10 Rarest Things in No Man's Sky You Can Find or Own | Collectibles, Ships, Cosmetics, Items

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howdy kanaji here no man's sky's the vast universe is full of materials products technology and more to collect and trade throughout our travels most players will eventually come across the same types of discoveries we've all found gekk relics corvax casings royal class starships and vinegar class freighters by now you've probably seen it all or have you today i'll be going over the 10 rarest things in no man's sky in no particular order rather than just picking 10 rare inventory items though i thought it'd be fun to choose the rarest of each type of discovery you know the rarest ship type the rarest upgrade the rarest plant etc i will also not be focusing on expedition rewards which are inherently time limited and could very well fill their own video so i'll be sticking to quote unquote regular game items spoiler alert for those who wish to discover everything for themselves of course as well as minor spoilers for the atlas quest line and uh what lies at the center of the galaxy so without further ado let's jump into number 10 the rarest ship type while traveling the aforementioned vast universe you will no doubt encounter countless varieties of starship fighters haulers shuttles etc fill the skies of no man you may even chance upon the occasional royal class starship with its impressive ornament and craftsmanship however there is a ship rarer than even these no i'm not talking about living ships solar ships or even the golden vector rather i'm talking about squid ships these unusual ships have the lowest spawn rate of any ship type in the game in fact in nearly 700 hours of gameplay i've never encountered one in the wild before ever i acquired the one in this footage via portal coordinates so while portals can make the search much simpler finding one by chance is not something most players will experience unless they're putting in hundreds and thousands of hours number nine rarest cosmetic with the exception of expedition rewards all of no man's sky's player cosmetics are either unlocked from the get-go or obtainable through gameplay or so you thought when deciding on this category i considered a few different options the lost bathy sphere is earned at the end of a pretty obscure and kind of tedious quest the horrific flesh helmet requires quite a bit of grinding in derelict freighters and the exosuit backpack is the most expensive item in the quicksilver shop all of them good choices however there is yet another helmet that is also not an expedition reward that is much rarer than any of these i present to you the exosuit no not exo suit the xo suit as in xbox only given away as a pre-order bonus for the launch of the game on xbox it's both the only console exclusive cosmetic in the game as well as the only pre-order exclusive this means only a small number of players on a single console can don this helmet you know not counting pc players using mods that makes it the rarest helmet in the game in fact it's so rare that i had a hard time finding gameplay of it so here's the screenshot from craig explosion gaming or at beardedgreen1 on twitter i'll put a link in the description looks pretty cool actually and you know being a victim of fomo myself i also pre-ordered the xbox version and redeemed the helmet though sadly i don't have the console connected at the moment so i couldn't record gameplay for this number eight rarest flora since the origins update in 2020 the planets in no man's sky have seen an explosion of new flora and fauna across their surfaces while some biomes and thus specific plants are rarer than others there's one that i consider rarest of all and that is the mutant plant now i should mention there are a couple of types of mutant plants in the game there are those found on irradiated worlds which release radon gas and roll around when shot those are pretty uncommon themselves but the real rarity belongs to the floating variety found on frozen worlds these are procedurally generated and can take on many shapes but more or less tend to look like floral jellyfish most of the time believe it or not these have actually been in the game since 1.0 in 2016. however i didn't even find my first instance of it until september 2021 so in my book that's pretty rare and in case you wanted to see it for yourself i've also included the coordinates to this planet where i found them so knock yourself out all right number seven rarest fauna veteran exo zoologists will likely guess this one since origins and more recently outlaws the diversity of exobiology has exploded many fascinating creatures now roam the pastures oceans and skies of no man while you never quite know what to expect on the next planet you likely won't encounter the next three types of creatures as described by the galactic hub exobiology core and this information is taken from the no man's sky wiki shout out to them so the exobiology corps have determined that the three rarest types of creatures are the greater mushroom beetles diplos and the mega lesser mushroom beetles i'll explain that in a sec diplos of course refer to the long neck dinosaur looking critters that were famously teased in the e3 2014 trailer now let me explain greater and lesser mushroom beetles while most are familiar with the flying beetles introduced in origins many players are unaware that there's another variety of beetle that has been in the game since launch exceedingly rare these creatures are rarely glimpsed rarer still are the greater and lesser mushroom varieties the lesser mushroom beetle has a mushroom cap on its back while the greater mushroom beetle has both a mushroom stem and cap so it's like a full mushroom this latter variation is extremely rare to the point that i don't know if i've ever seen one in my own game the former in its mega size so mega lesser mushroom beetle is also extremely rare shown here on the no man's sky wiki so while all of these are considered white whales in their own right i have to give the title of rarest fauna to the greater mushroom beetle whose image is actually used on the exobiology core badge in case you thought i made any of this up number six rarest multi-tools now everyone knows that traveler's multi-tool is his best friend when first starting out you're bound to wake up with the pistol or rifle type in your hand but as you explore you may discover there are even more types experimental and alien type multi-tools are quite rare in my experience and offer unique benefits compared to pistols and rifles however i would consider s-class royal multi-tools the rarest of all hear me out so in order to get a royal multi-tool you must first locate a sentinel pillar and interact with it when you do there's a fair chance you'll only find a regular multi-tool so in order to find another pillar in that case you'd need to either find an army of sentinels on a different planet mind you unless you didn't shut them down or obtain a map from destroyed sentinels again through combat so there's a lot of combat involved after all this you may be blessed with a royal multi-tool however all royal multi-tools are found as c-class meaning that in order to get an s-class you're gonna have to spend an arm and a leg in nanites to upgrade it if you're not the type to use glitches or exploits earning that kind of nanites will uh take a long time so for all of these reasons i consider s-class specifically royal multi-tools to be the rarest multi-tool of all of course this is mostly dependent on rng there's always a chance you'll get one like at your first sentinel pillar but i feel pretty confident saying these are pretty rare for the most part seeing as you have to interact with various different systems in order to gain one whereas the other multi-tool types anyone could come across just by playing number 5 rarest weapon now you're probably thinking wait a second didn't you just cover multi-tool i did but by rarest weapon i mean the rarest weapon module you can install on your multi-tool now you may also be thinking wait a second aren't all of the installable weapons available from the space anomaly okay i i hear you while most of them are there actually are others that require more effort to find at first i was going to choose the animus beam capable of harvesting the souls of its victims and not available from the space anomaly that seems like a pretty good pick but then i remember there's a weapon so rare that even i don't have it of course i'm talking about the incinerator the flamethrower weapon in no man's sky that most people don't even know about so how do you obtain it you ask well i'm afraid unless you're using a save editor on pc that ship has sailed you see the incinerator was accidentally added to the game in the 2020 desolation update while the blueprint wasn't added some eagle-eyed players noticed that a few select multi-tools came with the weapon pre-installed hello games did this by mistake though and quickly patched it out just a couple of days later making obtaining them almost impossible however if you were lucky enough to snag one at the time the patch did not remove them from players already existing multi tools that means some players still carry the unfinished unreleased flamethrower to this day one of those players is a fellow youtuber zoo games which you know thank you zoo for letting me use this clip and for all my viewers if you haven't seen zoo games he does great live streams community nights he's really great you should check out his channel link in the description but um as you can see from this footage the visual effects were actually updated in the sentinel patch just a while ago in 2022 so while it's still not obtainable in game and it's not officially supported it is still functional and by a lot of accounts very powerful against enemies while they did add a flamethrower weapon to the sentinel hard frames i'm hoping they will eventually add this into the game because i think it would be really useful specifically in the desolation freighters which of course was when the flamethrower was added originally it'd be perfect for those little creatures you have to kill so that's my choice for rarest weapon in the game the incinerator now number four rarest upgrade have you ever wondered what that little darkened spot in your catalog was for that one right there well friend that's the photonics core a rare pulse drive upgrade that's impossible to find in the current game originally included with the limited edition as well as pre-orders the photonics core was the most powerful pulse drive upgrade in the game at the time roughly equal to what the theta upgrade would have been for those 2016 players among you however it could also be found very rarely pre-installed and crashed ships so even regular players stood a chance of finding it themselves and i believe it would even grant you the blueprint once you got a ship with it installed unfortunately though it was patched out some say as early as the day 1 patch so only those who received the dlc codes would be able to obtain them sadly i wasn't one of those people and it remains one of my greatest regrets to this day not pre-ordering a true tragedy a terrible tribulation a troubling terror a terrifying torture number three rarest galaxy okay so i know you can't add a galaxy to your collection per se but you can build a base there and thus claim part of it for yourself so with that established which galaxy's real estate is the rarest in the universe i know a bit of a stretch since there are 255 galaxies you can reach in the game it would make sense that galaxy 255 please bear with me eel eosongola would be the hardest one to reach however you can probably guess by my tone that we're not stopping at the last galaxy but beyond it galaxy 256 odi lutai is nearly impossible to reach today the only way for you to reach this non-officially supported galaxy is to join the game or visit the base of someone who has already reached it apparently this was actually possible back in the earliest days of the game however it was patched out later around the time of atlas rises there was even a multiplayer bug back in 2020 that would sometimes send players to adi alutai all this being said we're not stopping galaxy 256 either for in fact the most difficult galaxy to reach in the game this galaxy 257 yields roosevelt previously reachable from the center of galaxy 256 yields russo mill is now exclusively reachable again by either joining the game of someone who's already there or visiting one of their bases so it's similar to the other galaxy except it has even fewer residents talk about exclusive and that makes it the rarest galaxy in the game now word of caution if you go looking for these galaxies since they're not really a part of the game they can be full of dangerous bugs and glitches supposedly so while it would be cool to visit one of these legendary galaxies i'm personally pretty happy in euclid number two rarest freighter interstitials are a ubiquitous mainstay of the no man's sky universe some designs are pretty common and blend into the background while others are so rare that i sometimes forget they exist i'll be using the naming conventions and some screenshots from the no man's sky wiki for this portion so in my experience the three rarest freighter types are the iris class the oculus class and the revolver class honorable mentions of course go to the enterprise and centrifuge classes of these i might say that the oculus class freighter is the rarest of the lot though rng may give you different results it really depends on where you are in the galaxy now when i say they're rare i don't necessarily mean like rare to see out of space you will see them from time to time rather i mean these varieties are really difficult to find purchasable versions of for example i used to own a centrifuge class for many years until i replaced it with a star destroyer looking thing now since then i haven't really come across another one so pretty rare stuff now finally we get to number one the rarest item in the game now this is one that i really racked my brain to determine there are so many one-off items in no man's sky tech and resources that you only need for one mission ingredients you'll need for one recipe and of course everything that comes with expeditions so there are a lot of ways we could take this for a second i even considered picking a rare food item that likely almost no one's ever cooked but since that would be really difficult to narrow down i instead turned to my own inventory this is an atlas stone veterans will likely recognize this from the 2016 version of the atlas path they were replaced with atlas seeds in 2017 but never removed from the game back in the day these could only be obtained from atlas stations as part of the main quest line well mostly i believe some people were also able to find them in trade terminals for like millions and millions of units which back then was a lot of units but i was never that lucky nowadays though they're just trinkets of a bygone era and with that that's my list of the 10 rarest things in no man's sky i hope you enjoyed it if you found it entertaining or educational let me know in the comments below or if there's something so rare that even i've missed it then definitely leave a comment below i'd love to learn about that or if you enjoyed the video but aren't at liberty to leave a comment simply liking the video lets both me and the algorithm know that my videos might be worth watching now this is normally where i would ask for subscribers and don't get me wrong please subscribe but i really want to give a shout out to my 800 plus subscribers because holy cow i think i had about 400 at the beginning of april and now we're you know getting into the second week of may and i'm at over 800 so it's it's about doubled in a month which is crazy growth it took me about 14 years to to get to 400 subscribers in about a month to get to 800 so that's insane for me and i i really do mean 14 years i think i joined may 20th 2008 so it's a real old channel but thank you so much for subscribing for supporting for watching the videos i really appreciate it keeps me going keeps me motivated and i love doing these types of videos as hopefully it's evident in the content i create so thanks again and i'll see you in the next video bye wait okay wait wait wait i just thought of a way for playstation users to get atlas stones and the photonics core now first you will need to locate a physical copy of the original game then install version 1.0 without any patches so you may need to disable your internet then start a new game collect the atlas stones and the photonics core if you can and then also maybe reach galaxy 257 if you'd like after all that which may or may not take several months update your game to the current build in bada bing bada boom you have the rare items in your inventory yep yeah that really doesn't seem worth it you
Channel: Kanaju
Views: 629,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no man's sky, no mans sky, no mans sky rare, no mans sky rare starship, no mans sky rare weapon, no mans sky rare multitool, no mans sky rare animal, no mans sky rare plants, no mans sky rare items, no mans sky atlas stones, no mans sky mutant plants, nms rare items, nms rare galaxy, no mans sky rare freighter, no mans sky rare cosmetics, no mans sky xo suit, no mans sky photonix core
Id: eIHEAZs0jyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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