6 Ways to Curl and Wave Hair

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my friends Andrew Carruthers education director for Sambia today we're gonna explore six different ways to curl hair and these are all really techniques that we know are working towards that look that's very popular right now which definitely is a little bit more loose almost wavy sort of texture we don't see a ton of the kind of Orphan Annie and thick curls at this point so we're not gonna get into really tight curling iron work it's more things that are gonna create this that big more open beachy wave texture so this is my good friend Tiana she's actually a hairdresser too here in Medford Oregon and I love that we're gonna work with her hair because she's got a skinny texture you can see there's not a ton of density here and this is a common fiber that's difficult to get great texture out of and so we wanted to use Tiana so that you could see how you can work with this texture and get really beautiful results so the one of the first things that we're gonna do is we're actually going to pre texture her hair with the Sambia Signature Series texture iron but we're gonna do it in a way that's kind of subtle so you don't necessarily see a lot of the texture but by changing the texture of her hair and actually kind of adding just a touch of roughness to her silky soft hair it's gonna help to expand the curl and wave and it's also gonna help it to last much much longer so we're gonna talk about the pre texturing first then we'll get into each of the techniques and you'll see them start to finish so big video it's gonna be a little bit of a extensive video for you guys but I think you're really gonna enjoy it let's get after it [Music] all right so as I said we are going to pre texture tea on his hair just because she does have that skinnier fiber plus it's very very soft and sometimes really soft hair it's nice to touch but it doesn't hold a curl or a wave or a texture very well so by adding this little bit of texture to her hair in advance it'll hold the iron the shape of the hanger much better and it's going to last much much longer the thing that we find is on this very very soft very healthy hair a lot of times the shape just doesn't want to hold all day long so we're gonna take this section and we are going to start with some iron shave 11 for two reasons number one we want to add just a little bit of buffer to the hair as far as the heat goes but then the iron shape 11 has a nice soft hold to it that isn't gonna get crispy and crunchy so that we mask a little bit of the texture we're going to take the weave comb and we're going to just do kind of a chunky texture we've almost like you were doing I've really kind of blocky type of highlight then we'll take the iron and we're just gonna lightly imprint all the way down the strands so you can see I'm not getting crazy with it I'm just kind of tapping through the entire strand and even from the distance that you're seeing it on video it's not going to be a really bold texture but then once you comb the smooth hair back into it that really helps to mask some of that texture and makes it really this pretty subtle it works much better if you take finer sections and it seems like it can be a little tedious but if you use finer sections you'll find that you'll get through the process much much faster the nice thing is we're pre building some hold into the hair with that iron shape as well we're using the texture iron on the color treated setting it does not go above 392 degrees Gianna does have a little bit of color in her hairs and it's kind of finer so we don't need the super high heat of the high temperature and that 392 we're going to make sure that we don't take the low-light back out of her hair which is a big discovery for us that higher temperatures can actually destroy the color in the hair so I'm gonna continue on I'm just going to do a light texture throughout Tiana's entire head using the iron shave 11 and that color treated setting [Music] [Music] okay now that the texture on your set is finished we've got a little bit more bulk to her hair in that texture again it's gonna give it some more grip so it holds the curl really nicely but what's cool is if you look you don't really see it that bold through the hair if you don't mind seeing that little bit of texture you could do every single strand of hair and it's gonna expand under the hair even more so that's an option as well the first technique that we're going to do is called a one and a half wrap so what we mean by a one and a half wrap is you're going to wrap it around the eye one-and-a-half times the reason for that is we're seeing that the textures that are really popular right now are a little bit more lazy and more lived-in and by doing just that one and a half wrap it's going to keep the ends more loose it's just gonna focus more of the texture through the mid strand of the hair we're gonna start with the one and a half inch spring curling iron and we're doing this because we know that many of you that are consumers out there this is the iron you're picking up so we want to show you how to do it with that but we're also gonna show you with a Marcel curling iron so if you are using that style of curling iron which is what we recommend for professionals if you're using that type of iron techniques the same but it's gonna have a little different touch to it so you can see this section size that we're taking is really based on her hair density because she does that to have that finer texture of hair we can take a rather large section here it's a good one and a half inches maybe even more in height and about two inches wide we're going to work with the iron down but you don't have to do this a lot of times people are like well how do I do this to myself at home and to be honest with you it's all about how can you get your body into a position that it doesn't hurt and you can achieve the the finish we're going to open up the spoon of the iron so we're just going to press that down and we're going to use this pretty much just like a wand so we're gonna wrap the hair once and then wrap it a half again notice we're holding the ends out and then we're going to do just a slight violating technique with the hair and that allows the hair to expand and move a bit on the surface of the iron if you hold it still that's fine too but what you're gonna notice is the pattern of the curl is going to be much more predictable we want the pattern to be a little unpredictable here so you can see a nice loose wave make sure that as you're working with your techniques that you're giving the hair time to cool it's probably one of the biggest biggest mistakes that we see people all at home they'll get a nice hot hot curl in there and then they start grabbing ahold of it and pulling their hands through it the curl is forming as the hair cools not as it heats the heat is actually breaking it down the bonds to make the hair able to form the cooling process is actually just as important if not more important than the actual heating process so you want to leave this alone and make sure it cools before you mess with it so we're gonna take a similar size section as we travel up the head definitely check in with the density because the density can change from section to section so you might have to vary the size of the section based on where you're at on the head so let's do this one with the Marcella here now with a Marcel iron you have the option of just opening up the spoon this is our artist series Marcel two-in-one you have the option of just opening up the spoon and then wrapping but here's what's kind of cool about this one is you can actually press this button right here and the spoon comes off so you can use this as a curling wand you just put the arrows together and lock that into position so that there's no rotation now you don't even have to deal with that spoon you can just use it as a wand so again we're gonna wrap it once and then half around again and then just that little vial inning technique will help to stretch that mid strand out we're keeping the tension pretty gentle so that we're not pulling on her hair let the heat do the work then once we have the heat in there we let it drop wow that's a cool as we move around the side of the head again adjust to the density of hair and on this particular shape we're going to move around the head in the same direction we're wrapping away from the face here you can alternate working the curls in different directions and that will also add to that natural feel to it so a pretty simple technique and this one is very very current we feel because again it's going to give us a very loose sort of texture and you can see that ends are going to be left out straight so this is what we're seeing a lot on Instagram and social media so this is very very current for you so I'm gonna continue working around the head and somewhat equal section sizes again if you vary the section size it's just going to add to that natural feel we're gonna keep the curl we're wrapping backing away from the face for this specific technique we'll bury it in another technique and I'm gonna keep using the wand just because it's easier and simpler [Music] [Music] [Music] now that we've finished both sides of Tiana's head with a one and a half wrap this is what it looks like after its cooled but before we really messed with it at all so the final step is and now we're gonna run our hands through add some separation and texture to it typically at this point it would add a little bit of finishing product to the hair but since we've still got five more it looks to show we don't want to put too much product in the hair if we just kind of tickle through with our hands that'll loosen up the texture you see we just get this really nice lived-in loose wave and that texture that we added before we started the curl pattern gives it a nice expansive feel gives it some fullness and some definition look at how much body that has even on Tiana's fine finer hair texture so again the one and a half wrap is a great way to get this very loose very lived-in sort of feel especially now where we're seeing that ends be left out more straight one-and-a-half wraps really simple really easy and it gives you the look that a lot of clients are asking for now we'll move into a technique called rap and twist this again is going to give us a really super lived-in sort of feel it'll give us a little bit more of a defined curl than the last technique but it's also going to leave the ends more loose and more straight so again very current for us we're gonna start by once again doing what we always do which is section so we're gonna start with a similar-sized section and remember you can always vary the section size and we highly recommend that you do that play with a lot of different section sizes because then you're going to see how those different section sizes affect the actual end result so we'll start with this on the spring iron this is the one and a half inch Signature Series spring iron and we'll do that because I know a lot of you at home are still using a spring iron so we're going to just allow the hair to slip through the iron purse and that's going to introduce a little bit of heat and then we wrap the hair around the barrel and then we untwist the hair then we wrap it around the barrel and then we twist wrap it around the barrel and then twist so we're sliding down as we wrap and then twist what that does is it twists the hair onto itself so as it cools it stays pretty tight together so that's what's going to give a little bit more definition to the shape of the curl versus something that's more just simply flat wrapped around the barrel let's take the next section now with this one will vary the direction of the curl so that we get a nice lived-in feeling on this next one let's use the Marcel iron so that those of you that are using a Marcel you get to see what that looks like so first one we wrapped avec own away from the face this one let's wrap towards the face I personally feel more comfortable with the Marcel in my hand mainly because professionals we tend to start with a Marcel iron if you can learn it home to use a Marcel iron it's gonna give you more versatility so again we start first by just taking the hair through the iron once to introduce some heat and then wrap the hair and then we spin and that gives with the twist wrap to the barrel and then twist wrap to the barrel twist so you can see why it's called a trapping twist I was telling Tiana I think it kind of sounds like a dance move and then we'll just leave it twisted up like that to cool let's do one more section and again will vary that the direction within the section so we've wrapped towards the face on that one this one will you will go away from the face let's go back to the spring iron just one quick pass to introduce some heat wrap to the barrel and then untwist wrap to the barrel untwist wrap to the barrel and twist twist and it's up to you how much of the ends you want to include in there if you want a little bit more polish on the ends you can continue to wrap through the ends last one now this is right beside her face so we are going to keep that away from the face it just is a more modern feel to it we used to see more of a wrap towards the face but that was very nice that you use feeling so we're gonna stick with modern and keep the wrap away from the face wrap the hair then twist wrap around the barrel and twist we'll just touch that and just a little bit with some heat just to give it a little polish let it cool so you can see this is creating much tighter of a pattern for it to cool in so it's gonna result in a little more definition to that wave so again just gonna simply proceed in that same manner working up the head on this side and then we'll go to the the opposite side work up that set in the same Lane okay so we've completed both sides of Tiana's head with that wrap and twist technique now I didn't start to play with the hair a little bit bad me sorry about that but you can see that this one I did not mess with yet and it's cooled into a much more cylindrical piece that has a tighter pattern to it so as we turn on our around and we start to work our hands through her hair what you're going to notice is a much more kind of wrinkled effect to the wave you're gonna see more definition to the different pieces it's going to create more separation and that's because as you heat it as you twist it up to cool it it forms more ridges in the hair and it gives that definition to the curl so I'm still a very loose lived-in technique but you can see very different from that first technique we showed you with the one and a half wrap now a great way to introduce even more natural texture is just to start to combine those two techniques for a really super lift and feel alright on to technique number three and this is gonna be one of the most simple techniques and it's gonna remind you of the first technique but this is just a simple flat wrap down the surface of the iron but we're going to do it in a more defined way and we're going to do it closer to the head all the way to almost the end and we're going to go with a smaller iron what we're looking for with this technique is a little more curl pattern so we're looking to make this a little bit more bold so that's why we're using the flat wrap technique we want that ribbony sort of feel and we one more definition so we'll take the same size sections that we have then there's still plenty of product in there so we don't in to reapply product we'll grab our iron we're now going to the one-inch Signature Series spring iron and you'll see we're on the color treated setting again that color treated setting does not go above 392 degrees so we know that not gonna fry Yanis hair or remove the color from it the high setting goes to 410 which is still below that 450 range that a lot of irons go to and the reason that we don't go that high is we don't feel it's necessary to put that much stress on the hair so we'll take the section we'll open up the spoon of the iron now we're gonna start much closer up to tea on his head and we're going to slide that up and then make sure that the hair continues to go flat to the iron we do not want this hair to curl and twist onto the iron so you can see it's just creating a ribbon down the iron and we'll take those ends and just gently lay them across the tip of the iron if you don't get all the ends there don't get stressed out about it because again things are looking a little more loose so now you can see we have much more defined shape to that and this is gonna give us a a more curly effect versus that super loose wave it'll still rush out into more of a wave of course but we'll see more definition to the curl pattern by using the slightly smaller iron that increases the tightness of the pattern as well we're using our dry sectioning Clips so that that way as we're working through the hair we're not putting creases on the hair now just like with the one and a half inch we do have the one inch artist series Marcel and wand just like the other iron you can detach the spoon off of this and especially for these types of techniques this is really Andy it makes life super easy because you can just use it as a wand and you don't have any spoon or handle to get in your way so again wrap to the iron pretty close to the head now watch just kind of slide that up the iron to make yourself room keep it flat to the iron just like you're wrapping a ribbon or the iron we did make the barrel one inch longer than most irons you can see how long Tiana's hair is and we can flat wrap all of that hair to the iron now if you want to check your heat just come up and just touch on the surface of the hair and you should feel it pretty warm on the outside and we'll let that drop now if you wanted to really keep a lot more definition you could always wrap these up and pin them to allow them to cool longer in a curled form because we're not super worried about it being perfect perfect curls we're gonna go ahead and just let it just sit with gravity and that'll help that just to touch a stretch to the hair if you feel like it's getting too curly while it's hot you can always grab and kind of pull down on it and that will actually pull some of that tightness of the curl out we're gonna keep working in a similar pattern similar direction wrapping making sure that the hair stays flat on the iron and the next technique that we show you you'll see why we're making sure it's flat to the iron don't burn yourself like I just did it's always one of the risks when you're working with an iron get a few little scars on your hand and they won't hurt hurt anymore just drop that and let that cool we're gonna work in the same direction away from the face with this particular technique because we are keeping more of that solid curl pattern but if you wanted a little more randomness you could vary section size you could vary direction just like we have any other techniques so I'm gonna continue around the head in this exact same shape and then you can see what this looks like in a finished product [Music] [Music] all right this time I remembered not to mess with the hair to just let it cool so you can see how it looks as it just starts the cool fresh off the iron so let's unveil let's turn T on around and let's start to move this hair round so I'm sure you can kind of predict what this is going to come out to be which is a much much fuller tighter pattern you're going to start to see a lot more bounce because of the circular motion of the curl and that's one of the things we have to realize is a bigger iron doesn't necessarily create more body because a bigger iron creates a softer wave and so a lot of times if you're looking for more expansive kind of curl like this dropping down on your iron size is actually a better idea and I bet some of you at home probably thought when you saw this that it's gonna turn out like Little Orphan Annie curls but it doesn't especially after you start to move your hands through and loosen it up you can see we get back into a nice wave pattern this one definitely borders between wave and curl but very beautiful really whole again this is a great sort of set to do before doing kind of up styles or something for the evening so again a flat wrap technique on a one-inch iron is gonna give you more of that full defined sort of pattern with a really nice bouncy feel to it so this next look the fourth look isn't probably something you're going to put on everyday clientele but it's something we really love for evening looks or nights out on the town and it's called The Hollywood wave or the red carpet wave so we're gonna stick with a one-inch iron again because that one inch size we find it puts a little bit more of a definition to it and you'll see why in just a second well turn Tianna around just like we have for the last four same sort of pattern we're going to take just a little bit thicker of a section and we're gonna break this into two pieces we're gonna keep the sections more square this time instead of them being a rectangular so we'll split that back into two pieces that are relatively square grab our one-inch iron we'll start with the spring and then we'll show you the Marcel as well it's gonna be the really similar technique so the pattern is going to be a wrist watch wrist watch with the hand that's holding the hair so we're still just going to wrap the hair down the iron but now as we turn our wrist up and then wrap and end with the watch towards us turn the wrist up and with the watch towards us turn the wrist up watch goes towards us what it does is it puts a twist wrap on the outside and then a flat wrap on the inside just let that cook for a moment get it nice and warm the twist straps gonna take just a little bit more heat because it's bundled up and then we turn the iron vertical and let it fall down we're gonna let that cool for just a moment and then I can brush through it real quick and you can see how this turns into this very very cool ridged technique so again take the section open up iron wrist comes up as it comes around we go to the watch wrist comes up that gives it the twist the wrist comes up that gives us the twist and with the watch wrist comes up and with the watch turn the iron vertical allow that to drop off of there if you're working with someone with really resistant hair you may want to go ahead and pin these for them to cool but her hair is really holding it nicely since we did that pre texture let's do the next section this time we'll grab our Marcel if you have a Marcel that the blade does not attach it looks very very similar to what we just did with the spring iron you're just going to take your square section open the spoon and work but cool little innovation on our Marcel iron click the detach pull the spoon off now you can just use it as a woman this is a great technique if you just have a wand at home you can do it with that as well so we'll start with the watch towards us wrist comes up creates that twist wrist comes up creates that twist watch wrist watch wrist watch wrist watch and it just naturally if you get that pattern down forms the flat and then the twist flat twist flat twist glass flat twist that's what builds those ridges into the shape and that's really what brings in that red carpet wave sort of appearance people a lot of times think that this was more of a Marcel wave but what's different about this versus a Marcel wave is it has a little bit more body to it as more wave to it show you one more so start with it flat with your wrist up wrist comes up drop to the iron watch wrist watch wrist watch wrist watch you just continue that pattern so you get those ends on there turn the iron vertically let those pop off of there now we're gonna continue the rest of the way around the head I'm gonna wait to brush this out until it's nice and cool I know I said I was kinda brush one out for you but let's wait make sure we get the cool cooling factor so it really seals in there then it's really awesome when you brush through it at the end to see it all come together so I'm gonna finish this up and then we're gonna brush it out alright so this is what Tiana looks like very kind of Lord of the Rings I'm kind of looking at this point with out brushing through it yet now this one's really fun because it sort of just brings into the pattern we're going to take the artist series finishing brush this is just a boar bristle brush and we're going to really softly work the brush through to start to incorporate things but you can see it just instantly comes back into this really cool wave pattern and you can see why it's important to keep your sections clean keep your pattern pretty clean with this one because you can actually get this really awesome wave pattern into it and if you could grab some hairspray you can really define out these ridges it makes a really classic looking blow-dry or I guess not a blow-dry and finish so again just with that hardest series finishing brush being real gentle not a ton of tension here just enough to separate that pattern out and give it some fluff I'll be honest the one thing I personally have a challenge with on this that Sam's really good at is I have a little bit harder time getting my sides to match up with this I do have the ability to switch my hand so on this side wrapping with my left hand on this side wrapping with my right hand to try and get them as consistent as possible but even just little things like consistency of tension section size the length and time amount of heat you're pressing into the hair each of those things can kind of change the end result so consistency is really important this one actually turned out really awesome for me is usually one side isn't quite as balanced as the other but this time actually came up pretty awesome for me really fun technique this gives you that Hollywood way or that red carpet way of appearance and it's much much easier than trying to do it with a Marcel iron we're gonna switch things up a little bit now and change tools because we know that many of you are using a flat iron to do your curling techniques this first one is my personal favorite it's fast it's easy and I think it just creates beautiful wave patterns we're going to go right back into our sectioning that we used before and play around with this sectioning because even the sectioning will change your results whether you take vertical sections horizontal sections diagonal sections all of that will change things slightly so you want to play around with those things and that's when a mannequin head is really a nice thing to have because mannequin head won't complain if they sit for four hours like she already has poor tiana we're going to take and break those horizontal sections into more vertical sections when I'm doing this on my guests I like to stand above them and point the iron down at home my guests have told me that they have a much better time with this working with the iron straight up and down so play with those two positions and see what's best for you a couple of things that are gonna make you successful with us number one is to not grab tight with the tension as soon as you put the iron in if you grab tight with the tension as soon as you address the iron into the hair what's going to happen is you're gonna create a crease so the first thing that should happen is open start to move and turn and then start to compress notice how I'm holding the tail and just allowing that to feed down into the iron and just work work work until you get to the ends and once it's there give it a little twist into place with your finger so that it cools in a coiled state that's going to really help to preserve the the texture now typically if we're working with a flat iron we're looking for loose texture we're looking for movement we're not really looking for a defined curling iron toward the sort of technique so we are going to vary the angle of the iron we're sorry' vary the direction of that iron so that one I wrapped back away from the face this next one now I'm wrapping this section towards the face and by varying the direction it's going to create a much more lived-in sort of feel now what's nice with doing flat iron curls is each one because there's not a consistent size to a barrel is going to feel slightly different and it depends on how much you turn the iron how much tension you put on the hair how long you leave the heat on the hair so we also suggest that you vary the section size and that again will add some variability to it and give you a really natural finish so because the one underneath it was wrapped back this one we're going to now turn forward I'm going to take my wrist and kind of an awkward position at first so it makes it easier as I turn to keep my wrist in a nice position so we're gonna let that cool and a nice coiled state go to the next one you can see this happens really quite quickly if you want a tighter curl just slow down so on this next one let's make it tighter so twist and now we're just gonna slow down we're gonna introduce a little bit more tension so just compress tighter does the exact same technique you'll notice that's gonna give us a much tighter coil so you really can vary so many things with this technique based on your end result what you're looking for but again we suggest that you vary things so that it has that very natural wave sort of technique so again I'm gonna keep working we're gonna go up the left side then complete the right and we'll show you the finished product [Music] okay so wrapped up both sides with that flat iron technique you can see how it looks as it cools it's still pretty loose and tenderly but then once we decide to loosen it up bring the hands in just give it a shake it's gonna be very very natural very lived-in and this is for that guest that really doesn't not want to have any definition to the curl someone that just really wants it to look like almost wash-and-wear kind of hair as if they just have a gorgeous natural wave to their hair so a pretty simple technique probably something that many of you have already learned but hopefully some of those little tips and tricks have added to your repertoire and our next technique is going to be really super simple it's just really all about hand painting alright guys thanks for sticking in there with us I know it's been kind of a long video but hopefully you're getting lots of content that's good for you one more technique and you'll notice I didn't stretch dry her hair back out I actually left the wave from the last technique we're gonna crank up the flat iron this time we're gonna go to a high heat again this only goes to 410 so it's not scorching hot but this is a really light touch technique so it's okay to have the iron a little hotter we're not gonna put tons of tension on the hair so this is a fun technique because it's really just about the hand painting the hair where you want to see the curl this is something that actually my wife used to do all the time and I don't think she knew that it was such a cool technique and then she used it because she has natural curly hair and she would want more definition just in spots with him the curl and then I went to a class at the Travis Parker Academy recently and our friend Jude viola who's one of the educators there she showed us this technique more firm of just a really freehand light touch sort of motion so what's great about this technique is that you can define right where you want things so use it a lot here around the face where it's just like okay well I want to put a little bend around her cheekbone because she's got great cheekbones we want to bring that out so just a really incredibly light touch I'm almost not putting actual tension on the hair I'm just letting it kind of float through the iron then don't pull because remember if I pull we're gonna take that back out be very gentle and then just shape the ends the opposite direction so you get a little bit of s-curve to things and again just being really super gentle with that touch and that way you can put that wave exactly where you want it to sit and again this is super nice for around the face I don't know that you would choose to do a whole head of hair this way but what's really cool is with especially with someone that already has some wave and texture in their hair maybe after you've already done some other type of curling technique this is great because it brings out more definition and you can define exactly where you want those waves just sit so let's go back one or and it'll just Jen we allow that iron to create that wave and curl you can see I'm moving I'm holding the tail of a hair but I'm moving with the actual iron because if I hold the tail still then I'm gonna put tension on the hair and don't worry it is on high heat but like I said because we're being so gentle with the touch of the iron and not really putting a lot of tension we're not exposing her fragile hair to excessive heat at this point so kind of fun yeah you can just adjust and place thing goes right where you want them let's match that on the opposite side here and be conscious of which direction you're moving the hair you wanted to go away from the face or towards the face actually I like the way that one's kind of kickin that way so we'll just work with it and that's the real fun part of this is that you can get really creative you can literally just place it exactly where you envision it to be so I'm going to continue going through the head I'm going to just play around add some definition and texture in different places and then we'll look at the end result [Music] [Music] as you saw around the face just kind of gave it a couple little bends just to frame the face nicely place those pieces just where we want them and then through the back what was a nice addition is since there was already texture under the bonnet bottom we really just took a couple pieces on this surface and defined those out which just brings a whole new feeling to the hair so it doesn't always have to be this huge process to get this done and this is great for second day hair especially after you've woken up most of the hair is still looking pretty good but you just need to do some touch-up work this hand painting technique is great for that oh my gosh my friends we've made it six different techniques these are six favorites right now that we feel are really effective for you at achieving looks that your guests are asking for in the salon some of them are curling iron techniques some of them are flat iron techniques so mix and match for your guests and we hope that there was some things that were fresh for you to inspire some creativity behind the chair as well we of course want to thank our beautiful model Tiana she spent quite a few hours here today she was so patient and so sweet and kind and just kept this beautiful grin the whole time but she's a hairdresser she knows what it's like to go through these things so thank you so much for doing that for us and if you have any questions you have any comments any of your favorite curling techniques please leave them in the comments you know we love to hear from you guys thank you so much for watching I'm Andrew Carruthers education director for Sandia [Music]
Channel: Sam Villa Hair Tutorials
Views: 46,043
Rating: 4.8724084 out of 5
Keywords: how to curl hair, how to loose curls, how to big curls, how to curl fine hair, long loose curls, how to big loose curls, how to flat iron curls, how to flat wrap curls, how to beach waves, how to red carpet waves, how to hair style, hair style, hair, hair tutorial, sam villa, sam villa education, Sam Villa ArTeam, hairdresser, beauty, beauty tips, hair tricks, curl, loose curls, curling iron tips and tricks, waves, curling iron, marcel iron, wand, redken
Id: kFuVBO41QjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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