[616] Nut Splitter vs. Abus Bordo X-Plus 6500

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is the abus bordeaux ex plus 6500 this is the undisputed heavyweight champion of folding bike locks if you've been watching my channel for the last several weeks you've seen me break these types of locks with a pocket-sized tool an open-ended nut splitter as the name suggests this tool is designed for splitting nuts that are seized onto bolts it's a really simple tool consisting of a hardened steel wedge and a small screw press it also happens to be a devastatingly effective tool in opening these types of folding locks all you do is put this little wedge in between two of these steel plates then tighten the screw press until the rivet is cut in half or broken ever since I first showed this inherent weakness in the design I've been receiving messages and comments asking that I test this lock the Bordeaux 6500 unfortunately it's a very expensive lock usually selling online for about a hundred and fifty to a hundred and eighty dollars so I didn't rush out to buy one however I was able to find this one on ebay without a key for twenty dollars so now we get to see just how good it is now what makes this lock so much better well first we have the abus ex plus core which is very pick resistant next we have the size of this this lock absolutely dwarfs some of its competitors if you look at it next to this on guard canine you can see that the difference is not subtle and in fact I put both of these on the scale and the APIs weighs over three times more the other big difference is the presence of a hardened ring that protects the rivet on this lock if we look at this from the angle with this plastic cut off you can see that ring in between the two plates now I think we can probably work around that however we won't know until we try it out so let's take all this to the garage and see if the nut splitter is up to the test I'll be honest this abus is a very beefy lock and it is entirely plausible that we break the nut splitter instead of a lock today if however we are able to open this lock then I really doubt any folding bike lock is safe from this exploit okay we're out in the garage I have the lock secured in the vise so our first job is to position the nut splitter such that this hardened wedge is in between two of these plates it's a little bit more complex a job than it might be on any other lock like this because we do have to avoid that hardened ring that protects the rivet but fortunately we should just be able to position that wedge where it's in between the ring and one of the plates I'm hand tightening it then I'm going to check to make sure I have this positioned correctly okay I think I have it in the right position so let's start tightening this down with the ratchet okay I'm gonna check one more time to make sure that ring is not getting in our way okay it does look like we're in the proper position so let's tighten this down until either the nut splitter or the lock breaks okay as you saw we were successful in breaking the links apart however there was a casualty the swinging arm of the bike lock unplugged my microphone cable so we lost the last few minutes of the video however I looked around the garage and found some of the parts that went flying here we have the hardened ring that protects the rivet you can see it compressed just a little bit but did not fail then we have half of the rivet and it's interesting because if you look at it I don't think the blade of the nut splitter ever touched it rather I think the wedge of the blade simply forced the two metal plates apart which stretched the rivet until it could stretch no more at which point it failed as for the nut splitter itself it seemed to affairs pretty well in this test if we look carefully you can see a small dent in the blade however I believe that was from a past test on the master lock street cuff so there is no new damage that I can see to this so folks this abus bordo x plus 6,500 is the beefiest of the folding bike locks that I know of and after seeing this test I have to question whether there is any folding bike lock that is safe from this exploit that's all I have for you today if you do have any questions or comments about this please put them below if you liked this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 804,218
Rating: 4.8170242 out of 5
Id: Zs8uyPsDaw0
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Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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