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hey welcome back to my channel thank you guys so much for stopping by of course if you do enjoy my content and make sure you hit the subscribe button and check out some of my other videos also make sure you follow me on Instagram I'm super active on Instagram this video is highly requested I've had several of you reach out to me asking how you can get your foot in the door or how you can get started in HR so I wanted to share some tips from my perspective they'll hopefully be helpful to what most of you the first thing that I would recommend is you figure out what you like so we have HR it's under this huge umbrella but there are so many different components to Human Resources right so you have the benefits component you might be interested in that you have a compensation you may be interested in that you have recruiting you have talent development you may be interested in all of these different types of fields or arenas so figure out which one interests you the most me specifically I'm a business partner so although I work with all the different components I don't necessarily do either of them a hundred percent my job is to connect the business to human resources and be a liaison between the two so my job is a little bit different it is a little bit more senior but if you guys didn't watch my other videos you know that recruiting was my route that's what I liked the most out of all of the different areas within human resources and that's how I got to where I am now so figure out what you like Dibble and dabble in a couple of different things there may be some opportunities out there will essentially mesh the two together so I know a lot of jobs will do benefits compensation in payroll all in one you have some other jobs that may do recruiting and talent management all in one so this figure out what you like and go from there the second thing that I would recommend is once you've got an idea as far as what you like find some internships or find some opportunities that will allow you to actually work within that realm of HR right so you may say oh you know I'm interested in creating a career path for anybody that's hired as a cashier what their path will look like if there were to continue to stay at the company for 15 years but when it's actually time to create that career path or put in the work to actually get there is that still something that you like internships and entry-level jobs are the best way to get the most exposure to figure out what you like what you're good at and what you're actually interested in doing so once you've kind of narrow it down hey I think I'm interested in these two or three components find an internship or an entry-level position that will allow you to actually work within those two or three areas and figure out if it's something that you really would like to continue or if it's not what you thought it would be so there are so many times that we think we want to do something and then once we actually start doing it it's not what we thought it would be so to save yourself a lot of time and a lot of headache try to figure that out on the front end instead of five years down the road the third thing that I would recommend is finding a mentor I don't have an active well I kind of have a mentor now at my job but before I got here I did have a mentor from my old job and he really just helped me out as far as motivating me and encouraging me to just get out there and apply for stuff as well as given me the inside scoop and kind of putting me on game so find someone that you can trust that will say hey this is what I did this these are some things that you could do maybe you should try here or maybe you should try there someone who actually wants you to win unfortunately it's not a lot of people who are older who reach back and bring others up I do it all the time I don't have any mentees because I don't know anyone that well enough to be their mentor but I do provide advice suggestions I help people with their resume all the time and I'm happy to do that so yeah if you can hopefully someone that's local find a mentor someone that will take you under their wing show you the industry tell you some tips things that aren't written anywhere that they gather over there 15 20 30 years of experience it'll definitely pay off and it'll help you out so much I'm gonna finding a mentor the fourth thing that I would recommend is getting involved of course you guys know I live in Atlanta there's so many different HR groups or committees or just little organizations that have happy hours and social hours and job fairs and forums and classes and all these things that teach you so much about human resources specifically there are a lot of them who specialize in assisting minorities specifically black people with get it in the industry so hop on Google look for some HR forums or groups or different chapters or organizations that may allow you to sit in on some of their meetings you may be able to network or you may be able to join everyone's qualifications are different I know a lot of these committees required that you have X amount of years of experience or you hold this type of degree or this type of certification for you to apply and be accepted so figure out what the requirements are and get out there and get your name out there just say hey even if you're not like me I'm not huge on going out and meeting new people but I try to put myself in the right position so that I can meet the right people and learn what I need to know so I don't need to meet five people to tell me how to get to point B I much rather just meet one person which is the main person that I need to know that'll tell me how they got to point B get involved meet new people and go from there the fifth thing that I have on my list is to grow your LinkedIn profile so we have so many people who don't take advantage of this free resource essentially that can help you get your foot in the door in a lot of different arenas and it can help you find jobs it helps your networking abilities it's so much information and different knowledge that you can learn spoof up your LinkedIn profile your LinkedIn profile should be as important to you as Instagram or Facebook or Twitter or snapchat or whatever your main social media outlet is you want to reach that high status where you at least 500 different people that you're connected with you want to make sure all the information on there is accurate I mean that it's true you also want to be kind of active so whether you're just scrolling through reading different articles or like in different articles or sharing articles every now and then take advantage of that connected with people that you do from college or connecting with old co-workers from a previous job given people referrals or recommendations or allowing someone to give you a recommendation or confirm your strengths and your abilities all of that stuff is so helpful so what most people who are not in HR don't know is that LinkedIn is essentially a recruiting tool that's used by a lot of huge businesses to find potential candidates so every now and then you may get on your LinkedIn and it may say a recruiter looked at your profile or it may say an unknown person looked at your profile because that person is paying for a membership so that their name is not broadcasted there's also a feature on LinkedIn which allows you to show others if you are actively looking for employment without necessarily allowing your network to know and so it's like on a private basis that's something that you should also keep in mind a lot of companies are now moving towards posting their positions on LinkedIn allowing you to apply via LinkedIn regular positions will ask you to link your LinkedIn profile or your LinkedIn username or the link so yeah it's free take advantage of it just how you scroll on Instagram for an hour at least try to check your LinkedIn every other day until you get to that point where you're comfortable and it's at least help you out in some type of way so yeah utilize LinkedIn the last and final point that I'd like to share with you is if you're serious about the industry you follow all these steps if you're kind of entry-level or even if you have a couple years of experience make sure you get your certification so PHR SPHR the qualifications are totally different for both of them but research which you think you might qualify for or the one that you're most interested in get the materials to take the test join a study group to study whatever you need to do to acquire that certification so essentially you'll be one up from the next person it's it's something that you think you're going to make a career out of and you want to stay in it for 15 20 30 years then yeah go ahead and get your certification it makes you a lot more marketable so thank you guys so much for tuning in to this video essentially this is the first a chart corner that I decided to film I hope you gained some type of insight or helpful information from this video of course if you have any questions for me leave them down below thank you guys so much for stopping by and until next time
Channel: Chantenique
Views: 20,895
Rating: 4.9681091 out of 5
Keywords: 6 Tips to Get Started in Human Resources, how to get in human resources, how to get into human resources, working in human resources, a day in the life of human resources, what is human resources, what is hr, should i major in human resources, HR, Human Resources, Chantenique
Id: DZ70Wrd2qBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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