6 TRUE Creepy Coworker Stories | #TrueCreepyStories

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[Music] this took place around 15 years ago when I was 16 years old and working at a fast-food joint with a few of my friends a weird guy in his late 30s and named James worked with us and he was very friendly with everybody but even more so with the teenage girls my friends called him a creep but I thought he was just socially awkward so I always went out of my way to talk to him and be nice big mistake James started making me CDs of bands that I liked would buy me movies stuffed animals and started even buying me clothes all these things that he swore he got super cheap or for free none of these things I asked for and I started refusing them after a few weeks when I noticed how skimpy the clothes were it would give me very low-cut shirts or miniskirts and the last thing he ever gave me was a lacy pink thong which I'm getting into now the oldest girl I was friends with who was 18 years old lived with our store manager as a roommate and an apartment complex the manager bought her booze to have a graduation party and that weekend all of the younger girls came to spend the night after a few hours I was drunk for the first time in my life when James comes through the door turns out he lived directly across the hall from them booze make me overly affectionate so I gave him a big hug again big mistake he tells me that he has something he wants to show me on his computer and me being intoxicated I agree to go see it I walk across the hall to see his disgusting apartment and stand behind him all he gets onto his computer he pulls out a folder full of what I know to be a lolly porn shows me a picture of the same lolly and then turns to me and says you look just like her and she's my favorite in the picture the girl is only wearing a lacy pink thong alarm bells started going off in my head and I say something about going back to the party when he asked me to wait because he has something for me he opens the bottom desk drawer and pulls out a lacy pink thong just like the one in the picture and tries to give it to me I mumbled that I hate thongs and I turn to leave but he's up and has my shorter before I can get to the door now I'm around a hundred and fifteen pounds five feet tall and drunk hey towers over me so I'm feeling pretty panicked at this point I want you to wear these for me just for the night and if you don't like them you can just give them back he pulls me in closer to him with his free arm holding the panties in front of my face and I am so so thankful that he didn't walk the door to his apartment because right at that moment the store manager came busting in while I have so what we hated her guts at work at that moment I was so thrilled to see her that tears started rolling down my face she had asked the other kids where I was and immediately rushed over when they told her I went with James she looked at the situation for a brief second before shouting at him to let go of me grabbing my hand and pulling me back across the hallway I'm pretty sure she ended up firing James because I never saw him again after that night [Music] back when I was 17 to 19 years old I worked at a small local bakery there were less than 15 employees spread across all night and day shifts so we only had a few people working during the day one of these people was Dave the delivery driver Dave immediately gave me an off vibe it was in his mid-50s just way too friendly to a teenage girl but the boss told me straight up that yes he could be annoying but no one worked harder than he did so just ignore his antics when I signed the paperwork they never asked me to submit to a background check in hindsight should have been red flag number two over the course of the year or so that I worked with Dave I tried very very hard to ignore him he was rarely outright creepy but he was always just a bit too friendly he would stick around longer after his shift was over to talk to me and the other pastry chef on his shift he always wanted to lick the bowl after I made rice krispies treats and he would always stand in front of the racks of equipment or ingredients just enough that sometimes my hand would brush him while reaching for something yo'ii stood just a little too close it was constantly asking me about my life what I liked what I did for fun if I had a boyfriend almost daily he would tell me how a nice girl like me should have a boyfriend how maybe a boyfriend would be good for me I let this slide because sometimes older people can say things that were meant differently in their time then it was the concert invites every other week he had tickets to one concert or another once he figured out my genre music it was almost exclusively tickets the band's I desperately wanted to see but I also knew I should not go anywhere with him I don't like to associate with co-workers outside of work anyway and I had seen way too many red flags about Dave to trust him for even a second and so my birthday can he brought me a t-shirt it was two sizes too small he told me to try it on I said no he told me to try it on after work and text him a photo he gave me his number he asked for mine and I said no he asked the other pastry chef for my number she had my back and refused as well he also brought me two tickets to a band I'd been wanting to see VIP section 21 plus only he said he could get me in but I had to go with him and him alone I refused he told me he could get me booze and I declined for months and months this continued I brought it up to one of my bosses but they laughed it off his classic Dave when he wanted a hug on his birthday and hugged me without my consent well there's Dave for you offered to get me booze or pot ah Davis Kim when he pulled up his shirt and showed me his abdominal scar from a snowboarding accident well that's just they have no respect for boundaries but a good worker I seriously considered having one of my big strong male friends come in under the guise of being my boyfriend just to placate Dave I was repulsed by him but he hadn't really done anything to classify himself as a predator massage asking for my number he had never tried to harass me outside of work hours and besides the odd hugger to that pub was too afraid or shy to refuse he hadn't gotten super physical then one day they was gone his name disappeared from the employee roster my boss asked to see me in the office she informed me that dave was no longer employed at their business Dave had been fired Dave was fired because Dave was a convicted sex offender Davey here had two counts of rape and one count of kidnapping a minor from the mid-90s about the time I was born actually they had never background checked him and when they contacted a friend in the police department they found out that Dave had been lying on lots of paperwork hiding the fact that he was a convicted felon and not notifying anyone when he moved once they brought this information to the police department's attention they had a few more charges that they found out because apparently he had been stalking and harassing one of the clients he delivered to showing up at her home when he should not have known where she lived after his termination Dave showed up to work one day he had a weapon but I never found out what he had they told him to leave or the police would be called he ended up leaving in handcuffs I'm just so thankful I wasn't there that day another little tidbit the police officer my bosses knew had been in the PD for a while I knew one of the officers who had arrested Dave and then ideas that abdominal scar was from a run-in with the cops he got injured trying to climb over a fence that was a few years ago but sometimes I still think about how badly things could have gotten and I gone to even one of those concerts with him so Dave I really hope to never meet you or see your disgusting face ever again [Music] when I was fifteen years old I just got my first job at a grocery store that I was super excited about my first several weeks went well as I learned about groceries properly who knew there were so many rules about that and generally cleaning around the store there was only one problem a guy I will call creepy Chris not his real name for this post creepy Chris was at least 20 years old stick thin and didn't have any idea about personal space I was a short fifteen year old girl that was quite plain so I really hadn't had to deal with any male attention before creepy Chris would often come over to help me but mostly we just stand really close behind me while I was bagging groceries he often got snapped at by the assistant manager for not working at his assigned registers while doing this he also liked to go outside at the same time as me when I would go take a card out with a customer so he can make some awkward conversations as I return inside with a cart he never touched me but he was always just there and uncomfortably close I was a kid and felt that there wasn't enough to complain about plus this is my first job and I didn't want to mess that up I asked creepy Chris to move back a couple of times but I'll admit I wasn't very forceful about it now to the end of the story I was asked by my floor manager to clean the bathrooms I went to the back room to get the mop and broom while I was waiting for the mop buckets a fill creepy Chris came in and started talking to me the mop sink was in the corner as he talks to me he moved closer and closer blocking my exit literally cornering me I desperately looked around but the back room was empty I just blurted out Chris can't can you please move back I need to clean the bathrooms I turn off the water and turn back around and he was right behind me our shoes were toe to toe he then asked and what if I don't move I said then I'll have to hate you with the broom if you don't I really didn't think I could hit anyone I never had hit anyone before in my life and apparently creepy Chris thought it couldn't hurt him either just then creepy Chris took a step forward I was terrified this guy had stalked me for weeks and now he was so close to that the front of his shirt was touching mine I felt I had no choice with a surge of adrenaline laced speed I swung the broom over my head like a flyswatter and hit him on top of his head this broke the broom and sent him to the floor I dropped the broom jumped over him and booked it to the only place I knew I had a lock the woman's bathroom it was a good thing I did this because he came after me and started banging on the bathroom door asking why I hit him and that it was all just a joke I sobbed in the bathroom glad that the locks of the whole bathroom was a simple twist lock I felt very alone at this moment because I had no way to let anyone know as to where he was and what had happened his banging suddenly stopped and was replaced by a key turning in the lock I raced into a stall to lock myself in but it turned out it was just my female manager to come to question me about what had happened I was never told but I guess a shopper reported him on banging on the door management sent him home for the day and said that it was all a misunderstanding I quit the next day after talking to my parents I used to work in retail shortly after graduating high school for a certain sunglasses retailer the dress code for woman was business casual but fashionable being that it was the heights and retailer the store was in an outdoor mall so everything was a standalone shop I had been there for about a year when this happened and was to the point that I was opening and closing to store my own counting the cash and making deposits it was a summer night so I was wearing a skirt that day I'll admit one that was a little shorter than I would dare to wear it so my nine-to-five now we were short-staffed that day so we had a rep from another store helping me out that evening I can't remember his name so we'll call him Joe he was fine for most of the day and we actually had a mutual friend so I was comfortable until closing time we had locked the doors from the inside and began our night duties mine was closing out the cash register while Joe did wherever the hell he was doing I wasn't too concerned since it wasn't his store and didn't feel like explaining where things were to him it was getting pretty late so the strip mall started shutting leg saw setting the tone for that creepy night I was about to encounter standing at the register my back towards the stockroom where Joe was I felt what I thought was a fly on the back of my thigh I brushed it away and kept going through the closeout process which was a minute or two from completing and leaving about 30 seconds later I thought a prick on my thigh in the same spot I turned around to see what was touching me and there was Joe crouched down on the ground trying to look up on my shirt with his index finger barely touching my upper thigh literally right behind me Joe jumped up and I walked to the back neela says say I'm [ __ ] panicking inside it was late enough so that no one was walking around the center anymore and was quite dark out I tried to remain calm and act like I didn't see him afraid that if it freaked out he would do something crazy I quickly grabbed the deposit bag grabbed my purse and keys and told him everything was done and that we could go for the night to get the parking area you had to wind through various walkways to a large parking lot that stretched along the backside of the retail centre it was probably a three or four-minute walk in total to get to the parking lot Joe walk next to me not saying anything until we were halfway to the lot you needed a ride to your car he asked no things my car's just right over here thank you though he asked me a couple more times where he still politely declined finally he answered with let me take you to your car at this point I booked it to my car and he thankfully didn't follow me I got in locked the doors and drove off the next day I called a my manager explaining the story pretty much crying because I was still so shaken up HR called me which is a big deal because this is a big corporate company they explained I don't have any proof and the best they could do is not schedule us together I was pretty pissed off but glad that he didn't have to work with him for some reason I ended up looking him up on her County Court records later that day lo and behold there he was with past charges for sexual assault I called my manager and told him needless to say he was fired over HR and it was extremely apologetic I'm sure hoping there wouldn't be a lawsuit I worked at a sandwich chain slash bakery during college in a pretty dark time in my life my coworker was probably 15 to 20 years older than me and I sort of knew him he invited me to an outside party at a place that I'd been to before with people that I knew in the middle of the afternoon slash evening I told him I could only stay for a few hours but the girl that I was dating and staying with in between Lisa's before school started up again was also having a party so I was going over there later everything was fine and there were food drinks and pool volleyball in the Sun the dude wasn't really being particularly flirty or anything just acting like he usually would after a drink or so he started asking me if I thought his girlfriend was hot and slapping her bud and whatnot he knew I was into women and for some reason was trying to prom something I didn't realize I had to leave shortly after I drove to the next party and sat on the couch and that's when it hit me thank God it was not a second sooner it's like my entire body was preserving itself the last thought that I remember having was I feel really messed up for just three lai beers and then I proceeded to wreak havoc for the next six to seven hours I have no memory of it but I was talking crap that I didn't mean to people I would never actually insult I also threw mic at a good distance across the room and I'm told that I fell down an entire flight of stairs face-first and bloodied myself up pretty badly and I guess I was being overly emotional and acting ridiculous in general which is how one might act when drugged I had been staying with the girl for at least two weeks and we had been dating for at least two months she had drank with me before and she should have known that something was severely wrong instead she just assumed I was being insane and at 3 a.m. drove me in the car to the street that I used to live on next to the apartment I had just moved out of and then took my keys and ran she then called the cops on me several cars ended up pulling up exactly where I became conscious of my actions and I was trying to figure out where I and how I had gotten into that situation the cops start by yelling at me asking me what I'm doing and who hit me I was totally confused I had no idea what they were talking about I didn't know about my escapade with the stairs yet so I didn't even know I was bloody and that question really caught me off guard they continued to bombard me with more questions that I couldn't answer and thank the ward again I had a friend that lived across the street from the apartment that I only really knew because I smoked with them I called and he answered the phone and came to my rescue right away the cops let me flee to his house and berated him about where I was sleeping and what he was doing all the while ever since I left that party texts were coming in repeatedly from that co-worker asking to meet up asking about screwing him and his girl and a couple of other inappropriate remarks I know it was him who slipped me something he was the only one near me at that party and the only one who attempted anything like he did that whole night the very next day the girl I was staying with was going to throw all my stuff on the curb and throw me out because she thought I was crazy but when she described to me what happened she could tell I had no memory of any of it at all and I really was drugged the only thing I ever really did about it was talked to my manager so I could try to get shifts with him not on them who knows what would have happened if it hit me at the wrong moment while I was at his party I don't even want to think about it this was my first job while studying psychology at a university so literally every living moment I was not a university I was at work I worked as a Navy technician in a bank and at this point I had been there for at least two and a half years we had a position to fill within the team and we interviewed a man named Sam he came across so well in the interview Polites kind intelligent and just everything that we wanted in a new employee he had mentioned during his interview that's he needed three days off within the next two weeks as he had a funeral for his partner who had just recently passed away we were completely understanding he was hired and then started a week later which I greeted with pleasure as he was such a character to be around his outgoing personality and the way he came across instantly became a telltale sign that he was homosexual and sure enough a few days after we knew him he came out to us none of us had a problem it brought some bubbliness to the office that we had Ahad in quite a while and it instantly confirmed the use of the word partner rather than wife a couple of us in the office thought it was kind of weird that he trusted us enough so quickly to tell us something so personal but oh well I felt like we all got along like a house on fire we were always constantly chatting while training there was no signs to suggest he didn't like me that is until I was pulled into the office by my account manager and assistant Account Manager Howe then proceeded to tell me that he had made a formal complaint about me they proceeded to explain that he thinks I'm ignorant towards him and that as his trainee supervisor I should be more than willing to assist him in his training with questions or any issues that he may have it was really silly things like not answering his calls when he needed help in a room etc when actually in reality the only reason I never answered was because I was dealing with other users and other rooms and I am simply one person with one set of hands they basically just told me to try to make peace with him and move on so here we are a week into the new job and the new guy hates me this week was the week of his partner's funeral he was meant to be in on Monday and Friday we had already agreed that to the Friday he would be in on an early shift in the main building as I the early shift technician needed to go in the other building to deal with a VIP client 30 minutes into the early shift I get a call from the reception of the main building saying he's not turned up I'm halfway across the city with no hope of getting back to the office anytime soon and I've lost plot on the phone to my team lead who also didn't know he had and turned up he never came in that day and caused a ton of issues in our main building he came back in on Monday morning and played the grieving husband card and that his mental health wasn't good enough to be in the office I entirely sympathize with him and I told him that I'm sorry that he lost his partner I also told him that I know that he needed time to process what happened but all we wanted was a simple phone call so that we weren't stuck in the crap Tuesday came and he was nowhere to be seen he phoned in sick and that was that we didn't hear from him again until the Friday morning which was when he told us he was still sick and wouldn't be back until Monday morning this is where crap hits the fan I'm on holiday the following week which just leaves two technicians in the building one early one late he freakin quits and falls a former complaint about the whole department to the freaking managing director of the bank the list of accusations is freakin phenomenal tech one stolen equipment which left him suspended indefinitely team lead biased towards me which meant as a new tech he was piled with all the work account manager biased towards me for being two of the only three females on the account and the rest of the team basic crap like untidy uniform not willing to help etc me though me it was a whole other story untidy uniform not wearing the correct shoes constantly on my phone playing games in the office watching YouTube videos ignorant to my work and not willing to train is the new tech he even had the balls to call me an alcoholic and say that I was drinking on the job not only was he full of crap he was completely jeopardizing my entire career and for what some attention I wasn't having it I rallied the troops and we formed a unit front and literally everyone was on my side at this point bear in mind I was a 22 year old woman looking to find her feet and make a career for myself this went on for six months six whole months that we spent being questioned being investigated and collecting evidence together to try and prove what he said was complete BS I was summoned by HR for questioning and I was totally crapping bricks I answered all their questions and so did my colleagues they ended up finding out that he was essentially just totally full of crap and looking for some compensation and am i surprised we googled his name and there he was this guy was accused of stealing secrets from the police about the protection of royal families on their formal outings which he sold for over $20,000 to this day I don't know if anything that he said to me was true did his partner really die or was he just pulling a fast one I have no freaking clue but I swear to god I really hope to never meet him again because if I ever do I will punch him right in the throat hey everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video and if you have your own personal scary story be sure to submit that to my subreddit at reddit.com slash arm / southern cannibal or to my email at southern cannibal at gmail.com I'm always looking for new stories and before we bring this video to a close I just want to shout out all of my $5 or more patrons as well as my $3 or more patrons featured on screen shout out to babe Lincoln Beth a Kate E Katrina T Celeste s le s Emily W a Heather be Howard our jazzy G Jonathan see Joseph F Laurie J Matthew B Michael G Steph L Tammy s Terry H - ecchi for you and Victor our thank all of you so much for supporting me on patreon I really appreciate it more than you know and if any of you would like to join these awesome people and also become a patron head over to my patreon at patreon.com slash southern cannibal thank you everyone and have a good one and remember to always stay [Music] you
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 59,038
Rating: 4.9084249 out of 5
Keywords: true creepy stories, creepy stories, southern cannibal
Id: xrGk_yS15MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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