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okay so this is a full-length window film holographic and resin bowl tutorial and um i just wanted to show you how i get started to make a free-form one you can always use a mold so with film there is a textured side which is what faces out on your window and then the back has a peel off but it's kind of matte as you can see it's matte and there's no no grooves in it or anything like that whereas on this side you see the the holographic part so this is the window facing out part so on the back i go ahead and i trace out this is a 14 inch uh wood cradle panel so i'm just going to go around and trace it i'm going to go around and cut so i'm going to turn it back over this would be where i pour my resin on this shiny side right this is a vinyl record which is 12 inches in diameter so i'm going to go back on the the wrong side the part that has the film that you peel off that's the sticky part um the backing of the sticky part i'm just gonna do another quick circle all right so that's 12 inches i'm just putting it on this board so i know that it's nice and flat and it's got a lot of stability and i'm gonna tape the plastic down or you know i could i could tape this down i could have left it in a square and just traced out the circle and left it on a flat board or cutting board or you know something that's big enough to to hold it but i just thought i'd do it on this that way i can move it around and move it out of the way if i need to and i know that it's nice and flat i'm using 100 silicone i'm using clear it doesn't i don't think that really matters at all you have to puncture the inside of the nozzle after you've cut it off and it's made it's 100 waterproof it's also in my amazon link and i don't try to make it perfectly round i like a little wiggle to it [Music] okay so i just want to say there's no copyright to this technique many multiple people have done it i'm making a new video so you can see how it's done this takes many hours to dry so i'm just going to let it sit and dry i want this to totally set up and then it'll have a watertight seal around the edge and you can go in and you can wet your fingers with warm soapy dishwater like the dome and water and you can kind of make it smooth around the edge but it's not really even necessary to be honest so that's how you make your own mold like here is a silicone mold you could cut the shape out of here and put it in here and do it inside of a mold but or you can do it on the film and use no silicone and just use crystals but i've done that before and it kind of bleeds through your crystals a little bit so that's why i like to make the dam that way you're not wasting resin that you have to cut away and throw out because to me resin is very valuable so i'll let this set up and then we'll go from there okay i'm gonna take my mask off and uh just to talk to you for a minute i'm using artist resin parts a and b equal parts counter culture diy and this is not the medium viscosity is actually i think a little bit uh it's thicker or thinner i think it's thicker and i've made my holographic film i've taped it down to just a wooden panel just to give it a hard base and some security to support it and i always use tape to remove any particles dust or anything especially when you're wanting your resin to be totally clear like we do with the holographic film so that you can see straight through it [Music] i'm only going to use clear resin and then i'm going to use these little they look like little tiny diamonds or crystals so they're very shimmery the package is hawaii i don't know if i'm pronouncing that right but i got it on amazon and it says it has 10 000 pieces in it and they're 4.2 millimeters so they're fairly small and i do i want it small i don't want it big and chunky so i have mixed my resin for pretty much about six minutes and it's ready to pour [Music] but you need to let that caulking you know harden up and cure it's it's rubbery but it's you know it's dried up it's not it's not wet and gooey like when you first squeeze it out of the caulking gun so i'm just pushing the resin to the edges and so it's going to have a little bit of an irregular edge which is good that's what i want i don't want it to be perfect i think that that leads itself to a prettier kind of free-form bowl and so you know this was i've got an order for four of these and i'm gonna you know do them different ways and i'm not gonna make keep on making tons and tons of videos on this unless i do something different around the edge or whatever that whole situation that i had posted the video on which i now have removed i'm going to take some of this resin and use it to coat some coasters that need some resin on them that was just an uncomfortable situation because you know someone was claiming that i stole their technique and all that which i had never seen her technique i had seen somebody else do it and she was yes saying it was her copyright which it wasn't she retracted it she apologized so we're all good and my videos are back up and i removed the video talking it was a video number 600 which i talked about the whole situation and it received quite a lot of views the cool part about having your own mold and the silicone caulking is you can use the heat torch and not really worry about destroying a mold so that's kind of a good thing about doing it this way and i'm just looking for anything that might be dust or particles you know you want to try to catch any of that and i also have a low temp heat gun it's a heat embossing tool it's only 300 watts and you can also spray with alcohol and that will remove bubbles and then i'm going to take these little crystals and go around the outskirts [Music] i don't want a ton of them but i didn't want them on the edge and i've tried doing this technique with color and it will not show through on the top side the the print the imprint will not show through it shows on the back but it does not show through so that's why i like you know doing the clear stuff and the cool part about this silicone mold and the film the film is pretty hefty and you can actually kind of do it over and over again use it at least three times or more i guess it depends on how much you i know the last time i had let it set up too long and i really had to push and struggle to sculpt the resin because i had let it get really hard and so it made the caulk pull away from the film and that was just because i had done it let the resin sit too long so i think if you uh don't have to manipulate it and stretch it and push it too far it will last you for many uses and you you have a roll of it so you can do many uses with it and i don't actually even mind if um you know stuff some of them stick out of the resin that's good for a little texture i like that actually so i'm gonna add a little bit right over here and then i think that's gonna be it so what i'm what's going to happen is i'm going to let this sit for at least four hours and then i'll come back and check it and as long as it's not super sticky on the top then i will come back and mold it over over something or inside of something to you know give it that free form bowl effect so you can't really see probably from the camera angle it probably just looks like i've poured resin straight down on plastic i don't know if you can see the imprint of the film but that's the top side of the window film and that will be what the resin kind of molds to and that's how you get your holographic effect again you can also kind of squirt with alcohol this is just a cake cover from a deli they're fabulous for things like this so that's all there is to it i'll be back when it's ready to mold okay so this was laying on the film i did take took the paper backing off the back of the cling rack so this is you know you would stick it to your window this would be facing out and that's what we poured the resin on so i'm just going to lay it over this bowl form here and then i'm going to i think just use some tape i'm a try [Music] so this um this artist resin is not the medium viscosity so it takes a little longer for it to set up because this has been about seven or eight hours so um there's basically i guess more working time so i'm just going to let it sit over this mold [Music] so that's pretty good and i could heat this with a heat gun if i wanted to and that just helps it relax a little bit more i don't know that i really need to i can let me try and see [Music] so this is the top side of the resin and i am not touching this at all with my fingers i don't want to get any fingerprints since it's not totally cured but it's not um dust and everything is not going to fall onto it now so i don't have to worry about that but i will leave this overnight to let it get to the point where it should be [Music] [Music] okay so i put some more film down on another piece [Music] and then i want to do i want to try one let's see let's make it kind of an abnormal shape almost squarish but not quite i want to see how it would do as a coaster how it looks as a coaster so once i use this and i'm done i clean the edge off i release the pressure so it's not coming out and then i just tape the end of it and that keeps it kind of airtight until you do it again sometimes you know even with it taped and if you go a while you might have to pull the little plug out that's kind of dried up but then it's ready to go so i keep silicone caulk around for things like that i have a link on my amazon recommendations and this is in it it's called um i think it's called opal but it's basically iridescent film so it's like super cool looking and what i like to do with this is make my own iridescent silicone shreds so basically i just keep cutting it i got some really terrible scissors up here in my studio they're not that sharp at all and i basically just keep cutting into halves [Music] me [Music] okay we're going to unveil the holographic bowl that sat overnight so this is the underside of the window film that would face into the window and then this is the textured side which is where i poured the resin on it so i did it this way and i'm just gonna remove the resin from the edge of the caulk pull it away before i show you that so i want to show you that this is the top side of the window film that faces out on your window and i can use this again you can usually just heat it a little bit [Music] will usually help it relax and then you just tape it nice and tight on whatever surface you're doing your resin on i like to do it on something hard so that it stays nice and perfectly flat while it's curing and here is the finished bowl i will show it out in the sunlight or in my living room or somewhere where you can see the reflections and so because it's clear it shows on both sides this is the side that's textured and this is the side that is totally clear it can be you can reverse your bowl either way i just happen to do it this way this time but there it is and then if you can see the little crystals so thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed it i hope you'll create your own do your own take on it [Music] time [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay i'm gonna leave this overnight and we'll see what it looks like tomorrow so that's when you can see the holographic effect more is when you remove that backing i'm going to see if i can it's not quite ready to come off i don't think so we'll just keep waiting on that one it's just about set up but not quite so i'll show you that when we see what the bowl looks like tomorrow okay i did take the coaster out it worked it's so pretty and i put gold edges this was just a trial run i did caulk on a piece of window film and just did a thin layer just to see if it would work and it did so there's that and it's time to reveal the bowl yay scared me there for a minute i thought it stuck to my bowl say what i'm going to leave it on this so this is the confetti that's cut up that i showed that was really quick take on and you just pull away uh [Music] the edges release release your beast and there it is it's not fully hardened yet so i'll probably put it back in the bowl without the window film obviously but i really like it with the cellophane edges it's very very pretty so it gives it some texture and depending on how the light hits it it looks yellow green it looks pink purple [Music] blue you name it so there it is it turned out pretty so i hope you enjoyed that video i will be making more i think this one is sold but i'm going to keep playing and experimenting with different ones just to see what i can come up with see who i can inspire to want to make their own you know so and like i said the good part about this film is you can use it a couple of times it does kind of start getting it starts to get wavy like when it lays flat you see how it's it's kind of rippled because it gets stretched and squeezed and you can kind of like i said you can kind of heat it make it relax a little bit but you have to stretch it out and tape it so it lays flat for the process because you don't want it to be wavy you know overall so just a note on that and you can't leave it overnight flat because it will harden that way with counter culture so you have to give it about with the medium viscosity about four to five hours with the regular viscosity the blue green bottle it's a little bit longer it's closer to probably seven hours or so and then you you know put it into your whatever you're going to push it in to make the shape or lay it over the other way then you know it'll do its thing it's so pretty all right holograph on holograph woohoo i'll see you on the next video i hope you enjoyed it hugs everybody bye-bye [Music] um
Channel: Sandra Lett
Views: 10,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fluid painting, fluid art, paint pouring, pour painting, acrylic fluid painting, flow art, acrylic paint pouring, acrylic pour, acrylic pouring videos, acrylic pouring channel, paint pour channel, acrylic pour painting, how to pour paint, how to acrylic pour, easy acrylic pouring, fluid acrylic painting, fluid art painting, straight pour, flip cup, acrylic swipe, tree ring pour, acrylic pouring beginners, fluid art beginners, resin, resin art
Id: 9eegM96QgVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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