Instant Pot Yogurt (Two Ways)

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hey guys it's Jeff from pressure luck alright alright I caved I'm finally doing it I'm finally doing what so many people have asked me to do and it's actually one of the easiest things in the world to do only has two ingredients and if you didn't know by now what this thing is well it's white it's creamy no I'm not talking about marshmallow fluff we're talking about yogurt guys we're making yogurt today I know can you believe it yogurt and it's gonna be really really easy it just takes a little bit of time to do but it's not time you have to tend to you can actually start this work before you go to bed like I'm about to do so because I have two instant ponds I'm gonna make two different kinds of yogurt now that's gonna be a regular yogurt and a Greek yogurt now what's the difference between the two well a regular yogurt is not strained and it's really creamy or as a Greek yogurt is strained and all the way gets separated out from it you know like you know a little miss muffet eating her curds and whey which actually sounds gross but anyway it separates the way out from it making it a much thicker yogurt and we're gonna make a little bit of a difference between the two we're gonna cook one a couple hours longer than the other because the longer you cook a yogurt the 10-year it is by the end of this video you're gonna be like oh my gosh I can make yogurt now yes you can make yogurt and it's really quite simple so that's right the instant pot here we go yogurt so there are two different kinds of yogurts we can make and I'm gonna show you how to do both we're gonna make one batch and the duo over here and that's going to be regular unstrained yogurt which is a creamy yogurt and in my ultra over here I am going to do a strained yogurt which is also called Greek yogurt and that means all the way is gonna come out and it's going to be a lot thicker both of these things are going to be super easy to do that it's gonna require a little bit of an ultra pasteurized type of milk and a little bit of yogurt to start it and it's that simple so let's go so we're gonna do is we're gonna start off with this stuff called fair life it is an ultra pasteurized lactose free milk product here and it's actually fantastic for making a really really good quicker yogurt anything safai it's not gonna be quick so there's gonna be faster and less of a hassle than boiling the milk ahead of time then you have to get a thermometer and to read it and to me it there's no point in doing that we can could add a step save us some money by not having to buy an electrical mama if we don't have it and we can just go with the fair life so guys because we're doing this thing called the cold start method where we don't have to boil any milk ahead of time that's all we're using fair life here that means you have to use an ultra pasteurized style milk that means you cannot use regular milk you have to use something of this nature like fair life and also this stuff is great it's fantastic and you want to know why because look at this look at the nutrition things down here it has more protein than regular milk almond milk as well as less sugar than regular milk and almond milk and it's also guys look at this it's lactose free it's a fantastic substitute and it's actually quite good for you a full of good stuff so I'm gonna take a 52 ounce bottle of the fair life milk and pour it in the instant pot I'm doing this for two instant pops Bonnie all right I'm but I'm only gonna show one of them because we're gonna be doing the exact same thing in each one and the other ingredient we have for this recipe guys is only two of them is yogurt so I'm using a whole milk Greek yogurt shabana here is fine I'm only gonna add in two tablespoons of this thing into each VAT of your work that I make with the each 52 ounce bottle of the fair life milk I'm gonna add in two tablespoons of this kind of yogurt now it has to have two ingredients in this yogurt we need to make sure that it's made with milk and that also it contains live and active cultures you see that that's also key and that is a requirement guys it has to have live and active cultures and it has to have a form of milk in the ingredients all right so it's also super important to know that you have to be using an unopened container of yogurt make sure you use a fresh one for this what has to be is one of these little tiny ones you know one of these like you know five and a half ounce size ones that's all you're gonna need but make sure it's fresh and unand before you use it because once opened yogurt loses all the active cultures very quickly due to all the air in the exposure and now just take a whisk and whisk up the yogurt with a fairly and because I want to make one of my yogurts sweet I'm gonna add to one of the batches one 14 ounce can of sweetened condensed milk this stuff is basically liquid caramel and then whisk that off make sure it's nice and is stored in with the milk and with the yogurt starter and then after we're finished whisking I'm going to now take my lid and place it on the pot and we'll make sure we're in sealing position but this isn't actually gonna be coming to pressure when we're cooking it this is not a pressure cooking setting of the yogurt setting so it doesn't really matter if you use a glass lid or this lid but I'm gonna keep it in sealing position because if we had a glass lid it would basically be keeping it inside anyway all right so now let's come down to the instant pots and because I'm doing two different pots I'm gonna show you two different models to show you how this will work I'm gonna use the duo series here what I'm gonna do on that is I'm gonna hit the yogurt button and make sure we are on the normal setting it can't be on the more or the less setting and must be on the normal setting for eight hours and it's gonna cook for eight hours and it's exactly what I want and then I'm gonna come over to my Ultra and I'm gonna turn the knob down here until the yogurts flashing select that we want it on the medium setting which is the same thing as a normal setting on the duo pot but on this one guys I'm gonna go for ten hours of time okay because actually the longer that you make your work cook in the pot the Tang here it gets so let's go for eight hours on the other and ten hours on this one alright and now I'm gonna hit the start button there are two instant pot cooking yogurt as they work really hard overnight to make some delicious yogurt I'm gonna go to sleep all right pleasant dreams skin night and just so you know the one that I'm cooking in my duo over here this patchy overt is going to be my regular yogurt and the one that I'm cooking inside of the Ultra is going to become my Greek aka strained yogurt so that's gonna be thicker yogurt that's gonna be more creamy yogurt and with that I'm going to sleep good night see you in the morning no gir [Music] oh my okra is ready all right all right I get it enough all right now that eight hours have passed it's gonna say yogurt on the display or yogurt or yo 90 whatever yogurt so that means it's incubated it's fully incubated at this point I'm gonna now take the lid off and I'm not gonna stir and the transfer to the fridge to sit for another four to eight hours so again guys when we're cooking yogurt we're not coming to pressure it's not pressure cooking so the pins not gonna pop up there's gonna be no releasing none of that stuff it's gonna be basically incubating in there the entire time so let's just take our lid off and there's our yogurt and now I should say the pot isn't hot at all and incubate at a very very low temperature so it's really gonna be very cool to the touch right when you take it out of the instant pot and you're gonna see we're gonna leave it in here we're not gonna stir it and I'll tell you right now it smells exactly like yogurt should it smells great and you can see it's already kind of thick in there I'm not gonna mix it up I'm just going to let it sit in here and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cover this up with some tinfoil and then pop it in the fridge between four to eight hours so it chills we need to make sure it does that now again this is not a quick recipe to do it's actually very time-consuming its first eight to ten hours to incubate the yogurt the longer you incubate it the more tanked it will be and then another four to eight hours in the refrigerator to let it set or then strain which I'll do with the next batch so you're looking at between 12 to 16 hours of time but on the other hand it's a breeze to do there's really absolutely no effort that goes into this except for just waiting that's why I suggest you do step 1 when the yogurts incubating overnight so I'm going to cover you with some tinfoil and then pop you in the fridge well the over not you and there you go I'll be back to check on you in four to eight hours all right and now that our second batch is done it says yogurts were finished so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this batch of yogurt and we're going to strain it and we're gonna make it the Greek yogurt it'll be really thick like that little and well there's our other yogurt and you see guys this is kind of firm if I wobble around in there already which is great but this is gonna be a little Tangier than our other yogurt that's gonna be regular yogurt and not Greek because we're not straining the other one this one we're going to because I think you baited this one for two more hours all right so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna transfer this to a yogurt strainer now for my yogurt strainer because I feel like it's the easiest thing to use and the best results I'm using this euro cuisine yogurt strainer has a real lid that comes with it and this is what it looks like here's the straining portion and here's the bowl that it strains into so what we're gonna do is we're gonna pour our yogurt into this section and then eventually all of the whey will drip down into this point that's kind of like the yellowish e clear liquid if you don't have one of these you don't feel like getting one you can use a large strainer with some coffee filters instead but honestly this thing has one purpose in life and that's to strain especially amazing Greek yogurt so I do suggest getting this if you plan on making a lot of it okay and now I'm gonna pour my yogurt right into a strainer great and looking at the strainer from a side view you'll see that the way is dripping through the yogurt through the strainer into the bottom portion where it's catching a little bit and that's exactly what we wanted to do we're gonna let it do that between four to eight hours the longer you can wait I feel like the better what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna cover the top of the strainer and then pop it in the fridge there's our lid and there we go sitting right next to its brother inside the fridge now as a quick little recap let's remember what we did here this batch is going to be our regular aka unstrained yogurt it's still gonna be thick but it's gonna be creamier for sure also it's gonna be a little bit less tangy than this one because we incubated this for eight hours and we did this one for ten hours but it's certainly gonna be sweeter because we added a can of condensed milk to this which is totally optional you don't have to do that so you're gonna see after between four to eight hours for each of these sitting in the fridge I would suggest you go for eight hours if possible the longer it sits in there at the better so we're gonna have a nice unstrained thick and creamy sweet yogurt over here and we're gonna have a strained Greek over here that's gonna be a little more tangy because it's incubated a little longer and then that's it all right guys I'm gonna see you a little later bye-bye okay and now actually ten hours have passed because I've had a long day and back home and I'm gonna try these out so let's see how it is guys so I'm gonna start with my Greek strained yogurt here and you're gonna see how all the way has dripped to the bottom from the strainer inside of this thing here so now I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the lid off and check it out let's see look at that guys look at that yogurt it is gonna be mega thick let's check it out and let's see here yeah incredibly thick yogurt and that's fantastic this is just what a Greek yogurt should be absolutely perfection just like this so now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to transfer it to another Bowl and get it out of the strainer and then just let it sit there and by the way we want to be careful with these strings when we're moving the yogurt you know but and by the way we want to be careful with the strain is a little bit new yogurt we don't want to like you prick it too hard on the sides because it's pretty fragile is it very very fine little seeps hear that all the way drip stirred is separated from the yogurt to make it's super thick strained and well Greek alright let's add it to a bowl and then once you remove the strainer from the top you'll see all the way that is inside of the little compartment here or it caught all the drippings some people like to use way when they make bread and you could do that for sure absolutely it's here why not and even though that's like Oprah I love bread I'm not gonna be making it today so I'm just gonna discard this and pour it down the drain and I've just finished transferring all of my really thick fabulous Greek yogurt to a little bowl here which I'll put a lid on when I pop it in the fridge but what of course we're gonna try it out first but you see the Greek yogurt consistency is it super thick and it's gonna be absolutely fabulous it looks like there might be some lumps in there but they're actually not lumps at all it's just the way that it formed there just melt into nothing once you touch on them it's perfect all right let's check out our unstrained a regular yogurt that I've also sweetened and now I've just taken my unstrained a regular yogurt out of the fridge and there we go now let's see how this holds up and we put a spoon inside of it people do that a lot look at that it sticks right up beautiful let's take it out out now and you're gonna see that this yogurt when I move it around is definitely creamier than our Greek oh here you see that it's a nice creamy consistency it's still on the thicker side but nice and creamy exactly how I like my yogurt so Greek yogurt I like to use more for dips and you're gonna see that in the video that I'll make next but this guys is gonna be fabulous all right so buddy put some of this in the bowl and to do a perfect side-by-side comparison you see I have my unstrained yogurt over here which makes for a much creamier yogurt and remember I also sweetened this up and I also cooked it for less time so it's gonna be a little less tangy and it's also gonna be a sweeter and then coming over here I have my strained Greek yogurt which is a lot thicker as you can see it's definitely a lot thicker and it's gonna be perfect for dips like it's not Ziqi so stay tuned for that and this one I in you baited for two hours longer so it's gonna be a little Tangier in flavor but it's not sweetened so it's not gonna be sweet at all it's gonna have a yogurt flavor to it a lot of people love Greek yogurt I happen to actually prefer the unstrained yogurt butts lot smoother and creamier and anything you're not using for now just put a lid on it make sure it's nice and tight and then just pop it in the fridge the yogurt no matter what kind you do will be good in the fridge for two weeks as long as it's covered nicely okay let's try it out all right guys I'm gonna try my Greek yogurt out first my strange over by thick unsweetened yogurt and here we go it's really very thick mm-hmm I taste like Greek yogurt there's not a lot of flavor going on here again because there's no sugar or anything added to this it's simply just the Fairlight and the yogurt starter but it's very healthy and it tastes exactly like a Greek yogurt would in a market it's good for you thick full of protein and calcium and it's great if you want to add a little honey to it a little bit of fruit you could top it with and then swirl it around and then you can make it what you want it's also gonna be I said fabulous for dips and I'm gonna make an amazing Satsuki dip in this in the next video so you're not gonna want to miss and guys I mean it's beautiful that you can make this at home it's really very nice because Greek yogurt can cost some money in this store but to buy a bunch of little tiny little containers whereas here you can just make a whole tub of it and you can just pop it in your fridge for two weeks and poof it saves you money the ingredients came to like I don't know like six dollars or something like that and the strainer is about like it buries between 15 to 20 bucks but it's so worth it that strainer is what made this the way that it did so thick and perfect look at this if I could take a spoon and I just do it like this and like stays on it it's that thick it's gonna be beautiful for dips - all right it's very good very healthy but now let's try the unstrained regular yogurt all right and here's my regular unstrained creamier yogurt which i've incubated for eight hours so it should be a little less tangy and flavor and I've also added can then smoke to it which would be sweeter in flavor so let's try this out and now look at the difference you see how this one is like ooh look at that all creaminess and I love that it's perfect let's try it out oh this is my jam this is my kind of yogurt from its gonna be eating yogurt definitely I like my over unstrained and I like it with a little bit of condensed milk in there it tastes exactly like those leading brands of yogurt that are so delicious and this have amazing flavor and again you can add if you want some fruit to this some granola whatever you want to do oh go what I love the unstrained yogurt I really do the Greek yogurt is also fabulous just so I mean if you flavor if you put some condensed milk in it it will make it sweet too but I feel like Greek yogurt doesn't really go with being sweet and it should just be on its own nice and thick because again it's gonna be a fantastic foundation for dips like a sudsy key now I know everyone has different preferences but guys if you're just gonna be eating yogurt on its own like this and you want something nice and creamy especially if you're giving it to the kids I would say don't even strain it not even necessary and puts a can of condensed milk in there when you make it it makes a huge difference in terms of the sweetness factor mmm but again you don't have to add it not necessary you can always just you know do they'll go over it plain without it and then add the sweetening agent when you serve it up that works just fine - some honey whatever you want to do you can even stir in a little bit of condensed milk when it's ready now it won't be as melted obviously but it'll still be delicious and of course top it off with very rinoa nuts Cheetos whatever you want to do Cheers so there you have it yogurt two ways we have our unstrained regular yogurt and our strained Greek yogurt and they're both fabulous and they've met it's amazing the instant pop what can't you do you can't do my taxes I guess but guys thank you so much for watching this you have no idea how much I appreciate it I hope this video helped you out if you enjoy these informative videos in these recipes that are pressure cooking calm there are so many there to look at and you can pin any recipe to any board on Pinterest if that's your kind of thing hey go to and like that page you're not gonna want to miss anything that comes out there what a new recipe comes out you will see it any tips that come out humor and he deals on items that might be relevant to you don't want to miss that definitely like the page and of 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Channel: Pressure Luck Cooking
Views: 326,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instant Pot, Pressure Luck, Pressure Cooking, Yogurt, Yogurt Two Ways, Greek Yogurt, Strained Yogurt, Unstrained Yogurt, Recipe
Id: HpBkYSj0Ja4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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