6 Low Fat Japanese Rice Soups a.k.a. ZOSUI - Revealing Secret Recipes!!

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first one is mmer sty zi is a loal dish using soybean and I made a doy version inspired by it I'll use rice instead ofon any vegetable or mushrooms can be used but today I choose carrot Chinese types and shim mushrooms my husband doesn't like shim mushrooms very much so I will try to cut them into small pieces so he doesn't find out fried tofu goes really well with today's Mis soup so I put it in they are a little tough because they were frozen tff can be added instead of fried tff since there were kamabo fish cakes in my fridge let's add them as topping as well we would add pork belly but to cut the fat we add a little chicken with the skin removed it's delicious even without meat cook the chicken first in a small amount of olive oil sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper when the chicken has almost completely changed color add the carrots and Fry after St frying a little add a rice this is rice cooked normally in a rice cooker Add Water mushrooms and things right off after mixing lightly season The Taste Adda paste this me is made mainly from saine Ki and has a dark brown color since sain are the main ingredient it's high in protein and Umami flavor the more the sing m is simmered the stronger it Umami and richness become you can of course make it with other types of Mis and sck mirin and sugar this all Miss by the way please check the link my tools and seasonings for the seasoning Ed in the video information about SBE Mis can also be found there it tastes even better if you add a little DH powder it's delicious in this state but I add an egg here crack the egg cook until deser consistency is reached remove the egg once to prevent them from collapsing add the salt at the end if needed it depends on the salt content of tamisa so taste and adjust the amount of salt after I started to serve it I realized that I had not added chiny ches the ches should be added at the about the same time as the egg is cooked just a little bit of heat is all that is needed I forgot to include the kamaboko as well but since it can be eaten raw you can just put it on top at the end my husband really liked it saying it was very tasty but he noticed the sh mushrooms next one need creamy salmon dly in this recipe the first trees I ever bought in my life will be playing an important role first the salmon is cooked parchment paper LA on the pan sprinkling a little socket over the top make them fluffier and tastier you may be tired of hearing this but Japanese salmon is salty so I don't sprinkle salt on it anymore but you should put a little salt on your salmon before grilling cook over medium low heat for about 4 minutes on each side when cooked remove the bones and make salmon flakes this time use frozen rice microwave for 1 minute to make it easier to loosen it's convenient to freeze rice because it keeps for quite a long time in all the rice soup dishes we used about 100 G of cooked rice this will make about 1 serving of the rice soup since I usually eat 150 to 200 g of rice rice soup allows me to reduce the amount of rice I eat yet it's very satisfying put water and rice in a pot this time since the vegetables are not cooked milk is also added immediately this is not fat milk use your favorite kind of milk or soy milk if you're cooking additional vegetable that would go well with the salmon add the milk after those vegetable have softened while warming over low heat prepare the cheese I bought cage cheese for the first time in my life at the supermarket I recently learned that this is an excellent loveat high protein cheese cheese is expensive in Japan so I can't buy it very often but I will choose this when I buy cheese from now on seasoned the rice add the conser use your favorite stock powder taste or a Boolean add salt and pepper add the salon flakes for Myer when the rice has absorbed enough water to make it nice turn off the heat and add the cheese of course other types of cheese can be used the flavor was just right because of the saltiness of the salmon but add more salt if it's not enough it's also delicious with a hint of Misa as a secret ingredient don't forget to sprinkle black pepper at the end mits goes great with salmon my husband and I talked about how this might be the best use for cage juice next one is tomato Dy cut onion as thin and small as possible cut the ham into small pieces too instead of hem a little sausage or ground meat it be delicious to soften and sweeten the onions add a small amount of water and cook them in advance cook for a few minutes and when the onions are soft at the rice tomato juice is all added here then add ham and corn add sa sauce sugar salt and dash powder the addition of Dash powder gives the dish a rich flavor taste for sness and adjust to taste I had some cottage cheese left over so I used it as a topping and it was extremely tasty sprinkle with passy to complete the dish this Japanese style rice soup with tomatoes is my favorite next one is the simplest eggy this is the easiest Japanese style rice soup to make requiring only rice and eggs making the ideal for beginners put rice and water in the pot since the rice was frozen break it up lightly after simmering for a few minute the rice has lightly absorbed the water add Dash powder and soy sauce if you do not have a tou powder you can use Al stock or blean paste simmer for a few minutes and when the rice has absorbed a good amount of Bloss bring to a full boil then add be an egg stir gently to cook the egg taste and add the Sal as needed it's a simple but very tasty rice soup with a nice combination B andami from the dash broth finally TP with green onion and you done next one is Dandan soup style doy Dandan noodles is a type of ramen popular in Japan the soup is creamy and slly spicy with a distinctive Sesame flavor this time the rice soup is made in the image of this noodle soup today I bought bamboo Sho so I cut them into cubes and put them in sh mushrooms were a little expensive Sage mushrooms I used as a substitute this time I'll cut the shage mushrooms even smaller and challenge my husband not to find out if you don't have these ingredients substitute beans bread Chinese cabbage onions and any mushrooms you can get your hands on me garlic I really wanted to add Ginger too but I forgot to buy some please add chopped Ginger too add garlic doen and sesame oil to the pot we lightly heated at the ground meat this is chicken breast but chicken thigh or ground pork is also recommended when the meat has almost completely changed color add the bamboo Sho and mushrooms mix slightly and add rice and water mix slightly season them with shantan chicken stock powder Misa paste soy sauce sugar and ground Sesame this sesame is very important if you have Sesame paste it's even better to use it this time I made it with water only but it's even cleaner with Al milk if that tasty too weak add a little Mis paste or salt sprinkle me green onion add the with rayu chili oil by the way my husband did not notice the shid mushroom this time he said it was very tasty and he ate a lot of it the last one is hot and sour soup style doy this is a rice soup in inspired by a sour and spicy soup called suan which is commonly eaten in Japan I use carrot bambo sh and tofu later leftover Chinese Chips and crab cakes are also added other ingredients that go well with this super sha mushrooms chicken and tomatoes change the ingredient to your liking cook the carrot first in a small amount of water when the carrots are tender add the bamboo Sho rice more water and T add do seasoning here shantan chicken stock powder soy sauce and salt bring it to a light boil then add the crab cakes spreading them into pieces by hand rice vinegar is added here if the vinegar is added to Ali the good aroma of vinegar will be lost so I add it here if you like sour you can add more vinegar add Chinese chip in the second half of the dish bring to a good boil and add a beating egg when the egg is cooked it's done the sourness and this creamy egg are the key Point spiciness is also important but today we will add spiciness only with r i tasted it and it was too th so I added more shantang and salt and pepper the sess and the spiciness of this R match so well that I could eat many bowls of it thank you so much for watching our video please subscribe to our Channel if you are already subscriber and would like to support our Channel Please join our membership membership feedback will be reflected in content creation see you in the next video
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Keywords: japanese food, japanese food recipe, japanese recipe, japanese cooking, japanese meal, japanese culture, japanese cooking channel, Japanese cooking, Japanese recipe, Japanese lunch idea, porridge, japanese porridge, easy rice porridge, rice porridge, rice soup, easy rice soup idea, easy rice soup, tomato rice soup, soup recipe, easy soup, salmon recipe, egg rice soup, low fat meal
Id: SzFm8dAmVIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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