5 Gay Men vs 1 Secret Straight Guy...

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- I'm gay. - I'm gay. - I'm gay. - I'm gay. - I'm gay. - I'm gay. (soft dramatic music) - When did everyone realize they were gay? - Probably like, end of high school, after my first relationship. It was a girl and it was just not for me. - I think for me, it was in middle school. It was like, before puberty. So I was just kind of figuring things out for myself. And also, other kids were understanding, too, so that really helped me to find myself when I would talk about it. - 15. So I know exactly when it was. (group laughing) I grew up in a very religious home and I, too, was in relationships with girls, so what I did was I hid myself for a long time. So I'm trying not to tear up. (clears throat) It wasn't until the pandemic when I came out to my little brother. - I actually knew when I was eight. My grandma took me to see "Mamma Mia". And if you've seen the movie, you know the beach scene. You know exactly what I'm talking about. And I knew something was just a little bit off about me when I realized that I was more attracted to Sky then I was Sophie. I'm like, something about him. - You know, mine honestly is right after Twilight came out. Robert Pattinson. I don't know. - Who's team? Who's team? - So good. - Of course, of course. Pattinson for sure. Edward. - I knew in middle school, like there was something up with me. I was like, I like men. That's 100%, but I called myself bisexual and then freshman year in high school, I was just like, I'm gay. Like, the way I feel about women is nothing like the way I feel about men. - Okay. - I already revealed mine, but what is everyone's favorite celebrity crush? - Mine is also a vampire. It's Paul Wesley from "Vampire Diaries". - Okay, okay. - He was like, my gay awakening. Yeah. - Really? - Yeah. - Okay, well, mine was Robert Pattinson. So vampire. - Yeah, we got - Ross Lynch. Something about that man is just, oh. Just, I just love Ross Lynch. - Prince and Idris Elba. - Mine right now, I think is Pedro Pascal. - You're on the Pedro Pascal craze. - He's so cute. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I am. - I'm your daddy. - Matt Bomer from "White Collar". Love. Like, the snake eyes is so sexy. That's it. - What do you guys hate about straight men? - Their inability to like, take criticism or take no as an answer. - Oh, my God, yes. - Like, what is up with that? Like, I understand patriarch and all that, but still. - I know, like consent. - [Matt] Literally. - Their inability to have any sort of fashion. It's just t-shirts. - Just about the jeans. - T-shirts, jeans, or like, just basketball shorts. - You know, you see those men who clearly use like, the three-in-one shampoos and I'm just like- (Ricky laughing) - They brush their teeth with it. - Yeah, like, I swear. - Oh, my God, this one guy had a 10-in-one. I did not even wanna ask what it meant. - Lucifer, I just wanted to ask you. So you said at 15 is when you knew, right? That you were gay? - Yes, that's when I came to terms with it for myself. - And then you said during COVID was when you told your brother? - Yes. - So that whole time he didn't know? - No. - Really? How did that feel for you? (Lucifer sighs) 'Cause were you guys close or? - We were, but I moved from Memphis when I was 18. - [Matt] Okay. - We've been long distance for all that time. - I see. - He really didn't make a big deal out of it. Just told me that he loved me no matter what. - I see. Well, can I ask why did you not come out to him earlier, if you guys felt so comfortable together with that? Or supportive? - Yes. Yeah. So for me, when I was growing up, the thing that mattered most was getting married and having a family. I had to keep that facade a long time. I was actually practicing to be a minister in 2012. - Oh, wow. - Right when President Obama declared gay marriage legalized nationwide. And when I was in- (bell dings) - I wanna hear more. - Hey, have you spotted the mole yet? Well, hang tight because we're gonna get there . Until then, subscribe to our channel and now, let's get back to the video. (upbeat drum music) (screen clicking) - That tank top that he's wearing is really tacky. - Sorry. Just the jeans and the shirt. (buzzer beeps) - Good luck, guys. (group clapping) - It kind of hurted a little bit. Kind of hurted. - [Crew Member] Why do you think they were suspicious of you? - Maybe because I'm wearing just jeans and a t-shirt, but I look stylish and I look amazing, so. (timer clicking) - Lucifer, I remember you were mentioning that, like gay marriage was being legalized in 2012, but it was 2015, right? - 2013. - 2013? - Yeah, that's what I thought. - [Clay] Oh, okay. - Yeah, so like, yeah, 'cause I remember it precisely. I was on the phone with my pastor actually when that announcement was made. - He was running in 2012, so yeah, he would've- - Right, right. - So '15? '16? I'm bad at math. - I'm terrible. - Well, it took a while for it to actually go into legislation. - Gotcha. - So you can say 2012, but if you're technically, yes, it did take a few years into that second term before it was actually registered. What are some things you looked for in a guy? - Oh, creativity, style and confidence. - Number one will be hygiene. I bathe at least twice a day, if, you know, not more. - We're in a drought. - So... (group laughing) Please, look. You know, I gotta freshen up, so I expect that from someone else. - No, I get that. I get that. Yeah. Yeah, my boyfriend, every time I. Or my ex-boyfriend. Every time I'd come in, like, the room is just super messy and like, I'm really big on bathroom cleanliness. - Yes. The last place you are at night and the first place you are in the morning. - Exactly. - And most traditional men are just dirty in the bathrooms. - [Ricky] Right. - For me, definitely funny and I mean, obviously, you have to look good. That's, yeah. That's nonstarter, though. - Mine is basically somebody that could just hang and vibe with me. I'm a very active person, whether that be like, I'm going out hiking. I go out working out. Height doesn't really matter. I mean, haven't found anybody as tall as me yet. - How tall are you? - 6'6". - Okay. - How tall are you? - 6'2", but I have these on right now, so a little bit taller. - I love those, by the way. - Oh, thanks. They're brand new. They're Doc Martens. - Me, too. Me, too. - Look at. - I love Docs. - These are the brand new model. They have little- - Yeah, I know. I saw those. I saw those. - [Tyler] They're so cool. - Did I miss the memo that we were supposed to wear boots today? - Yes, yes. - I did. - I do prefer men that are shorter than me. A little more on the submissive side. - We're out. - I hate the bottom. - Oh. (group laughs) - I'm just being honest. I guess because I was in such a controlled environment for so many years. I just have a way of controlling that space. - Can we run down and say what we are? Like, you already answered. - Yes. - Mostly bottom. - Top. Or vers. Top vers. - I say I'm a vers top. Yeah. - Vers bottom. - He's definitely a bottom. - Ricky is a bottom for sure. Did you see what this man was waring? Had the midriff and all. - Yeah, it just takes the right person for me. - Yeah, I agree. I think it's very dependent, but honestly, like, the vers comes in more so when it's with like, hookups and stuff like that. - Well, baby, I'm a Scorpio, so like. - Me, too! - Oh, nice! So nice. (dramatic music) - When Matt dapped up Lucifer. - That was, I was like, okay. That was a little. That was a little straight. - That felt very hetero to me. Ew. - Oh, and my other thing, if they're open to threesomes 'cause I wanna do that. - Hey, say it to the camera. (Lucifer laughs) (sexy music) - If you're out there and you're open to threesomes, Lucifer is available. - [Matt] Right here. - I think it's better on paper. I'm not gonna, I just wanna break the truth to you. - Really? - Because it's just like, it's just another person. It just gets a lot. I don't know. - It is. - I just feel like- - I completely agree. It's more of a novelty for sure. - Is it like a lot of like, sitting around or? - [Ricky] Sitting around, yeah. - [Matt] Just waiting. - When's it's my turn, guys? - No, no! No, it's like, two at a time. I mean, it's like, great. - [Crew Member] Let's do a round of smash or pass. - Dominic Fike. - Smash. - Smash. - Michael B. Jordan. - Smash. - Smash. - "Creed 3". - Oh, my God. - "Creed 3". - The Rock. - Pass. - What? - Big pass. - What? - Cringe. I'm sorry, it's cringe. - Yeah. - I'm so sorry. - What? Oh, my God. - Wait, that's so surprising to me 'cause you said that you were a top. Like, you like being in control. Dude, the Rock? - Yeah. I can take it. - He might be able to bottom. - Yeah, I am, but I mean- - [Tyler] The Rock is huge. - I've been watching wrestling for a long time, too. (bell buzzing) (upbeat drum music) - Ain't nobody topping The Rock. Come on. - That's sus. Rock's ugly. (buzzer dinging) - Good luck, gentlemen. - Bye, best friend. - Oh, they- (beep) They jealous. They see I'm totally star power. They just didn't want to share the money with me. I'm not someone that gets offended easily, but (beep) that offended me. I am offended. This is the (beep) I'm talking about. This makes no damn sense. Look at me. What? Do I look straight to you? Come on. - [Crew Member] If you want to continue playing because you think that there's potentially still a liar among the four of you in the box, raise your hand on three, all right? One, two, three. - Wait, raise your hand to continue playing? - [Crew Member] Yes. - Oh, I'm not sure. - [Crew Member] So you are confident that the mole is out? Is that correct? - I think so. - I can unconfidently say. - These like, my besties right here. Besties. - [Crew Member] So that means the game has ended. (screen whooshes) If the box turns green, you have correctly voted the mole out and you four will share a cash prize. If the box turns red, that means the mole is still among you four and they win the cash prize themselves. Are you guys ready? (upbeat intense music) - Oh, my God. I knew I was unconfident. - Don't act surprised. - I was unconfident. I said, I said! - Why would I act surprised? This is. One of you aren't my besties. (screen whooshes) - [Crew Member] All right, so the mole has won and on the count of three, I gonna have the mole step forward. One, two, three. (record screeching) - What? - We're all the moles? - Let's go! - Let's go, let's go! - I think there was a mix up, you guys. - Look at us. We are besties after all. - I was very confused. I was like... - You had me with the fit, Ricky. - For real? - Honestly, yeah. - Dude, thank you. Dude, these are my girlfriend's jeans. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I thought everybody misheard the question. - Dude, I took a step and I was like, are these people stupid? Like, why is everyone else stepping up? Like, I'm only straight. Dude, you all are gay. - I thought that everyone was gay. - [Crew Member] Have either of you ever been mistaken as gay or more feminine? - One hundred percent. - Yes, yes, yes. - For sure. - For a long time. - I know every night I feel like when I go out with my friends or whatever, I get hit on by more guys than girls sometimes and it's very common. Yeah. - I got mistaken for being gay a lot of the time. I even, I'll be honest, I went on dates with guys because so many people were suspecting me of it. But I was just like, that's not me. After being on those dates, I was like, I like women. That's a fact. - My story that I was telling was very genuine. I'd suppressed, I guess, my alternative to being macho straight for a long time because I just don't fit the mold for the typical straight guy. There's always questions of, is he or isn't he? - (beep) Hell, dude. I've been training for this (beep) for a week. - [Crew Member] How did you train for it? - Bro, I FaceTimed all my gay homies. They were saying like, I'm gonna be a versa top because that's like, the least sus, but it's also gay. Dude, I practice walking. I practiced my fits. I was doing like, 360 Snapchat video. I was like, dang, do I look gay or not? Like, does my ass pop? - I work at Urban Outfitters. There's a lot of gay men. You know, they picked up this nail polish. - I called all my gay friends and I watched like, a whole bunch drag. I watched so much drag, bro. Like, and it's actually really good. So I would probably keep watching like, after this. - I think my game plan was to just not offend anybody. I hope I stuck to that 'cause I'm very inclusive. - I applied for this episode because especially right now, with the whole red pill movement, Aiden Ross, Andrew Tate, the toxic male influences out there, that it's very important to show like, other men and especially younger men that are coming up into this world that it is okay to be feminine. Is it okay to express your emotions? Is it okay to be vulnerable? - Accept everyone. Doesn't matter what your looks, sexuality, gender are. Just accept everyone. Everyone's a little bit different. - And don't be mad if you're not as confident as the people who are. - Like, not jumping to conclusions and not like, stereotyping anyone. Letting them speak for themselves. Yeah. - I changed my lockscreen into a dude, as well, bro. This is my homie, Nick. - Bro. - He's in the bed. I say, "Yo, send me a selfie with your nipple." He sent it. Yeah. - I put a picture on mine like that, too. - This is my boss. - Yeah, yeah. Dude, 'cause I was like, if I turn my phone on, they see my phone and I was like- - Yeah, yeah. They're like, show me your lockscreen.
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 3,612,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, gay, mole, everyone's the mole, funny, meme, troll, LGBTQ+, LGBTQIA+, gay community, fashion, grwm
Id: wft1q5OgynI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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