6 Easy Ways to Make Japanese Homemade Ramen - Revealing Secret Recipes!!

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first one is tongat ramen this is called Pago Main in Japan prepare pork loin and make a cut in the fat like this can be done with the knife or scissors it's a little stick it's a beauty with a roaring pin to make it a little thinner today's tonkotsu is known this is a special tonkata that goes well with Ramen there are two key points one is marinated in this delicious sauce and then fried potato sauce sake oyster sauce sugar curry powder I recommend this SNB Brown curry powder if not available you can add cumin or other spices of your choice you can also skip it mix well and marinate the pork I think it tastes better if you let it marinate for about 10 minutes turn it over on the way next let's prepare toppings I want to add minced green onion and boiled spinach today you can add any toppings you like the splint was really good with this Ramen bok choy is also recommended Japanese spinach is boiled before I use the cool and then squeeze out the water three now that the pork has been seasoned cut it with butter here is the second key point use potato starch the crunchy butter makes it a perfect accompaniment to the ramen soup be careful with letters that you can easily peel off please reapply where it has peeled off frying oil for three to four minutes on each side I think it burns easily because of the sugar used for seasoning be more careful with the temperature than when frying regular tonkatsis it's also a good idea to fry them at a slightly lower temperature for 4 minutes each it's okay if you get a little burnt though next let's make ramen soup put water soy sauce oyster sauce chicken stock powder garlic powder and sugar by the way chicken stock powder is often mentioned in this video it is specially recommended for making ramen and I talk more about this bra later mix well and heat up prepare another large pot with plenty of water then pour the noodles depending on how long it takes to boil the noodles it'll be best if they finish pouring when the soup and tonkatsu are ready after discarding the hot water and draining well if the soup is cooked we heat and place in a bowl add noodles and top with tonkata this season polka like is the best and surprisingly goes well with this soup next one is tonkotu style ramen tonkoto soup is a thick broth made by simmering pork buns for a long time it's hard to make because of the main ingredients and complexity but today I'll teach you how to easily reproduce it at home for the topping of Joshua pork I'll substitute its pork belly fried in a simple way today the authentic way to make chai shu pork will appear in the first recipe so stay tuned any part of pork is fine it will be better to cut a thinner put the sake mirin soy sauce and sugar simmer down and let the pork soak up the flavor if you use pork belly the third part becomes crispy and very tasty prepare the Green Onions by chopping them finely next let's make super quick tonkot soup the water is a paste chicken stock butter soy sauce mirin sugar grated Ginger and grated garlic mix well finally add milk that's all easy right you may not believe it just from watching the video but this really does taste like tonkoto Ramen my husband who is picky about taste said this really tastes like tonkotru Ramen so please give it a try mix well and heat up authentic tacos Ramen uses thin straight noodles we did not have noodles that were exactly the same but we did have thinner noodles noodles that are easy to find are fine warm the Sip three by the way be careful not to overheat it because it contains milk if you ever heated milk begin to separate I'll heat up some imitation Joshua pork too if you can prepare the toppings as shown in this video you will feel more like tonkot Ramen I would be very happy if you could prepare green onions red Pickled ginger and Novi seaweed next one is spicy egg Ramen first let's cut this Chinese Chive I recommend it because it goes very well with eggs but if you don't have any use green onions or onions instead mix garlic and Ginger you can do without the ginger per garlic ginger and sesame oil in the pot when lightly fried and fragrant add the meat this is ground pork use any meat of your choice mix well and when the meat is someone cooked at the door bungee if you don't have the Abundant try making a substitute by mixing miso soy sauce and cayenne pepper powder add chicken stock powder sugar and soy sauce but water mix well and bring the boil add bean sprout and Chinese Chive this takes about a minute to cook so you can add them when the noodles are ready prepare one or two eggs bring the soup to the bar again another video next to it stir gently when the egg circuit is ready after serving the noodle in a bowl pour a soup on top the spicy but Rich broth with the addition of the mild egg is the best it's very easy to make so try it with your favorite vegetables next one is soy Ramen soy sauce flavor Ramen means homemade cashew here I make authentic Joshua pork where Joshua takes time Choi Ramen is already in the instant so if you subscribe with something else please skip to the short Ramen recipe to make this Joshua pork I bought 600 grams of pork belly at the aperture shop I tried to make it a little thinner since I would be roaring the meat afterwards he didn't think out that much but it's okay rub salt and pepper on All Surface by the way I have made many kinds of Joshua pork but my husband has told me many times that this is the best the pork is extremely tender and juicy so be sure to give it a try cut in half after rolling up like this tie it with red to fix the shape there are no rules on how to wrap it site don't be down until you save it it's best to tie them tightly as it's tough if they unravel during the boring process it was easy to wrap it around by tying it with separate strings while horizontally and one vertically to ensure that the pork is evenly cooked leave the pork out of the fridge at room temperature for about 30 minutes next round the surface of the meat in 2 tbsp of oil this is a very important process to add flavor to a pork and remove excess oil remember this amount of oil it may seem contradictory to use a lot of oil to remove fat but oils have the property of melting into each other more fat will be dissolved when fried in plenty of oil that will fried without oil fry strawberry until the surface is crispy and golden brown can you see that there is more oil in the pan than at first remove the pork I got so much oil I think I can use this oil for making fried food next add enough water to the pot to cover the pork and simmer for one hour bring the boil then reduce heat to low slowly simmering the pork before adding seasonings produces extremely tender cashew pork while waiting prepare the eggs boiled eggs in boiling water for 8 minutes as you want the yolks to be slightly runny it can be placed directly from the fridge later I thought seven minutes would have been fine stir halfway through so that the yolk in the middle after a minute immediately place in ice water this will be made into an angiitama season X later after boiling for one hour remove the pork I used very fresh pork and would like to save this juice and use it in other dishes finally it's time to season the pork repair cleaning pot the water soy sauce suck it sugar garlic Ginger I forgot to stir it so I'm mixing it here at the green part of the green onion skip it if you don't have it make garlic with aluminum foil to keep the pork from drying out I use this lid because I thought it would be easier for the flavor to suck in the regular lid simmer for 1 hour and low heat turn it over halfway through so that the flavor sucks in on all sides after one hour turn off the heat and add the eggs you can already eat the Joshua pork belly for a bit with the eggs as it will soak up even more flavor during the cooling process that's it for 30 minutes to an hour and it's ready to use because this soap was still hot when I added eggs I could have boiled eggs a little shorter it's under the string and cut it I cut it a little thicker because I was afraid to lose the shape even though it was thick it was very soft and easy to eat it melt in your mouth egg was also so tasty now that the time consuming toppings are complete it's time to make sure Ramen the water from boiling pork was used for ramen soup if you're using water add 1 teaspoon sesame oil or vegetable oil add chicken stock powder sugar salt and soy sauce mix well and bring to a boil here let me introduce the chicken stock powder I talked about the beginning it's a seasoning called shantan that is made from base of clear chicken soup combining meat and vegetable extract garlic and more than 20 kinds of spices it can be added to any dish to dramatically improve its taste but it is specially ideal for making ramen easily bringing it close to the taste of the restaurant you can find this in the mind tools and Seasonings list in the description on this video happily the noodles will be ready by the time you finish making the soup after adding the noodle to the soup All That Remain is to top with the egg and charge the pork from earlier topped with green onion and Mema is available enjoy authenticia Ramen at home next one is miso Ramen first pour the bean sprout for the topping it takes only a minute or two next let's make ramen soup with ready Ginger garlic and minced green onion or a little sesame oil while lightly fried and fragrant add the ground pork once the meat is almost cooked through turn up the heat and add the seasonings add miso paste the lighter miso is made from rice Koji in the darker one is made from soybean Koji feel free to use any miso you have chicken stock butter soy sauce socket sugar and oyster sauce Add Water heat the soup while dissolving the Miso till the lever Vanessa is the WASP do not boil too much by this point the noodles should be cooked could be sprout this is a meat that was added to make the soup mix green onion corn and bar deck I was able to recreate miso Ramen just like in the restaurant and I definitely want everyone to try it the last one is Stir Fry meat and vegetable Ramen this is called tamman in Japan this woman is characterized by the inclusion of the variety of vegetables you don't have to use the visual as shown in this video just use whatever you like or have easy access to I use cabbage green bell pepper onion carrot this is earlier mushroom called the Kiku rugged it's often added to Ramen noodle like this one it's also used as a topping for tonkot ramen this is kamaboko boiled fish paste and I want to add pork belly too when the ingredients are ready fry carrot and onion in sesame oil first when they are cooked slightly add cabbage fry a little and add pork sprinkle the pork with a little salt and pepper the pork is almost cooked add mushroom and bell pepper lightly stir fry the main flavor of today's soup is simply stocked in salt so the chicken stock powder I mentioned earlier is especially important I take it out once make soup in the same pot the water chicken stock powder soy sauce sugar and salt mix well and bring to a boil once boiling at the bean sprout return the vegetable and meet you just stir-fry to the pot add the fish cakes kamaboko here as well let it simmer lightly and check the taste our salt and pepper as needed you can adjust black pepper at the end it's a healthy Ramen with a gentle flavor and lots of vegetables
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Keywords: japanese food, japanese food recipe, japanese recipe, japanese cooking, japanese meal, japanese culture, japanese cooking channel, Japanese cooking, Japanese recipe, Japanese lunch idea, Japanese dinner idea, ramen, ramen recipe, how to make ramen, miso ramen, tonkotsu ramen, tonkatsu ramen, shoyu ramen, shio ramen, tanmen, vegetable ramen, chashu, chashu pork, soy sauce ramen, chashu pork recipe, how to make chashu, tonkotsu soup, ramen noodles, japanese ramen
Id: b9tchq2BGs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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