6 Incredible Mods That Make Anno 1800 Even Better!

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a question I get asked quite often is what are your favorite mods or what mods do you recommend for n 1800 so I thought I would start a new series of videos where I list some mods that I think are really really good that you should have in your game now we're going to be separating these by category and the first one we're going to take a look at are Quality of Life mods these are mods that I think just you know make the game a little bit better in terms of gameplay and mechanics these are not mods that add any sort of new production chains or ships or buildings or anything like that these are just mods that make your gameplay a little bit more interesting all of these mods are going to be available in game on The Mod browser through mod.io so all you have to do is subscribe to them straight from the main menu so with that let's get started with the first one the first one on our list is a really really simple one it is the bigger Harbor mod from spice it up we we all like to build nice big Grand Harbors in our game and honestly the available Harbor space is a little bit small in general bigger Harbor it just increases the size of the harbor area I believe it's about a 50 to 75% increase in the available construction area of your Harbor so it gives you a lot of room to build a nice big Harbor area you can see on the screenshot right here how big that Harbor area is normally the cut off is going to be somewhere right about where my mouse is going so you can see how much more space you have now it's a nice big wide open area for you to build a nice Large Harbor with so if you're someone who likes building big Harbors go ahead grab this mod and you will love yourself for that and if you find any of this video helpful at all do me a big favor and leave a like and a comment down below if you have not already subscribe to the channel for more ano 1800 content I know it's a little cheap easy to say but it does help the channel out tremendously and I cannot do this without you guys support so big big thanks for everything so far now this next one is actually kind of a two-part you need two mods to make this one work it is the river slot buildings and then the river slots Old World New World by Talus this mod is awesome this actually makes the rivers in the old world and New World serve a purpose so many people hate the rivers especially in the new world because they're just a hindrance they're in the way and you don't get any benefit from them with this mod you actually have some benefits from your River slot so you can build buildings on them now in the old world you can build Fisheries which uh unlocks at 50 Farmers a river clay collector which is one worker a river Sawmill which is one Artisan a river flower Mill one artison and a power plant which is one engineer so really great selections right there so you don't have to have all your Fisheries on the coastline now we can have Fisheries on the water same with the clay collector those Sawmills the flower mills and the power plant really really cool additions for the old world on those River slots in the new world we can do fish oils Pearl Farms clay Sawmills gold washers and a river power plant at artistas if you have the new world Rising DLC again amazing amazing options right there this really makes the rivers so much more useful in everything in the game and I definitely would recommend this if you are looking to increase the usefulness from those River slots now this is not save game compatible if you do want to use this mod you do have to start a new game for it to generate those River slots so this is a new game sort of mod so just be aware of that and if you want to use it go ahead and restart but you will not be disappointed with it so next on our list is the new world commuter Pier now I know this one seems a little bit redundant since with Empire of the Skies we have access to the Airship platform with a commuter module the thing is is I'm not really a big fan of Empire of the Skies DLC it's not my favorite so I do like to play with it turned off quite often however I do like the ability to share Workforce between my Islands I think that's a really cool feature of the new world in that DLC so instead of that I will use this mod right here so I can still get the benefit of sharing the workforce between the islands without having to have the somewhat frustrating uh management of Empire of the Skies especially with AI dropping packages and different things on your population all the time and it's kind of annoying so this right here gives me a good alternative to having to use the DLC now I know that there are uh mods just like this for Essa and the Arctic however I don't use those specifically because they are not even available through DLC to share Workforce and I try to keep the quote cheat stuff down to a minimum so this right here I don't feel is very you know skipping game mechanics or anything because it's available in a DLC so this is a great alternative if you don't have Empire disguise or you just don't really want to build Airship platforms and do the commuter peers on them so great little quality of life uh mod right here so next up we have a longtime favorite of many many people and that is the AI Shipyard mod from the spice it up collection the AI Shipyard mod simply allows you to build a special Shipyard that lets you bring in AI characters into your game if you start the game with no AI opponents uh in order to get the three star Ai and I believe there's a couple of others that you need that are kind of higher level you do build an embassy which uses the court of justice building from the campaign and you build that and then you can uh bring in some of the more highlevel AI into your game all it does is it builds a single ship that is tied to that Ai and then they will go settle an island and start expanding and doing their normal thing this is really really great especially for new players who might be a little timid to play with AI at first but they might want to bring them in later on this gives you that option I like using this option for a lot of my builds because I like to kind of just kind of get settled in and build up do my thing for a little while and then bring in AI later on once I feel comfortable with where I'm at and I have what I want and then I get a little lonely and I want some friends on the map to play around with so really good option right there for either newer players or if you started a game with with no Ai and then you kind of be like ah you know I really wish I had some AI in the map well now you can with the AI Shipyard mod now this one right here I feel is a musthave especially if you're playing in the cape trani region from Sunken Treasures this mod the active Trader Nate increases the fleet that Nate has access to and increases his cell budget what that means is Nate actually has more than one ship available by default Nate only has a single cargo ship that will go around and do passive trade with your Islands in Cape trani that makes the region really really poor for Passive trade you get all those really cool Specialists you get a specialist called Hogarth from completing the Sunken Treasures DLC campaign quest line and he has a lot of good bonuses for Passive trade however Cape trani is the worst region for passive trade because the only AI there is Nate and he only has one ship that goes around to all the islands so this gives him an actual trade Fleet so that increases the amount of passive trade that occurs alternatively if you're using a mod such as a crown falls in the old world mod like I am using in my current playthrough this also will just give him a bigger Fleet and gives you more passive trade opportunities aside from just kahina and Archie so it's a really great quality of life mod right here I really really like Nate having a bigger Fleet so you get more passive trading going on to me ano is a game all about trade and having more trade opportunities is just a big big bonus to me and I really like that concept the last Quality of Life mod I'm going to talk about is one that is a little near and dear to my heart because this was a personal request of mine to uh to benen Griff the maker of set up and he was kind enough to put this on together for me now if you'll rewind a little bit and remember back to game update 12 in game update 12 they accidentally broke the fog in the Arctic region and when they broke that fog in the northern part of the Arctic region where all the Arctic scrap is at we could see the entire Glacier and we didn't have to go hunting around with 500 airships just to keep it uncovered so we could find Arctic scrap up there well in the very next hot fix patch they they fixed that and the fog came back well I absolutely hated it I have limited time I don't have a lot of free time to sit around and play for hours and hours on end and having to and I need a lot of Arctic scrap for a lot of things I craft so having the Arctic Glacier area uncovered was amazing when they removed that and fixed it I went to toed and Griff and said hey could you make a mod that brings the bug back back and he said yeah not a problem and this was what he came up with it's the passage charts what this does is it adds a legendary quality chart essentially to either you can buy it at kumak the Inuit Trader but it does take a while to find it it's not always very common or you can occasionally find it in Lost Arctic cargo on the glacier itself and when you use the item you right click on it to use it it uncovers that Northern part of the map let me show you what that looks like now I have already used the item in this game but as you can see the entire Glacier is completely uncovered I don't have any fog hiding anything and I can see all the Arctic scrap up here and all I need to do now is hold down shift and right click on it all and I can go pick it up and I don't have to spend forever rolling around trying to uncover it and see where it is is at this makes it so so much easier to go up here and get all the Arctic scrap now if you were wondering what that Arctic cargo is where you can sometimes find the map it looks like this this is Arctic cargo right here it's these Brown boxes as opposed to the scrap which is these kind of black boxes right here this is Arctic cargo so these are what you could randomly sometimes find the maps in however I typically just go over to cumac and just roll and roll until I find it over there instead of hunting around for these right here in the fog so that's how I like to do it this just is a Time saer literally is all it is it saves so much time because you're not having to sit and hunt for all this Arctic scrap up here you now my time is precious I'm sure your time is precious and the Arctic scrap Hunt is just not very fun and I really wish that they had you know just left it uncovered because by that point you know the Arctic DLC had been out for like what a year and a half two years almost I think at that point and you know we'd all had the fun of hunting for scrap let's just go ahead and be done with it and let us just go get it ourselves you see he's already gone around and picked up 13 and we're good to go he's going to get some more it's a great little mod uh very very happy that tiben and Griff made it for us so if you are tired of hunting for Arctic scrap go ahead grab this mod and go get it yourself self so easily so that's it guys that's a few Quality of Life mods that I highly recommend that you get and you play around with to see if they work for you and they help your gameplay out a little bit I have more videos coming later with other categories such as uh production changes and updates new types of buildings new types of ships all kinds of things coming very very soon for recommended mods for your game so I hope you will stay tuned for that thank you so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you in the next video Until Then guys take care
Channel: Taka
Views: 33,387
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Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 mods, anno 1800 takarazuka, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 dlc, anno 1800 game, anno 1800 mod loader, anno 1800 mod, anno 1800 modded, anno 1800 mods nexus, anno 1800 mods 2023, anno 1800 mods 2022, anno 1800 modding guide, anno 1800 gameplay, anno 1800 mods install, anno 1800 mods gameplay, anno 1800 mods best, anno 1800 mods steam, anno 1800 mods taka, quality of life mods, anno 1800 quality of life, anno 1800 qol mods
Id: IW37QYxT5u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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