60 Days In: Top 5 Most Intense Shakedowns | A&E

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yesterday detective girth received a note from a inmate and there was some drugs going on the CEOs are finally doing what they're supposed to be doing and they're up in that room where a little Ashley stays and I'm like I know by looking at little hush space uh-huh she is nervous as can be so I said give it to me I've never seen her so quiet and actually looking scared so I was like whoa they're gonna find this so there's a few of us are like oh my gosh finally get them out of here get the drugs out of here because we can't take it anymore [Music] [Music] I look over and one of the girls put something inside of that coffee coat and I'm like [Music] I'm so confused on how they're not seeing this I mean the body motions are so obvious welcome to the traphouse coach we just got raided by the face huh when they come in I'm like yeah it just to be like early as soon as I sat down I was like oh snap I was writing about my time here at Fort San County and this was information that I had planning to tell Colonel agile as soon as they called us down I was like I didn't move the letters and I knew that was stand out there was too little piece of paper in somebody mattress I would open it up to those officers I missed of period [Music] I was writing down what I saw a monster pie with you know with inmates and officers it was a lot of information a lot of good information I was thinking of all the scenarios of what would happen if they found the letter but the one that kept popping up in my head was retaliation I didn't want them to take it out on me for other people in the path the minute they let us go back to ourselves even though they told us to make our I was my worried about a being I didn't kiss my beat was made up I suffered that little consequence I wanted to know if my letters were there I want everything and it was gone [Music] I messed up [Music] this is why you got to do all this trainings this is go time it makes up all day long to try to make contraband obtain contraband so shakedowns are important for the safety of facility use of force necessary [Music] [Applause] you're damn good the element under surprise definitely does work we've got one more we hit our target inmates they removed from the section promptly including Robi is a well-known hot boss we're gonna transport them to another facility we've received information but they're actually taking the light apart and hiding the cell phone inside the light you're like wow we found a shank he's even got the wrist loop so you don't lose it they put it on their hands that they can't drop it in the fight that's scary [Music] we're basically image so I can't be like nah now we shouldn't do damage in today the assumption is when they tamper with the security devices that they're disabling the security device and that the missing and dangerous items can be distributed throughout the housing unit it was it's a danger to not only other inmates but it's a danger to my staff and especially to the participants in this program so we have to search each and every cell any individual that's called tampering with the security devices in violation of the jail rule and they have to pay the consequences we're going to put their Rico up to two weeks on lockdown or tampering with security devices thank you back my cell my beds flip regos bed it's flip we probably should have done it you know I mean who blocked the cameras I think that's probably why they took them out of it we have learned about shanks inside zone 500 I've used the jail's dart team to do a shakedown it was quite intimidating and disorienting go let's go to be reminded again that I am at this jails mercy that they can essentially do with me whatever they please place the wall man there pat-down Methos was was kind of intrusive they checked inside your boxers checked inside your pants it was a pretty thorough pat-down it was something that I'm used to doing to other folks at work so it's kind of crazy they basically just started frisking people searching their crotches which is always you know unpleasant inmates a move to rec so that the officers can search the pod undisturbed we really can everywhere but the enemies can stick things in here so we make sure we check throughout the mats inside the toilet poncho he has a shank my hope is that they'll find it and it will get removed but at the same time if it's found in my room I'd probably be in jail for real I'm scared of something going down and my worst case scenario would be sleeping and getting shanked at night you know just getting stabbed repeatedly and the correctional officers are in no hurry to get in there the officers were not able to find any shanks or weapons in the pod but that doesn't mean they weren't there [Music] after we come back from the rec room every dorm looks like you know a tornado hit knowing that he had the shame I don't want to say anything or do anything that he might take the wrong way where he would need to use that on me it was it was stressful man I'd like a lie you
Channel: A&E
Views: 6,136,025
Rating: 4.8754802 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, 60 days in, prison project, prison experiment, inmates, jail, go to jail, locked up, alabama, life behind bars, 60 days in season 5, watch 60 days in, 60 Days In most intense shakedowns, 60 Days In shakedowns, 60 Days In top 5 shakedowns, Snitch Starts a Fight, inmate starts a fight, David, 60 Days In clips, 60 Days In series, 60 Days In intense shakedowns, 60 Days In episodes, 5 Most Intense Shakedowns, Pod Boss
Id: cCsDC3e-FPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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