31 TRUE Creepy Stories From The Internet | Scary Stories

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many years ago I bought a cheap pocket watch at a junk shop in Chinatown it was of the variety that needed to be manually wound which at the time I considered an appealing trait upon purchasing the watch I wound it up and for the next day or so had a streak of monumentally good luck everything went my way a girl that I liked agreed to date with me the webcomic I was running got 15,000 unique views and the lottery ticket that I bought to purely on a whim resulted in me getting something like a hundred and fifty dollars clearly it was the watch I was tempted to keep using it of course but I didn't want to wear out whatever charm I had as such I stopped winding it and resolved to only take it out when I needed a little bit of random fortune well that was when everything went kind of downhill as soon as the watch stops My Luck reversed entirely I wound up in the emergency room on the day of my date the web comics artist quit my cars bag tire blew out on the highway and the damage cost well over a hundred and fifty dollars to repair everything that could go wrong did go wrong it was as though the dead of good luck that I'd encourage being repaid with incredibly steep interest once again I was sure the watch was to blame needless to say the implications were astounding if I was willing to steel myself against a potential calamity I could be assured of having exceptionally good luck whenever I wanted I might even be able to use the bad luck to my advantage unfortunately things didn't work out that way in the slightest regardless of what I prepared myself to endure the consequences of using the watch were always without fail of a nature that both completely undermined its own benevolence and left me off worse than before once while hoping to hear back about a job to which I applied I wound the watch within hours I received a call from an enthusiastic hiring manager who immediately set me up with an interview when the day of the interview came which was not long after I stopped wanting the watch the bus that I was riding completely broke down I had to take a very expensive taxi ride to my destination upon arrival I was told that the position had already been filled since then I've tried wanting the wretched thing a handful of other times and I've always regretted it the price and bad luck has never worked a brief increase in good fortune someone once recommended that I simply keep the watch wound indefinitely but what happens if I forget one day I shudder to think about what could incur if I went through a week a month or even longer with nothing but good luck only have the watch's hands grind to a halt perhaps my heart would stop with them I'm not a superstitious man I can think of several rational explanations for while my look appears to change when I used that watch but said that hasn't stopped me from wrapping it in a paper towel and hiding it in the deepest recesses of my closet to start off I've been with an east central Illinois area goodwill for just under a year as of now and I've been told of at least two ghosts in our building and I've interacted with about two items that people gave us out of fear that they were haunted I tried to buy the two haunted items but a rule on buying merchandise made me miss the chance to buy them the first of notes was a magenta armchair which was donated by a man who cleans out homes of elderly people whom have died or are being placed in a retirement home and the families have already pulled what they want or just want to get rid of the clutter the man who woke all Jim told me as I helped unload a small trailer of items a family had an uncle pass away in this magenta armchair fairly good condition fairly good condition but touching fairly good condition but touching it felt strange as he left he chuckled out a joke saying the family saw the uncle shadow around the chair so they gave it to him to donate I wanna offend I tell him I don't know if I see anything the next hour I'm moving the chair to the furniture storage area and keeps seeing a shadow in the corner of my vision not even an hour on the cells for the chair was bought after another elderly man sat down in it and just ripped the tag off and hobbled to pay for it the second haunted item was a medium porcelain doll because of course it was to add a side note the store I work at gets a dozens of dolls like it a week but only this one had something else with it as a much rarer and older doll it was in a protected glass box and I joked at the family so is the glass for our protection or the dolls to which the mother told me the doll it was her grandmother's and that it had a habit of moving the cloth that was covering it so that night before we closed I covered the doll to challenge the claim the very next morning we get a call from our security company saying a motion detector went off in the room with the doll and the cloth had been turned roughly 90 degrees all around we assumed it was mice but our store had mostly non-functional cameras so I can't verify anything the last item is just as creepy and may have even added a ghost to our store but I was off today the incident happened so this is just a recollection from Who I talked to one afternoon an urn was donated in a box of other bases and pottery accepted this one had ashes inside as the box with the urn in vases was being moved by my coworker we'll call Julie drop the box and she didn't have a good grip on it and this ash went everywhere including onto her quickly they Queen the ash the best that they could and try to contact the family that donated the ashes but I can't confirm or deny they were contacted just later that day the urn and maybe 90% of the ash was taken away I say 90% since during a deep storeroom cleaning more ash was found under a row of shelving that wasn't properly checked and as far as I know they threw out the ashes thinking it was just dust I'll have to ask about the other two ghosts when I go back next Tuesday but so I will say that I've heard some stories about both and I'm pretty confident that I've seen at least one of them on the sales floor listen I'm a skeptic I've been a warrior for the past 10 years and of about 2/3 of the way from being a licensed clinical psychologist in my home state I understand Occam's razor and how simple explanations are normally best I also know how impressionable people's minds can be especially when disturbed or stressed however my family and I are having an issue and I just have no rational way to deal with it so I'm looking for some advice I'll premise this all with the follow link we've lived in this rental for the past 14 months and haven't had one single negative issue other than having to confront a neighbor or two about loud music now I don't even really know if I currently believe in anything involving the supernatural or even anything religious oriented I have in the past but not necessarily now that being said though I have an open mind nothing has happened here until yesterday I'm a pretty big gamer in my spare time which is not very often with a three-year-old and a pregnant wife yesterday about Resident Evil 7 for the psvr and there's been just strange crap happening ever since I bought it yesterday around lunchtime and then came home from Gamestop I had to leave again to get into my car to get into the shop for some repairs I left the game at home while was out and the family stayed when I returns home my wife was on the living-room floor crying my daughter was fine but my wife asked why I hadn't responded to my phone apparently while I was out she and my daughter were watching some videos on the laptop in her bedroom when they both heard a gigantic bang in the living room we have a gliding chair we initially used for getting our daughter to sleep when she was a baby the chair had somehow fallen forward toward the direction of the entertainment center with my consoles and TV there's just no way this chair would have been able to fall forward like that for no reason no way at all I tried to reason with my wife about it and come up with some kind of explanation I thought that maybe my daughter may have positioned it in a funny position and maybe it just fell regardless I wrote it off but so last night I was playing Resident Evil 7 late and I heard my coffeepot making its usual noises now I had coffee way earlier in the day but had it for some 10 hours or so our coffee pot always turns off by itself unless you manually turn it back and then it will just stay on until turned off again I absolutely did not turn him back on again I was just sitting there playing with the VR goggles and then it was on again still I tried to just chalk it up to maybe one of us accidentally turning it on which is a stretch today we left for a family outing and I was the last one out of the house i 100% for sure turned off all of the lights as I'm a stickler about such things I know for a fact that they were all off when I left then when we got home this evening the living room light was on and all of these so-called occurrences are just really messing with us tonight I have an unborn child and my daughter I hate to move but I don't want my family in danger I threw out Resident Evil 7 at my wife's request a few hours ago but this is all messing with me very badly the game is in the garbage bin out on the street could it be the object is it the house is it all a great big coincidence or is something attracted to one of us I don't even know if I believe in these things but I do know enough has happened to make me write this anybody's input would be immensely and wholeheartedly appreciated thank you for letting me share my story this story is about a Ouija board screw those things never again will I ever mess with one my girlfriend at the time brought it in from somewhere but some not sure where we were young right out of high school we lived in a small crappy basement apartment it was late in the evening when we decided to give it a go we used it a bit no big deal standard yes or no answers after a while the answer started taking a very dark turn whatever girlfriend is just moving the piece funny joke then the answers went from dark to downright bad threats and profanity that sort of thing girlfriend is still moving the piece and acting all freaked out joke gone way too far I know it isn't me moving it so it has to be her the joke isn't funny anymore and we stop playing I pack it up in its box and I place the Box on the table my girlfriend sits across the room on a sofa and I go to the bathroom I hear a noise and something fell on the floor girlfriend starts screaming and crying and I return and the boxes on the floor face up no way could have fallen girlfriend says she was sitting on the sofa the whole time and starts freaking out and panicking my girlfriend puts the Box on the floor joke isn't funny and it's getting old I'm pretty annoyed because I still feel like she's joking and taking this way too far I pick up the box and put it back on the table we stay up a bit longer then head off to bed girlfriend is still acting freaked out I moved the damn box to a high shelf the box fits nicely and doesn't hang over the shelf is stable and level I put a small box of rode quarters on top of it and push it to the back to weigh it down just to be sure we finally go to bed and girlfriend and I are alone and in bed together lights now out she settles down and the joke is finally over suddenly the box falls on the damn floor we're both in bed I get up boxes now faced up perfectly placed like it was on the shelf the box of quarters was still on the shelf or right where I left it I decided to take the box out to my car and lock it in the truck under my spare tire the very next morning my girlfriend took back the Ouija board wherever she got it and I haven't seen another Ouija board since and I don't plan to ever again and neither should you when I was 16 years old I found a yellow sheer fabric without line of white fishes on it in my parents attic it was summer and my room tends to get hot so I ended up using it as a blanket of sorts my parents have no recollection of it or why was in our home by the way anyways I remember one night as always trying to look for it and seeming like it disappeared I didn't really think much of it I thought maybe my mom misplaced it when she washed it or something a couple of months passed by and I remember and wondered what the hell happened to it well as it turns out my dad burned it he said that one night he went to check on me and my sister and they told me that he will get my bed and it seems like no one was sleeping there he then got worried and got closer to see if I was there he said the more he got closer he noticed that it looked like I was wrapped in pitch-black darkness which really freaked him out because my bed was against two big windows and I purposely had really sheer curtains so the moonlight slash Sun would brighten up my room but somehow with even the moonlight shining I remained to look like just darkness my dad removed the point get off of me just to be sure I was passed out under the blanket he said that he later look at the blanket to see why the hell was sheer yellow blanket would do that he said that the white outlined fishes didn't look like fishes at all he described it looking like the skeletons of fishes with something inside the bellies trying to get out that's when he decided to burn it honestly to this day I still don't know what to think about it I guess I'm just wondering if anyone might have experiences like this I'm not sure if the blanket was cursed but my dad definitely thought so or he wouldn't have burned it I really don't know what to think though so I'm no stranger to the paranormal a lot of people were scared of ghosts and all that but it's never actually bothered me I'm convinced I've got a ghost or two hanging around me never malevolent though they've actually helped me find things a few times keys or headphones or whatever well I bought this handmade copper bowl at an antique store a while back I used it as a plant pot for a while and when I moved I ended up emptying it and it just laid around I used it to hold candles I was burning so wax wouldn't drip everywhere I got into a really rough spot mentally and I remember saying if anyone can hear me please help me and I tossed a coin in like a wishing well well I started feeling better I landed a great job relationship was going well and I was doing okay I ended up just putting spare change in it well I ended up taking out a few quarters for something and the second I did I felt wrong I left my house slipped on the sidewalk wind and weather suddenly turned cold something just felt wrong so I decided to go home and put them back in and I instantly fell better again I think I made some kind of offering Bowl on accident and I don't know what to do ever since I've been dropping things of material value in the bowl pennies or shiny buttons or handmade rings I've tested it out a few times put a ring in left it for a day or two took it out and wore it and something bad happened then put it back and everything was back to normal it's like I've made an offering bowl that gives good luck when I feed it but curses when you take an offering back I'm not really afraid or worried about it I just don't take anything out of it now and I'll occasionally leave a ring or some pennies in it I just figured this be the place to ask if anyone knows what's going on in 2012 my stepfather overdosed on heroin and dropped dead in the hallway of his condo apartment my mom had to move out shortly after since they were already behind on mortgage bills a few months later my lease went up and I was barely making ends meet and couldn't find a new roommate my mom offered me the key to the condo apartment to squat for a few months until I saved up enough money for my apartment I decided to take the offer in shortly after I moved into the condo after about a month or so I was asleep in the living room and I had this weird dream about my stepdad he was standing in the hallway facing the living room he was just looking at me and smiling and laughing even made a stupid joke and everything it wasn't that creepy at all just bittersweet then I suddenly woke when I felt some pressure stroking down my head and back there was nothing around me and it really tripped me out as a very skeptical person that doesn't believe in the paranormal it has to be just some kind of sensory hallucination buts it was still nice to see him in my dream once again now it makes me tear up typing this to my deceased stepdad rest in peace I'd also like to add a mildly interesting fact hey drop dead on July 13th 2012 which was a Friday the 13th I live in a house that was built in the 1800s it survived the two world wars end it seemed some pretty crazy things I imagine one of the previous owners had two sons who both took their own lives a lot of strange things happened the animals will wake up from their naps and follow something with their heads just as they would follow me if I walk around also before I switched rooms in the house my brother had a room and he refused to sleep in there as he said he would hear voices he slept with my parents he was a child he eventually got my old room and since then he has slept in that room without any problems there's also a hole for we don't even use and I sleep in the Attic I have a motion activated light there that goes on as I'm walking the stairs to that unused for it would also switch on in the middle of the night sometimes when nobody was walking under the motion detector there's also some cold spots as well [Music] when I was around 9 to 10 years old I remember waking up to see a large shadow stood at the foot of my bed I was living with my dad at the time he has a very large house that was built in the 1800s every so often there would be an unexplainable events happen such as footsteps when there was no one there or hearing voices on the knife has happened it was just my dad and I in the house and my sister was staying with my mom at the time I woke up and noticed the door to my room was wide open I normally sleep with it closed I then became aware of a large shadow like figure watching me from the end of the bed to describe the figure it was around 7-foot tall when the figure noticed me it seemed to melt into the floor and the door to my room slammed shut understandably I was slightly traumatized by this whole experience the next day I decided to ask my dad if he was in the room and he denied any knowledge of the event a lady who had two husbands died on her in the same house that's the very same house that my dad decided to buy the first one hung himself from the rafters in the garage and the second one fell ill and died in his bed in the basement I lived in the basement room and often just felt like I was being washed all the time the bedroom in the basement has a secret storage room behind a bookshelf with a walking latch I would always wake up to find the door wide open it happened so often that's I would wake up cold and I would routinely go shut unlock the latch of the door in the middle of the night for the longest time I thought it was my dad or stepbrothers messing with me but it wasn't my step-brother lives in that room now and he says it still happens to him and that he's even seen an open on its own before I'd also like to add that there's no air vents or anything so I've ruled out wind also in the garage I always see why coming from under the door through the crack only to open the door to pitch-black I've heard a lot of sounds coming from the garage only to find saw blades clinging together and slightly rotating their place on the whole storage wall I didn't really think anything of it at first but when you find things moving all on their own on more than one occasion it makes you look over your shoulder at the rafters and wonder me and my family moved from the u.s. to the UK and our parents bought an old beat-up house it still had lead pipes for the water a nightmare all on its own anyway work proceeded on the house whilst we lived there we started seeing bright lights in the corners of rooms at night footsteps on floorboards the house had carpet I was about six years old at the time and story getting woken up in the night by a little girl she would dance on my chest of drawers for me I was totally creeped out my mom just passed it off as me dreaming the workmen who worked on our house also complained they said that things would happen like their tools being moved and an odd feeling like being watched after about a year of this one of my oldest sister's friends stayed over for the night she woke the whole house up screaming sang a little girl had been in her room she had apparently pulled her from the bed and that's when she woke up that friend left the house and refused to ever come back my mom had finally decided debts maybe she needed to do something about it and get some advice it was suggested to my mom and the whole family that's we should treat the presences as part of the family so one day when we got home was shouted out very loudly hi we're home did you have a good day slowly over time the house settled and we didn't get any more trouble we also found town - that's a wittle girl did die in the house of asthma to this day my parents still live there and it's a beautiful homely place now [Music] my uncle's house out on a very eastern part of New York was said to be haunted due to the family that it used to own it in the 1800s decided to not give it to the stable man and sold it instead he in the made were said to have haunted the place we always used to joke that you would hear people or things moving around at night but since the house is so old we used to just laugh it off my uncle's friend had her and her sisters stay over at the house one night and the friend had noticed a maid bringing towels down the stairs when she woke she saw the maid again bringing what looked like a percolator down the stairs she was so impressed by my uncle hiring staff she eventually went back to bed and woke up later downstairs to see my uncle and his friend just chatting she had asked where the maid went and she thought that the maid was cooking breakfast for them my uncle had no idea what she was talking about and asked what she looked like the sister explained and Vinnie laughed he walked her into the living room and pointed to an old picture she then told him that that was the woman my uncle replied yeah she's been dead for about a hundred years so I used to live in a really big house by myself I was there as a hiring perk and took to look after the place for my boss who lived at a state but owned the home one of those win-win situations the first couple of months I lived there were fine but when winter came I started hearing things coming from the second floor it started with little bumps and bangs coming from above where I had my computer setup and progressed to distinct umming and going across the second floor I had been up to the second floor to check up on it from time to time and I knew that there were unfinished areas up there there was one place that always stuck out an unfinished room that was sort of a walk-in closet for one of the upstairs bedrooms it was attached to the garage attic when I went up there to investigate the noises it was open I shut the door and locked it two nights later there were more noises footsteps leading from unfinished room to the bathroom then nothing the worst part was the door the door that led to the unfinished room would not stay closed or locked I tried everything eventually I decided to just push the bed up against the door to keep it from opening that seemed to work a few months went by without the door opening but I would find it unlocked all the time as some time passed I would hear noises all over the house mostly just footsteps butted the occasional thump with no explanation I cannot begin to explain how creepy it is to hear little taps up and down the hall from the other side of a bathroom door during your morning shower I eventually moved out but another employee moved in to take my place his stay there only lasted about a month the story that he told me is that he was shaving one morning before work and he heard a slam like someone dropped a heavy stack of books right outside his bedroom door then he heard heavy footsteps like someone running down the hall he won't stay there anymore and now one in the company will live in that house when I was younger I used to take naps upstairs but by the time I was eight years old I absolutely refused to go upstairs the upstairs had two large claws and slash addicts they ran from one side of the upstairs all the way to the other side on both sides it was essentially a crawl space that's was maybe about 30 feet long it all started one day when a friend and I went crawling from one side to the other with flashlights why kids normally do then I saw a girl sitting there in the corner acting like she wanted to play with us I know a lot of people say that whenever they see a ghost they aren't scared just interested but nope I was beyond creak dealt this girl looked normal she had blond hair a nice dress and seemed friendly I stayed silent kept crawling behind my frent and got out of the closet I told him what I saw in there and he said he didn't see it but he felt like he didn't want to go back in my appearance would occasionally send me upstairs to get something and whenever I would go up there I would always say the door swing wide open it was as if they were trying to get me to come inside I would always lose toys and wouldn't be able to find them anywhere I remember my parents would be fishing out Christmas presents out of the attic and we would find some of my toys in there I remember being 8 years old my parents are still asleep in the morning and I'm leashed up my dog to go take on the monster in the Attic I'd like to add that's my dog he's usually fearless and up for anything but at this time she absolutely refused to go off to the top step into the Attic my parents never believed me with all the weird things that happen in that house I would always get blamed for things that happened all over the house leaving the lights on toys all over things that I absolutely knew that I didn't do well anyway we move out of there when I'm about 10 not a week passes before the new owners call us up and ask us if the house is haunted their daughter sleeps upstairs and she says this she's been playing with a blond-haired little girl at night my parents just laughed at how crazy these new homeowners must be to make an already long story short the girl started appearing in other parts of the house for the that would look over while watching TV and see the little girls sitting on their daughters lap they decided to look up on the computer the past owners of the house and they found an old dressmaker that used to live there and yep a picture of the little girl wearing one of the ladies dresses the family that moved in there were absolutely torn apart by the events they ended up getting a divorce and the dad stayed living there in the house well he ended up taking his own life in that very house I lived in a haunted house for about ten years I had five kids while living there every one of my kids saw the man in the hat' on the wall and did they all saw him between the ages of two to five right around the time all of my kids turned six they stopped seeing once I heard my son screaming for me in the middle of the night I went to him he was five years old and he begged me to make the drawer stop I said stop what I asked him what he was talking about and he said they keep opening and slamming shut he couldn't sleep because it was too noisy things got moved around all the time and lost all the time as well the spirit didn't like babysitters and would torment every single one the most violent episode was when I let my fifteen year old brother watch my kids we got home around 2:00 a.m. and we found my brother sitting on the steps in the hallway between the front door and the kids bedrooms ants he was shaking and crying he said that when he got the kids in bed the pounding had started it was everywhere all over the house at one point it was so bad that's he said he went outside to see if there were people outside hitting on the house there was no one there he had gone out the back door to check and when he walked back inside he saw the reflection of someone in the mirror walking up the steps to the kids rooms Haven went running thinking that someone snuck in when he was outside he checked everywhere in the house and there was no one in the house but when he got upstairs he said he saw a shadowy like figure streak around the corner of the steps he heard the front door open and shut Haven went running down the steps but said the door was closed and locked he then proceeded to spend the next three hours chasing the shadow and hearing the doors open and closed after that he never babysat for us ever again and neither would anyone else I remember having lights shatter above our heads and my children would laugh and talk to people in their rooms we had neighbors call us all hours of the night asking if we were okay because they saw gangs of people in our yard sneaking around our windows the cops got so used to getting the same 9-1-1 call that they stationed a cop to keep an eye on our house there's so many more scary stories and nightmares that I had while living there and it was super creepy we eventually moved out and the people that moved in after us only stayed for a month they said it was too scary for them the house has been vacant for about eight years now so my husband and I rented a really old house we had to fix it up a bit before my son came home from the hospital he was very premature he was an NICU for almost five months we took down the wallpaper and painted took down the popcorn ceiling the whole nine yards the basement was very unfinished and vandalized by teenagers they were the residents before us there was swastikas everywhere we didn't bother finishing it because we didn't really need the room I only went down there about once out of the year that we live there I always got a creepy feeling it was like someone was watching you and they were angry sometimes that creepy feeling would come upstairs I would give it about a week or so thinking it was in my head and then I would sit in the car with the baby while my husband burned sage to clear it out he said that the feeling while he did so was really heavy very angry and he would see figures coming at him through the smoke there were countless experiences there the two that stick out in my head are as followed one I was taking a shower and the baby was in a little bouncer seat in the doorway I open up the curtain and just as I do a can of air freshener that was sitting on the back of my tool it goes flying towards my baby if the door wasn't just slightly shut it would have nailed him I went full-on crazy and I started yelling at them I then yelled at them that's it they're going to mess with anyone mess with me not my baby he's just a baby as I'm doing so the detachable shower head I had went flying off at me hit the end of his rope and swings down shut me right up and the next thing my husband and I were in bed my son in his room right down the very small hallway fast asleep we had a baby monitor because he was on oxygen and therefore on a pulse ox monitor so I wanted to be able to hear his alarm go off so my husband and I were laying in bed together we usually will talk for a while and say our good nights and then fall asleep with sauer good nights on this particular night and not even five minutes later we both hear clear as day a little laughing in the baby monitor my husband jumped up out of bed ready to see what the heck that was but I already knew no one was there I was stunned I literally couldn't move until I finally fell asleep I do not miss that place not one bit I have lived in two haunted places the first was a house that we lived in for a short while when I was 12 we heard what sounded like rats running across the attic every night so my mom had the exterminator set out a ton of sticky traps whenever even caught one bug then I would wake up with random injuries a few times per month like I would get scratches and I'd like to add that's my nails are short the final straw was when I woke up with what looked like a cigarette burn on my face thankfully the score is faded but it was very upsetting we sold the house and got the heck out of there now for my next one when I was in my mid-20s I lived in a haunted apartment the spirits were nice though I lived alone in a four-plex where my direct neighbor was never home and the downstairs neighbors never made noise at night I would always hear people whispering in my hallway nearly every night at first I would always get up and look for the source of the voices the parking lot was still nobody outside in the courtyard and the neighbors were either gone or passed out this happened every night finally I would just say hey can you keep it down I'm trying to get some sleep and the voices immediately stopped every time they would also open up my blinds in the morning before they thought I would be awake there were a few times where I woke up early on my day off to go to the bathroom and I saw all the blinds in my living room wide open I was pretty perplexed but when I came out of the bathroom a few minutes later they were all closed again this happened pretty often here's my next one a random happening that was the scariest thing ever my husband had died and I had him cremated I was still very young and had no children so I moved on after only about 6 months my now new husband had just started staying over in my place when the weird stuff started to happen I began to see a shadow person in the mirror on my wall then one night my clock fell off the wall I also experienced this awful sleep paralysis and saw the shadow person again I have never been so scared in my entire life I finally made the decision to spread the ashes of my deceased husband and after I did that everything stopped my deceased husband was a very mean man he actually blamed me after his friend did some very awful things to me and he eventually took his own life by not taking the insulin for his type 1 diabetes because he was trying to spite me for kicking him out I should have just known that he would haunt me once I moved on I'm not exactly sure what to believe since a lot of the paranormal occurrences happen to my dad but I definitely saw one heard a lot of creepy things while living in a house in my teens we'd very frequently just have a sense of anxiety and foreboding in the house which on its own is in paranormal but certainly made it very uneasy staying there I remember reading somewhere that radon exposure can cause anxiety and the house did have a radon problem so maybe that could have been it but I would also hear footsteps around the helps when I was the only one there I just constantly felt like someone was watching me my dad got the worst of it he claimed that he could hear sounds coming from the basement at night I never heard it but I'm an extremely deep sleeper then the traditional slams bangs and crashes throughout the house my dad also claimed that he would hear knocking on the cellar door sometimes he would hear a woman screaming supposedly every family who had ever lived there had also experienced something creepy there are three distinct things that stand out the night before we moved out my dad claims he woke up because he felt a sudden hoard tapping on his head my brother's girlfriend was staying over and my dad and me were gone we came back to find that his girlfriend's daughter was terrified because she saw a shadow in the corner of the room I just chalked it up to the kids imagination running wild one time my dad was practicing with his band in the basements and was expecting me back from a Christmas party he claims that he heard very heavy footsteps from upstairs and he thought it was me so he went upstairs to greet me but nobody was home I then got home about a half later it actually got to the point to where my dad had the house blessed the priest was actually terrified to go into the house at first this was right around the time that I was becoming an atheist so I didn't really believe in any of that but I definitely experienced the uneasiness and occasional random noises but I never experienced any of the screaming or knocking that my dad claims to have heard at one point we actually had some people from taps visit us and do a sweep of the house they're actually associated with but not on the ghost hunter show we got some of the obvious orb pictures which both me and my brother thought were really dumb but at one point being a bit of an edge were thinking I had psychic powers I told them to take a picture in one specific spot the result was of an image of what appeared to be a ghostly bust of a person with a demented face which tried to just explain it's as a reflection from the washing machine but it looked way too much like an actual person I guess we'll never really know or have any answers but that was a very creepy time of my life a few weeks ago I had to travel from the outskirts of my city into the downtown for a job interview the process took all night long and the employers kept asking for more and more paperwork I had just moved and not all of my documents had arrived in or been renewed yet eventually I got to the point where I couldn't even proceed in the hiring process without more documentation and I had to leave the office blocks and go back home in the middle of the night understandably I was a bit annoyed and the situation wasn't helped when I got to the subway station and saw that one of the tracks was under maintenance the train was delayed and it would be coming in late irritated i sat down on the concrete bench and started idly looking through my phone as one often does when board the station that I was stuck in was not one of the nicer stations in the city it was located directly on the onsets of the inner city and because of its fairly inconvenient location it was almost always empty tonight was no exception and I was the only person in the entire underground about a minute into my waiting I heard footsteps coming from the other end of the station as they drew closer I heard muffled conversation and eventually saw an old First Nations man shuffling down the stairway from the above-ground station he was speaking on the phone I'm not sure if he was homeless but he looked too rough around the edges and had clearly seen his fair share of the streets not wanting to stare I returned my gaze to my phone but kept a conscious ear out for the man as unpleasant as being alone in the night is it is far worse to be alone with a single stranger as I listen to the man's conversation I began to realise something he wasn't speaking English rather his conversation was in Cree one of the local indigenous languages I study linguistics and I naturally found it fascinating to hear Aboriginal languages being spoken conversationally on account of it being an extremely rare thing to hear outside of reservations so not looking up for my phone I turned my hearing into this conversation ever so slightly more although my knowledge of Cree is minimal I nonetheless immediately noticed several bizarre characteristics of this man speech it's difficult to explain exactly but it sounded as if he was constantly changing his tone of voice and emotion one second it sounded as if he was speaking to an old friend and the next he would switch tones completely sounding grave and serious as if he was speaking to his boss or a figure of authority there was a subtle enough change that I didn't initially notice it until I started listening in but once I did notice it it was impossible to ignore it I've never heard anybody speak like he was let alone without once changing the volume of his voice I checked the station clock for minutes until the train arrived the man's conversations seem to be slowing down and his replies became shorter and rougher down to the point to where they just became one word utterances as if he were confirming a list he paused for a moment and then clear as day said something he had no right to say well he said my last name as a notes I have an extremely uncommon and difficult to pronounce surname I've since looked at several independent national census reports and they all seem to indicate that there's only about a dozen people in the entire country with my surname and at that they're all located on the opposite side of the country over 3,000 kilometers away I am the only person with my surname across this entire range I should emphasize as well how perfectly he pronounced it I can count the number of times that somebody has correctly pronounced my name the first time on one hand but this guy nailed it even down the aspirations I know that what he said wasn't a word in Korea as I've since spoken to one of my linguistics professors and he's told me that my surname is a phonological impossibility in Korea or any other Algonquin language I was absolutely bewildered when I heard the man say it there was absolutely nothing on my person that had my surname printed on it all of my documentation was in my breast pockets under two layers of clothing I didn't know how to react it felt as if my entire reality had started to spin in circles I fought against my urges to look at the man I almost felt as if if I will get him this whole situation would become real his conversation continued without missing a beat a few minutes later the train arrived I got on immediately and sat in a carriage across from a transit security officer as the train pulled out of the station I glanced through the adjacent window at the man still standing in the underground he looked up at me for the briefest moment before going back to his phone call on the ride back I had almost called my heartbeat before I realized something the train that I was riding was the only train that was going to that station that night the other track was under maintenance and nothing would have come on it at all that night if he wanted to catch a train there was literally no other option than to catch the train I was riding which he very deliberately didn't do then I realized something else I had seen the man enter into the underground through the staircase from the above-ground shelter not only was the above-ground shelter warmer or more spacious than the underground but it had another advantage as well cell service if he wanted to make a phone call why did he leave the warm quality reception of the above ground to make his call in the cold dark underground if he didn't have the intention of catching a train and why did his phone call contain a name that belonged to only one person in 3,000 kilometers I know this story isn't as creepy as most and it's not your typical let's not meet butts it really creeps me out and I guess I'll never know why he said my name this story happened about two weeks ago my name is Amanda and I'm 16 years old I was at a bus stop after spending the day at my friend's house waiting to go home I was sat down scrolling through Instagram on my phone as I waited I looked up now and then to check to see if I could see my bus coming and to see if anyone else was around the bus stopped the one time I looked up I noticed a man across the street looking in my direction he was staring at me but I didn't think much of it at that moment and carried on looking at my phone after about two minutes I looked up again to see the man still standing there still staring at me I was thinking this is weird but I try not to pay attention to him and hopes my bus would turn up soon after about 3 minutes of nervously looking through my phone trying to ignore the strange man I glanced up a third time to see that he wasn't there anymore and I let out a small sigh of relief five minutes go by and someone tapped my shoulder it startled me and I turned around to say that it was the creepy guy that had been watching me he spoke and and said hey do you got a white with a bent cigarette in his mouth also grinning with his yellow teeth I said in a nervous reply no I don't smoke his reply back was I bet you don't and let out a quiet chuckle I didn't know what to think of that but he was making me uncomfortable now and even more than he was before he stood by me at the bus stop and proceeded to light a cigarette with a match I thought so why did he ask me for a white if he had matches the whole time was it just some excuse to talk to me about a minute passed by until we spoke again whilst smoking he then said you know it's been a long time since I had some good tail he took another puff of his cigarettes and then said yep you'll do just fine hey threw his cigarette on the ground and turned towards me my heart was beating out of my chest and I was breathing heavily going into flight or fight mode when my bus lights pulled up around the corner down the street the man saw the lights and then ran off I waved the bus down in a panic I was so scared for what could have happened to me thank God my bus turned up when it did me and my wife Claire were on our way to Rotterdam for the weekend to visit her family as it was her father's birthday we live in Brussels so the drive there would take around just over two hours or so but we left at about 9:30 p.m. because I get home from work around 9:00 and my boss wouldn't let me finish earlier which means we would get to Claire's parents house later in the day than we would have liked but her parents usually stay up late and as it was her father's birthday weekend they probably would be awake celebrating and it wouldn't be a problem about an hour into the drive we decided to stop at a gas station to refuel the car and get some coffee it was dark cold and pouring with rain so we didn't want to take too long Claire went inside to get some coffee snacks and used the bathroom and pay for the gas as I was putting the gas into the car I noticed a strange looking man in the short distance he was staring very intensely at my wife as she walked into the gas station but what bothered me more was how odd and how out of place he looked he had no car or people with him from what I could see he had a long stringy hair bad trim scruffy beard and he was only wearing blue jeans a white tank top and trainers on I thought I was crazy as it was January and freezing cold with the pouring rain why was he here at a gas station at this time far from anywhere and barely clothed for the current weather at the time I was thinking this guy must have been out of his mind I tried to ignore him and look elsewhere as I wanted to avoid drawing attention to myself from the strange man as much as I could but now long after I decided to look back to check if he was still there because I was very much distracted and unsettled by him and couldn't look away for long but when I looked back he was gone I was very relieved as I didn't want him staring at my wife clear when she came back just as I was thinking that I heard a pissed behind me it was him the creepy guy that was staring at Claire was now staring at me and smiling he looks so much worse up close so tired like he hadn't slept in years he had horrible crooked yellow teeth and scars across his neck his jeans were ripped and muddled and his trainers had holes in them I just froze I was startled and was thrown off by a sudden appearance behind me and then after an awkward moment of intense silence hidden spoke he said in his gruff voice your wife then he leaned closer and he smiled awful like he had him bathed in months he then said I want to take a bite out of your wife not just a bite though a nice juicy bite and then egrants smile from ear to ear showing his vile teeth once more at this point I was ready to have a physical confrontation but after that he turned around and walked away laughing and talking to himself I quickly finished putting gas in the car and jogged into the gas station and made sure Claire was safe I then walked her back to the car as I entered the station she was just finishing paying for gas and the snacks she turned to me and said hey what's the matter you look like you've seen a ghost are you okay I told her about the creep outside but so I'll tell you about it when we're back on the road let's just go what got back to the corn started to pull out of the station and make our way back on the motorway just as we're leaving I looked in the rearview mirror to see that the creepy guy is standing in the road in the rain just watching us watching us and laughing I told Claire about the man and the encounter that I had with him she was just as freaked out as I was and was glad I came inside the station and made sure she got to the car okay about a week later I saw on the news that a woman had been assaulted near a gas station a man attempted to grab her and assume to kill her luckily she escaped from him but through the struggle the man had been in her very hard on the back of the neck and the woman reported as she escaped from his grip and ran away the man then screamed saying all I want is a juicy bite just one more bite just before bursting into a mantle after her I was stunned and I instantly knew the man who attacked that woman and the incident took place at the same gas station I told clear and informed the authorities shortly after from what I know to this day that insane man was never apprehended be careful with strange man around gas stations you never know what could happen the story happened two months ago and takes place in the Netherlands my name is Kim I'm a 24 year old waitress and I just finished my shift at the restaurant that I work at I live in a small apartment complex after a long stressful week I just wanted to have a relaxing Friday night I took a bath played some black ops 4 and then around 7:30 p.m. I decided to order a pizza so I rang Domino's and I heard the phone answer but there was a slight pause before I heard someone speak I could just make out some muffled breathing I said hello then right after I spoke a man then said Domino's Pizza can I take your order which I thought was strange because why didn't he say that when he picked up the phone but I brushed it off I ordered a large pepperoni and sausage pizza with stuffed crust some garlic bread and a big bottle of Pepsi which he replied for pickup or delivery I said delivery and gave him my address and he told me it would take around 30 to 40 minutes to arrive I then told him thank you and he replied with the pleasure is mine then he hung up erupted Lee I was just thinking to myself what a strange thing to say and kind of laughed it off thinking maybe was just joking or something but still it weirded me out about 35 minutes pass until I heard a slow knock on my door four knocks to be exact with about two seconds in between each knock I opened the door to see a large bald man holding my pizza hey then said hello young lady and handed me the pizza and said that will be twenty two euros and 40 cents which I thought was a very weird thing to say as that's something you usually say to a child I took the pizza and gave him the money as I handed him the cash he kind of grabbed the money where he could also touch my hand and slide his fingers on the palm of my hand which really creeped me out as I looked up he had a big smile on his face and his eyes were bulging I awkwardly smiled and said to keep the change and then shut the door i sat down turned on the TV and started to eat my pizza about two minutes go by since I got my pizza and then I heard a slow knock on my door same as before four knocks with two seconds in between each knock I thought to myself there can't be the pizza guy again could it what could he want I was already creeped out and I didn't want to deal with him again I checked through the peephole and to my surprise there was no one there I opened my door and said hello anybody there I looked left and ride down the dingy Lea corridor and didn't see anything this is weird I thought just as I was about to close the door I looked down to see a bottle with Pepsi and garlic bread it was from my order I forgot to take it in with me in the house because I wanted to end my encounter with that freaky bald man as quickly as I could I carried on eating and watching TV after I finished my pizza I got up to throw the cardboard away and take out the trash I went out my apartment and headed downstairs outside to the big rubbish bin I glanced across the carpark and I noticed the car was parked and there was someone in there just staring at me I couldn't make out who it was because it was too dark I entered my apartment again and carried on playing my playstation after a few hours or so I got tired of playing and decided to go to bed and read my book before getting some sleep about 15 minutes into reading I heard a knock on my door a slow knock now I was scared I knew who this was I didn't get up out of bed I just tried to ignore it and see if he would go away he didn't the knocking continued I plucked up the courage and got up to look through the peephole the man was staring right through glass smiling like he did earlier but this time with a menacing look on his face and bloodshot eyes when I saw this I jumped back and gasped out of fear and shocked he must have heard me because as soon as I made a noise his knocking turned into pounding and he started screaming he was turning my doorknob trying to break in I ran to my phone and called the police the banging stopped shortly after I thought he might have left because maybe here at me call the police I checked the peephole once again and he wasn't gone he was standing there not smiling this time just staring at the glass hole with a blank expression muttering to himself the police finally arrived and arrested him I don't know what happened to that man that night or why he was doing what he did I just pray to God that I'll never see him again and I'll think twice when ordering a pizza the story happened when I was five years old and takes place in the UK I'm a male and my name is George my nan had started to say that her house was haunted and tell my mom that she would hear things in the house my granddad had passed away a few months before this and as my mom didn't really believe in ghosts or things like that she thought my nan was lonely since her husband had passed away so she wouldn't take much notice to what my name was telling her every now and then my mom who was a single mother at the time would have to go to weigh for a few days at a time because of her job so I would just stay over at a friend's house or my cousin's butts my name was having some trouble and we guess she was feeling lonely but mama decided that I would stay with her for the few days that my mom would be away we get to the house and say goodbye to my mom later that day my name was cooking dinner and I was sat in the front room watching some cartoons and playing with action figures I then heard footsteps coming from the room above me which was my Nan's bedroom the floor was creaking I just thought that my nan had maybe gone upstairs for something I then got up to go get a coke from the fridge I walked in the kitchen and I was completely startled when I saw my nan cooking in the kitchen I thought she was upstairs she looked at me and said you okay sweetie dinner will be ready soon I was confused but just shrugged it off and said okay got my drink and carried on watching cartoons thanking maybe it was just the wind or the house making noise or something some time passed after eating dinner there was soon time for me to get ready for bed so I headed upstairs to brush my teeth and put my pee J'son as I walked past my Nan's bedroom after getting ready to head back downstairs I heard a sort of bang coming from inside I stopped and turned to face the slightly ajar door and I saw that the room was dark nan was definitely not in there she was downstairs so I wondered what could have made the noise I nervously opened the door very slowly and looked inside the dark room from what I can make out from the hallway light shining through it it was empty and nobody was in there I switched on the light and walked in to check the room I saw that a picture frame had fallen on the floor from her vanity and I walked over to pick it up and the more I entered the room I felt the cold type of cold that you don't feel often the type of cold where it feels like there's a presence with you I got to the picture frame and picked it up it was my granddad I looked at it for a moment thinking how much I miss him I then placed the picture back on the vanity and just as I did that something happened something that I'll never forget I turned towards her walk-in cupboard that was next to her vanity and the door started slowly opening I froze in complete fear and my eyes were wide open i watch that the door was slowly opening and a hand appeared around the door I started breathing heavily and then following the hand was a face appearing around the door a pale white face with blue eyes cold his eyes looking straight through me I screamed and started crying running out of the room and downstairs straight into my Nan's arms I couldn't get my words out says I was so scared and upset I eventually calmed down and explained to my nan what I saw she held me and just looked up at the ceiling she told me it's okay and that she's here now we slept downstairs in the front room that night as you can imagine I didn't get much sleep I just laid there cuddling with my nan on the sofa bed just staring up at the ceiling hearing the upstairs floor creak all night long it's like my nan knew what I saw because she was looking up with me the next day my mom came to pick me up her work trip had finished a day earlier so I got up to go home and I didn't have to stay at my Nan's house another night looking back now I wish I had stayed with my nan she must have been terrified being there all on her own but I was too young and afraid to think like that right before we left my nan had told me something she told me that everything will be okay and she loves me that was the last time I saw her and spoke to her she died three weeks later I never told anyone about what I experienced until today I'm 23 now and looking back I think my nan knew what was going to happen to her I truly believe that whatever that thing was in that house is responsible for her passing I just pray to God it wasn't to preface the story I want to give some context I didn't have a car for most of the time I was in high school not getting one until my senior year that left me either having to walk where I wanted to go get someone to drive me or just not go where I want to at all this left me homebound during a lot of my free time since a lot of the time my siblings didn't want to give me a ride to places I could go and chill though the neighborhood that I lived in in itself was considered affluence it was located in the south part of town and was and still is pretty seedy this included the closest gas station to my house which when walking to it it was about an hour away I did and still do have a [ __ ] Jabba tight so whenever I had some extra cash I would always walk there at night to grab some snacks admittedly walking there in the dead of night hsihu wasn't a good idea especially with the type of people who hung out around the area buts I felt like it was my only option I'm rather overweight and I have been all my life which led to my father being very controlling at my diets and he would always be passive aggressively judgmental of whatever I ate this led me into a mentality of hiding my eating habits including getting food late at night to eat and including walking to that gas station this was another one of those nights and I was about a quarter of the way there being the nervous and paranoid person I am I had been checking over my shoulder and keeping my eyes peeled on my general area because the last thing I wanted to happen was get jumped at the dead of night at this point in my walk I was nearing the homeless shelter that was on the route to the gas station on the side of the building facing the road there's a garbage retainer walled off with a wooden fence you can smell it right before you see it and on the hot southern summer night I could smell it hard I increase my speed out of instinct to get out of the building's vicinity because of that before my eyes caught him there was a guy leaning against the fence that walled off the garbage retainer it took a bit more of staring as I walked by to realize what he was doing he was jacking off fully blown in view of anyone walking past though it freaks me out I can't say I was surprised a lot of drug addicts and mentally ill people who couldn't afford proper help congregated this area and I had figured that this guy was just another one of those people either way I increased my already quick pace to get out of the area I wish that that was the end of this but unfortunately it wasn't the guy still going at it down there managed to get up and began following me I was on the verge of tears at this point scared that he was going to catch up to me and do God knows what to me I increased how fast I was going even more fully prepared to run at the drop of the Hat if the guy did though I knew in the back of my mind if he really wanted to he could probably catch up to me pretty easily due to how unathletic I was but he kept his distance continuing to follow me until I finally managed to reach the gas station the amount of joy and relief that I felt is seeing its I can't manage to properly describe I dashed in there and alerted the attendant to what was going on asking if I could linger in there for a bit she was more than happy to oblige n asked if I wanted to call the police but stupidly I said no I didn't want my dad finding out what I had been doing and honestly at that point I just wanted to get back to the safety of my house and not deal with the cops after waiting around for a bit I checked outside and didn't see the guy who had followed me I decided that it was as good of time as ever so I went back inside got what I came for and called a friend to have on the phone with me as I walked back home thankfully the guy who had followed me was nowhere to be found on my way back and I got back to my place in one piece this didn't ends my night crawls butts I didn't leave to go to the gas station for a while and definitely not without letting a friend know where I was going this experience isn't of mine buts of my mother she's been a truck driver for 26 years yes a very long time she is the only female driver at her company being a female driver she's experienced a lot of odd and very weird things on the road and truck stops that she's been on she has always told me that she feels unsafe at a truck stop and she would not get out of her cab meaning she would not even try to take a bathroom break at a truck stop while my mom was driving down the road in Mason City Iowa late at night with a load on a 4-way road there was a dark Ford truck driving beside her he sped up a little and she noticed there was a blue tarp over the back and the back hatch was down he had hit a bump somewhere in the road and to her surprise she saw what looked like an arm flop out from under the tarp and was dangling there the person must have noticed this and pulled over to an empty parking lot my mother stopped at the stop sign staring she hurried in down nine-one-one the man had noticed that she had seen this as he looked her in the eyes and flopped the arm back under the tarp and put the back hatch up the man wasn't too tall he had dark hair white skin and dark clothes my mother told the police the color of the truck and license plate number and location she think he noticed her because he started to follow her truck as she was telling me this story in the back of my mind I was thinking she could have just run him over if she needed to my mother said that she had a very bad gut feeling about him following her and she kept driving through the town she locked her doors in case she needed to stop somewhere the guy's truck suddenly disappeared by turning into a different Road she sighed in relief when my mother got home the next day which was on a Friday I was in my high school years and she was telling her girlfriend at the time the story but the news came up and reported that a news lady had vanished and never came to work my mother felt very cold and was thinking that she might have seen her body or at least part of it and her killer but unfortunately the police never called back about the driver they never found the lady's body either last night my friends my crush and I agreed to meet at my favorite bar after work I was a bit early since I got to leave work 30 minutes early so I went inside and ordered a beer for myself there was this huge muscular guy with a long ponytail sitting at the bar and the scene next to him was empty he offered me to sit down so I did we had some small talk and he seemed nice enough just ask me why I'm all alone and kept talking about how it looked so uneasy and nervous and that I should relax it was weird but he had an almost empty bottle of vodka in front of him so I really didn't think anything of it my friends finally arrived just as I finished my beer and went to sit at a table I had three more bottles of beer and we were having a great time whenever I went to the toilet that guy from the bar was there asking me if I was okay that was pretty strange but at the time I just felt a little tipsy and everything was alright at some point I started to feel sick so I went outside to have a cigarette and get some cold air the guy followed me outside and asked if I was alright yet again I was starting to get weirded out at that point the bar was super full but he really seemed to watch me all night long I went back inside ordered a glass of water and I told my friends that I wasn't feeling well and I would be going home every single one of them offered to bring me home which I'm so grateful for looking back I took a sip of water and then it all just hit me I ran outside and threw up I could barely stand up all of a sudden so I decided to sit down on a staircase and kept throwing up my friends found me a few minutes later and they kept arguing about whether they should take me to a taxi or carry me home then the guy from the bar showed up he kept saying that's he lives just down the street and that I could sleep on his couch my coworker who's basically like an older brother to me got really pissed and told the guy to screw off they forced me to stand up which was almost impossible at that point and somehow it dragged me to my friend's place where I went to sleep hugging a bucket and feeling like I was gonna die any second the next morning I wasn't able to stand for hours when I did it resulted in instant vomiting it was 1:00 p.m. when I finally managed to go to the train station and get something to eat and drink and head home I'm still shaking and sweating and everything looks blurry I'm almost 100% certain that guy roofied my drink watch your back when you go to bars and most importantly always watch your drink there can always be some creep they're ready to roofie it and take advantage of you about four years ago I worked in a pizza restaurant where the bar only served beer and wine the staff was all very close to one another and a lot of us lived together in carpooled well one Friday night I was working with two of my best friends and one of their boyfriends about an hour before we closed this younger guy walks in and sits at the bar my friend serves him one beer and a slice of pizza they talked pretty consistently throughout the rest of the night since he was the only one sitting at the bar nothing flirty just friendly conversation he was a really nice guy and acted completely sober when he came in after about two short beers he totally flipped a switch all of a sudden it was like he was hammered we were all so confused because well he only had two beers my friend gave him his check and asked her if she could call him a cab so he could get home safely he declines and says a friend would be there soon to pick him up he pays his bill and she grabs him a water to go about 30 minutes later he was still there and what we're getting ready to leave we asked him if his friend was going to be there soon because we needed to walk up he replied that he'd be there in a few minutes we asked him if he'd wait on the bench outside so we could go home he agreed and he went outside and sat by the front door we finished closing up the restaurant and bar and we all headed out for the night after walking up he started asking my friend who served him very odd and personal questions she said she didn't feel comfortable answering and we all started to walk to our cars I rode with my roommate and her boyfriend butts our other friend rode alone he followed us to our car and the boyfriend turned around and said what do you want and he asked if he could have some of my friends water which she gave to him and kept walking she was so freaked out then she ran to her car got in and locked the doors we were already in our car when she was about to drive away but he ran in front of her car and screamed that she needed to take him home with her she yelled back that if he didn't move she would hit him with her car he then flung himself onto her car and took something out of his pocket and repeatedly hit her window my friend's boyfriend started rushing over there and pulled him off of her car after he did that she managed to drive away the guy then rolled over onto the sidewalk and started to crawl away we drove off right after this and haven't seen him since [Music] last Friday after a particularly difficult week at work I wanted to meet up with my friends at a local wine bar slash our house that were regulars at my poetry was actually debuted there I'm good friends with the owner I texted my friends during the day and were great to go on I work close to the wine bar so I headed there straight after work arriving before my friends I decide to order a glass of wine I greet the owner who's behind the bar and there's an older man there who seemed to be excited to have a conversation but I decided to cut it short and take it out onto the patio to relax it's pretty quiet at the bar but by the time my friends arrive 45 minutes to 1 hour later it gets busy they order their drinks and I get a second one we find a spot outside of the patio to catch up a few of their friends join us and we're all chatting a group of guys who try to come up and hit on us they start saying things about how they like the way we look we shake them off politely and keep chatting my boyfriend sends me a text and says he would be by in a few minutes to drop something off he knows the owner my boyfriend pulls up drops the item off and I walk him to his car and give him a kiss goodbye back to my friends their chatting and having a good time and the group of guys comes up to see us again we shake them off yet again I finished my second drink and one of my friend asked if I want to go to the side of the building to smoke a bit I was down so we went to the side continuing our chatting my friend was wrong her joint and this is when I started to feel strange like I started to feel light-headed and have hot flashes I remember turning my head to look out towards the road and everything seemed to very far away and then everything went black I remember bits and pieces of trying to get to the car and my legs not working my friends trying to hold me up the next thing I remember is sitting on my couch crying with my friend she tells me that she called my boyfriend to come stay with me and did they think someone spiked my drink I noticed that my legs are scraped and bleeding and I don't remember falling my boyfriend stayed with me all night long I remember bits and pieces of it more crying confusion and being extremely uncomfortable yes I'm happy and grateful that my friends were there to notice me and get me to safety but it's greatly affected the way I feel I don't feel safe anywhere now I feel uneasy this may be because I've prided myself on being able to take care of myself and my ability to protect myself this is a place I felt shame I have some sleep issues and anxieties since this happened my boyfriend wants to bring me back once I'm ready so I can have some good memories there and experience it in a good way again I don't really know why I'm rotting this other than attempt to get a sense of relief I know I'm okay and that it could have ended up a lot worse but still it's just hard to let go and get past it this was back in the 1990's I was a single mom and I picked up a Saturday night bartending job at a place that was off the highway on a frontage road not immediately close to anything but in between some pretty large towns in the affluent suburbs north of Chicago this place was pretty hoppin after work hours but sadly not on Saturday nights and I'd often find myself alone or with only a handful of customers this particular night was dark rainy and a thunderstorm was raging outside in walks this rugged handsome man windswept fawn hair crystal blue eyes nice build and he sits at the bar it's just the two of us and I walk over to take his drink order he orders I make the drink in he had put 225 on the bar I hand him the drink and I realize he didn't give me enough money so I tell him I need another quarter the drink is 250 mind you we're alone in this good-sized bar it's a dark night and thunder and lightning or raging outside it's not very close to any other businesses that I could run to or where other people might be and he looks at me straight in the eye and calmly says I'm Satan tell me what you really want I can give you anything you want what is it that you really want at this point I'm shaking in my shoes I'm not really sure how I even mustered up a response and I look at him back and say I want another quarter for your drink and I want you to stop being scary he gave me the quarter down to his drink and left I had to close up alone and believe me I was on edge until the following morning I didn't work there much longer after that seeing Satan once was more than enough for me so let's start with some background I'm a male and I've been in college for a few years now a group of people from my program would always go to this dive bar on our College Street every Thursday night they did karaoke so it was a fun way for us to all blow off steam once a week unfortunately as the school year went on the bar got sketchier and sketchier until one day this group of guys started showing up they weren't the cleanest friendliest or even the soberest of people frequently hitting on some of my friends and making everyone extremely uncomfortable one time one of the guys walked up to my friend and flat-out asked in the middle of our conversation if we wanted any cocaine anyway now that some background is out of the way on this particular night we decided to stay until last call and I heard some of those weird guys saying how they wanted some college nookie that night concern for my friends who weren't dressed the most PG of the group I asked a couple of my boys to stick back with me to make sure they got in there uber safely they of course agreed because their bros and they were concerned as well so we chilled at a table near the door and waited until they came out of the bathroom half an hour after last call and now we see that they call their uber and get in it safe once they drive off my buddies and I start walking back to the residence so it's just the three of us me and my two friends walking back at 2:40 in the morning we get about five minutes away from the bar when I hear the scuffling of shoes behind us I turn around and see one of the shorter guys walking a little ways behind us very quickly it was pretty late and I was tired so I didn't make anything of it big mistake five more minutes pass and I hear someone say hey wait up from behind us it's one of those guys and he has a taller friend with him now immediately I get this horrible feeling in my gut we ignored them but would start walking faster but the shorter guys squeezes between my friend and me and stops dead in front of me I think to myself crap this is where I die rest in peace me nice knowing you guys the bigger guy looks at us almost sizing us up and then says you boys know there's a tax for walking out here so wait right we all then look at each other with a mix of annoyance and confusion the little guy chimes in with $30 each now give it now with us being poor college students we don't carry cash on us and we made that no dear for sure wallets then the big guy said we lied through our teeth saying we didn't have those on us either so big guy puts his hands on my bloody shoulders and says while pointing down to a very poorly lit Street well then I guess you don't mind if we Pat you guys down right over here do ya you're not carrying your wallets so there's nothing to worry about right of course I mind you freaking weirdo leave us alone my buddy had the same idea he shoved the guy's hands off his shoulders and then said nope I'm not gonna do that then the big guy out of nowhere grabs my buddy by the throat and punches him square in the jaw my other buddy then tackles the big guy off of him while the little guy jumps on his back I'm now standing there basically frozen and having never been in a fight before my buddy realizes this and then turns to me and shouts for me to run so I start to run away I look back and see that my friends are not too far behind the big guy yells get back here obviously we had no intention of returning to them so we just sprinted eventually losing them my buddy calls the cops and they made us back at the residence we give them our statements and I take the officers to the bar and where we got attacked they say they'll let us know if they find them and one of our other friends who just so happened to be up at the time came and invited us up to his room for some celebratory whiskey because the only reason we stayed behind and got mugged was we wanted to protect our lady friends from those guys it's been a couple of months and I haven't heard anything from the cops but needless to say we definitely had to find a new spot for our Thursday night outings further record I'm a 28 year old male and this happened just last year in a major southern US city my best friend wore and I took advantage of an extended weekend to visit several of our close friends whom all moved to said city for clarity their names are Jacob Jessica Bailey and Tim conveniently they all live in the same house which is important we had no shortage of fun and eventful moments Thursday and Friday but Saturday night is where it all kicks off we went to this arcade bar that had nearly every arcade game in history plus all the new fighting games converted to arcade style Jacob and I have a pretty mean geek streak so this was pure bliss for us getting to dominate in Tekken and justice TMNT more Tekken etc Warren was also having a blast with us but Bailey and Jessica were struggling to find enjoyment bless their hearts eventually they decided to grab an uber to their favorite country slash line dancing bar I'd been before in country is just not my thing so I stuck to the bar arcade eventually Warren decided to take an uber to the country bar as well as she never been and was curious plan to fully regroup at the country bar when the bar arcade closed we set up a group text and told Jessica and Bailey that Warren was coming to meet her at the front since it is a massive place and off she went I don't really remember how much time had passed but I received a text from Waring telling me she couldn't find Bailey anywhere and that Jessica had already gone home Jacob and I decided to drive over there pick up Warren and head home Witt figured Bailey was with the guy that she was interested in at the time hence her radio silence after the 20-ish menon drive to the bar I called Warren and told her we were out front only for her to respond with it's okay I'm gonna stay a while longer are you sure you want to stay I yes she said plainly with no other option I asked that she let us know when she heads back and to be safe Jacob and I drove back to the house before I go any further I need to describe the layout of this house it's a traditional two-bedroom house with the office room having been converted for an extra bedroom this house also had no curtains or blinds on any windows there's two massive windows in the living room looking out to the main road and door windows in the former office room in the backyard there's a garage that has its own mini house attached to it this is where Jacob lives and I slept there for the weekend once we got home we had one or two more drinks and at around 2:30 a.m. I got a text from Lauren saying she was on her way back with that I went to the futon and passed out I was jolted awake to the sound of the door being burst open and somebody shouting at us it was Bailey she was shouting at us frantically demanding to know where Warren was my watch read 4:30 and I felt really uneasy in my stomach it took Jacob and me about 15 minutes to get home so where the heck was she she hadn't answered or returned any of Bailey's calls Jacob was so drunk that he couldn't stay awake so it was on Bailey and me to try and find her I called Warren and she luckily picked up having known her for 10 years I could tell she was both highly intoxicated and scared trying not to show it as best she could this in turn scared me even more asking obviously where the heck she was and if she was okay she aggravated we responded that she's okay and in an uber headed to the house eta 15 minutes I couldn't get any more information from her she said she needed to hang up so she could use her GPS to get home and hung up why would she need to use GPS if she has an uber 15 minutes on the dots and no sign of Warren arriving I was ready to turn this whole town upside down but I call it one more time she picks up sounding just as agitated but at this time I hear more than one voice on the other line before they all hush as I start asking her all the details of the uber car the driver and the passengers she tells me that it's a red Toyota sedan and she's three minutes out hanging up the phone once again abruptly not taking any chances I quickly put on a shirt and pants grab my two knives ready for a potential mess with whomever these guys might be and waited on the front porch Bayley was ready to call 9-1-1 in the event things went south roughly 40 minutes later a vehicle slowed towards our driveway a white pickup truck the passenger door opens and out walks Warren exiting with haste and not bothering to close the door or look back she didn't say a word to the driver I could quickly see three other dudes in the truck but couldn't get any specifics before one of them closed the door as we both rushed him or inside to help her get in she was dead silent and slightly stumbling hastily to the house after what she told us I have plenty of reason to believe that these guys were traffickers she was all alone and lost in the bar when a guy came up and asked her to dance when she agreed another guy came and then grabbed her phone and wallet with the excuse that it'll make dancing easier how easy it'd be to check her ID and see that she's not from the state and appeared to be on her own plus they could use that as a means to keep her from leaving they took her to a separate room where a bunch of guys had her drink a crapload of booze she'd be way too intoxicated to drive and she wouldn't look drugged making it easy to slip her past security under the guise of she's too drunk to drive we'll take her home they said they knew the address to which she wanted to go but knew a shortcut warns too smart to fall for that which is why she pulled up her GPS once I called they must have realized that people were already looking for her after she told us all of this in the living room we noticed that the truck had not moved only turned its headlights off once I turned the lights off they finally left no couch for tonight she was definitely sharing a bed with someone that night we made sure that every single door and window was locked and to call us and to call us or 9-1-1 if anything went bump in the night I went back to the garage house only to find the front door not properly locked damn it the only brilliant idea I had was to place a bunch of empty cans from the weekend against the door so we could hear if the door were even slightly opened by this point it was about 5:00 in the morning still no Sun knife went under my pillow and I went back to sleep I was pretty confident that the ordeal had passed but Sal is pretty creeped out that the thought that these are likely dangerous people and they know where my friends live now not even an hour later I woke again to a sound by the door sure enough it was the sound of beer cans sliding along the towel for followed by the door quickly but quietly being shut knife in my hand and ready to piss a river I was confronted with two immediate choices check the window if anyone was outside fleeing or check the interior for any intruders I chose the latter stupidly forgetting to call my friends or 9-1-1 I was tired and scared Jakub still hadn't budged from his bed and I couldn't find the strength to open my mouth I just kept checking every room in corner underneath Jacobs bed and the garage if the situation weren't already terrifying vagon night would be a phenomenal prompt for any scary movie after concluding the Jacob and I were the only ones in the house I checked the beer cans on the floor it wasn't my imagination or a dream the beer cans had been pushed by the door someone had just tried to get in I looked out the window for the first time and found nothing out of the ordinary but I gave whomever came snooping plenty of time to run or hide as I checked inside thanking only for the safety of my friends inside the main house I made yet another stupid decision to step outside and check the perimeter it was still incredibly dark out the only light available was by a dim backyard lighted that they perpetually kept on along with my flashlight there were no cars at this time of night no dogs barking and I can't remember hearing any birds or insects the silence was unholy I was waiting to hear footsteps are breathing or to see someone at every turn of my flashlight nobody was in the backyard so I checked the windows and doors for any signs of disturbance I could see directly into the office bedroom which made me feel sick at the thought of someone with ill intentions peering in to see who was sleeping in that room fortunately my search was anticlimactic as I didn't find any sign of anyone sticking around regardless I rushed into the garage house relieved myself rearrange the beer cans in case someone were here to try again and I stayed awake and it worked until the adrenaline sent me to sleep my watch read eleven thirty ish when I woke up and as far as I know nothing further happened I updated a rather hungover checkup about what went down less than twelve hours ago to which he simply responded dang I find it rather funny given how high-strung I was handling the situation I really didn't want to but I asked everyone if they try to get into the garage house after Horan was back home and of course nobody said they did I only told Jacob about my personal war deal in hopes that he would get the lock fixed I didn't want to freak anyone else out more than they already were two months later when Lauren and I came back to see them I told them everything I was most pleased to see that Jacobs lock had been fixed and there are now blinds on nearly every window lessons learned hey everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video and if you have your own personal scary story be sure to submit that to my subreddit at reddit.com slash are slash southern cannibal or to my email at southern cannibal at gmail.com i'm always looking for new stories and before we bring this video to a close I just want to shout out all of my five don't worry more patrons as well as my three dollar or more patrons featured on screen shout out to babe Lincoln Beth a Kate II Celeste s le s Emily w hether B Howard our Jacqueline w jz g jonathan see Laurie J Matthew B Michael G random Randi Steph L Tammy yes and Terry H thank all of you so much for supporting me on patreon I really appreciate it more than you know and if any of you would like to join these awesome people and also become a patron head over to my patreon at patreon.com slash southern cannibal thank you everyone and have a good one and remember to always stay [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 44,724
Rating: 4.8257527 out of 5
Keywords: southern cannibal, true scary stories, true creepy stories, creepy stories, scary stories
Id: lkmBNCffWW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 43sec (5563 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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