60 MINUTES from Avatar: The Last Airbender - Book 2: Earth β›° | @TeamAvatar

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[Music] don't fall in love with the travel and girl she'll leave you broken broken heart heyy River people we're not river people you're not well then what kind of people are you just people aren't we all brother who are you I'm Chong and this is my wife Lily we're Nomads happy to go wherever the wind takes us you guys are nomads that's great I'm a nomad hey me too I know you just said that oh this girl you're talking about she'll come around you just got to hang in there you think so sure yeah you're a catch I don't know hey you're smart handsome funny not to mention you're the Avatar you guys are great don't be afraid to tell her how you [Music] feel hey you guys picked a great campsite the grass is so soft that's not grass UPA shedding oh gross that's not gross it's just a part of spring you know rebirth flowers blooming and OA gets a new coat ah the be Bey of [Music] spring stop AA stop it's not that bad Katara it makes a great wig and a great beard I'm just glad we finally have another girl in the group because you two are disgusting excuse me does anyone have a razor because I got some hairy [Music] pits hey front row seats I wonder why no one else is sitting here guess that's [Applause] why Welcome To Earth Rumble 6 I am your host Shin Fu this is just going to be a bunch of guys chucking rocks at each other is isn't it that's what I paid for the rules are simple just knock the other guy out of the ring and you win round one the boulder versus the big bad hippo listen up hippo you may be big but you ain't bad The Boulders going to win this in a landslide hippo [Music] man unbelievable ladies and gentlemen the hippo is rocking the boot a the boulder wins how about the boulder he's got some good moves I don't know boom said I need a teacher who listens to the Earth he's just listening to his big muscles what do you think [Music] Saka land sweet land see you guys in the morning actually can you help us unload really you need me to help unload Sak's funky smelling sleeping bag well yeah that and everything else you're a part of our team now and look I didn't ask you to help unload my stuff I'm carrying my own weight that's not the point ever since you joined us you've been nothing but selfish and unhelpful what look here Sugar Queen I gave up everything I had so that I could teach Ang earthbending so don't you talk to me about being selfish Sugar Queen did you just slam the door in my face how can you be so infuriating should we do something hey I'm just enjoying the show okay okay you both need to calm down both I'm completely calm I can see that you're awfully cute but unfortunately for you you're made of meat just a bit closer [Music] gotcha you are one lucky little meat creature tell me Sky bison are you the last of your breed so delightful I only wish I spoke his tongue oh the stories this Beast could tell sh chatty monkey wow shouldn't be too hard to find a place like this out here huh God does this place even exist some say it doesn't shouldn't you have mentioned that before there it is that's what it will sound like when one of you spots it once I whip up some cover you're not going to be able to see so stay close to [Music] me run hey look at that dust cloud it's so poofy poof don't worry princess I'm sure it's [Music] nothing everyone into the hole it's so dark down here I can't see a thing oh no what a nightmare [Music] sorry where did you get these what does it matter where they came [Music] from mayor Tong I'd like for the court to hear one last testimony I I've already told you it's just me and the accused you can't call any Witnesses this isn't just any witness I'm going to call Avatar Koshi [Music] herself what are you doing well she is Ang's past life maybe wearing her stuffed will trigger something I do believe in the power of stuff this is a mockery of sin law please if you could just wait one more second I'm sure Kyoshi will be here hey everybody Avatar Koshi here this is ridiculous for the murder of tin the great this court finds the [Music] avatar I killed chin the Conqueror a horrible Tyrant chin was expanding his army to all corners of the continent when they came to the neck of the peninsula where we lived he demanded our immediate surrender I warned him that I would not sit passively while he took our home but he did not back down on that day we split from the [Music] [Applause] mainland I created Kyoshi Island so my people could be safe from Invaders so what just happened uh you kind of confessed sorry and I find you guilty bring out the wheel of [Applause] punishment Tye could that possibly be you aula it is so good to see you please don't let me interrupt your whatever it is you were doing tell me what is the daughter of a nobleman doing here certainly our parents didn't send us to the Royal fire academy for girls to end up in places like this I have a proposition for you I'm hunting a traiter you remember my old fdy duddy Uncle don't you oh yeah he was so funny I would be honored if you would join me on my mission oh I uh would love to but the truth is I'm really happy here I mean my aura has never been Pinker I'll take your word for it well I wouldn't want you to give up the life you love just to please me thank thank you isula of course before I leave I'm going to catch your show uh yeah sure of course looks like you did some serious shopping but where did you get the money do you like your new teapot to be honest with you the best tea tastes delicious whether it comes in a postling pot or a Tin Cup I know we've had had some difficult times lately we've had to struggle just to get by but it's nothing to be ashamed of there is a simple honor in poverty there's no honor for me without the Avatar Z even if you did capture the Avatar I'm not so sure it would solve our problems not now and there is no hope at all no Zuko you must never give in despair allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts in the darkest times hope is something you give yourself that is the meaning of inner [Music] strength we're deeply honored to have the the fire Lord's daughter at a humble circus and tell us if there's anything we can do to make the show more enjoyable I will incredible do you think she'll fall of course not then wouldn't it make it more interesting if you remove the net uh the thing is the performers you're right you're right that's been done I know set the net on fire of course princess brilliant just brilliant o what kind of dangerous animals do you have well our circus boasts the most exotic assortment release them [Music] all [Music] Uncle I thought a lot about what you said you did good good it's helped me realize something we no longer have anything to gain by traveling together I need to find my own [Music] way [Music] wait [Music] what an Exquisite performance I can't wait to see how you'll top yourself tomorrow I'm sorry isula but unfortunately there won't be a show tomorrow really the universe is giving me strong hints that it's time for a career change I want to join you on your [Music] mission [Music] hey Mom want to see how aula feeds Turtle Ducks Zuko why would you do that ow ow ow ow stupid Turtle duck why'd she do that Zuko that's what moms are like if you mess with their babies hum they're going to bite you [Laughter] [Music] back aula watch this Mom can you make Zuko play with us we need equal teams to play a game I am not cartwheeling you won't have to cartwheeling is not a game Dumb Dum I don't care I don't want to play with you we are brother and sister it's important for us to spend time together don't you think so Mom yes darling I think it's a good idea to play with your sister go on now just for a little while here's the way it goes now what you do is try to knock the Apple off the other person's head like [Music] this see I told you it would work a they're so cute together you two are such I was just coming to get you Uncle iro sent us a letter from the warfront you're soaking wet girls are crazy if the city is as magnificent as its wall baring say must be something to behold I hope you all may see it someday if we don't burn it to the ground first until then enjoy these gifts for Zuko a Pearl Dagger from the general who surrendered when we broke through the outer wall note the inscription and the superior craftsmanship never give up without a fight and for aula a new friend she wears the latest fashion for Earth Kingdom girls if Uncle doesn't make it back from war then Dad would be next in line to be fire lord wouldn't he aula we don't speak that way it would be awful if Uncle iro didn't return and besides besides Fire Lord a Zulan is a picture of Health how would you like it if cousin Len wanted dad to die I still think our dad would make a much better Fire Lord than his royal tea loving cookiness you waste all your time playing with knives you're not even good put an apple on your head and we'll find out how good I am by the way uncle's coming home does that mean we won the war no it means uncle's a quitter and a loser what are you talking about uncle's not a quitter oh yes he is he found out his son died and he just fell apart a real General would stay and burn bossing say to the ground not lose the battle and come home crying how do you know what he should do he's probably just sad his only kid is gone forever your father has requested an audience with fire lord a Zulan best clothes hurry up fire lord a Zulan can't you just call him grandfather he's not exactly the powerful Fire Lord he used to be someone will probably end up taking his place soon young lady not another word what is wrong with that child and how was it great grandfather soan managed to win the Battle of Hane great grandfather won because because even though his army was outnumbered he cleverly calculated his advantages the enemy was downwind and there was a drought their defenses burn to a crisp in minutes correct my dear now would you show grandfather the new moves you demonstrated to me she's a true Prodigy just like her grandfather for whom she's named you'll never catch up I'd like to demonstrate what I've been learning I failed no I loved watching you that's who you are Zuko someone who keeps fighting even though it's hard Prince oai why are you wasting my time with this pump just tell me what you want everyone else go what are you father you must have realized as I have that with Len gone io's bloodline has ended after his son's death my brother abandoned The Siege at Bing and who knows when he will return home but I am here father and my children are alive say what it is you want father revoke io's Birthright I am your humble servant here to serve you and our nation use me you dare suggest I betray iro my firstborn directly after the demise of his only beloved Son I think iro has suffered enough but you your punishment has scarcely begun [Music] dad's going to kill you really he is Haha Zula nice try fine don't believe me but I heard everything Grandfather said Dad's punishment should fit his crime you must know the pain of losing a firstborn son by sacrificing your own liar I'm only telling you for your own good I know maybe you could find a nice Earth Kingdom family to adopt you stop it you're lying dad would never do that to me your father would never do what to you what is going on here I don't know it's time for a talk aula always lies aula always lies mom Zuko please my love listen to me everything I've done I've done to protect you remember this Zuko no matter how things may seem to change never forget who you are Mom Mom Mom where's Mom no one knows oh and last night grandpa passed over away not funny aula you're sick and I want my knife back now who's going to make me Mom where is she aula fire lord to our nation for 23 years you were our our fearless leader in the Battle of gazai our matchless conqueror of the hin provinces you were father of iro father of oai husband of Isa now passed grandfather of Len now passed grandfather of Zuko and Azula We Lay you to rest as was your dying wish you are now succeeded by your second son Hail Fire Lord [Music] [Music] oai [Music] I got you Dad my beloved luten I will see you again Uncle you were unconscious aula did this to you it was a surprise attack somehow that's not so surprising I hope I made it the way you like it good that was very bracing so Uncle I've been thinking it's only a matter of time before I run into aula again I'm going to need to know more advanced fire bending if I want to stand a chance against her I know what you're going to say she's my sister and I should be trying to get along with her no she's crazy and she needs to go down it's time to resume your [Music] [Applause] [Music] training must have been some fight wait let me see that no it couldn't [Music] be opa oh [Music] no it's going to be okay Opa I have to leave but I'm going to be back soon with [Music] help no sudden movements he's been lost for a while and he looks like he's hurt he's shy around people and scared stay low and stay quiet I can't believe you found the Avatar's bison didn't you just see the Avatar a few days ago yes so we can't be too far from here it's our responsibility to get Opa back to him safely this could be our most important Mission [Music] yet give him some [Music] space AA it's me Suki I'm a [Music] friend I want to help you you're hurt we can help you feel better and we can help you find a [Music] [Music] my my you're easy to find it's really astounding my brother hasn't captured you yet lightning is a pure expression of firebending without aggression it is not fueled by Rage or emotion the way other fire bending is some call lightning the cold blooded fire it is precise and deadly like Azula to perform the technique requires peace of mind I see that's why we're drinking tea to calm the mind oh yeah good point I mean yes there is energy all around us the energy is both in and yang positive energy and negative energy only a select few fire Benders can separate these energies this creates an imbalance the energy wants to restore balance and in the moment the positive and negative energy come crashing back together you provide release and guidance creating [Music] lightning I'm ready to try it remember once you separate the energy you do not command it you are simply its humble guide breathe first [Music] [Music] what do you want with us who are you the Avatar's fan girls oh I get it good one isula if you're looking for the Avatar you're out of luck I knew this was a waste of time no Avatar huh well that's okay any friend of the Avatar is an enemy of [Music] mine you're so colorful it's making me [Music] nauseous you're not prettier than we are afraid of fire I see that's good you should be go AA fly away from [Music] here get out of here here you have to find a we'll be [Music] okay don't you know fans just make flames stronger why can't I do it instead of lightning it keeps exploding in my face like everything always does I was afraid this might happen you will not be able to master lightning until you have dealt with a turmoil inside you what turmoil Doo you must let go of your feelings of Shame if you want your anger to go away but I don't feel any shame at all I'm as proud as ever Prince Zuko pride is not the opposite of shame but its source true humility is the only antidote to shame well my life has been nothing but humbling lately I have another idea I will teach you a fire bending move that even aula doesn't know because I made it up myself water benders deal with a flow of energy a water bender lets their defense become their offense turning their opponent's energy against them I learned a way to do this with lightning you can teach me to redirect lightning if you let the energy in your own body flow the lightning will follow it you must create a pathway from your fingertips up your arm to your shoulder then down into your stomach the stomach is the source of energy in your body it is called the Sea of chi only in my case it is more like a Bast [Laughter] ocean from the stomach you direct it up again and out the other arm the stomach detour is critical you must not let the lightning pass through your heart or the damage could be deadly You may wish to try a physical motion to get a feel for the pathways flow like this now are you focusing your energy can you feel your own Chi flowing in down up and out I think so come on you've got to feel the [Music] flow excellent you've got it great I'm ready to try with real lightning what are you crazy lightning is very dangerous I thought that was the point you teaching me how to protect myself from it yeah but I'm not going to shoot lightning at you if you're lucky you will never have to use this technique at [Music] all well if you won't help me I'll find my own [Music] [Music] lightning oh that really hurt my [Music] tailbone here is your tea you seem a little too young to be traveling alone you seem a little too old perhaps I am I know what you're thinking I look like I can't handle being by myself I wasn't thinking that you wouldn't even let me pour my own cup of tea I poured your tea because I wanted to and for no other reason people see me and think I'm weak they want to take care of me but I can take care of myself by myself you sound like my nephew always thinking you need to do things on your own without anyone's support there is nothing wrong with letting people who love you help you not that I love you I just met you so where is your nephew I've been tracking him actually is he lost yes a little bit his life has recently changed and he's going through very difficult times he's trying to figure out who he is and he went away so now you're following him I know he doesn't want be around right now but if he needs me I'll be there your nephew is very lucky even if he doesn't know it thank you my pleasure sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life's true Delights no thank you for what you said it helped me I'm glad Oh and about your nephew maybe you should tell him that you need him [Music] too all right you've caught up with me now who are you and what do you want you mean you haven't guessed you don't see the family resemblance here's a hint I must find the Avatar to restore my honor it's okay you can laugh it's funny so what now now now it's over you're tired and you have no place to go you can run but I'll catch you I'm not running do you really want to fight me yes I really do Zuko I was wondering when you'd show up zuu zuu back off aula he's mine I'm not going [Music] anywhere [Music] no a Tara Uncle get up I thought you guys could use a little help thanks [Music] well look at this enemies and traitors all working together I'm done I know when I'm beaten you got me a princess surrenders With [Music] [Music] Honor [Music] get away from us Zuko I can [Music] help [Music] [Applause] what are you doing in my mouth Momo you need to be a little more sensitive to my boundaries give up you're completely surrounded come on come on come on my Scrolls my [Applause] [Music] staff yep yep wait My Boomerang there's no time oh I see so there's time to get your Scrolls and time to get your staff but no time for My Boomerang that's correct [Music] oh at least I'll have one speciment to add to my collection your water bending won't do you much good here I've studied northern water style Southern water style even foggy swamp [Music] style that's called Saka style learn it wait Professor let's go I'm not leaving I can't I've spent too long trying to find this place there's not another collection of knowledge like this on Earth I could spend an eternity in here just [Music] [Applause] [Music] go ah we got it there's a solar eclipse coming the fire nation's in trouble now where's [Music] opa [Music] everyone single file hey I need help [Music] [Music] what is that thing [Music] oh I think I just figured out why they called The Serpent's [Music] Pass Suki you know about giant sea monsters make it go away just because I live near the unagi doesn't mean I'm an expert oh great and powerful sea serpent please accept this humble and tasty offering thank you Saka I'll distract it Katara get everyone across [Music] tough come on it's just ice actually I'm going to stay on my little island where I can see okay I'm coming you're doing great just follow the sound of my voice it's hard to ignore you're almost there help I can't swim I'm coming Tom help oh Saka you saved me actually it's me oh well you can go ahead and let me John now what I'd give to be be a metal [Music] bender Momo get out of [Music] here [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks Momo I owe you one now all I need is actually that is what I needed for once [Music] [Music] yeah woo here it [Music] comes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thought you had changed I have changed [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] a [Applause] [Applause] there's too many the only way is to let her go I'm sorry [Music] guara [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get [Music] you've got to get out of here I'll hold them off as long as I [Music] can [Music] they met on top of the mountain that divided their two Villages The Villages were enemies so they could not be together but their love was strong and they found a way the two lovers learned earthbending from the badger moles they became the first earthbenders they built elaborate tunnels so that they could meet secretly anyone who tried to follow them would be lost forever in The Labyrinth but one day the man didn't come he died in the war between their two [Music] Villages devastated the woman Unleashed a terrible display of her earthbending power she could have destroyed them all but instead she declared the war over both Villages helped her build a new city where they would live together in peace the woman's name was om and the man's name was Shu the great city was named omashu as a monument to their love love is brightest in the dark you ready [Music] Momo Saka it's been really great to see you again whoa hold on why does it sound like you're saying goodbye I came along because I wanted to make sure you got through the Serpent's path safely but now I need to get back to the other Kyoshi Warriors so you came along to protect me listen I'm really sorry about last night we were talking and saying things I just got carried away and before I knew it I you talk too [Music] much
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 533,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ATLA, Legend of Korra, Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending, Korra, Bolin, Asami, Ozai, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Amon, Kuvira, Zaheer, Iroh, Uncle Iroh, Bending, Anime, The Last Airbender, Aang vs Ozai, Agni Kai, Avatar Netflix, Avatar Studios, Fight, Fight Scene, Video Games, Gaming, Avatar Full Episodes, Netflix, Avatar Netflix Trailer, Avatar on Netflix, Zuko vs Azula, Final Battle, Braving The Elements, ytao_atla
Id: nID6AAw4zQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 12sec (3612 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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