249 - Resin Art - Free Form Suncatcher Experiment with Window Film - Happy, Bright & Fun Project

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[Music] sharon from vivid days and we're going to work on something a little bit different so i have this window film paper that we're going to use again and i'm going to have a go at creating some suncatchers so i've mixed up 100ml of resin just waiting that to stand for 10 minutes the bubbles are rising nicely and we're going to have three different color combinations so we have peach violet and rose green teal and turquoise tangerine a gay and mango and this is obviously going to be used on this window film and hopefully we're going to create some beautiful sun captures i'm going to add it in the super sparkle white and we are going to use clear crystals around this so let's have some fun let's see what we get on with i'm going to put my mask on and we are going to put on some music well i am hopefully you will or you'll be listening to it anyway sharon stop digressing let's get on with this not too sure of the sizes i'm going to do a mixture of different sizes and yeah that's just hopefully to inspire me and give me some ideas all right let's see you on the other side of this video [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do i'm not too sure if you're gonna be able to see this with a um glare so they're not why i envisaged and i'm gonna have to improve on this process however the colors i don't know if you can see them are just divine what i'm gonna do is start to bend some of these so i'm going to have to do something that you're going to go oh i'm going to cut the tape um the window film around the shapes and leave it secured onto it and because there's like a small medium and large the medium and large i want to bend a little bit so it's going to add character so that when they're hanging down um it's going to look better that's the thought i'm totally winging it but let's go on this journey and let me get my scissors and uh you'll see me at the other other side of this particular experiment but you may call us so you know you got to be willing to experiment to learn something and maybe take it somewhere where it's going to be magical [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so these have all cured they've been waiting in my room for about two weeks but i've unraveled them to save your time and these colors are still exquisite i'm just going to show you when i take it out of this and i can save this paper and do it over and over again it peels off beautifully in some kind of shape and you get this lovely little prism thing now they feel quite light so i'm going to work out whether um there's anything i can do but if they're hanging in the window they'll move quite nicely so i envisage it being like a a big medium and maybe a bottom and then if they're in the window and they're moving around uh and i've contemplated do i have one at the front one at the back like that so you've got the prism effect coming through or whether you have that bold color there now these are the bookmarks that i've turned into um hooks so you've got a hole there i'm going to drill another one there and then put some ribbon through it and then those will hang from this and it should be a colorful delight so that's what i'm going to attempt to do but i'm also considering do i come through with a little bit of the uv resin and add some like crystals to that that's not represented over i wanted i'm gonna try to say at the back maybe add some clear crystals for a little bit of interest because they're a bit flat at the back but you do have that lovely prism so either that or i'm going to come through and just edge some crystals there because i really liked the clear crystal in there as well some of them uh where is it uh some of them where is it's gone the colors gone all the way through and i think it just adds a little bit of striking interest i think i think i'm just gonna dabble some through there i don't think on the back i don't know if it'll add value it might add a bit of weight which is what i'm looking for but it might add a little bit of interest but it also might look strange but i want it so they're gonna move so whether they look from the inside or outside they're gonna be sort of blingy and interesting you know what i might go with a little bit front and back so come on this journey we'll experiment i might try and make some molds but i just wanted to have some fun do something a little bit different and i think they're exciting i think there's lots of color combinations and they're light enough to hang off your windows and i'll put strain on your crate curtains curtain rolls right i've got a uv light as well this is just not staying so i'm going to readdress my camera because that was tragic and then we will start photo in the [Music] process [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we are back sorry the lights just right in my head that's there and so last night you saw me it took i'm not gonna lie it took a good hour uh maybe an hour and a half because you have to do it delicately but i decided to add some of those clear gems just a little bit it gives that a little bit sparkle so that's now on the back so the back's now interesting rather than it just being flat and then there's just a little bit of those white ones on top that just help bring out that color of the bling underneath and i've gone through all of that and on these ones here i've put a little bit in the minute but in a minute in the middle but i've realized i probably should have waited because i need to drill a little hole in here to pull through the wire that's going to be on there so what you're going to see me do now is i've got some wire here for jewelry and i'm going to try and use the wire and i think i'm going to have one piece of wire per one of these so they'll be full lengths um i think that's the way i'm going but we might have to tweak it and see how they work and then they will be attached to one of these which is drilled where the big wire is going to come down and because it's quite delicate i could put a hot needle through it and pinch it but i don't if i want to do that or whether i'm just best putting some uv glue on it in a blob drying it and seeing how that will support it i hold it hold it together because they're quite fragile so if i drill off put something heat through it might not work so we'll try it this is all prototype stuff it's just about ideas but some of those uh prism effects when the light grabs it are just beautiful i think so anyway you might not be your taste and that's okay but the concept might be worth your exploring in colours of your choice so i'm gonna put this on the stand now and we are going to just watch this process and see if we feel it adds any value um i have i have realized that i am one one two short one i just want to show you and make sense sharon i don't know what am i trying to say that like maybe i'll go for that they'll be quite long then won't they anyway i'll make it as i go see how we go [Music] no [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dude [Music] hi sharon from vivid days now this is not the most glamorous uh review i'll try and put these on a windstorm but currently i've got them on my line there just so that i can somehow show you what it is i'm working on so this part here is the bookmark that i bent and i've added crystals and that's sort of the main um hanging feature and i've put in the jewelry wire now this is still to be perfected but i'm enjoying the concept and hopefully it'll invoke some memories i've said that before but i wanted some bright happy little sun uh catches that i'm gonna hang in my window and i use the prism window film and you do get to see some of it depend on the angles but it is very late at night so i'll try and hang some in natural light and see if we get any reflections onto walls or whether there's just gonna be pretty on the eyes uh you saw me attach the wire with uv gun uv glue uv resin and that's covered up nicely by adding a little bit more crystals in there and they're shaking around they're like oh i'm so excited i'm alive sorry about all my lights just trying to get some nice uh footage for you but i decided i needed to finish off all my projects i've been working on before i can start on any new ones and so that's what i'm doing things i've been working on they've been sat on my desk for at least two months and all i needed to do was have a little bit of patience just like take that and uh slowly add my crystals and my very first experiment not bad and i do love the brightness of them and i do love the potential of bending these bookmarks um i'm going to use them for um soviet holders on a table and i'll show you what i mean later that's what i'm going to explore but yeah i've just realized there's a edge there that i've got to take off so i've just got to send that bookmark off there ah you don't need to see me do that but i will do that but look at those effects there if it's going to focus for you love it and look at that sparkle coming just there as it's moving around and that's what i'm hoping is going to happen if it's sort of on a windows window you probably won't get that amount of movement that's a bit of exaggeration but just to see that sparkle as it's coming in the prism uh that's happening there on that paper now it has added weight to it adding the crystals which is what i wanted to do and i'm going to work on trying to perfect what it is that i'm doing here i don't think it's too bad for a concept or idea what do you think anyway thumbs up subscribe share comments always welcome remember to join my facebook group if you want to showcase any of your creative outlets love to be able to see those and hopefully we'll keep inspiring each other and also um visit my etsy store should you wish to purchase any treasures and other than that i will see you on the next video thank you for hanging out for me but do let me know what do you think has this given you any ideas to create stuff yourself if it does remember to tag me in and let me know where it is that you've created because that is a way of giving back to me the artist but all i want to do is fill my life with colour to try and put some positivity out there and my rainbow sun catches i really like them anyway i've got something else i'm working on which i will show you later speak to you later catch you on the next video bye bye so here they are just hanging on my windowsill um on my blind this is what i do when i'm working on concepts i have things hanging around so i can view them and i can sort to see what i'm enjoying or not how does it look i wish it was sunny but it is winter you do get to see some of that prism coming through and i would imagine you're going to get that on them all depending on where the sun is to that at the moment and i think i this this one has more length between them so i prefer them closer together i still feel like there's something missing between so whether i need to close the gap up more or i need to put little beads on there but i really wanted the colors to be the hero and just add color into people as well but i do love this part here the bookmarks has converted i do enjoy the prism effect and these colors so i think these are going to add color to anybody's world and i think the concept is worth keep working through but i would love your thoughts i wish it was a sunny day so you really got to see them in the glory but they do move around so if you've got them on a window or anything like that so yeah anyway bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Sharon Lindley - Exploring Art
Views: 18,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sharon Lindley, Vivid Days, Craft, Hobby, Fluid, Art, Painting, England, Southamtpon, Creative, Artist, Studio, Demo, Beginner, How To, Pigments, Mica, Inks, Oils, Acrylic, Glitter, Powder, Tutorial, Passion, International, Essentials, Create, Paste, Jewellery, Colours, Vibrant, Casting, Moulds, Abstract, Resin, Craftresin, artresin, resinart, resinpour, diyresin, epoxyart, resinexpoxyart, mastercast, fluidart, Epoxy, Resinobsessed, Hot Tip, Rezin Art, Craft Resin, suncatcher, prisim, rainsbow, colour, sculpture
Id: UnRa3GLaiF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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