Create A Vibrant City With These Anno 1800 Mods!

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so Anno 1800 is without a doubt one of the best resource management City builder-esque games on the market right now undoubtedly it was the best Anno game in the franchise and boosted the series into the public Spotlight to millions of players around the world and is still being discovered by new players to this day over four years after release however many people come to the game looking for a true city building experience like City skylines or SimCity fix it for SimCity 5 we don't talk about that unfortunately that is where Anno comes up a little short in my opinion the city building aspect of the game is really just a thin veneer with limited assets and customization this is a game that is focused on resource and Space Management first and foremost basically it's just a really pretty Excel spreadsheet but thanks to mods and the Recently Added creative mode system we can turn Anno into something far more than what is offered by the developers and create our own 19th Century City Builder to create some beautiful beautiful cities so let's take a look at how we want to achieve this first there's obviously the things available from Ubisoft the numerous cosmetic packs as well as the various DLCs or season passes all of these come with a huge variety of new buildings skins for existing buildings and lots of new ornaments they really add a lot to the game and give us hundreds of new options to play around with designing and decorating our cities of course if you're looking to just create a really pretty city the creative mode added with the anniversary update in April 2023 is the ideal setting for this it removes all of the management aspects of the game and it lets you just build everything in a free build mode uh with no constraints or having to worry about managing needs and production chains you can spend time to let your imagination just run wild and build whatever you want so whenever you're ready to do this you just click on new game and then click on the creative mode and you can change in the settings you want and go from there and you don't have to worry about managing any of the city's aspects and just start building now let's take a look at mods with the recent integration of a mod manager into ano 1800 mods are easier than ever to install and use I am going to separate this into buildings first and ornamental mods second and then any additional mods that you might need or want a full list of these mods as well as links to download them are going to be available on my Discord server I know some people don't like having to use Discord for stuff but it does make it a lot easier for me to keep the list updated over time and it provides a really good place to ask questions about them a list of them mods will be in the description but I'm not going to provide links to every single thing down there because some stuff is you know has little caveats to how you need to download them and stuff and so that just why that's why it makes Discord a better place to keep track of all of that so with that out of the way let's jump into the mods I recommend and get started now the first mod I have is actually a collection of mods I was going to show this all off in game but there's so much to it it's easier just to go through the screenshots this is a collection by Jacob Jacob it makes some absolutely phenomenal content for no 1800 it is breathtaking it is beautiful and it is really really cool so we're just going to scroll through some of these screenshots and show off what he has available for you in the collection we have artista skyscrapers we have terrorist worker and Artisan homes so we can make some really cool london-esque worker districts and stuff it's really really awesome we have diagonal residences look how cool this looks guys it's so awesome uh tea factories and T docs so we can have that true British feel to us over here upgradable workers for Artisans we have small hotels these are so well done they are absolutely gorgeous little hotels I would actually have tours in my city with these I would actually be okay with having tourists uh we have better electric wires still not a fan of electric wires but these at least look better than what we have in the base game different types of streets and improved streets tool factories from extra Goods uh this is using a modified version of the Goldsmith and the Jeweler I believe and these are actually modular as you can as you add more factories next to each other they will connect and make these huge complexes really really cool new versions of town halls and simpler things like a music school and a docklands gate module this is something that I think that Ubisoft should have done by default in the game this allows a gate module for docklands so you can have your roads going through docklands and have stuff sitting outside docklands such as you can see in this picture this is stuff I think should have been available by default with the docklands DLC and so many new models and textures and different things you can build around your cities it really helps the skyline and gives you some alternatives to your city that you can build with while still having the same factories as before but they are just going to look different and really change the look of your cities one other collection I want to showcase just through pictures and everything is called more old world variety this one adds in just so much stuff it's unbelievable it adds in different types of buildings lots and lots of ornaments it has so much stuff to it it's absolutely crazy uh scooter parking a castle uh the castle at night and there's all the new a lot of the new ornaments it adds uh different types of industrial ornaments topiaries people rocks whatever this chassis stuff is at the top I haven't really looked through it all but it's absolutely phenomenal the amount of stuff that it adds oh that's a car workshop apparently apparently it will add in a car workshop some cranes scaffolds Cannery silos car accidents with some animations on them train workshops so many cool things that this mod right here adds that will just add so much variety and spice to your city building so yet another one that I highly recommend getting because it adds so many little things that you can use to detail out your cities all right now let's get into some of the actual building mods so the first one we have right here is the old world Chapel this is available in the farmer tier of the game and it is by a lion zero five three just a very nice small three by three Chapel for your little farming communities next up we have three different models for the church at the worker tier first we have gasparov's church then we have the jorgensen's church and then we have the new world Cathedral now the new world Cathedral model is also available in the new world as a special building down there beautiful assets beautiful models for the church it can get a little funky sometimes and you might have to keep placing it down to get the right model the shift V doesn't always work but if you can't get it just keep placing down the church and eventually you will get it now all three of these have been created by JJ E1000 you're going to notice a theme right away with my building models and stuff a lot of them are by jje he makes some absolutely gorgeous assets for this game next up jje has also brought us a variation on the bank now this is the same model it just has two different textures it just changes the copula and stuff on top from copper to Green you can have either one so this is a variation on the bank skin just place your bank hit shift V and you can get one of these additional models right here so again another model by jje absolutely fantastic now this next building right here I do have to show a screenshot of because I can't get it unlocked in the game uh hopefully by the time this video gets out I'll have instructions down in the comments about how to get this building unlocked automatically in creative mode so where you don't need to have met the population requirements so be on the lookout for that down in the comments there's three buildings in this list that are like that they're all by jje and I'm going to be hitting him up here very soon about how to remove that unlock trigger so we can have these buildable automatically right from the start in creative mode so this is called a bors or probably butchering the pronunciation it is a Stock Exchange Building really really nice looking Corner building I love me some good Corner buildings in the game so I'm really really loving this one the second one in our list of things that I've got to work with JJ on uh is a national Civic call very very cool looking uh Greco-Roman type building right here uh I think it would really be really neat to think of this as some sort of giant Museum or something it really reminds me of the Parthenon in Athens very very pretty building right here uh you can use it as maybe some sort of Auditorium Concert Hall Opera something like that in your cities very very nice model right there and the last building I got to show off on a screenshot is the uh Central Hull this is actually a giant train station uh you can see in the back that he's using some of the uh Railway ornaments that came with one of the Cosmetic packs for the game to create some uh I don't even know what you call platform covers and I believe it also comes with some back here as well it's a really really neat looking building to create a central train station for your cities all right next up we have a gymnasium building this acts as a school and it is just a really cool looking giant building there's actually a school that kind of looks like this in a city nearby to me so it's really neat to have this really ornate School building that we can have in our cities to provide some higher class education other than the tiny little school building that we get in the worker tier next up we have the municipal Hall again another building by jje this one right here uh can be like a Metropolitan Center or something like that on Opera Center like similar to the National Civic Center or something like that it's just a really cool looking building very very pretty model right here so go check that one out next up we have the variety theater variation building by Mr koki I believe that's how you say his name uh this just adds a wall-to-wall variation for the variety theater I always thought something like this was really needed for especially for engineers and stuff because having just that separate variety theater building just felt a little out of place for some reason to me this is the same size as the variety theater it's just a skin variation for it but it will look really good alongside your wall-to-wall engineer buildings and it also would look really good amongst your Artisans of course to add a bit of a higher class building in there now this one is not special it's not unique or fancy or anything it is just an oil Pier this is actually from spice it up all this does is add an oil Pier this is just for some variation in your Harbor because the harbors can kind of look a little same after a while so this just adds some interesting variation into your harbors and stuff with a different Pier that you can add on and last but not least we have the White City Palace expansion by jje as well I'm going to show some pictures of this because it's just I I just I'm amazed at what he has done with this this turns the modules for the palace and instead of instead of the default number of like what is like nine or something there's 54. there are 54 skin variations for the different modules and you can create some absolutely stunning Palace configurations we have a bunch of pictures right here different lighting but you can see we can start making some really amazing looking palaces he has done an awesome job with this right here to add some flavor and variety to our palaces the palace was always one of those buildings that I felt needed some love and some help because it always looked kind of boring to me and now you can make your palace look absolutely awesome or as small as you want to from this screenshot right here but it is really really cool this is also a Palace Museum piece uh you can add on a Palace Museum and add artifacts onto it so it's a whole other main building so so cool it is just so awesome how this right here works so the White Palace City ex White City Palace expansion is by jje and it is a must-have for me going forward in my future playthroughs all right so we're done with the buildings let's move on to some of the ornamental and Road related type stuff so but first we're going to take a look at is called the invesa streets for old and new world this adds the Stone streets from embassa into the old and new world and let me tell you they fit so so perfect especially in the new world uh they also look really good alongside your standard worker and farmer buildings amazingly enough they work really really well with that this is by lion035 it's a great little mod um adds a lot of variety to your roads and stuff in those two regions so definitely check this one out jje coming in yet again with another amazing mod this is Mediterranean foliage and Street trees this just adds hundreds of different types of tree variations in lots of different settings that you can add to create some really cool foliage around your cities lots of vegetation variations and stuff and to make some really nice Parks tree-lined streets and just about anything else you can possibly think of in your cities next up we have industrial ornaments by her turtle one love that name for some reason uh industrial ornaments adds in over 250 different industrial themed ornaments for your cities chimneys smokestacks whatever these Barrel things are these uh Silo type things that's what they're called not Barrel silos silos all kinds of stuff he basically took all the models for the game and just stripped them apart and made all sorts of individual little things that you can add in to your cities for decoration and everything it's absolutely phenomenal so many great ornaments that he has added in so go check that one out now the next three mods are by everyone's long time favorite mod author known as after dark AKA mug and starmer probably butchered your name I'm sorry Muggin I'm so sorry I know I butchered your name I do it every time but after dark created the um long time favorites for many people City ornaments and harbor ornaments now those mods have been discontinued for the time being and he has created a whole new system for his mods and everything so we have the so first of all we have the Pavements mod this adds in all sorts of new pavement tiles and all sorts of new things for your Harbors different types of keys and piers and different things like that bridges that can go across the water lots of really cool options right there even stuff for the Arctic which never gets any love when it comes to content for mod authors but added in lots of new peers and stuff for up in the Arctic as well as imbesa so lots of cool stuff right here and this is the Pavements mod next up we have the streets related content this literally what's called streets related it's the mod's name uh adds in lots of stuff for anything related to streets basically uh we even we get true roundabouts right now now this is actually something that just plops over a just your normal 4x4 you draw out your little four by four Road this plops in the middle and has a round part that covers up the other parts of it it's really really cool how it works and everything I think yeah here we go you can see right there we lay out the normal and then you can plop something over top of it like that and create a little roundabout it's really really awesome absolutely blew my mind when I first saw this it's going to make and they actually follow the little rounds and everything it's so cool so definitely going to be using that pretty soon uh lots of Street related stuff all kinds of roundabouts that we we can see this whatever this thing right here is over the streets I don't know but it's cool looking we even have a little Pagoda looking thing some stuff for the embassa people bridges for trains like oh my God we have train Bridges finally so awesome so many cool things that we can add in that are related to streets and everything for the cities so again an amazing mod by after dark and last but not least we have Green Mile this includes all trees and plants from City and harbor ornaments uh made into its own mod and just has even more options for even more Foliage for your cities it's really really cool so many great things to add in more variation to our City's skylines and change up how everything looks now the last two things I want to talk about are not really mods or assets of themselves what they what they are are shared content after dark has created basically a pool resource where a lot of objects are shared between his mods are located so you don't have to have lots of different mods you have this one and then the other mods kind of pull from that basically it's kind of how it works in a nutshell uh what it is called is shared objects mu and then a modified ornaments tab what this does is actually adds a new tab to the ornaments uh section called mods and harbor and that's where anything related to your to the mods that after dark makes are located in there and it also seems to pull stuff from other mods in there too I don't really know how that works it's it's kind of magic to me but it does pull some stuff into there but these two things right here are required whenever you are using any of after dark's mods those are The Green Mile the street related and the uh Plaza stuff right there so those three mods from after dark you do need the modified ornaments Tab and shared objects all instructions were had to install and download that stuff are on their next Pages it's really really easy don't worry super simple while finishing up the video I remember there is one mod I forgot to talk about because for some reason it's get my mind this is by Lionel or Lionel this is by lion053 and it is called safari to embassa this adds an amazing plethora of ornaments and new buildings to embassa to build these absolutely cities I it's just I have no words all I'm gonna do is just let you look at these pictures [Music] [Music] so this mod right here is a must-have for beauty Builders it is absolutely amazing so many additions to the game so many cool things that are added for embassa to create some really spectacular cities because unfortunately in Bessa is one of those regions that is really lacking in variety and detail and this absolutely changes that and makes the region someplace that I want to go to and I want to build some amazing new cities in so with that guys I hope these mods gave you some ideas and some inspiration of things you could download to add to your games to play in either creative mode or in a regular game of anno you don't have to play in creative mode to use these obviously you can use those in your regular game if you still enjoy the resource management part of the game but if you're just looking to build a really cool City and let your imagination run wild and not have to worry about the tediousness of making products and shipping them around and supplying goods and stuff to your people use that creative mode use these mods let me see what you're building show me on Discord I'd love to see your cities thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video please do leave a like and a comment down below if you have not already subscribed to the channel it helps me out tremendously I will see you in the next one take care foreign
Channel: Taka
Views: 31,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, city builder, city building games, city building, anno 1800 game, anno 1800 pc, cities skylines, building games, anno 1800 all dlc, simulation games, anno 1800 beautiful city, anno 1800 mods, anno 1800 mods 2023, anno 1800 modding guide, anno 1800 mods 2022, anno 1800 mods nexus, city builder games 2023, city builder games 2022, city builder games, anno 1800 guide taka, anno 1800 taka mods, anno 1800 takarazuka
Id: 5hjdZ4ikAXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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