4 Instant Pot Recipes for Silicone Egg Bites Mold | Step-by-Step Instant Pot Recipe

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[Music] to get started with this chair Oh bites you're just going to need 1/3 cup of brown sugar and we're gonna just put it into like a medium sized mixing bowl 1/3 cup of melted butter and a teaspoon of cinnamon and then half a cup of milk and you'll just whisk that together and then we're gonna add in a cup of flour and I'm just using all-purpose flour you can use whole wheat flour if you'd like and a little bit of baking powder a teaspoon and then fourth the teaspoon of salt stir that kind of fold in the flour you don't want to vigorously beat it or anything just enough to get where no white streaks are remaining now this just makes enough for one egg bite molds so if you have too big bite molds you can double this recipe and you can make you can stack them on top of each other and make them in the exact same time for double the deliciousness next step is using one of these I bought mine on Amazon and I will link to the one that I bought in the notes below it's about 10 bucks and they're used for egg bites and I've also made a little tiny Meat Loaf's in them and then today I'm doing the churros I'm just gonna spray this just so that they come out a little easier and then I'm using a little scooper ideally this would be a little bit bigger but that's okay use what you have they're going to be close to the top about 3/4 of the way filled then when you get to the bottom of your batter here you can just kind of fill in wherever needs just a little bit more just trying to make them easy even as possible and they don't raise up too much so they can be almost all the way full to the top and if there's any batter left you can lick it yourself or you can give it to the kids or your husband if he's home from work and if you want you can kind of smooth em with a your finger or just with a little knife or or just don't smooth them they're fine we're gonna be flipping them over anyway so nobody's gonna be seeing this bottom side the next step is to add a cup of water into your instant pot liner and then if you have a sling or a trivet of some sort that's what your you're gonna need and I love this one it's the oxo brand and I will link to the one I got on Amazon in the notes below but I love it because it's like a sling and a trivet all in one you can just lower everything into the pot easy peasy so you just drop that in but before I do drop that in let me put a little bit of foil on the top and I just like to cover this because it just keeps it a little bit more dry and the condensation doesn't drip on to it quite so much so now my instant putt egg bite moulds thing did not come with oven safe you know pressure cooker safe lid it just came with like a plastic lid and you would not want to cover it with that because it would melt in your pressure cooker so I like to be safe use the foil for this and then drop it into the pot and like I said if you have another one you could just stack it right on top and it should work fine all right and then cover your pot and make sure the valve set to ceiling and then I'm gonna use the manual button which yours might say pressure cook so it could be manual or pressure cook and set it to 12 minutes and high-pressure once the pressure cooking cycles up the numbers will start counting up and once you get to lease between 10 minutes and 15 you kind of let it sit longer it's unusual and you will open the pot and remove the pressure cooker bytes now you can just take off this foil it's not that hot but use a hot pads if you need to and invert a plate and then I'm gonna pop them over like that you don't want to let them sit too long in the silicone wells or they'll steam and they'll kind of get you almost too moist so don't wait too long just pop them out almost right after you take them out so you're just gonna kind of gently put your thumbs on each one and just push them out and with that nonstick spray they should come out pretty easy there we go looks pretty good right now this is the fun part and I've done it two ways I've done it where you roll them in a little more butter and then the sugar and cinnamon or you just roll them straight in sugar and cinnamon and both are good I just I'm gonna go the easy route today and do without the butter so you'll just get 1/4 a cup of sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon and you'll just roll them and then kind of just you know lift up some of the sugar and cinnamon and just sprinkle it on there and that way they kind of do look like churros don't they and you'll repeat this process with all of them you once you get done you have seven delicious taro bites and now of course they're not gonna be crispy like normal churros there's a more like muffin texture but they are delicious should we open one up and see what it looks like the first thing that you need to do is add a pound of ground beef or ground turkey to a medium-sized bowl I'm using ground turkey today and make sure that it's plenty lean because if you if you use a higher fat like ground beef for example it's just gonna be swimming in grease kind of unappetizing without that grease floating on the top so we're gonna add in the pound of ground turkey and then instead of bread crumbs I'm gonna be using 15 saltine crackers that i've just crunched up with my fingers here and we're gonna add that in if you don't have saltine crackers you can use panko bread crumbs or something like that and maybe even Ritz crackers that would probably work just as fine and then one egg and then we'll do our spices today I'm going to add in teaspoon of garlic powder a teaspoon of onion powder we'll do a tablespoon of dried parsley we'll do 3/4 teaspoon of kosher salt and a quarter teaspoon of black pepper that should do it for the seasonings and then we're gonna add in a tablespoon and a half of orsha stir sauce and a teaspoon and a half of Dijon mustard I'm gonna just eyeball that one and then three tablespoons of milk you can see I'm wearing my gloves you don't have to wear gloves you can just have clean hands but I just like like it when I'm mixing meat stuff get that all combined very well all those seasonings incorporated into the meat this is a really good meatloaf recipe if you don't want to make it into these meat meatball bites you can make it into a meatloaf and bake it in your oven you could probably bake it in your instant pot too if you have some sort of pan to put it in or even maybe some foil next up I'm just gonna spray this with a little bit of baking spray and then you're gonna need third a cup about a third a cup you might be a little bit less a little bit more into each mold here that they're not going to expand like a baked good you know you would never feel your your muffin tin straight to the top but with me it's fine because it's it's not like a good so these are gonna be you know coming out of the top here but that's okay what we're gonna do next is pork and one and a half cups into the bottom of your instance water and then if you'd like what you can do is kind of fun is you can make baked potatoes at the same time so I'm using my sling that I have and I love this thing I use it all the time for so many different types of recipes and I bought it on Amazon and I will link to it below but if you want to have baked potatoes at the same time you'll just put the baked potatoes right on this sling and kind of just put as many in as you can or as you want then we're gonna cover this with just a little bit of foil and then we're gonna take this whole thing and lower it into the pot cover the pot close it up make sure the valve set to ceiling and not cementing and then I'm going to set the manual button to 35 minutes if you don't have a manual button you can use the pressure cook button and it should be on high pressure once the time is up you can do a quick release by moving the valve from ceiling to the venting remove any remaining pressure and once the pin drops you can open the lid and you can pull out two meatloaf so this is cool because you have your baked potatoes there on the bottom bites on top and then you can remove the foil just be careful it's gonna be a little hot they don't look too too delicious right now but what we're gonna do is we're gonna add a glace to the top and it's gonna make malikul out better your start with some ketchup and then two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar you just stir that together and make a little glaze and then I just spoon it right over the top and uh you don't have to do this part but it just makes them it just kind of I don't know finishes him off and I like to put them in the oven just for like a couple minutes on the broil setting we'll do it for about three minutes once they're done broiling in the oven you can just use a spoon to kind of pop them out and serve them up and then you can eat your baked potatoes with sour cream butter or salt and pepper and have a delicious meal all in one pot baek's and we're gonna whisk that up real good don't you just love this little whisk but I have I bought it on Amazon I will link to it if you're interested and then 1/4 a cup of milk now you can use milk a lot of recipes use cottage cheese but it's really up to me if you use the cottage cheese you're going to want to put this mixture into a blender and just blend it until it's creamy and that's where you get that creamy fluffy texture from now this is the base of the recipe and this is where it gets add in whatever kind of mix-ins you like so I'm adding in some cheddar cheese some bacon and some green onions now you could switch it out for pepper jack cheese and cubes of ham and cilantro whatever you want and that's why it's just really fun because you can make it personal to whatever you like and if you have two of them you can do two at a time and double the recipe I'm just using one today and I'm spraying each little mold here with a little bit of nonstick cooking spray and you don't need a ton just enough so that they can pop out and they don't stay and what I like to do is put the egg mixture in first so I'm getting i'm dipping like 1/4 cup a measuring spoon into here and it's not full it's probably about 3 tablespoons out of 4 full and then I'm gonna just fill each of these you know 3/4 cup full around there and I like to put the eggs in first instead of the cheese one time I tried to put the cheese in first and it's stuck to the bottom and they were really hard to get out so I like to add the eggs in first and then added whatever mix-ins you want now some of these are a little higher than others so I'm just gonna even it out so that they're all filled the same amount and now you can just sprinkle in the mix-ins that you like I measured out about 1/3 cup of cheese and then 1/2 cup of other types of mix-ins which is whatever you want whether that's crumbles of bacon or sausage or ham or vegetables you know you could do peppers or mush rooms whatever you like really that's why it's kinda funny it's kind of like an omelet you know hands-off way of making omelets and you just think of whatever you like in an omelet and use that for this recipe veidt's ready to go in the mold add a cup of water into the pot if you have an 8 quart pot add one and a half cups of water and then I put my mold on top of this sling which I love this thing I use it all the time it's very handy cover the pot make sure valve is set to ceiling and then push the pressure-cook button or manual button whatever your model has and then set it to 8 minutes on high pressure once the time is up you'll just let the pot sit for 5 to 10 minutes and then remove any remaining pressure and pull the sling out and there's a little egg bite something look good and then what I like to do is just take a plate and put it over the top and then invert it invert the mold and then I mean it is a little hot so be careful but I kind of just use my thumbs to kind of just pop each one out they look pretty good I think so these are perfect for breakfast or breakfast for dinner you can store these in the fridge for in an airtight container for three days or you can pop them into the freezer then when you're ready for a quick breakfast throw them into the microwave for 30 seconds and you have a fast and easy breakfast recipe we're gonna make an Oreo crust for the cheesecake bites so what I did is I took ten Oreos and two tablespoons of softened or melted butter works too and I just pulsed it really just like maybe ten times in my blender you could also do that in a food processor if you don't have one of those things and you couldn't just do it in put the Oreos in a ziplock bag and just use a rolling pin to kind of smash those into crumbs so that's going to be about one cup of crumbs and what I did with this one already as you can see is I put a tablespoon of the crumbs smashed it down in the bottom of that one and I'll just show you how what that kind of looks like before I do that I'm going to just spray this real quick with nonstick cooking spray so that they pop out a little bit easier so what I do is I just take a one tablespoon measuring spoon and I'm just measuring in that and then using the back of the spoon to push it down and that way it will come kind of it will come it will compact and be able to kind of stay together better with the double stuffed Oreos I kind of feel like they work a little bit better just because they have more whites filling and that kind of serves as the glue to kind of keep this crust together now normal Oreos would work fine too and even those thin Oreos would probably work you may need a want if you just use the thin Oreos you may want to add in an extra tablespoon of butter because it won't have all that filling that's kind of keeping this together I'm gonna set those aside and then we're gonna make our cheesecake filling now I'm using the stand mixer but you can use a hand mixer as well both work just fine and you're gonna need eight ounces one brick of cream cheese this is the good stuff and I don't like to use a little fat I just use the full fat because that's how I go but you could probably use the the reduced fat cream cheese if you prefer I would not use the fat-free I don't think that would taste very good it's really important that the cream cheese is at room temp makes it turn out much better so we're gonna just add that in first by itself and we're gonna just mix it until it's nice and creamy okay it looks pretty good at this point we're going to add in a quarter cup of white sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla now this part you can let beat as long as you want it does not matter the next step we're going to add in an egg and once you add in that egg you only want to mix just until combined so if you want to get any lumps out of your cream cheese and now is the time because the next step you don't want to beat it very long at all now we're going to add in our egg just need one and we're just going to barely mix this in it's pretty good now we're going to spoon the mixture into the cups so I'm using this cookie scooper it's about a tablespoon of filling into each one once you have the Cheesecake batter all scraped into those molds I'm going to use a little paper towel and just place it over the top and then take a little bit of foil and put it over the top of the paper towel and kind of seal it up this will really prevent the moisture from dripping down onto those cheesecake bites the paper towel really soaks it up well I have one cup of water into the bottom of your instant pot and then place those cheesecake bites right on top of each other on top of some sort of slang or trivet that you can lower into your pots will lower that right in recover the pot and then set your pressure cook button or your manual button depending which model you own to eight minutes on high pressure once the time is up it will start counting and it once it gets to ten minutes you can release any remaining pressure then you can remove the lid you can see how much water's on top of them it's dripping off the foil so we're glad that that's not on top of our cheesecake bites remove the paper towel and now you definitely need to let these sit and we're going to let them sit on our counter for about thirty minutes and then we're gonna put them in the refrigerator until they're chilled and that's going to take another hour to once they've chilled for one to two hours you can pop them out of the silicone mold you can see I've done that with a few of them I'm gonna show you how I do it you kind of just put your fingers underneath it and then you just pop it to the top and just carefully get it out and then you can have fun decorating we have some whipped cream here and the can makes it super easy to make them cute put a little mini Oreo on top and serve them up these are delicious and they're super fun [Music]
Channel: 365 Days of Slow and Pressure Cooking
Views: 110,312
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Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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