6 Signs You Might Have a Toxic Parent - Part 2

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hello dear viewers and welcome back to part two of signs you may have a toxic parent it's common sense to distance yourself from toxic people but what if those toxic people are your parents when you see them every day it can be extremely difficult to get any kind of break even though you may not have had a choice to be brought up by the parents you have you do have a choice in how you choose to react towards them so here are six more common signs that could signal that you have a toxic parent 1 they're manipulative toxic parents are masters of emotional manipulation they have a way of twisting the truth so they look good while you look and feel awful this can range from embellishment of a tail outright putting words in your mouth to even exposing a secret of yours they may also make false promises to get what they want out of you this manipulation also allows them to exploit you as their love only extends as far as your usefulness like a tool once you no longer provide a use they stop putting in the effort of appearing to care you may stand up for yourself to stop the manipulation but then they might take you for a ride on the guilt trip train telling you you're bad or ungrateful son or daughter for abandoning them in reality they're just angry that they weren't able to take advantage of you too they blame you some parents are so toxically irresponsible that they blame their children for everything that they perceive has gone wrong in their lives they then use this as an excuse to lash out at you for things that aren't your fault they didn't get the career they wanted well that's because you were born they're fighting with their spouse maybe a divorce is imminent well it's because they can't agree on how to raise you you're such a problem did they lose their favorite pen well you must have stolen it you can see how ridiculous and toxic it gets 3 they actively block you being happy don't take this the wrong way sometimes they're just guiding you onto a more annoying but sustainable productive path that's not toxic or bad with the toxic parent this manifests as them insuring you're always miserable if they can help it this happiness blocker doesn't have to stem from severe situations like abandonment or beating just them putting a damper on everything is enough if you dread seeing them or sharing any happy news with them because you know they'll just stomp on it then you understand this is toxic behavior for their unstable instability and most situations is not positive toxic parents are no different these parents may have weak boundaries of their own lacking the capacity to stand their ground in several aspects of their lives or give guidance to the child this results in waves of lashing out at the child for problems stemming from the parents overly permissive habits they let the child do whatever they want then explode in anger when it becomes problematic five they're overly critical and mean imagine you feel good about finishing a paper a toxic parents response to you is to see a small error so it's terrible you start over double-checking for tiny errors and now they tell you the paper you used is not white enough why did you change it it's garbage the critique given is also usually not constructive quite often they'll also be mean about the perceived failure preying on insecurities calling you names are highlighting your flaws to prove you're not good enough watch out for this red flag if it feels like you're facing a nerve ending staircase and are still being called a failure despite climbing several steps you may have a toxic parent and six they're severely abusive here is the most blatant and obvious sign of toxic parenting when a parent these people whose very roles are to nurture support and guide you they abused you they're toxic the abuse can be physical verbal or emotional it's all unhealthy and toxic and you don't deserve that do you relate to or recognize any of these behaviors you see or observe them in other situations we know they're your parents and from that status alone you may feel they get a pass and forgive them maybe change them or even start over those of us with toxic parents have been there we get it leaving a toxic parent in your life keeps your mental health at risk possibly leaving permanent scars you're not required to sacrifice your well-being for them we know as should you that you deserve decent respectful treatment you're not to blame for their problematic behaviors nor is it your responsibility or ability to change how they think or behave we can only control how we react and change ourselves if you'd like to know more about the specific dynamics of a toxic relationship between a parent and child site to go has created a playlist and uploaded videos on toxic father-daughter relationships toxic mother-daughter relationships toxic father-son relationships and toxic mother-son relationships on our youtube channel if you haven't watched part 1 of this video you can check it out by clicking on the link in the description box below thank you so much for watching and learning with us now go remind yourself how awesome you are and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 522,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toxic parents, toxic parent, toxic mother, toxic father, my parents are toxic, a toxic mother, living with toxic parents, parents are toxic, toxic parents signs, signs of toxic parents, how to deal with toxic parents, 20 signs you might have a toxic parent, toxic mothers, toxic family, toxic people, toxic family signs, toxic family members, toxic family relationships, dealing with toxic parents, toxic mother daughter relationships
Id: sp2XgMivTDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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