6 Sorority Girls vs 1 Fake Sorority Girl | Odd Man Out

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(jazz drumbeat) - [Narrator] We brought together seven sorority girls. - I'm in a sorority. - I'm in a sorority. - I'm in a sorority. - I'm in a sorority. - I'm in a sorority. - I'm in a sorority. - I'm in a sorority. - [Narrator] One is a liar. If the group discovers who the liar is, they'll split a cash prize. If the liar survives, they win the entire prize. - [Editor] Oh, also. Stay tuned because in this episode, there will be an extra special surprise. - Okay, okay. Um, (laughs). - We can all say what sorority we're in. - I'm in Gamma Phi Beta. - I'm also in Gamma Phi Beta. - Oh! - I'm in Tri Delta. - Okay. - I'm in Delta Gamma. - I'm in Kappa Alpha Theta. - I'm an ADPi. - I'm also in Kappa Alpha Theta. I didn't think that there would be another person that was in the same sorority. And I thought if there was, then it was a trick. Why did you guys decide to stay in your sorority? I stayed because I just had a lot of like emotional and mental health support within my sorority. - I stayed in 'cause I live in, and it's a lot cheaper. (laughing) - Yeah, it's so cheap. - Than living off campus. - The first round was really fast so we didn't really have time to figure out who knew the most information. - Why'd you guys... (laughing) - What was your guys' bid day themes? - Ours was like space camp. - Ours was sweet dreams. It was like dreamy. - Ours was like - Delta dreaming. Ours was DJT. (clock ticking) - I think she was just one of the most enthusiastic ones. - She was just asking too much. - Dang it. Bye guys. - Bye. - I think I just led the conversation and I think people just thought because I was leading it that I was trying to avoid answering the questions but really I I'm just a really loud person. All right. So should we, should we each say why we rushed? - Yeah. So I rushed because my roommate was rushing and we kind of wanted to do it together to kind of see which ones we can get in. Also, my sister was a DG, so I was a legacy. So - Ivy mentioned like a legacy and to me that was like the thing that was like the easiest to like, know if you weren't in Greek life. - What is everyone symbol? We're - The president. Wait, do you know like your sign DG? - I'm fine. Well, we can't say gamma guns anymore. (laughs) - I felt like she was trying really hard to convince us all that she was in a sorority. (upbeat music playing) - [Editor] All right, everyone. We have a three way tie. The tie is between Sophia, Charlotte and Ashley. So each of you are gonna have 30 seconds to state your case. - I am in a sorority - Yeah. So I'm really in a sorority too. - So I really am in a sorority. - I know I like fit the like stereotype and that might be like, why not? But like I am. - I just got slated into having a position. It's something I'm really passionate about and I really am in one. - Yeah. I love my sorority and we're doing girls on the road. We have a 5k actually ECI December 7th. So everybody's at. - She was a little bit quiet and she was mumbling and when she was talking she wasn't making eye contact with anyone else. (error sound) (laughs nervously) - Bye. - I thought I was gonna be eliminated the whole time. I don't know. I felt like there were some people gunning for me, so - [Editor] Reminder that after the next voting round there's going to be a surprise. - Gosh. I totally believe you when you said slated cause I was like that isn't we all know like if you're on exact - What's is your position and congrats. - Thank you. I'm director of social events. - When she said that, I was like, okay, she's for sure in a sorority. - What is your guys' least favorite thing about being in a sorority? - Someone who isn't in a sorority might like see it as like this positive experience where like everyone loves each other and there's no like wrong in it. So I thought it would be harder for the mole to like make up an answer to that question. - I don't like the stereotype that goes along with it. My friends, a lot of them aren't in sororities actually. That's like the ones that are in my sorority and sometimes they like just make comments and they're like, oh like that's a sorority girl thing. Or like, they're like, - Oh, I'm so sorority. - Oh yeah. And like, I'm like well it's really like, not like that at all. - For the most part, people look at a sorority girl as someone who's extremely skinny, white, blonde overly preppy. When you have people like me who don't fit any of those it's kind of annoying because people assume that this is just a group for these people when it shouldn't be. - What houses were you guys between? Like your last day. It was for me, it was GFI and Kappa. - Mine was, oh sorry. - Mine was (bell rings) - If you brought up the legacy thing you probably had a good chance of not being in a sorority. (error buzzes) - I guess I just wasn't as stereotypical sorority as they wanted. - [Editor] At this point, we're gonna introduce a new contestant that none of you have met yet. - Oh - [Editor] They're either in a sorority or are a second mole. For this round only she will not be voting. - My name is Sierra and I'm in a sorority. Hi. - Hi. (laughs) - Sierra. - I'm Riana. - Riana. - Charlotte. - Charlotte. - Ashley. - Ashley. - Emily. - She scared me a little bit, to be honest. - Which sorority are you in? - So I graduated from SDSU. I was in AXO so yeah, really fun. I feel like people describe me as like a sorority girl anyways so I didn't wanna overcompensate. I'm like, well, we could do our chance. (laughs) - If you want to. - I'm trying to think what else I can ask. How much are your guys dues per like quarter, like semester? - Since I wasn't in the initial part of the game I knew they would have suspicions. - Well, it was split up but I think it was like 2000 a semester. - Mine is like 1600 per quarter. - Oh wow. So you have three quarters. - So it's like - Oh my God, that's so expensive. - You could tell a bunch of were a little more reserved. Like we don't really wanna say like how much our chapter asks us to pay dues. And she was like, boom, like 1600. And I'm like, oh, that's kind of like daring for you to just say that out loud. If you need help, which is great. Like there's scholarships and stuff. So like to break that stereotype, it's not that expensive. It's like what you make of it. But like (bell rings) - I just trusted the other two more and so it was just kind of like I had to put her down kind of thing. (error buzzes) - Bye. - Bye. - What was like your least favorite part of being a part of a sorority? - Honestly, I feel like just the stereotype. I feel like people definitely pinned girls that were in a sorority as a certain way. When I feel like I found like people I better could be my weddings or like I thought they helped me grow to be a better person and I feel like I don't know, a sorority gave me that type of community, so - What are like the biggest takeaways you've gotten since like you're not in a sorority anymore? Like what are the biggest things you've got from being in it? - I could take shots like a, (laughs) - No, I'm just kidding. Honestly, just, but the relationships I got home like it's not just like, it's not for four years. It's for life. It's just like, it really is. I feel like it just taught me a lot of things about just, I don't know, what a community can do cause it's still like paying it forward for me. - Yeah. (bell rings) - We just wanted to be a hundred percent certain so I'm sorry, Sierra. (error buzzes) - Okay. Hold on. - [Editor] Raise your hand if you have any doubts and you would like to continue the game. - No doubt. - [Editor] All right. - If y'all cross me. - No. (laughs) - Oh gosh. - [Editor] If the lights turn green, you voted the liar out. If the lights turn red, the liar is still in the box and you lose. (foreboding music plays) (cheers enthusiastically) - I mean like there's no way. - [Editor] If the mole or moles could now step forward and reveal yourself. - Oh no. - Oh my God. - I was like actually, like, I mean your dues were actually higher than that. - Really? - I was like, oh, I kind of feel like it was you. - I always wanted to do this. - Me too. - Oh wait. (laughs) - I rushed. So I like almost joined Greek life but then I decided to drop cause I decided like I didn't wanna be part of it, so it was kind of fun, like doing this since I had gone through rush so I had like some experience with it. - I did not expect her to be the mole at all. - She knew just enough, which was like so shocking at the end of the day. I've never fanned myself with money before. - Me Either, me either. - Especially after paying dues. - No. - I feel like it's really hard to pin down "Oh, that's a sorority girl", because they're just like any other girl. - 1, 2, 3. (laughs) - Yeah. Let's do a green one. That's fun. All right. Hello. Thank you for watching this episode of odd man out. Feel free to comment, like, subscribe. Anything else you could do with the YouTube channel? Feel free to do it. We have an Instagram. It'll be on the screen here, here or here or I don't know where it'll be. Maybe it won't be on the screen, but we do have it even if it's not on the screen. Thank you so much. Bye. How many ways can I say this?
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 3,581,011
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Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, 6 sorority girls vs 1 fake sorority girl, sorority girls, sorority sisters, bid day, what is a sorority, what do you do in a sorority, how to be in a sorority, fraternity, sorority vs fraternity, whos the fake sorority girl
Id: Q28nTAPXmEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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