[635] Fortress Combination Padlock Decoded FAST and Bypassed (Model 1850D)

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Good video. I have one question; what percentage of comercial dial locks can be opened with a shim ?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MrWindu 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

Off topic @lpl, where did you get your c clip removal tool? the hook with the thumb pad on it?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Havok289 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2018 🗫︎ replies
this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is a fortress model 1850 d combination padlock this is a relatively cheap block with a thin stainless steel body and an eight and a half millimeter case hardened shackle what we're going to do today is take a look at a couple different ways we can open this up if we don't have the combination the first and by far the fastest way to do it involves using a padlock shim like this it's a thin piece of metal that's designed to be inserted in between the shackle and the locking lug that is holding it closed on these fortress 1850's there is only one locking lug and it's on the left side if you're looking at the lock from the front so let's insert this on the left side of the shackle we can press down and wiggle as we lift up the shackle and there we go we got it open let's do that one more time press down and wiggle as we lift on the shackle and once again we got it open so shimming this open really only takes a couple of moments but let's say you don't have a shim and you still need to get into it well it turns out this lock is extraordinarily easy to decode we start out the process by turning the combination wheel two or three complete turns to the right and then what we're gonna do is lift up on the shackle with moderate tension and start turning until we hear a click I'm still turning right okay we just got a click there and it's on the number two now that is not our first digit what that represents is the edge of a gate that ranges from two all the way back to 38 these fortress locks actually have terrible tolerances which means you only have to get within one or two digits of the actual number for this to open so the real number is going to be in the middle of that range which is zero now to dial the second digit we have to reverse direction start going left and we have to pass the second digit once and then stop on it so what I'm gonna do is turn this 360 degrees to the left to ensure that I passed it once then I'm going to again apply moderate tension to the shackle and continue turning until it stops we just stopped on a tour I'm sorry 9:00 or 10:00 and that may or may not be our second digit what I'm gonna do is keep applying this tension and turn it backwards if it's loose I know that's not the second digit and I keep going okay we stopped again on 16 so I'm going to turn it backwards you can see it's loose that's not our second digit keep going 26 I turn it backwards now it's actually very tight so that is our second digit to get the third digit all I have to do is keep applying tension to the shackle keep turning to the right and it just pops open when we get to the last digit which is 37 so you can confirm 0 26 37 that's what we found out let's go through that process one more time we start out by turning the dial to the right two or three times and then we're going to apply moderate tension up on the shackle and keep turning until we hear a click there we go we got that click once again it's on the number two which is the edge of the four digit range that is the gate for the first digit so our first digit is zero we're going to reverse direction start going left I'm turning 360 degrees to ensure I pass the second digit once and I'm going to apply that upwards tension again and keep turning until the combination wheel stops we stopped right about eight or nine I'm going to turn it backwards you can see it's still loose that means that's not our second digit stopped on 16 still loose so that's not our second digit keep going stopped on 25 or 26 and you can see it's pretty tight giving me some clicks that means we have the correct one so I'm going to keep turning left until that shackle pop and that's all there is to it these fortress locks can be decoded almost as fast as if you actually had the combination so clearly not something you're ever gonna want to rely on even for a low-security application as far as the physical construction goes I'm relatively certain you could hit this with a hammer and it would open up so once again not something you're gonna want to rely on so one other note about this is it's not limited to fortress locks you'll find actually quite a few companies using this exact same lock under their own name you can use usually recognize them by looking for this keystone shape right at the top of the dial and also the white circle that you see around the thumb turn for the dial so if you see those two things the combination lock is probably susceptible to this decoding method that's all I have for you on this fortress model 1850 D combination padlock if you do have any questions or comments about it please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 758,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Fah-LJJaPWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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