6.1L Dodge SRT8 HEMI Engine Teardown #2! Another Surprise!

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today's tear down is another 6.1 liter hemi v8 and i know i've done another video on them so i'm not trying to bore you guys but uh when these engines come in the the parts just fly off the shelf as soon as they're torn down so it's kind of a top priority to get these parts ready to go this particular engine is from a manual transmission 2008 to 2010 challenger and the only reason i know that is it still has a pilot bearing in it none of the other lx chassis vehicles came with a manual transmission just the challenger and so because it's a manual and the challenger didn't exist before 08 as the first year for the modern ones i know what this is from that is about the extent of what i know besides the fact that it is locked up when it came in it was sitting on its tail on a ballot with transmission fluid coming out of the cylinders it has no spark plugs in it so i can't do any detective work in that area but we're going to take this thing completely apart hopefully i get a good block out of it and if i'm really lucky the crank will be fine but i'm not going to hold my breath today's tear down will not be done on an engine stand i do not use stands on some of these engines it's just it's not worth it they they obscure the access to the back plate and i have forklifts here so moving them around is not really a strenuous or dangerous activity i've never dropped one i've done a several hundred engines in the last couple years and these tables i've had whole cars on so they're not gonna it's not an engine it's certainly not gonna cause any damage this engine is pretty well stripped it's nice i don't have a lot of stuff to take off unfortunately the valve covers are both broken i see this a lot on these 6.1 liters they have aluminum valve covers at least some of them do and the bosses for the coils are they're a little weak and the places i get these engines from don't necessarily treat them that kindly because they are quote unquote bad engines so i think i've gotten one or two good valve covers and i've probably had 10 engines so these like the most of them are going to end up in the scrap bin we're going to start on the driver's side well everything looks all right to me don't see any damage to this keep going and get the valttering out of it so there's some signs of moisture in there a little bit of rust on the push rod so we may have some rusty cylinder walls nothing's bent yet well that one's junk now i don't see any excess wear on the ends of the push rod that's a good sign onto the passenger side [Music] again i don't see any any reason to suspect there's anything wrong with all right let's pull the drivetrain out as you can see there's some signs of transmission fluid on this side so the other side didn't have that so this this actually could be the side with damage we shall see stay there's a little bit of moisture some little a little bit of rust pitting wipes right off but definite signs of moisture where it's not supposed to be no excess wear on the ends of the pushrod so that all looks good all right let's go ahead and pull this head and uh maybe we'll know exactly what's wrong with it as soon as it comes off it's really easy to get these out compared to ls's see what we can do here oh sweet getting leaked on what's a core down without a huge mess on the floor right yeah might as well just rip this band-aid off so the head actually looks pretty decent i don't see any signs of issues i mean i won't really know until we run it through the parts washer but there's no obvious signs of of anything wrong however this has some pretty nasty rust on it and most of these cylinders are filled with transmission fluid which is what came running out of this thing when it was sitting on its tail hopefully it's just rust because that'll clean up i mean it'll need work and we need machine work but it'll clean up it's not like something exploded but why is it rusty how did it get water in it and did it do any more damage let's pull the other head off and see if we see the same thing [Music] so is this one gonna leak on me nope it's just not gonna come off okay this head much like the other looks about average it is rather rather carbony on this i don't really maybe it wasn't driven that hard it's really hard to tell what would cause that crankcase ventilation issue maybe something i noticed flipping these heads around and putting the valve train back in it the tops of the valves are really rusty and probably five or six different cylinders so and this doesn't happen overnight this isn't like some flash rust or anything this is sitting water for some duration of time uh what likely happened is the engine has another problem which we will uncover and they let the engine sit outside in the rain or under a tarp or maybe they used it as a boat anchor i'm not sure probably not the latter but this just drives me crazy so i get these expensive engines in and these people just let them sit outside and it could be that the place i got the engine from maybe they try to turn it over who knows much like the other side there's a little bit of atf in here like someone tried the old atf trick to get them unstuck but to no avail but some of these boards look pretty nice just a couple have some some rust pitting so uh let's pull the lifters out see if we see any lifter damage a little bit debris there nothing terrible yet i also like these because you can grab them i'm like an ls where you usually got a almost got a little a little bit of wear hopefully the cam doesn't match i'm sure it does this is how it goes a little bit there too nothing terrible yet well let's just consider that one junk that looks all right yeah i don't see any nothing terrible yet come on get out of here get out of your home that looks alright let's go to the other side nothing wrong yet say yet just because that's my luck only takes one to take out a cam so we get a good cam out of this i'll be pretty happy ah that one's got some wear not awful though i'm sure we'll see that on the cam itself all right so i'm gonna go ahead and flip it on its tail using a forklift and uh we're gonna go ahead and take the pan off and check the rod cap see if we find any damage there well that wasn't stuck at all holy transmission fluid this isn't a 4l60 what are we doing here so this is not what i'm used to seeing in pans but i suppose if you're pouring a bunch of it down the cylinders trying to get one of these running or unstuck that will be what you find the good news is there's not a lot of debris in here there's a little bit but there's really nothing nothing terrible i don't see any exit wounds on the windage tray so we're going to go ahead and get that gasket and pick up out of the way and the wind is tray out of the way and start pulling some rods and pistons out and maybe we'll find why she's locked up this all looks pretty nice in here actually it's really clean that's we're gonna pull some caps check out some rod bearings and see what we can see so we're going to start off with what's easy to get since we know this engine doesn't spin over granted i haven't tried it since i pulled the heads and valttrain but actually looks pretty decent it's really nice for one of these i gotta figure out where that bearing there she is yeah actually looks pretty good see if we can get that piston out of there sometimes with the rust in those cylinders it can get kind of kind of challenging to get these rods and pistons out that actually looks really nice another one that looks good question is can i get this out yeah i'll be able to get her out no damage there either with three of the rods out of it i don't suspect this is going to be all of a sudden easy to turn over but we're going to try anyway nope it's still just as stuck as it was before yeah that bearing looks good too so now that i've got all the rod caps that i have access to out of the way i mean i guess i could get wrenches and stuff in here but i i i don't really see any reason to suspect that the engine can't turn over because of a spun rod bearing there's still two right here i suppose that could be a problem but uh we're gonna go ahead and loosen the main since they're gonna have to come off anyway crank's coming out and maybe that'll free it up if not we'll pull the timing cover maybe something is magically stopping the engine from rotating but i think uh i think we're gonna have our work cut out for us we may have a piston that's stuck in the stuck in the bore from rust we'll see so even though i've got half of the engines pistons and rods out of it it's and all of the main caps loose it still doesn't even turn a little not even not it's it's locked solid and at this point i'm pretty certain it's a piston and a rings rusted into a bore um i think doing what i've done so far would it kind of eliminate any possible crank issues but this also makes it very difficult to go forward so my pretty my only play at this point is to try to get as many of the rod caps loose and maybe one of those caps is the one that uh frees the crank up uh so let's go ahead and fight all the different size sockets i'm going to need and wrenches and yeah this is going to be a lot of fun i'm really not looking forward to this well i've solved the mystery as to why it won't turn over however that doesn't make it any easier to get a part let me show you what i found so don't call me an expert but i think that's bent now the real trick is how the hell am i getting it out of there so this is neat watch the rod cap as i take this bolt out so i want you to watch the gap here between the fractured rod sides from the cap the rod when i go to loosen this up this is under so much force that gap is opening up all right so i've got that one bolt loose backed off about half an inch and let's see if it's oh would you look at that that's i am so lucky now i can get the rest of these out i don't have to sit there i had some crazy plan with short sockets or cutting sockets in half to get to the rod cap bolts and loosen it loosening everything but i think i'll be just fine now so i've got the rods and pistons out now that i loosened that one rod captain was able to turn the crank uh you can see which one is bent this one here is really bent but uh i did notice something else we'll get back to the bent rod here so this bearing this is the front cylinder opposite side from the bent rod the bearing is pretty rough scored pretty pretty good um we're going to check the crank in a minute for damage but let's get to that bent rod oh that thing is things wrecked it actually it's wrecked so hard that the the crank came up and hit that piston so hard it broke the bottom of the piston uh right right next to the wrist pin as it's actually cracked it's going to be a good front desk ornament there's a good way of looking at the crack that's a pretty cool pretty cool piece for the front office i got a whole bunch of different broken stuff up there from all the stuff i've torn down it's a little little concerning that there's also some bearing damage i hope i hope there's no cam damage but uh let's go look at the crank and see if that's got any damage so i don't see any damage on the uh counterweights from making contact with the piston so that's that's good there is a little bit of scoring on that journal it's not terrible but um i can't feel it with my fingernail so it it's very a very usable crank i'm quite happy with this well that was pretty fun but we are not done here i still have to pull the cam out of it the crank out of it and inspect all of those parts separate as well as the block so we're gonna go ahead and get the block tilted back down onto the table uh we're gonna pull the crank pulley the timing cover and the cam out of it inspect that next all right let's give it a little tap not gonna say it i'm learning even the stock cam sell from these so if it's a good cam it's money but i've gotten a lot of bad cams out of these i can't really do anything it's not really a good way of supporting these unfortunately it looks like a factory came to me is it good though yeah it actually looks pretty decent do so i got everything apart and the block actually looks really nice i don't there's no i can't find any cracks there's some rust staining um that's going to need some cleanup but nothing crazy probably a ball home honestly that would probably be enough for this and all the other cylinders while they have there's some um there's some signs of that moisture this thing obviously sucked in water and then it sat with water in it but uh yeah it's a little groove in there see if we can feel that with our finger no i can't feel any there's no no marks with your that i can feel with my hands and the other side here it looks just as good if not a little bit better this is uh this is all pretty good this is probably best case scenario if i'm going to be honest you know a little machine work but most of these parts are completely completely usable which is awesome just awesome i just can't get over how how sweet that rod is it's going to be a great desk or event with some of the other stuff maybe i'll uh show you guys some of the other stuff in another video i've been doing this for a while and just recently making videos of it so that was pretty much best case scenario i got almost everything out of that engine that i can resell the block's good the cranks good the pan is good the heads look good the front timing cover is good so i consider that a really good win uh one bent rod and piston well those are probably the cheapest parts i sell out of these another thing to note uh doesn't matter how much atf you put down a cylinder if the rod is bent so bad that the counterweight smashes the bottom of the piston you're not going to get that to turn over so whoever put a couple quarts of atf into this thing uh that was a very futile effort um as far as new stuff coming along the pipeline i'm working on getting some coyote engines i know people have asked why you don't do ford engines oh it must be because they don't blow up well all engines blow up i i'm not really partial to anything this is just the market i know and the ford stuff i haven't really gotten into yet i did make some phone calls and hopefully i got some stuff coming so stay tuned for that i really hope you enjoyed watching this video and if you'd like to buy any parts from this engine or any of the ls engines i'm going to put a link my email in the top of that feel free to shoot us an email if we don't have it we'll just tell you right off the bat that's something we don't get but we have lots of ls stuff in stock and i'm sure the parts for this will sell really fast so if you catch this video really early you might get lucky and be the new owner talk to you guys next time
Channel: I Do Cars
Views: 83,538
Rating: 4.9433279 out of 5
Keywords: 6.1L, SRT8, 300C SRT8, Magnum SRT8, Charger SRT8, SRT8 Grand Cherokee, SRT8 Challenger, 6.1L Engine, 6.1L Exhaust Clip, Muffler delete, Engine Failure, Core engine, Hemi, 6.1L Hemi, 6.1, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, Muffler, Charger, Magnum, 300C, Challenger, Blown Engine, Locked up, Bad Engine, Grand Cherokee, Won't start, Just Clicks, Upgrade, Pull heads, how to, remove, Bearings, Crankshaft, Camshaft, Cam, Comp Cam, Cylinder head, Broken Engine, Blown up, Dodge, Chrysler, Mopar, Jeep
Id: vPGhcu-TYmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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