to me because it's not the same word it is a Gaon in the Greek which means the assembly or the arena where the fight takes place the first word fight means you're going up against something the second word fight is the location where you have the fight up until this pandemic you would come to there simply the house of the Lord on Sunday morning and you would fight for your faith that the Neverland attacked all week long and so the devil removed the arena and that's why some of you had to transform your houses from houses of carnality into arenas where you where you fight for babe in fact I'm gonna say it like this some of you would not be in this room right now I do not change the atmosphere of your house the last three months but some of you made up your mind if you're gonna take my church away from me you're not gonna take my faith and I'm gonna take the atmosphere that I live in and I'm gonna make it a house of war where God gives me victory I like it when you praise him here but he loves it when you praise the max your house when you praise a bit your closet when you praise them around the chairs there's something powerful fear come on somebody I feel the Holy Ghost a fear right now there's nothing like recognizing I've down the arena I'm gonna make your closet an arena make your bedroom an arena make your car the arena make your living room the arena that he'll know everywhere you come at me I've got somewhere to fight but I would like to let hell know we are back in John's arena right we are the home team this is our house and there's nothing that God cannot do I studies able to do exceeding abundantly above all and I know it's not in here but that's why you can't afford to be a spectator cuz this is not a theater it's an arena and spectators get kills when they're in the arena spectating but if you want to make up your mind to live then you've got to get fight in your spirit and you've got a safe time I'm not going down I'm fighting for my will I take another praise break right now someone Ella put some demons in their place right now some are get off the floor and say I'm not dead back up hello in the name of Jesus rejoice not against me all my enemy when I fall I shall arise when I sit in darkness the Lord shall be alighted tell surviving a faith fight want you to get this you did not say fight the good fight for your answer fight the good fight of victory fight the fight of faith ready here's the problem when you get your eyes on what has to happen I gotta have this answer then you're not fighting for faith you're fighting for what you want and if you don't get what you want it damages your faith have you ever had God tell you something's gonna happen and you shout it from the rooftops and then when you start shouting the exact opposite started happening no I got a promise from God then all hell breaks loose and I'm all for keeping your eyes on the promise but remember one thing if you start to fight for an answer rather than your faith the enemy has already won the war because he knows you'll only survive if you get every answer you want but the second you get told no you'll skip Church where's God we all do Bell been there come on God where yeah I can always know where my faith level is by how I talked to him I start saying where are you this was supposed to happen it lets me know I've not been fighting for my faith I've been fighting for what I want that's why we all need a spirit of shadrach to get on us Shadrach said listen King our God is able to deliver us but if he doesn't being known unto you we're not bowing down in other words I know he's able to do it but I don't know if he's gonna do it so let it be known I'm not fighting for my future I'm fighting for my faith I'd rather go down holding on to faith then rise up holding on to my desire somebody grab your faith like a weapon right now and say you're not taking this devil you're not taking that I'm not gonna question God for that before cause I'm gonna fight turn to your neighbor and say faith is not feelings pieces of feeling joys of feeling but we often sometimes think faith is a feeling life no but there are Nana's used to tell me he preached this everywhere that when you get overshadowed by God when you're in a church service and the pro Holy Ghost overshadows you and you start to break through it and you think you're getting blessed you think God is giving you a miracle what God is actually doing is according to the Bible when he overshadowed someone with the Holy Ghost he was burning something in them ask Mary but what we consider a breakthrough and a blessing and getting my answer is when God overshadows us we're just feeling the Friends of the Holy Ghost trying to birth something in us recall that faith it's not faith can be completely emotionless we were in Atlanta few a few months ago and walking out of the first service not to go in the second service and and a grandpa grabbed my arm it's in a way saying before you leave can you pray for my grandson he's never spoken a word in his life about five six years old I look at him yeah grandpa grandma little boy and groanin Jones and mom and I start to pray and he just stares it didn't feel a thing I didn't feel a thing grandpa didn't feel a thing grandma I didn't feel a thing mom felt defeated you see if you really are walking in defeat you wear it on your face you may think you try to tell everyone everything's fine but when you have when you're walking in hopelessness people that are spiritual gonna see it eventually because it just manifests and she's praying and she's just broken just I've prayed everything I've asked everything I've waited I've seen ami who knows how many nights and I prayed I said God touch her faith healed this baby boy Jesus name nothing no emotion thank you brother Harry thank you alright walk out the next day he's sitting in a classroom with his classmates they sent me the video and they're playing a video on the screen or the showing colors and he starts repeating the words on the screen he's an angel in here right now second thing he started telling his parents things in fact public school they they sent me an email and said he's now telling us he loves us now that may do nothing for you but have had they walked out of that service and said well we had faith in nothing happened we didn't feel anything they would forfeit what was coming to them but faith is not a feeling they walked out of there saying God's gonna do something I don't know when's God's gonna do it how but God's gonna do something and you know what that little boy talks now because somebody had some faith that wasn't bound by a feeling I said dogs bigger than autism God's Brittany's spirit that would attack your child there's nothing God cannot it doesn't matter how long you've waited Joseph with 13 years of the prisoner but one morning he woke up in a prison cell but that night he went to bed in the palace because winshuttle when faith gets ahold of you it doesn't matter how long it takes when the door opens you realize I held on the entire time and God had this plan Sarah's 90 years old and laughs at a promise from God that she's gonna have a baby she laughs at it but in between her laughter and when she birthed it something happened her faith cuz Hebrew said by faith Sarah received strength to conceive seed in other words she laughed at the beginning but before she burned there was a transformation in her faith where she said you know what God might be able to do this crazy thing and if somebody wouldn't get that mentality right now you'd see God do more for you that you've ever seen him do you recognize I believe God can do whatever he wants we were I told the story this morning we were called a few couple weeks ago Jenny's uncle who's more like a cousin he was 42 had died in the West of the coat Texas on the border of Mexico so they asked us to do the funeral and it's a 14 to 15 hour drive without kids and we know we're not stopping in Louisiana we live in Pensacola you crossed the border they ask you have you spent the night in Louisiana if you have your quarantine so we don't we had to get through Louisiana it detected so we get to Texas which took us two days we get there and janae has prayed for years for something to happen in her family diehard Catholics nothing against that I'm just tell you with all of them diehard Catholics we've gone down there and it's like the atmosphere just overwhelmed us and we got down there and and we got there Tuesday and everybody mostly everybody was just drinking in Tuesday to Wednesday Thursday if you weren't supposed to be Thursday and they moved it to Friday now we had to get back to speak to SoCal district Saturday nights it was gonna be a long drive home and so we we stayed for the funeral for clocking and and I found this out that her uncle that died was Fort when he was 14 he got the Holy Ghost was baptized in Jesus name in and out of prisons and gangs and but the week he went to the hospital he repented every day in his room everything he had done goes to the hospital and dies within two days I think two or three days and when I preached that funeral everyone was wearing masks funeral home everybody's Catholic and everyone's sitting there looking at me and I preached about putting him in the hands of God now I'm not putting him in the hands of his past or what he did I don't know where he's at but I put him in the hands of God who filled him with the Holy Ghost washed away his sins and I believe forgave him and I get done preaching and it's quiet and it's awkward and his mother the one that died his mother which is Janae's grandma a die-hard Catholic woman feeble with arthritis on the front row her son right here she begins to cry out hallelujah Oh hallelujah oh and when she went to say hallelujah the third time she couldn't say it because God filled her with the gift of the Holy Ghost and she fell over on the Pew she didn't speak in tongues for ten seconds but several minutes she was speaking in tongues her oldest son came over to her he tried to stop her and the more he tried to stop her the more she talked in tongues her daughter came over and when her daughter grabs her hand God filled her daughter with the gift of the Holy Ghost right there she spoke in tongues five or seven minutes she set up everyone was kind of scared out of their mind she's sweet Spanish lady said I am drunk with the Lord and then there she went again speaking in tongues for several more minutes I dismissed the Catholic funeral three times nobody moved one man came up to me and said I had that Holy Ghost years ago are you coming back near as soon I said yeah I'm coming in July he said I'm bringing my entire family my wife my kids my grandkids we're coming to the service we want God to fill us with that holy let me tell you something when you have faith I said when you have faith when you have faith you're gonna go through valleys they're gonna go through trials but you hold on to it I said you hold on to it that's the miracle will birth in ways you can't even somebody stand up and put the demons in their place and shout unto God with a voice of if you've got the Holy Ghost pray until you're praying in the spirit pray until you're talking in tongues pray but till they get the faith it's going through you know what makes the devil stay standing I'm done you know makes the devil nervous when you don't get what you want but you don't let go of your face I'm living something I'm telling you is true it's the hardest battle when you don't get what you want praise for 45 days for my mentor not to die 59 years old last two months I prayed hours and hours and hours and it was so hard didn't make any sense to me let me tell you something the same girl that saw her family get the Holy Ghost last week last Saturday night when I was shaking on the floor of the hotel I sing God why I understand laid her hands on me and release faith into my spirit and I got up Sarah dies I've made up my mind I don't care if I get what I want or don't get what I want about to release this in the atmosphere everywhere I go it doesn't matter what the answer is what matters is when the war is over are you still alive are you still standing are you still breathing are you still trusting God are you still depending on God because let me tell you someone with real faith has been told no a time or two see if you backslide over the the quickest little thing God says no - you don't have much faith in fact the Bible says your strength is small if you faint in the day of adversity but there are some people in here that have been to hell and back and the only reason why they're here is that they've got some faith in them that when God said no when life said no when the paintin lead they said I'm still going in the house of God I'm still going to the ER I'm still Dalek of the assembly somebody pray with me I feel a wave of the Holy Ghost in here I feel a wave of power you can be healed and your pew right now you can be delivered right where you are there's something in this atmosphere if I get what I want or if I don't you're worthy [Applause] somebody that's in a faith fight come stand up here if you're able to right now about to find out who the spectators are don't you fear the virus no I fear God you want to stay where you are stay where you are but don't lose your faith don't be a spectator be a worshipper go so close I said I want to tell you something right now here's the key to the miracles you must worship God for whatever he wants to release if it's healing in your body if it's surgery on a clinic if it's paying the rest of your life you worship Him because I don't want my faith on trial I want to keep that separate if God gives us to me thank you Jesus if he doesn't thank you I see what to do and as you start to worship Him and as you start to thank you for how good is oh I feel a wave of sweet holy ghosts in here and as you start to glorify Him this presence is gonna sweep across this altar like a wave upon people wouldn't shock me if you'd be healed right now brother Dylan Morgan where are you I want you to come up here I want you to pray the prayer faith I want you to come pray the prayer faith and I want you to release it in the atmosphere and do what the Lord tells you to do everyone get your hands up right now in the name of cheese come on every hand lifted by the authority of the word of God and by the power of the name of Jesus I release faith in in this place right now God Saints and every heart Saint and every mind Saint in every situation components in the room reach up big brother grab ahold of that sealed again you let go of it reach up and grab [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've got my faith [Music] come on save Oh God keep your voices latina come on sons and daughters huh keep your voices latina come on apostolic infer Sena lift your voices [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on take it to another level right now take it to another level show him we lose the sphere shadrach in here lose the spirit Shadrack in here God is able God is able God is able no matter what he does he's still God he's still God [Applause] [Music] even when I don't see him you're working even I don't feel it they're working you never stop it never stop working you never stop he's the waymaker I feel the Holy Ghost another savasana higher come on brother you know what he asked for Frank Morris paid I prefer strict right company I pray for strength humming another level stamping another level Jesus and the name of Jesus someone lift up that way my shield that's my shield [Music] I want to show you something fill another level coming near us right now for the Hernandez Thomas he said the devil is the Prince of the air which means he dwells between the ground the Stars reason why's the Prince of the air cuz he couldn't handle heaven or the earth so God gave him the air which is nothing this way said when you get a word from God that word is packed full of miracles answers Direction peace faith everything you need so don't pray for the miracle pray for the word but then he said this and this is gonna get right here right now if you get a word from God you must realize because the devil's the Prince of the air that that word has already come through all the powers of Hell there's not a demon that can stop that word from getting to you [Applause] [Music] so don't ask God rejoice right now because the word that's broken through the atmosphere and [Music] we shout out to God with the voice of triumph the boy today [Music] faster miners is coming but at the end of the service this morning he brought up something so powerful he said the Bible said that the word the Lord told the people shout for the battle not for the victory not for what you want but the fact that you're still alive in the fight somebody to lift up your voice right now and shout because you're still in this fight in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Navas a little slow there it is there's a breakthrough right there there's a prankster right there a breakthrough there's a breakthrough that's a breakthrough there's an overshadowing there's an over saddling goddess burning things in the atmosphere God is doing things right now God is doing things right now [Music] faith is your shield their gift your fruit your fight and if you leave this place in doubt or discouragement then you need to change your speech [Music] [Applause] change how you talk and how you change when you change what you talk about you'll change what you attract in your house McMorris number on that tonight for the Holy Ghost and I want you in Jesus name pastors coming I want you to leave this place knowing but I still have [Music] okay he's not coming you're dismissed in the name of the Lord but leave here with faith [Applause] [Music] to to God by the time [Music] ow this is how a tire this is how I fly [Music] if it's our pride [Music] [Music] [Music] in Bella [Music]
Channel: Eastwind Pentecostal Church of Palm Bay, Florida
Views: 11,395
Rating: 4.9226518 out of 5
Id: Bf-k58svjfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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