Lab - Configuring 802.1Q Trunk-Based Inter-VLAN Routing

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- so welcome to all in this video we are going to see the lab activity configuring 8 node 2.1 cute shank base to intervene and routing before coming to this a lab activity first if you are watching my channel first time or if you are not at subscribe to this channel considered subscribing also enable the bell icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get to the notification message when i upload the new videos well here we can see our addressing table also support assignment specifications we will go through the objectives in part 1 build the network and to configure basic device settings in party to configure switches with the villains and trunking in part 3 configure chang based interval and routine also coming to the background of this lab activity a second method of providing routing and connectivity for multiple VLANs is through the use of an eighth-note 2.1 cube chunk between one or more switches and a single rotor interface this method is also known as rotor on a stick inter VLAN routing in this method the physical rotor interface is divided into multiple sub interfaces that provide logical pathways to all VLANs connector in this lab we will configure Chang based interval and routing and to verify connectivity to house on different VLANs as well as with a loopback on the rotor here we can see the recorder sources for this a lab activity one rotor Cisco one nine four one two switches Cisco two and six zero then two PC's console cable so then Ethernet cables as shown in the topology right coming to part one build the network and to configure basic device settings in part one we will set up the network topology and the configure basic settings on the PCs house switches and route Ron coming to step one cable the network as shown in the topology here we are going to implement this lab activity using cisco packet tracer here we can see the topology we are going to build and connect as per the topology here well we needed one rotor one man for one two switches then two pieces also we will rename these devices as per our topology this is our one here we have s1 this is s2 this is a PC - a and this is PC - B now we will connect these devices coming to connections copper straight through G 0 / 1 - f 0 / 5 you have 0 star 6 to this PC - a yep 0 / 18 to this PC - be know we will select the copper crossover to connect to these switches s 1 and s 2 yep 0 / 1 f 0 / 1 now we will label heavy port information this is a G 0 / 1 here we have y 0 / 5 the CCF 0/1 here also f 0 / 1 this is f 0 star 6 here we have AF 0 / 18 also we'll mention the villain chunk here is that also we will label here it no 2.1 q VLAN chunk coming to step to configure pc horse coming to a trussing table here we can see the IP address of pc - a and the PC - B we will copy this address coming to PC - a desktop IP configuration here is the IP address then this upper - mask also the default gateway its 10.2 one here is the IP address or PC - B here we can see the subject - mask and default gateway coming to PC - be disturbed IP configuration here is the IP address subnet mask default gateway is a 2002 one coming to step 3 initialize and reload the rotor and the switches as necessary right coming to step off or configure basic settings for each switch console into the switch and enter a global configuration mode copy the following basic configuration and paste it to the running configuration on the switch so here we can see and the commands what we have to give on the switch will copy this command and we will put it on a notepad we will copy these commands and first of all we will put it on the Suchi s1 enable configure terminal here we are going to paste those commands now we will come to the switches to CLI enable configure terminal you here those commands next Easter configure the device name as shown in the topology configure the IP address listed in that dressing table for VLAN 1 on the switch configure the default the gateway on the switch then administratively deactivate the all and used to ports from the switch then finally copy the running configuration to the static configuration first of all we will set the device name hostname as s1 coming two years to hostname as s to how we will configure the IP address as per our a crossing table for the VLAN 1 here we can see device s1 interface VLAN 1 here we can see the IP address also we can see the subject 2 miles can't default the Gateway coming to yes one we have to go to that interface VLAN 1 we are going to set the IP address here is the address for the suti s1 and it's up to mask now we will set the IP default gateway to 100 to 1 you will verify this configuration you go to do show IP interface brief and here we can see that VLAN IP at rest so here we can see it's administratively down right so we did not give the inertia to comment on we love being a VLAN 1 we will give that we will go to that interface vlan1 no shut right here we can see the device is 2 IP address it's 1.12 submitter mask and the default gateway we will come to the suti s2 we will go to the interface vlan1 no shutdown and we will give you the IP address so here is that submit to mask also we will give an IP default gateway it's 100 to 1 now we will disable all the unused two ports on the switches coming to our topology device s1 here we can see we used three ports here yep 0 / 1 0 / 5 and 0 star 6 all other ports we will let disable coming to s1 he will go as a range faster third 0 starts to till 4 then faster third net 0 / 7 till 24 also we have it - Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 & 2 here we will give a shutdown no coming to the zoo cheers to here we can see here we used two ports f 0 / 1 and a 0 / 18 coming - yes - we will disable all other thoughts interface range faster third row / - till 17 we should note the disabled 18 then we have a 0 F 0 / 19 till 24 also we have with two gigabit ethernet thoughts G 0 / 1 + it - we will give shut down now we will say with the configurations on both switches copy running-config startup-config coming - yes - copy running-config startup-config now we will come to step of 5 configure basic settings for the rotor consoling to the rotor and the entire global configuration mode copy the following basic configuration and de paste it to the running configuration on the rotor so we can see the commands copies will paste it on the notepad coming to the rotor r1 CLI initial configuration dialog no enable configure terminal and here we are going to paste those commands coming to see configure the loopback zero IP address as shown in the extras table do not configure a sub interfaces at this time they will be configured in part 3 and then copy the running configuration to the startup configuration coming to the dressing-table here we can see interface loopback 0 and its IP address you will copy this IP address also we can see the submitter mask coming to router r1 exit the interface loopback 0 and the here is the IP address also the subject mask for also we will save the configuration copy running-config startup config coming to party to configure sutures with the VLANs and tracking in party - we will configure the sutures with violence and chunking note the record commands the for Patrick - are provided in Appendix C a test your knowledge by trying to configure s1 and s2 without referring to the appendix coming to step 1 configure VLANs on s1 e on s1 configure the violence and the names listed in the switch port assignment specifications table write the commands used in the space provided coming to our suit support assignment specifications table here we can see the trunk for the ports F 0 / 1 and the 0 / 5 on s1 or so f 0 / 1 on s2 also we can see the VLANs the VLAN 10 students VLAN 20 faculty we have to assign these ports to these P lands first of all we will create to this VLAN 10 and it 20 or so we will name as a students and a faculty coming to the suti s1 configure terminal VLAN 10 name as a student students I will create VLAN 20 name as faculty here we can see the command so what we used to own the switch s1 now we will come to be on s1 configure the interface connected to r1 as a trunk also configure the interface connector - yes - as a trunk right the commands you used in the space provided coming to a topology here we can see the ports a foster parent 0 / 1 and faster there are 0 / 5 we have to configure a set trunk on this uchi s1 coming to the suti s1 we have to go to those interfaces we can go as a range interface or range if faster turn at Sloss / 1 coma also we have a draw interface which is connecting toward is a rotor that is the F 0 / 5 euro / 5 here we are going to give a support mode as a trunk coming to the configuration or nest one configure terminal we will go to the interface fastethernet 0/1 support more desert trunk also we will go to the interface fastethernet 0/0 timorous a trunk here we can see the command to be used on the suti s1 to configure this trunk also we can give these two interfaces as arranged also that also if i will add it here or you will copy this line here we have to give us a range intraphase range faster than 0 / 1 coma faster turn at 0 / 5 then we can give this command so that we can do this more tooth trunk together for these two interfaces actually here it will display as ieave - range right coming to see on s1 as say in the access port for pc - 8 - VLAN 10 like the commands used in the space provided coming to a topology here we can see the device pc - a is connected to the port f0 star six on the on this device s1 so here are these port I of zeros now 6 we are going to assign to VLAN 10 coming to the configuration on this switch we will exceed tenth will go to the interface fastethernet 0/0 support the modest access support access VLAN 10 copy running-config startup config here we can see the commands that we configured on the switch s1 now we will come to step to configure VLANs on switch it to yay or s to configure the villains and names are listed in the switch port assignment specification table we are going to create these two VLANs that is VLAN 10 students will end 20 faculty on the switch s2 Cisco enable class configure terminal VLAN 10 named as students VLAN 20 named as a faculty coming to be honest to verify that the VLAN names and the numbers match those on s1 like the command you used in the space provided we are going to give a short command here chauvelin brief and here we can see the details wheel and ten students VLAN 20 faculty so we will copy this command here is not coming to see on s to assign the access port for pc - b - VLAN 20 coming to a topology here we can see this device B C - B is connected to the port F 0 slash 18 on s 2 so here at this port I of 0 slash 18 we are going to assign to VLAN 20 coming to the configuration on s 2 we have to go to that interface fastethernet 0/0 timorous access support access VLAN 20 coming to d on s to configure at the interface connected to s 1 as a trunk here we can see the port AF 0 / 1 is connected to the switch s1 we are going to give the mod as a chunk here coming to us - we will go to that interface fastethernet 0/1 searching for the mod has a trunk copy running-config startup-config now we will come to part 3 configure a chunk based inter VLAN routing in part 3 we will configure r12 route to multiple VLANs by creating sub interfaces for each VLAN this method of inter VLAN routing is called rotor honestok they given a not the recuerda commands for part 3 are provided in appendix game to our knowledge by trying to configure a chunk based or rotor on a stick inter VLAN routing without referring to the appendix right coming to step one configure a sub interface for VLAN one create a sub interface on our one G 0 / 1 for VLAN 1 using 1 as the sub interface ID write the command T you used in the space provided coming to your addressing table here self we can see that sub-interface g 0 / 1 da 2 1 we are going to create that on router r1 configure terminal here is that command interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 the sub interface is a door to one so here is the command we will copy that coming to be configure the sub interface to operate on VLAN one write the command that you used in the space provided we are going to give that command on the router r1 URI how to give the encapsulation it's a door to one cue here we can see the eye to play eight node to door to one cue virtual LAN then we have to specify the VLAN ID this is for the VLAN 1 so here we can see the command would be given coming to see configure the sub interface with the IP address from the address table write the command you used in the space provided coming to a trussing table here we can see the IP address of the interface I mean the savage phrase so G 0 / 1 door to one eye on this device r1 we will copy this address and here we can see the subnet mask coming to G 0 / 1 here we are going to give IP address here is the address then the subnet mask we will copy this command and we will paste it you're coming to step to configure a sub interface for VLAN 10 yay create a sub interface or an R 1 G 0 / 1 / for VLAN 10 using 10 as the sub interface ID also a B configure the sub interface to operate on VLAN 10 then coming to see configure the sub interface with the actress from the address table so coming to our addressing table here we can see the details for this app interface G 0 / 1 dot 10 here we can see the IP address also the subnet mask coming to our router r1 we will exit and we will go to that disobey interface interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 the sub interface is dot 10 and here we are going to give a encapsulation dot1q VLAN ID it's for VLAN 10 also we have to set the IP address as specified in our dressing table here is that then they subject to mask coming to step 3 configure a sub interface for VLAN 20 yeah create a sub interface on r1 g 0 / 1 for VLAN 20 using 20 as the 7th row phase ID b configure the sub interface to operate on VLAN 20 c configure the sub interface with the actress from the address table so here we can see the IP address office of interface g 0 / 1 dot 20 here is that also we can see the submit to mask coming to a router r1 we will exit 10 D we will go to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 the sub interface is door 20 encapsulation dot1q this is for VLAN 20 so the VLAN ID is 20 and we will create the IP address you will configure it here is the IP address and it's a pity mask no we will come to step before enable the G 0/1 interface so enable the G 0/1 interface alike the commands you used in the space provided so we have to go to that interface G 0 / 1 and be able to give an ocean command here we can see in this topology this link between the device r1 and a yes one is down so we have to bring it up so that all the sub interface also will be come up coming to the interface is G 0 / 1 and here we are going to give a no-shit command and here we can see the messages all the sub interfaces are up here we can see G 0 / 100 - 1 1.10 1.20 change stay - up so here we use the command here is that here we can see the command now we will come to stupefy verify connectivity enter the command to view the routing table on our van what networks are listed so coming to our one here we are going to key you show IP route and here we can see the details here we can see connected the sub interface is G 0 / 1 dot 1 here we can see 1.10 here we can see one dot 20 or so here we can see the loop back next hyssop from PC - a is it possible to ping the default gateway for VLAN 10 we will try that coming to PC - a the stop command prompt here we are going to ping to one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot ten to one here we can see we are getting the replay here the answer is yes next ISA from PC - a is it possible to ping to PC - B it should work we will get the IP address or PC - B here is that coming to PC - a command prompt ping - PC - B here is the IP address copied something else right so we will copy again coming back to PC - a ping - PC - be here is that here we can see we are getting the replay answer is yes next Lisa from PC - eh is it possible to ping Lubeck 0 you will get the IP address of loop X 0 here we can see that coming to PC - a command prompt ping to loop back 0 here is the IP address yes we are getting the replay so here the answer is yes next is a from PC - is it possible to ping - yes - you will get the IP address of s2 here is that coming to PC - a command prompt ping to the switch yes - we are waiting for the replay two timed out we are getting the replay once more we will try yes we are getting the replay here the answer is yes if the answer is not to any of these questions that troubleshoot the configurations and the correct any errors so here we got everything is coming to the reflection question what are the advantages of a trunk based or rotor on a stick interval and routine obviously using this we can create multiple VLANs these through the use of an eight node 2.21 Q Chang between one or more switches and a single rotor interface that is very important so her physical rotor interface is divided into multiple sub interfaces that already we have seen that provide logical pathways to all VLANs connected means we can create and to connect many networks using single or rotor using this VLAN concept well in this video we have seen configuring eight node 2.2 1q trunk based inter VLAN routing ferns if you have any doubt in this lab activity please comment below also if you like my video give it thumb and share with your friends and don't forget to subscribe this channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into our Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 38,020
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Keywords: CCNA, Inter VLAN Routing, CISCO, CISCO Router VLAN
Id: qNE9Cd9Lrhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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